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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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artredis1980 said:
I remember you guys dumped on me for saying Brokaw was in the tank for McCain when I showed you a clip from last week's meet the press where he ended the show by posting a FUD poll saying more Americans think McCain is ready to be president when all other polls show otherwise.

He's NBC's media liason to the McCain campaign. They wouldn't even do an NBC debate unless it was Brokejaw as moderator. I was ready to toss the remote at my TV after the third McCain rambling answer where Brokaw immediately gave McCain the very next question. How many fucking times did Obama get up from his chair only to be shut down by Mushmouth?
bob_arctor said:
yeah, that's the part that pissed me off. Obama got around this by segueing his next reply back to whatever b.s. McCain had spouted beforehand.

Wrong. It was one minute for discussion between both of them. Obama had a few monopolized "One Minutes" himself.


Pakkidis said:


"Last week I had a debate with Gov. Palin, at least I think it was a debate."



Did he really say that?

I think Biden is becoming a bit more brash and Bideny (the good sort) now that it appears hugely likely that he and Obama will win.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Wrong. It was one minute for discussion between both of them. Obama had a few monopolized "One Minutes" himself.

overall it was just quite possibly the shittiest format for a debate... and it only hurts McCain because he has been stumping for months on how awesome he is at town halls.
Well . . . it is so great that we've been running massive deficits for the last 8 years so that now when we really need to money to do something about the flailing economy, we don't have any.

God damn, I am SO pissed how my country has been driven into the ground by Bush. Hands down the worst president in my lifetime. GRRRrrrrr.



btw gang, my co-worker who is a very cool dude, and marched with MLK in the 60s, just told me he thinks "That One" = uppity negro.
gcubed said:
overall it was just quite possibly the shittiest format for a debate... and it only hurts McCain because he has been stumping for months on how awesome he is at town halls.

Absolutely. All debates should follow the New Lehrer Doctrine from the first debate.
speculawyer said:
Well . . . it is so great that we've been running massive deficits for the last 8 years so that now when we really need to money to do something about the flailing economy, we don't have any.

God damn, I am SO pissed how my country has been driven into the ground by Bush. Hands down the worst president in my lifetime. GRRRrrrrr.


Just in your lifetime? lol.

Xisiqomelir said:
btw gang, my co-worker who is a very cool dude, and marched with MLK in the 60s, just told me he thinks "That One" = uppity negro.

The entire McCain strategy over the summer was to paint Obama as an uppity negro. Remember the ridiculous celebrity ads?

Can't wait til books are written about the subtle racism of this campaign.
gcubed said:
he's an elitist


Link648099 said:
can we please stop posting and fucking quoting giant sexually sensuous pictures of women which are not safe for work? thanks.
You're just mad because you can't handle Halle Berry.

But I do agree with you


GhaleonEB said:
Basically. I thought a couple of exchanges went poorly and turned it off to give my kids a bath and put them to bed, since my wife had to leave for the night. I was very worried when I logged off, so to speak. I didn't think what I saw went well, but I'm also tired as hell.

Non-spin answer: yup.

Don't sweat it. I felt almost the same on the FP portion where Obama fucked up some words ("more safe" instead of "less safe" in re: to Bush policy) and meandered and uuuhhh-ed too much to really drive some of his points home. Nothing major of course but it made me uncomfortable.




BenjaminBirdie said:
Wrong. It was one minute for discussion between both of them. Obama had a few monopolized "One Minutes" himself.

No, I know he did--but I hadn't seen any at that point as I came into the debate with a healthcare question. I didn't see any of the beginning at all so I was thrown off by Obama not being able to respond initially.
bob_arctor said:
No, I know he did--but I hadn't seen any at that point as I came into the debate with a healthcare question. I didn't see any of the beginning at all so I was thrown off by Obama not being able to respond initially.

It was a poorly formatted debate for sure.


"At 9 AM John McCain said the fundamentals of the economy were strong"

"At 11 AM he said we were facing a crisis"

"We Catholics call that an epiphany"


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
MrHicks said:
"ladies and gentlemen" is bidens "my friends"

Haha, I never noticed that before but after reading your message I heard him say it 3 times. :lol


For those of you with DishNetwork, my buddy Archaix said that there are some commercials specifically made to air on their cable service. So while you're watching Comedy Central, an Obama ad comes up talking about the economy, and a little message says "to hear more about Obama's plan, press the select button on your controller".

You then get re-routed to the Obama channel available only on Dish Network.

Hyperlinking has made it to TV! Pretty cool.
BTW, I'm just getting around to the previously posted This American Life podcast on the current economic crisis: scary as fuck and totally enlightening.

Everyone needs to listen to this. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, whatever...it's completely non-partisan.


The race WILL tighten up because these huge leads just don't last. I hope it tightens to around 3 or 4 now, and then Obama can get it up to around 6 on the 20th and maintain that going into election day.


CharlieDigital said:
BTW, I'm just getting around to the previously posted This American Life podcast on the current economic crisis: scary as fuck and totally enlightening.

Everyone needs to listen to this. Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, whatever...it's completely non-partisan.

What they be sayin'?


DJIA -165

How much longer will McCain keep up his smear campaign while our economy melts? How could be possibly gain any traction from that?


Incognito said:
I cannot believe they're spending more in other states then in Colorado. I live in Colorado and I see their advertisements almost every other commercial. I feel sorry for those other states.


Amir0x said:
I think Obama won big on health care, however.

He absolutely destroyed McCain on healthcare. Seriously. It was his best, most direct and strongest answer of the night. McCain was a little shell-shocked afterward in attempting a reply.
artredis1980 said:


Obama 45
McCain 44

didnt Obama lead by 8 points on this one 2 days ago?

They cooked their LV weightings to reflect an America that would be more likely to self-identify as Republicans today than they were in 2004. Garbage poll.
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