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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Cheebs said:
I know the stock market dropping helps Obama but is not a good thing nor worth smiling about.
Wasn't like that, McCain losing points in Penn. is something to feel good about. wait...

The ends don't justify the means this time. :(

But McCain losing ground in a state he is nearly betting everything on is something to smile about.


mckmas8808 said:
Dow down -470 points!!!!

OH SHIT! Not again.

I am so, so glad I got out of the stock market earlier this year with a very minor loss. If I would have stayed in, I would have been completely raped like the rest of the people now.


mckmas8808 said:
Dow down -470 points!!!!

OH SHIT! Not again.

Wait, wut?

Oh well, that's at least a little bit less gold our government has to worry about stockpiling in order to make things right again. Amirite, libertarians?


kkaabboomm said:
-435 with 8 minutes left...maybe an end day rally ala yesterday and we'll end up down 200?

That rally happened much earlier in the trading day. We'll be at about these levels at the close.
lawblob said:
It might have been a good idea 100 years ago, but nowadays it seems nonsensical and naive. How would the government even go about obtaining $100 trillion dollars worth of gold?

We don't have that.

For example, we owe China money. If we can't get our economy working in some years. We're going to end up forking over Gold bars to them. Meaning that we're losing money.

Its called Bartering. Would you prefer getting paid in weak dollars that are losing value or would you rather take something that doesn't lose much value like Gold or other precious metals?
MrHicks said:
how many hours till debate?
its almost 4 east coast time, and the debate is at 9 east coast time.

not karl roves, but still, the math says: 5 hours


i hate, HATE, how on sept 15, when it dropped like 550, that was a huge, horrible day, etc. then 2 weeks later we lost 777 in one day. then yesterday down 3xx, now today looking at losing another 450 or more.

the market hurts to watch.


Lemonz said:

I mean, dayum. This guy was alive during the freaking Spanish-American War :lol

So basically, he could've theoretically met Teddy Roosevelt. He also could've known veterans (grandfather maybe!?) of the Civil War. Wow I just checked Wikipedia and the last survivor of the War of 1812 died in 1905, meaning he also could have theoretically met him. I just think that's really awesome for some reason :lol


Holy shit, the hate language at McCain/Pain rallies is getting a hell of a lot of airtime. I saw it discussed on CNN, then switched over to MSNBC and David Schuster was asking some Tenn. Republican about it (she didn't answer the question, of course.)


Master of the Google Search
I wonder when McCain will stop being surprised at the bigots who show up at his rallies. Or even more, why he has stopped calling them out :(
google finance says that since friday, october 3rd, we've lost almost 1,000 points.

and we close beneath 9,500

but hey, debate tonight!!!

edit: i think the last time the market was this low was sep 03?
zeloe326 said:
Holy cow did that Sherif just come on stage and say "Barak Hussein Obama!" Wow. Wtf is going on.
The 'Hussein' bit is just childish. But wearing the uniform is just awful and he should get in trouble for that, IMHO. It gives a false aura of authority. That's just bullshit. Are people gonna think, I better vote for who ever this guy likes or he won't protect me. Or He's gonna hassle me if I vote for the other guy.
Trakdown said:
Holy shit, the hate language at McCain/Pain rallies is getting a hell of a lot of airtime. I saw it discussed on CNN, then switched over to MSNBC and David Schuster was asking some Tenn. Republican about it (she didn't answer the question, of course.)

This is really the buzz on the magazine/influential pundit blogs today, along with an article about how McCain destroyed his maverick brand.



Wanna know who doesn't think McCain's a maverick? How about the people who's last name gave the word its origin?

“It’s just incredible — the nerve! — to suggest that he’s not part of that Republican herd. Every time we hear it, all my children and I and all my family shrink a little and say, ‘Oh, my God, he said it again.’ ”

“He’s a Republican,” she said. “He’s branded.”


domokunrox said:
We don't have that.

For example, we owe China money. If we can't get our economy working in some years. We're going to end up forking over Gold bars to them. Meaning that we're losing money.

Its called Bartering. Would you prefer getting paid in weak dollars that are losing value or would you rather take something that doesn't lose much value like Gold or other precious metals?

But gold itself undergoes huge swings in value. It has been highly volatile over the last twenty years.

And wouldn't the act of going back onto the gold standard cause gold to skyrocket in price?


Deku said:
If money supply is projected to grow by 100 billion dollars for that year, the government can print those extra 100 billion out of nothing and pay for whatever they need to pay.
That's not quite how it works. The government doesn't just print money and add it to the budget.


not a medical professional
Dax01 said:
So how bad is the economy going to get? :(

I don't know, but I'm running out of things to be 'overed' about.

Looks like the day settled at -508.39

So, buy some canned goods, then sell them, because it's all over.


Well I suppose the silver lining to this mess is that it makes it harder for McShame to try and make the economy a non-issue and instead focus on pre-teen obama's terrorist exploits

As for this debate, how do they prevent having a biased crowd?


Tamanon said:
Town hall. So I expect more social questions.
Which is a good thing, actually. I was watching a clip on msnbc.com in which Chuck Todd was running through the side questions on the NBC/WSJ poll, and "Social Issues" got 8% when asked what people cared most about. The economy dominated with over 60%. Even if McCain does well on those, it will be as if he's hitting free throws while Obama bombs the three-pointers in on the economic questions.
X26 said:
Well I suppose the silver lining to this mess is that it makes it harder for McShame to try and make the economy a non-issue and instead focus on pre-teen obama's terrorist exploits

As for this debate, how do they prevent having a biased crowd?

Gallup picked the crowd, I believe, and probably has their own filtering method for true "undecideds". Even if some lie about their affiliation, they would still likely be balanced between secret Democrats and Republicans.


X26 said:
As for this debate, how do they prevent having a biased crowd?

Well since the VP debate was OMG SUPER OBAMA SUPPORTER AS MODERATOR BIAS BIAS BIAS, it's only fair that 90% of the questions at the townhall tonight come from die hard racist Republicans.

GhaleonEB said:
Which is a good thing, actually. I was watching a clip on msnbc.com in which Chuck Todd was running through the side questions on the NBC/WSJ poll, and "Social Issues" got 8% when asked what people cared most about. The economy dominated with over 60%. Even if McCain does well on those, it will be as if he's hitting free throws while Obama bombs the three-pointers in on the economic questions.

When Obama answers social values style questions that aren't totally loaded (see Saddleback for examples of totally loaded questions), he comes off as a lot more mainstream and moderate-verily, "one of us"-than McCain's bunch of goons and thugs would ever admit. A bunch of social values style questions would hardly be a bad thing for him, and not really help McCain much since all the super nutty values voters are voting for the fundie witch on his ticket.


The only real wild card is what questions Brokaw has chosen from the crowd to use. And how challenging his follow-up questions will be. While he's been pretty biased on election coverage and Meet the Press, I can't see him being biased during a debate.


dabbled in the jelly
Have you guys noticed all of those commercials in the past year that keep asking you to send in your gold and diamonds for cold hard cash? They don't want us to have anything of value if the economy goes belly up. Financial independence will become an impossibility.


*drowns in jizz*
Barack Obama, she told 8,000 fans at a rally here Monday afternoon, "launched his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist!"

The reception had been better in Clearwater, where Palin, speaking to a sea of "Palin Power" and "Sarahcuda" T-shirts, tried to link Obama to the 1960s Weather Underground. "One of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers," she said. ("Boooo!" said the crowd.) "And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,' " she continued. ("Boooo!" the crowd repeated.)

"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

Palin also told those gathered that Obama doesn't like American soldiers. "He said that our troops in Afghanistan are just, quote, 'air-raiding villages and killing civilians,' " she said, drawing boos from a crowd that had not been told Obama was actually appealing for more troops in Afghanistan.

"See, John McCain is a different kind of man: He believes in our troops," she said.

Worse, Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media." At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy."

Its people like her that fan the flames of hatred, intolerance and bigotry. What a wench.


Fragamemnon said:
When Obama answers social values style questions that aren't totally loaded (see Saddleback for examples of totally loaded questions), he comes off as a lot more mainstream and moderate-verily, "one of us"-than McCain's bunch of goons and thugs would ever admit. A bunch of social values style questions would hardly be a bad thing for him, and not really help McCain much since all the super nutty values voters are voting for the fundie witch on his ticket.
Right, I was presenting the scenario where McCain did better than Obama on those questions, which I don't think will be the case. Basically, if the debate is social issues-focused, and McCain does well, it will have minimal impact. On the other end of the spectrum, if it's economic-focused and Obama does well, McCain is buried.

And don't discount McCain's ability to just plain lie, like Palin did at the veep debate about gay rights. Those two do NOT agree, but she presented it as if she did.
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