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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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giga said:
W Virginia slight pink


Wow. And if it goes white....or even leans Dem that would be abso-fucking-lutely amazing. :lol


reilo said:
Is Bush really on TV right now telling us that we ought to make all his current tax cuts PERMANENT?

Is this man fucking insane? Haven't they learned anything?

Good. This will only hurt McCain more.
Trurl said:
Wait, aren't you a Spaniard?

:lol not this again...

lawblob said:
At this point, they might as well roll the dice on their insanity. Republicans are officially living in candy land, we shouldn't expect them to change just because our economy is descending into hell.

They might as well come out and call him out on his race: "Can you trust a n****?"


beelzebozo said:
i'm several pages late with this (had to go into a meeting) but i just wanted you to elaborate on why you thought so--if it was a "you don't deserve to have a tag, you shithead" thing, or a "you don't strike me as a jealous person thing" :lol
Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. It was a "you don't strike me as a jealous person" thing. But I don't want to get too off-topic so sorry guys!


Representative of VA Chamber of Commerce asks what to do now?

Bush: I would encourage the president to do the things to have a positive impact.


Oh my is my fair state of Missouri turning a beautiful pale blue? :D

Hanging around with the 'elite' of St. Louis you would expect an Obama blowout here. It is literally 9-1 if the vote was decided by bumperstickers and yardsigns.

The farther you get from the city of course it flips.


mckmas8808 said:
What does buying commerical paper mean?

Commercial paper is vitally important for businesses to run day-to-day operations. For example, say a company is short of funds one day, they can call borrow from the commercial paper market at a low interest rate to meet that.

The problem is, when Lehman brothers went down, it caused two money to break the buck when its share fell to 97 cents after writing off debt issued by Lehman Brothers.

This hasn't happened in 40 years, and it scared the crap out of people. People were no longer willing to loan money, and the commercial paper market dried up. Meaning that companies will have a difficult time buying supplies, meeting payroll, expanding their business, etc.


lawblob said:
Wait...who said this?

Is this what Republicans think supply side economics is all about? :lol
It was probably Bush, in which case I wouldn't extrapolate anything he said to other members of the Republican party.


Gonaria said:
Commercial paper is vitally important for businesses to run day-to-day operations. For example, say a company is short of funds one day, they can call borrow from the commercial paper market at a low interest rate to meet that.

The problem is, when Lehman brothers went down, it caused two money to break the buck when its share fell to 97 cents after writing off debt issued by Lehman Brothers.

This hasn't happened in 40 years, and it scared the crap out of people. People were no longer willing to loan money, and the commercial paper market dried up. Meaning that companies will have a difficult time buying supplies, meeting payroll, expanding their business, etc.
That one is the kicker. I heard a story on NPR about small companies not being able to get that kind of paper to cover payroll last week; they had to tell employees that paychecks were delayed. When commercial paper markets dry up the shit really hits the fan. So the Fed stepped into inject liquidity into the market, and the thought was it would reassure investors. What it did was make people go, "Holy shit things are THIS bad?!"

And down we go.


Junior Butler
Flo_Evans said:
Oh my is my fair state of Missouri turning a beautiful pale blue? :D

Hanging around with the 'elite' of St. Louis you would expect an Obama blowout here. It is literally 9-1 if the vote was decided by bumperstickers and yardsigns.

The farther you get from the city of course it flips.

You should see my commute home from Westport to Oakville. Quite a mixed bag.

lawblob said:
Wait...who said this?

Read something similar from a Harvard history professor, Niall Ferguson, in this week's Time. It's certainly not the cause, but it is one of the causes.

Housing values fall as supply overwhelms demand. Many subprime borrowers find that their homes are worth less than their mortgages. Defaults rise, which sends prices further south. The downward spiral begins.​


Not really related, but Putin is releasing his own Judo instructional DVD. This man... is amazing.

I am surprised Palin didn't see this coming. Do we have a black belt gap with the Russians?


Flo_Evans said:
Oh my is my fair state of Missouri turning a beautiful pale blue? :D

Hanging around with the 'elite' of St. Louis you would expect an Obama blowout here. It is literally 9-1 if the vote was decided by bumperstickers and yardsigns.

The farther you get from the city of course it flips.
I'm surprised we don't know each other!

Heh, during the VP debate I was sitting at The Pageant bar, sipping a bourbon-coke, talking shit about all the sub-elitists in front of me.
Actually, it seems like there are quite a few St. Louis PoliGaffers here.

Speaking of, today is the last day to register in ILLINOIS and tomorrow is the last day to register in MISSOURI.
The O-P doesn't say what time the debate is tonight, when is that? I think I'm going to be at class for the entire ting and I can't skip tonight.


BTW guys, remember. If McCain starts to pull closer Obama can drop the ultimate bomb on their campaign. A commercial with his daughters reiterating his promise to get them a puppy if he makes it to the White House.

Bob: Debate is at 9 EST.


GhaleonEB said:
That last one is the kicker. I heard a story on NPR about small companies not being able to get that kind of paper to cover payroll last week; they had to tell employees that paychecks were delayed. When commercial paper markets dry up the shit really hits the fan. So the Fed stepped into inject liquidity into the market, and the thought was it would reassure investors. What it did was make people go, "Holy shit things are THIS bad?!"

And down we go.

Yea, it really seems like the government will have to take a more active roll in our economy, at least in the short term.


That is a rather interesting video. The guy on the right sounds like a complete idiot. "we shouldn't bail them out because its their own fault, blah blah blah." Well, no crap its their own fault, but if we don't, we are all totally fucked. The scared guy might have gone a bit overboard, but besides his doomsday senario, i basically agree
BobTheFork said:
The O-P doesn't say what time the debate is tonight, when is that? I think I'm going to be at class for the entire ting and I can't skip tonight.
9pm eastern.



will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
BTW guys, remember. If McCain starts to pull closer Obama can drop the ultimate bomb on their campaign. A commercial with his daughters reiterating his promise to get them a puppy if he makes it to the White House.

Bob: Debate is at 9 EST.



ironichaos said:
Does anyone have maps of the 2004 and 2000 elections to compare?
Here the map for 2000 where Bush won by electoral votes but lost the popular vote.

2004 wasn't much different except Bush won New Mexico and Iowa while Kerry won New Hampshire.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Stoney Mason said:
The FLA mason dixon poll is nice. They are somewhat conservative in their polling but they are a good outfit so if they say Obama has a lead at the moment in that state he definitely does.

speaking of florida votes. i recently managed to convince my grandparents and one of their friends to vote for obama (they were previously thinking about not voting at all).. just helped them fill out their absentee ballots.. +3 florida!

kkaabboomm said:
9pm eastern.

crap, I'll be in class from730- 1020 eastern. O really wanted to get reaction as it progressed, but I guess the bloody re-cap will have to be enough.

edit: That is BEAUTIFUL bullshit right there. I'm only voting for obama because I'm racist. Cleanse my soul, like those good folk who want to 'kill him' and be truly free


Junior Butler
The Lamonster said:
Actually, it seems like there are quite a few St. Louis PoliGaffers here.

Speaking of, today is the last day to register in ILLINOIS and tomorrow is the last day to register in MISSOURI.

I'm one (see a few posts above) and I think there are others besides us as well.


The Lamonster said:
I'm surprised we don't know each other!

Heh, during the VP debate I was sitting at The Pageant bar, sipping a bourbon-coke, talking shit about all the sub-elitists in front of me.

I was going to go to that but my brother was having a debate party. Is there anything similar going on tonight?
RumpledForeskin said:
Gotta get my liter of jack to do shots for everytime I hear maverick or um.

I'm gonna be trashed

i thought change would show up a lot during debate one, and was sadly mistaken. instead i just kinda drank throughout while posting. no drinking during the VP debate...

i think i'm going to institute an 'AYERS' rule where if the name comes out of mccain's mouth, i will drain my drink.

besides that, not doing key words...


For those anywhere near Indianapolis, IN, Obama will be having a rally tomorrow.

I wanted to make sure you've heard that I'll be in Indianapolis tomorrow, Wednesday, October 8th. I promise it will be a good time.

See the details below and RSVP for the event here:


Hope to see you there,


P.S. -- Here is the invitation for the event:

This Wednesday, October 8th, please join Barack Obama for a rally in Indianapolis, where he will talk about his vision for creating the kind of change we need.

Change We Need Rally
with Barack Obama

Indiana State Fairgrounds
1202 E 38th St
Indianapolis, IN

Wednesday, October 8th
Doors Open: 10:00 a.m.
Program Begins: 12:15 p.m.



The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required; however an RSVP is strongly encouraged.

For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners allowed.
Flo_Evans said:
I was going to go to that but my brother was having a debate party. Is there anything similar going on tonight?
I don't think so, just a bunch of Obama campaign house parties.

I've got important shit to do tonight though (laundry). But on election night there should be a big party somewhere. Or at least I hope so!


Judging from the article I'd guess the letters did not have the desired effect, but this is extremely subtle shit. I had no idea Republicans actually willing to implement such dirty tactics in voter suppression.
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