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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Father_Brain said:


Where is this being distributed?
Sharp said:
What a weird letter. I guess it's trying to kickstart the Bradley effect.

Forums aren't a great way to gauge the general public left or right but if you go to some conservative forums you will see a lot of people wishing and aggressively pushing for a Bradely Effect on the election day.

If you follow the logic behind wishing for that sort of effect it's pretty disgusting.



Obama 49
McCain 43


Barack Obama leads John McCain 49-43 in Ohio, the newest survey
from Public Policy Polling finds. McCain led by four points in the state in a PPP poll
conducted three weeks ago.

The economy is driving Obama’s renewed success in the state. 61% of Ohio voters list it
as their top concern, and within that group Obama has a 58-34 advantage. By
comparison just 36% of Ohioans listed it as their top issue in a similar survey conducted
in January.

Obama has made up a lot of ground with white voters over the last month, pulling to
within a 49-43 margin after trailing 55-37 in a previous survey.


Father_Brain said:

Probably the most hilarious thing about that is he actually says "isn't making a big deal out of Obama's skin color just another form of racism?", essentially painting himself as a racist since that entire piece itself makes a big deal out of Obama's skin color, and all the while trying to admonish others for what he perceives as being racist. Irony, yo.


Junior Butler
Fellow Missouri-gaf, quick voting question.

I just got married and don't live at the same address that's provided on my drivers license.

Do I have to re-register or just update my drivers license?


belvedere said:
Fellow Missouri-gaf, quick voting question.

I just got married and don't live at the same address that's provided on my drivers license.

Do I have to re-register or just update my drivers license?

same town and/or county?
kkaabboomm said:
no one quoting this yet? +6 in Ohio?
I think we all pretty much assume that based on some polls Obama is either leading in nearly all the battleground states or way ahead. It seems to vary based on the past history of the polling unit.

PPP seems to be one of the ones more friendly to Obama not that there is another wrong with that or that it should be discounted.


Jonm1010 said:

It was interesting when Anderson Cooper asked the reporter what is it that the McCain camp is actually saying is bad about the relationship Ayers and Obama had, and the reporter said he hadn't contacted the McCain camp to ask them, but proceeded to fill in the blank for them based on the crap the spew on the stump.


TRUST? Why would we have any reason not to trust Obama because he worked with Ayers to improve their community. They helped fund education programs together? EDUCATION!

And I love how that one tool they interviewed, the conservative "researcher," referred to community organization groups they helped fund through Annenburg as "radical." The curriculum was about peace and African America studies. What makes it radical? The peace or the African American part?

But let's see, Todd Palin is a member of the Alaska Independence party till 2002, an outspoken secessionist group, and that's not considered radical? Are these people serious?? Obama gets money for Chicago to help education, and Sarah Palin defends the gross spending of money in Alaska to build the Bridge to Nowhere. But Obama can't be trusted?

FUCK THESE PEOPLE!! I'm sorry, the audacity of these people just blows my mind.
Electoral-vote.com now has Virginia listed as "weak Dem." :D :D

Oh, and I made a bet with this McCain supporter at school (I think he only supports McCain because his parents do), five dollars for who wins the general election. Can't wait to get my five bucks.

And I really think Obama is going to take NC. Come to think of it, I've been seeing Obama signs all around my neighborhood, yet no McCain. Actually, I've only seen one house with a McCain sign in front of it, and that house is by itself.


as long as all the polls reinforce each other (showing Obama holding or expanding his lead) is all i care to see from the polls. The numbers, whether some are insanely high or low, doesnt really matter as long as the trend stays the same or he continues to rise.

He has continued to rise in all the states that mattered for the last month


Dax01 said:
Electoral-vote.com now has Virginia listed as "weak Dem." :D :D

Oh, and I made a bet with this McCain supporter at school (I think he only supports McCain because his parents do), five dollars for who wins the general election. Can't wait to get my five bucks.

And I really think Obama is going to take NC. Come to think of it, I've been seeing Obama signs all around my neighborhood, yet no McCain. Actually, I've only seen one house with a McCain sign in front of it, and that house is by itself.

Odd. I'm in New Jersey and have seen probably an equal amount of McCain and Obama signs.


Rick "Man of the People" Sanchez is about to cover the racism and threats to the press at Palin gatherings. The McCain camp and its supporters really need to grok that assaulting the press is a poor way to have the press carry your message in a favorable fashion.


Dax01 said:
Electoral-vote.com now has Virginia listed as "weak Dem." :D :D

Oh, and I made a bet with this McCain supporter at school (I think he only supports McCain because his parents do), five dollars for who wins the general election. Can't wait to get my five bucks.

And I really think Obama is going to take NC. Come to think of it, I've been seeing Obama signs all around my neighborhood, yet no McCain. Actually, I've only seen one house with a McCain sign in front of it, and that house is by itself.

If there is a huge turnout in Northern VA, it will mostly likely be Obama. Northern VA is where most of the Democrats are. Plus there are a lot of college around here.
RE: commercial paper - the last episode of This American Life had an excellent show about this and it's available on iTunes right now. Go listen to it.

I'm not iapetus and I approve this message.


Ignatz Mouse said:
That letter looks like it came out during primary season, frankly.

I suspect it's a lone, enraged Hillary fan, making one last attempt to knock Obama's dick in the dirt. I've seen that exact argument while reading the Clintonista forums. The need always to inject Hillary and Bill into any argument is classic.


Christ, Rasmussen has Stevens up by 1%

The U.S. Senate race in Alaska remains a dead heat. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds incumbent Republican Ted Stevens barely leading Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich 49% to 48%.


Deep into his 30th decade
WaltJay said:
Do you live in a battleground state?

Redmond, Wa. Probably not a battleground. Although we have a nice mixture of elites vs down-to-earth rednecks. Just like my native Oregon.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
The best part of the "racist" letter is that the signature is completely (and intentionally) illegible, because I'm sure it's just something you print off the internet and <insert town name here>.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
belvedere said:
Fellow Missouri-gaf, quick voting question.

I just got married and don't live at the same address that's provided on my drivers license.

Do I have to re-register or just update my drivers license?

Yes, you need to re-register. I don't live in Missouri and I can tell you that's what needs to happen.

RubxQub said:
The best part of the "racist" letter is that the signature is completely (and intentionally) illegible, because I'm sure it's just something you print off the internet and <insert town name here>.
Hey that letter was written with care out of concern for our guilty souls. McCain is the real change; he's also the vote to end racism, fix the economy, and he'll also the president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance for some reason.


maximum360 said:
What's with CNN and this twitter nonsense?

That's a special Rick Sanchez schtick. Twitter, pointing the camera at the papers he's getting, reading candidate statements from email while pointing the camera at the email. It's like you're right there being a douchebag with him.

I like it when he rolls up his sleeves, like he's trying to channel Sevareid or Murrow.


Father_Brain said:

This is insane and insulting at the same time.

It assumes you're too stupid to understand the difference in policies and therefore MUST be voting for Obama based on his skin color.

This should make white Obama supporters furious and strengthen their resolve to vote for Obama this November. Otherwise we risk four more years of having the country ran be people with primitive thinking like this.


Junior Butler
gcubed said:
same town and/or county?

No. I'm registered at my Mom and Dad's house (registered when I was 18). In 04 I voted successfully after moving out, but my license was current. I think all that was required then was that I just had to vote at the voting location where I was originally registered. I'm hoping that's still the case but was still wondering whether or not my drivers license had to be updated or if I had to completely re-register.


besada said:
That's a special Rick Sanchez schtick. Twitter, pointing the camera at the papers he's getting, reading candidate statements from email while pointing the camera at the email. It's like you're right there being a douchebag with him.

:lol :lol


Hilbert said:
Redmond, Wa. Probably not a battleground. Although we have a nice mixture of elites vs down-to-earth rednecks. Just like my native Oregon.

I'm kind of in the same boat. I wonder why I don't see 99% of the commercials from either party (or letters like the above), then I realize I live in IL (Chicago, on top of that), the complete opposite of a battleground state. :D
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