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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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rSpooky said:
Yay, My ban for being stupid is over so I just wanted to catch up with a few things.

1) I cannot believe the crazy things going on at these McCain/Palin rally's
2) Ouch at the economy
3) I want Joe Biden to be my GrandPa
4) I went to the Newport news (VA) rally last week, with my little bro who was visiting from the Netherlands. And it was fantastic allot of standing and people passing out but a great positive atmosphere , I met some really cool people there. Here are some pics.(If they are too big for your liking let me know i'll resize them

Edit : I wanted to add this one.

Any protesters? Also nice pictures.
rSpooky said:
Yay, My ban for being stupid is over so I just wanted to catch up with a few things.

1) I cannot believe the crazy things going on at these McCain/Palin rally's
2) Ouch at the economy
3) I want Joe Biden to be my GrandPa
4) I went to the Newport news (VA) rally last week, with my little bro who was visiting from the Netherlands. And it was fantastic allot of standing and people passing out but a great positive atmosphere , I met some really cool people there. Here are some pics.(If they are too big for your liking let me know i'll resize them
Funny, I made a list like this when I was unbanned a while ago. Gotta release those pent-up PoliGAF musings.
You know what's really evil and cowardly about going after Michelle today is that they buried it on a Friday.

Seriously, politics and ideology aside, these people are scum. I don't understand how one can morally support them at this point.


Xisiqomelir said:
I too am curious about this.

It's like people don't know who they're talking to. Lincoln violated the fourth and first amendments prosecuting the war. I'm sure JDub has other reasons for not liking him, but those would be enough.
Jonm1010 said:
Anyone? Im trying to make a list for a relative who is telling me he has no history of passing legislation or bi-partisanship and his speeches now are disingenuous. I used to have the link along with some others but I must have deleted them.


This should be a favorite on everybody's browser!!!!

EDIT: Under each issue you can click the "other candidates" link & it'll show all of the other president & vice president candidates viewpoints on that issue.


BenjaminBirdie said:
You know what's really evil and cowardly about going after Michelle today is that they buried it on a Friday.

Seriously, politics and ideology aside, these people are scum. I don't understand how one can morally support them at this point.
I think they're clearly testing the waters/sending up a trial balloon/whatever analogy. They're seeing how going after Michelle works, because if Obama reacts the reaction will get more air play than the original attack and thus further propel the Ayres story in the media. If Obama does not respond, it shows that he'll sit back and take these kind of personal family shots, and they will escalate.

McCain is a truly horrible person. He is a complete piece of shit unworthy of a sitting US Senator, much less a candidate for president. When he loses, my only wish is that history does not gloss over his decent to these depths. He's been exposed for what he really is. A bigot, a fear-monger and a desperate, power-hungry petty little man with no moral standards.


Dax01 said:
You don't think Abraham Lincoln was a good president?

Massive expansion of executive power, suspension of habeas corpus - followed with the subsequent standing policy of jailing of his critics? Shutting down the press?

Oh no, he did a heck of a job.
JayDubya said:
Scratch those two off my list. Ugh.

Such a list would be difficult to populate, as most politicians are rather slimy individuals not worthy of admiration.

My list would have to include folks like Barry Goldwater, Robert Taft, and Ron Paul, and I suppose I could get more exhaustive but why bother, when I'm sure the point's been made: paleoconservatives with strong personal freedom agendas "deserve my admiration."

I wonder if you could give me a Democrat version that included anyone worthy of admiration.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Scratch those two off my list. Ugh.

Such a list would be difficult to populate, as most politicians are rather slimy individuals not worthy of admiration.


Your list is necessarily short because there's not much about government, period, that you agree with. That's not meant as a dig, btw.

And Ron Paul you can align with and agree with, but he actually hasn't really done a whole hell of a lot to advance or instill his philosophy in practice.
Linking to this article one last time to see if it can get any comments. It's not Troopergate, but shows Palin's obvious hypocrisy in her Ayers comments.


Though Chryson belongs to a fringe political party, one that advocates the secession of Alaska from the Union, and that organizes with other like-minded secessionist movements from Canada to the Deep South, he is not without peculiar influence in state politics, especially the rise of Sarah Palin. An obscure figure outside of Alaska, Chryson has been a political fixture in the hometown of the Republican vice-presidential nominee for over a decade. During the 1990s, when Chryson directed the AIP, he and another radical right-winger, Steve Stoll, played a quiet but pivotal role in electing Palin as mayor of Wasilla and shaping her political agenda afterward. Both Stoll and Chryson not only contributed to Palin’s campaign financially, they played major behind-the-scenes roles in the Palin camp before, during and after her victory.
GhaleonEB said:
I think they're clearly testing the waters/sending up a trial balloon/whatever analogy. They're seeing how going after Michelle works, because if Obama reacts the reaction will get more air play than the original attack and thus further propel the Ayres story in the media. If Obama does not respond, it shows that he'll sit back and take these kind of personal family shots, and they will escalate.

McCain is a truly horrible person. He is a complete piece of shit unworthy of a sitting US Senator, much less a candidate for president. When he loses, my only wish is that history does not gloss over his decent to these depths. He's been exposed for what he really is.

I think the fact that the thing is going to probably fade over a weekend somehow offends me even more. Like a guy who gets away with murder and no one ever notices he did it.

I mean it's what, almost 6 PM EST. No one's picking up on it. This is the lowest shit, in my opinion, McCain's camp has EVER done. I'll be really pissed if it doesn't get him the worst possible kind of attention.
JayDubya said:
Massive expansion of executive power, suspension of habeas corpus - followed with the subsequent standing policy of jailing of his critics? Shutting down the press?

He did what he had to do to preserve the Union. Can you imagine the world it is today if the Confederacy had been allowed to exist in what was it's current form? On suspending the writ of habeas corpus: most of the people he ordered to be arrested were quickly released. Jefferson Davis, ironically, denounced this action, but later found it necessary to do the same thing.

JayDubya said:
Worst President in American history. Try again.
What? :lol


JayDubya said:
Massive expansion of executive power, suspension of habeas corpus - followed with the subsequent standing policy of jailing of his critics? Shutting down the press?

Oh no, he did a heck of a job.

How else was the Abolitionist agenda to be enacted? Or was slavery to be allowed to die out naturally?
JayDubya said:
Worst President in American history. Try again.

You asked me to name a Democratic president worthy of admiration. I did. I don't care whether YOU admire him or not, your opinions are fringe and don't matter.

Also, I always had a kind of respect for Wilson's idealism, even if things didn't pan out how he hoped.


Frank the Great said:

Considering that most modern U.S. Presidents have majorly violated the constitution during times of war, I suspect that JayDubya would have a special place in hell for people like FDR and Wilson, especially FDR considering the massive government he set up.

EDIT: Beat by the man himself.

grandjedi6 said:
Why would you give FDR as an example of a democratic paleoconservative? :lol
I know, right. :lol


McCain is in a shouting match against a man with a bull horn.

Evan Tracey said:
Obama is on pace to spend more on TV in the final 25 days of this election than John McCain's entire $85 million matching-fund check. For those keeping score at home, Obama has aired more than 25,000 commercials in the past four days alone.

McCain is in a shouting match against a man with a bull horn. Whatever McCain does in the final 25 days, it will not be enough to break through the noise unless his campaign finds a message that connects with voters. Timing is everything in politics, and McCain's campaign may have waited too long to play the Ayers, Rezko and Wright cards. These types of attacks do not work while voters are sweating the ups and downs of the economy and stock market.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I think the fact that the thing is going to probably fade over a weekend somehow offends me even more. Like a guy who gets away with murder and no one ever notices he did it.

I mean it's what, almost 6 PM EST. No one's picking up on it. This is the lowest shit, in my opinion, McCain's camp has EVER done. I'll be really pissed if it doesn't get him the worst possible kind of attention.
Yup. Gawd. I just kind of blew up at a co-worker who handed me a print out of Rezko crap and said, "wow take a look at this!". On today of all days, that's what I should be worried about? Petty minded, beady eyed simpletons.
Whoa ho!

McCain just called on his supporters to be respectful at his town hall.

"We want to fight, and I want to fight, but we will be respectful," McCain said to boos at first. "I want everyone to be respectful," he then said and people began to clap.

In response to a later question he added, "You can be respectful and point out facts," as he called on his supporters to point out facts to their neighbors but be respectful.

Try spreading the memo around to the rest of your campaign too, slick.


JayDubya said:
Worst President in American history. Try again.

I know why you think this, but had someone else been in office, who's to say we wouldn't have intervened in the European theater at all and watched the Nazi's conquer half of earth.

But hoo boy would we be better off for having a free, unregulated market.


Frank the Great said:
You asked me to name a Democratic president worthy of admiration. I did. I don't care whether YOU admire him or not, your opinions are fringe and don't matter.

Also, I always had a kind of respect for Wilson's idealism, even if things didn't pan out how he hoped.

Second worst President in American History.

At least he didn't have concentration camps, he just jailed people for criticism ("fire in a crowded moviehouse") re-initiated slavery (military draft), initiated the unjust income tax, and wanted us involved in a bunch of hooey over a dead archduke and thought, inexplicably, "Hey, I want me some of that entangling alliance stuff, that looks good!"
JayDubya said:
Second worst President in American History.

At least he didn't have concentration camps, he just jailed people for criticism ("fire in a crowded moviehouse") re-initiated slavery (military draft), initiated the progressive income tax, and wanted us involved in a bunch of hooey over a dead archduke and thought, "Hey, I want me some of that entangling alliance stuff, that looks good!"

On second thought, maybe he was the worst.
I would hardly call military drafting to be on the same level as slavery.


Juice said:
I know why you think this, but had someone else been in office, who's to say we wouldn't have intervened in the European theater at all and watched the Nazi's conquer half of earth.

But hoo boy would we be better off for having a free, unregulated market.
To be honest, even though I think most of JayDubya's opinions are fairly laughable, I'm definitely not a fan of FDR.

I also think it's laughable to think that a country as small as Germany could conquer half of the earth. Let's be honest: the Nazis were crewed the second they invaded Russia. They would've lost whether we entered the war or not.


Juice said:
I know why you think this, but had someone else been in office, who's to say we wouldn't have intervened in the European theater at all and watched the Nazi's conquer half of earth.

But hoo boy would we be better off for having a free, unregulated market.

You'll never convince him that FDR did any good. The great depression, WWII,and America today. If you want a free market guy go back in time and vote Hoover in.


Saw this posted on Democratic Underground (It's from today)
In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer says Ron Paul will be on the Ballot in Montana. He has an "A" rating from the NRA. John McCain does not. He suspects Paul will take 5-8% of the vote.
JayDubya said:
Second worst President in American History.

At least he didn't have concentration camps, he just jailed people for criticism ("fire in a crowded moviehouse") re-initiated slavery (military draft), initiated the progressive income tax, and wanted us involved in a bunch of hooey over a dead archduke and thought, "Hey, I want me some of that entangling alliance stuff, that looks good!"

On second thought, maybe he was the worst.

Well, if it weren't for Vietnam, Lyndon Johnson would have been one of our best.


Master of the Google Search
TDG said:
To be honest, even though I think most of JayDubya's opinions are fairly laughable, I'm definitely not a fan of FDR.

I also think it's laughable to think that a country as small as Germany could conquer half of the earth. Let's be honest: the Nazis were crewed the second they invaded Russia. They would've lost whether we entered the war or not.
Arguably. But I also think the US entering the war helped speed up the Alliance front and probably saved millions of lives


BenjaminBirdie said:
Try spreading the memo around to the rest of your campaign too, slick.

He's just saying it so he can point to it and say, "I tried to calm them down" if something terrible happens.


Dax01 said:
I would hardly call military drafting to be slavery.

What do you call taking someone against their will and making them do a job for you?

"Slavery" is a kind word for what the military draft is, considering the whole killing and dying by the master's command thing.

Frank the Great said:
Well, if it weren't for Vietnam, Lyndon Johnson would have been one of our best.

Third worst President in American History.

Man, you just love authoritarian warmongerers. Are you sure you don't like President Bush? Or does he just not go far enough for you?


JayDubya said:
Second worst President in American History.

At least he didn't have concentration camps, he just jailed people for criticism ("fire in a crowded moviehouse") re-initiated slavery (military draft), initiated the progressive income tax, and wanted us involved in a bunch of hooey over a dead archduke and thought, "Hey, I want me some of that entangling alliance stuff, that looks good!"

On second thought, maybe he was the worst.
I have mixed feelings about Wilson. Although what he did domestically during the war was pretty disgusting, I definitely give him credit for his post-war foresight. Then again, he completely failed to get any of his 14 points enacted, so his foresight didn't end up doing dick.

grandjedi6 said:
Arguably. But I also think the US entering the war helped speed up the Alliance front and probably saved millions of lives
This is true, it did save millions of lives, but it also cost us a lot of lives in a war (in Europe) that wasn't really ours to fight.

Dax01 said:
I would hardly call military drafting to be on the same level as slavery.

You're 16, do you think that if in two years you were forced to go and fight against your will in the military, and possibly die, that wouldn't be a worse form of (temporary, or life-ending) slavery?


TDG said:
To be honest, even though I think most of JayDubya's opinions are fairly laughable, I'm definitely not a fan of FDR.

I also think it's laughable to think that a country as small as Germany could conquer half of the earth. Let's be honest: the Nazis were crewed the second they invaded Russia. They would've lost whether we entered the war or not.
Are you kidding? The only reason why Germany didn't win is because they rushed the invasion of Russia. If Hitler had decided had taken over England or had Hitler actually properly equiped his troops Russia would be gone. The Russian Machine takes a long time to start up, but you can stop it before it is unstoppable.
TDG said:
To be honest, even though I think most of JayDubya's opinions are fairly laughable, I'm definitely not a fan of FDR.

I also think it's laughable to think that a country as small as Germany could conquer half of the earth. Let's be honest: the Nazis were crewed the second they invaded Russia. They would've lost whether we entered the war or not.

Germany was not laughable. Huge industrial power. They came back quick and strong after WWI. They had the jet planes at the end of WWII but they were fighting a losing battle then.


Tideas said:
u know how was an awesome president? Andrew Jackson. you don't dare cross path with that man

I can respect his prowess as a military leader during the War of 1812, I can respect his drive to destroy national banking, but the Trail of Tears should rub anyone and everyone the wrong way.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
What do you call taking someone against their will and making them do a job for you?

"Slavery" is a kind word for what the military draft is, considering the whole killing and dying by the master's command thing.

I suppose you'd rather be speaking German, driving a BMW and going home to a statuesque blond disciplinarian....

...oh fuck. wait...


TDG said:
I have mixed feelings about Wilson. Although what he did domestically during the war was pretty disgusting, I definitely give him credit for his post-war foresight. Then again, he completely failed to get any of his 14 points enacted, so his foresight didn't end up doing dick.
He was also the most raciest President to ever serve. Not to mention him and Women's suffrage. Although if France had listened to him WWII would have never happened.


OuterWorldVoice said:
I suppose you'd rather be speaking German, driving a BMW and going home to a statuesque blond disciplinarian....

...oh fuck. wait...

For this joke to work, shouldn't "BMW" be "Volkswagon?"
Jonm1010 said:
Anyone? Im trying to make a list for a relative who is telling me he has no history of passing legislation or bi-partisanship and his speeches now are disingenuous. I used to have the link along with some others but I must have deleted them.

Obama’s Senate Accomplishments from 2005-2007. In an nut shell:

Has sponsored or co-sponsored 570 bills in the 109th and 110th Congress.
Has sponsored or co-sponsored 15 bills that have become LAW since he joined the Senate in 2005.
Has also introduced amendments to 50 bills, of which 16 were adopted by the Senate.

More at link.
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