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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Tamanon said:
Not into the Hussein comment, but just into him being up there stumping in uniform. I thought there was something wrong with a Sheriff stumping.
Thanks, I was wondering about the comment vs. the uniform thing. I believe it has something to do with "appearing to endorse a candidate with your official position" or something like that. For example, I can't wear Obama pins at work because of the Hatch Act. Though just thinking about the Hatch Act makes me laugh because it reminds me about that one Bush lady. :lol


Flo_Evans said:
Oh my is my fair state of Missouri turning a beautiful pale blue? :D

Hanging around with the 'elite' of St. Louis you would expect an Obama blowout here. It is literally 9-1 if the vote was decided by bumperstickers and yardsigns.

The farther you get from the city of course it flips.

I was really hoping Clinton would make an appearance here in Arkansas and give it a go for Obama, but I'm afraid we're too small for the effort. =(


Deep into his 30th decade
WaltJay said:
I'm kind of in the same boat. I wonder why I don't see 99% of the commercials from either party (or letters like the above), then I realize I live in IL (Chicago, on top of that), the complete opposite of a battleground state. :D

It kind of sucks here in Washington and Oregon in that our votes always get tallied late, and the Electoral points are so low, that when we finally hear how our state voted, we've known who won the election for a while already.

This year we have an assisted suicide measure up on the ballot, just like the one in Oregon a few years ago. It's pretty neat that I will have voted in both the oregon and washington version of the measure.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I like how the letter starts with the words "Please don't take this the wrong way".

Isn't that the type of line that usually precedes stuff like racist remarks to try and hide the fact that the person is actually a racist?

There's multiple layers of douchebaggery in that letter.


I feel bad for McCain's press pool. They're following a losing candidate, so their post elecetion books are going to tank. The candidate and his staff abuse them and treat them like the enemy, and now the candidates supporters are shouting at them and abusing them.

Contrasted with Obama's press pool, who got to go to Europe, hang out at Hollywood events, and get their asses kissed, the McCain press pool got fucked.


kkaabboomm said:
the map made me sad, he didn't make nevada or indiana purple...

i think nevada is a close state just like ohio/florida/virginia/north carolina/colorado, and indiana is closing too!

Dude, the one thing you want is a pessimistic campaign strategist. Especially the closer you get.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
That one is the kicker. I heard a story on NPR about small companies not being able to get that kind of paper to cover payroll last week; they had to tell employees that paychecks were delayed. When commercial paper markets dry up the shit really hits the fan. So the Fed stepped into inject liquidity into the market, and the thought was it would reassure investors. What it did was make people go, "Holy shit things are THIS bad?!"

And down we go.

Wouldn't all this government stepping in be against what Reagan, REPs, Ron Paul, and Libertrains are against? So isn't this bad for the country according to them?


mckmas8808 said:
Wouldn't all this government stepping in be against what Reagan, REPs, Ron Paul, and Libertrains are against? So isn't this bad for the country according to them?

Yes. Although I've found that libertarianism and railing against the Fed subsides once you get wealthy, it's odd.


Ron Paul's fiscal postion is that the US should return to the gold standard, so that the government literally cannot print money.

If your currency is pegged to gold, which is a precious mental, the only way you can expand the money supply is to increase your gold reserves.

The economic policy the US has pursued since coming off the gold standard has been largely a monetarist policy and that argues government control of the money supply (by printing money or taking it out of the system) is a good economic policy.
Tamanon said:
Dude, the one thing you want is a pessimistic campaign strategist. Especially the closer you get.

but he put ohio and virginia and north carolina and florida as purple, but not nevada? pshhh.

Here in Vancouver WA there are little to no political advertisemens for WA candidates because all of the broadcasting comes from Portland OR. I have no idea what issues I'll be voting on until I get my ballot in the mail with the for/against pamphlet.
ZealousD said:
I like how the letter starts with the words "Please don't take this the wrong way".

Isn't that the type of line that usually precedes stuff like racist remarks to try and hide the fact that the person is actually a racist?

There's multiple layers of douchebaggery in that letter.
All you have to say is

"Well you're just voting for McCain because he's white"

They'll go apeshit.


That girl in the bunny hat
WaltJay said:
I'm kind of in the same boat. I wonder why I don't see 99% of the commercials from either party (or letters like the above), then I realize I live in IL (Chicago, on top of that), the complete opposite of a battleground state. :D

I'm in west New York, the only time I see any ads at all (and they're all McCain) is during The Price Is Right. Everything else is local races.


Deku said:
Ron Paul's fiscal postion is that the US should return to the gold standard, so that the government literally cannot print money.

If your currency is pegged to gold, which is a precious mental, the only way you can expand the money supply is to increase your gold reserves.

The economic policy the US has pursued since coming off the gold standard has been largely a monetarist policy and that argues government control of the money supply (by printing money or taking it out of the system) is a good economic policy.

Is there a single reputable economist who thinks this is a viable idea? Is there even enough gold in the entire world to back up US currency?
zeloe326 said:
Holy cow did that Sherif just come on stage and say "Barak Hussein Obama!" Wow. Wtf is going on.

That's his name.

If people aren't going to vote for him because of his name, they're not people you could convince to vote for him to begin with. Lost cause.


Console Market Analyst
zeloe326 said:
Holy cow did that Sherif just come on stage and say "Barak Hussein Obama!" Wow. Wtf is going on.

Did this happen again? Or are you watching a clip of the earlier incident?


I posted the Keating Economics video on Facebook and Twitter and people are thanking me for posting it because they had never heard about it before. :D

Keep sharing it, people!
lawblob said:
Is there a single reputable economist who thinks this is a viable idea? Is there even enough gold in the entire world to back up US currency?

Well, I think its a good idea for your government to back up the actual currency with the gold in reserves.

Paper is paper, worthless.
Gold is worth something.

Back in the day, China had their citizens paying their taxes in Gold. They wanted to accumulate wealth.


RubxQub said:
The best part of the "racist" letter is that the signature is completely (and intentionally) illegible, because I'm sure it's just something you print off the internet and <insert town name here>.

Yeah this is a familiar theme among old-school racists -- hiding their identity. Reminds me of the hoods that the KKK wear.

Or this freak here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7-wZaBuY_A&feature=related

Pure cowards, all of them . . .


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
JCreasy said:
It was interesting when Anderson Cooper asked the reporter what is it that the McCain camp is actually saying is bad about the relationship Ayers and Obama had, and the reporter said he hadn't contacted the McCain camp to ask them, but proceeded to fill in the blank for them based on the crap the spew on the stump.


TRUST? Why would we have any reason not to trust Obama because he worked with Ayers to improve their community. They helped fund education programs together? EDUCATION!

And I love how that one tool they interviewed, the conservative "researcher," referred to community organization groups they helped fund through Annenburg as "radical." The curriculum was about peace and African America studies. What makes it radical? The peace or the African American part?

But let's see, Todd Palin is a member of the Alaska Independence party till 2002, an outspoken secessionist group, and that's not considered radical? Are these people serious?? Obama gets money for Chicago to help education, and Sarah Palin defends the gross spending of money in Alaska to build the Bridge to Nowhere. But Obama can't be trusted?

FUCK THESE PEOPLE!! I'm sorry, the audacity of these people just blows my mind.

I think it's an easily viewable form of racism. I mean to me it's super obvious.


domokunrox said:
Well, I think its a good idea for your government to back up the actual currency with the gold in reserves.

Paper is paper, worthless.
Gold is worth something.

Back in the day, China had their citizens paying their taxes in Gold. They wanted to accumulate wealth.

I guess the only thing is, gold is worthless unless somebody wants it. Everything is, paper or not.


lawblob said:
Is there a single reputable economist who thinks this is a viable idea? Is there even enough gold in the entire world to back up US currency?

The world was in the gold standard until very recently. Nothing stops it from reverting back to gold or some other precious mental.

Economists don't all agree on what is best, and it's not an exact science. But the liberal democratic response is to say that the gold standard is not viable in this day and age, because being able to print money is one of the strongest tools welfare states have at their disposal. Part of the budget each year are essentially 'free'.

If money supply is projected to grow by 100 billion dollars for that year, the government can print those extra 100 billion out of nothing and pay for whatever they need to pay.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Deku said:
Ron Paul's fiscal postion is that the US should return to the gold standard, so that the government literally cannot print money.

If your currency is pegged to gold, which is a precious mental, the only way you can expand the money supply is to increase your gold reserves.

The economic policy the US has pursued since coming off the gold standard has been largely a monetarist policy and that argues government control of the money supply (by printing money or taking it out of the system) is a good economic policy.

"If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost, having behind us the producing masses of the nation and the world. Having behind us the commercial interests and the laboring interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands for a gold standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."

As for the town hall tonight, I expect a slew of dumbass questions.


domokunrox said:
Well, I think its a good idea for your government to back up the actual currency with the gold in reserves.

Paper is paper, worthless.
Gold is worth something.

Back in the day, China had their citizens paying their taxes in Gold. They wanted to accumulate wealth.

It might have been a good idea 100 years ago, but nowadays it seems nonsensical and naive. How would the government even go about obtaining $100 trillion dollars worth of gold?

Admittedly, I don't know that much about monetary policy, but this is just my two cents.


lawblob said:
It might have been a good idea 100 years ago, but nowadays it seems nonsensical and naive. How would the government even go about obtaining $100 trillion dollars worth of gold?

Alchemy, of course!


Tamanon said:
Hopefully there won't be that redneck flag pin lady again.:lol
Very likely to be equally as dumb though. Undecided voters in town hall formats ask HORRIBLE questions. Painfully stupid ones. I expect a lot on abortion, gay marriage, patriotism...etc

Dax01 said:
There should also be a happy face in your post.
I know the stock market dropping helps Obama but is not a good thing nor worth smiling about.
lawblob said:
It might have been a good idea 100 years ago, but nowadays it seems nonsensical and naive. How would the government even go about obtaining $100 trillion dollars worth of gold?

Drill Drill Drill in Asteroids.

I remember something about putting them in orbit and they could have lots of metals.

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Unconfirmed Member
Incognito said:
As for the town hall tonight, I expect a slew of dumbass questions.

If someone even asks the "What famous dead person would you have dinner with?" question, I will die on the inside.

Only to be followed up with "What would you have for dessert?" SHUT UP!
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