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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Malleymal said:
I got a thing for palin, but she should not be able to run for any type of office. I do have a feeling that she will be back in 8 years after training day and night and be a force...

She's going to lose her power after aging a few more years, so I'm not that worried.


Malleymal said:
I got a thing for palin, but she should not be able to run for any type of office. I do have a feeling that she will be back in 8 years after training day and night and be a force...
Jindall of Louisiana is the Republicans next great hope. He's been a successful governor, well educated, a minority, and is just as smooth of a talker as Obama is.


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gigapower said:
Jindall of Louisiana is the Republicans next great hope. He's been a successful governor, well educated, a minority, and is just as smooth of a talker as Obama is.
Only difference is that he's a piece of shit. I've heard him speak as a surrogate for the McCain camp and he's just as fucking sleazy as everyone else.


lawblob said:
You guys should read the Newsweek cover story about Palin. For Newsweeks' tame standards, they are killing her! :lol
Newsweek Cover Story said:
Even devoted Republicans doubt whether the Sarah Six-Pack case is the best one to make. After the vice presidential debate, a senior figure in the party, who asked not to be named because he was telling the truth, told me that Palin should talk less about being "just-folks" and more about being governor of a large state.
Holy shit. :lol


RubxQub said:
Only difference is that he's a piece of shit. I've heard him speak as a surrogate for the McCain camp and he's just as fucking sleazy as everyone else.

but he can exercise the demons in America and make it a better place.


RubxQub said:
Only difference is that he's a piece of shit. I've heard him speak as a surrogate for the McCain camp and he's just as fucking sleazy as everyone else.

Do you have any links or examples? That disheartens me, I like the idea of a young, highly educated Republican stepping up. If he turns into another Romney attack-dog hack and distances himself from intellectual conservatism, it looks like my exile from the party might be permanent. I just can't deal with this anti-intellectual Rebublicanism.
The dramatic shift towards pessimism from the right-wing base, from conservative pundits to End Times message boards, is quite refreshing. In the last twelve hours we may have passed the event horizon. If there was ever a time to partake in the hopium, it is now. I may even have a hit myself.

Regarding Ms. Palin, 2008 is her last chance to get into the White House. She'll never reclaim her initial appeal with independents. She has become too much of a cartoon character, at least to critical thinkers.

As far as Jindal goes, I'd love to see the Republicans push a candidate who says he has exorcised demons and healed people. :lol


CharlieDigital said:
McCain's message has basically been shitting on conservatives principles left and right. Just check out Republican GAF's reactions; his message doesn't jive with his parties basic premises and this, more than anything, has failed him.


In 2000, McCain ran on a moderate, (somewhat) anti-evangelical campaign. After a successful smear campaign by the far right (and Limbaugh), McCain was defeated and seen as distrustful by the hardcore conservatives. In 2004, he even entertained the idea of joining Kerry as a potential VP pick (!!).

In his lead up to this election he has moved further to the right, turning off some of the moderates that supported him in 2000. But many of the hardcore from 2000 that distrusted him then, distrusted him today (which is why a guys like Huckabee was able to have success).

So, it's not really what he has done this year ... but rather what he has done in the past 8 years that have painted him into this corner he can't get out of. His only chance was to galvanize Republicans by making Obama such a distrustworthy choice that they would come out to the polls in droves to make sure he wasn't elected. But by doing that (going on the attack) he turns off independents that are on the fence. As you have seen, an angry, attacking McCain is not a likeable McCain.

I guess you can say that his choice of Palin was a big mistake, but it was also a necessary one to try and win back the hardcore base that was distrustful of him. But, in doing this, he turns off many more of the moderates and independents at the same time. It's literally the choices of 2004-6 that have undone McCain. Not what he has done this year.

McCain's big chance was in 2004 .. but he chose to be the good party lackey instead.


gigapower said:
Jindall of Louisiana is the Republicans next great hope. He's been a successful governor, well educated, a minority, and is just as smooth of a talker as Obama is.

Paul Ryan is someone to watch as well. He's taken a pretty active role in the bailout shakeout and was even bandied about a bit as a VP candidate. Barring any mishap he'll probably be in the running in '12/'16...Jesus that feels like forever when you write it.


RubxQub said:
Only difference is that he's a piece of shit. I've heard him speak as a surrogate for the McCain camp and he's just as fucking sleazy as everyone else.

Sleazy sounds perfect for a candidate. Would Republicans really be ready for a minority at the top of the ticket though?


ToxicAdam said:

In 2000, McCain ran on a moderate, (somewhat) anti-evangelical campaign. After a successful smear campaign by the far right (and Limbaugh), McCain was defeated and seen as distrustful by the hardcore conservatives. In 2004, he even entertained the idea of joining Kerry as a potential VP pick (!!).

In his lead up to this election he has moved further to the right, turning off some of the moderates that supported him in 2000. But many of the hardcore from 2000 that distrusted him then, distrusted him today (which is why a guys like Huckabee was able to have success).

So, it's not really what he has done this year ... but rather what he has done in the past 8 years that have painted him into this corner he can't get out of. His only chance was to galvanize Republicans by making Obama such a distrustworthy choice that they would come out to the polls in droves to make sure he wasn't elected. But by doing that (going on the attack) he turns off independents that are on the fence. As you have seen, an angry, attacking McCain is not a likeable McCain.

I guess you can say that his choice of Palin was a big mistake, but it was also a necessary one to try and win back the hardcore base that was distrustful of him. But, in doing this, he turns off many more of the moderates and independents at the same time. It's literally the choices of 2004-6 that have undone McCain. Not what he has done this year.

McCain's big chance was in 2004 .. but he chose to be the good party lackey instead.

Spot on.


*drowns in jizz*
gigapower said:
Jindall of Louisiana is the Republicans next great hope. He's been a successful governor, well educated, a minority, and is just as smooth of a talker as Obama is.

He's also an asshole and a shill from what Ive heard from him. Indistinguishable from any other GOP surogate, shamelessly towing the party line whatever the circumstances. These repubicans would posibly gain my respect they just STFU during these periods, and not say idiotic things they feel they need to say to keep them in their party's good graces.

U.S. inquiry shows Afghan raid killed 30 people: report
Wed Oct 8, 12:22 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An inquiry by the U.S. military has concluded that U.S. air strikes on an Afghan village in August killed more than 30 civilians, far more than U.S. commanders have acknowledged, The New York Times said on Tuesday.

The August 22 air strike on Azizabad village outraged Afghans and opened up a rift between the coalition forces on the one hand and the Afghan government and the United Nations on the other, which both said more than 90 civilians were killed.

In the days after the raid, the U.S. military said the strike had killed 30 to 35 militants but it said it planned to reopen the investigation into the incident after cell phone video emerged showing bodies of people said to have been killed in the strike.

"The military investigator's report found that more than 30 civilians -- not five to seven as the military has long insisted -- died in the airstrikes against a suspected Taliban compound in Azizabad," The New York Times said.

It cited two U.S. military officials , whom it did not name, for the report.

"According to the new report, fewer than 20 militants died in the raid, which was conducted jointly by American and Afghan forces, and in subsequent airstrikes carried out by an AC-130 gunship in support of the allied ground forces ," the Times said.


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lawblob said:
Do you have any links or examples? That disheartens me, I like the idea of a young, highly educated Republican stepping up. If he turns into another Romney attack-dog hack and distances himself from intellectual conservatism, it looks like my exile from the party might be permanent. I just can't deal with this anti-intellectual Rebublicanism.
I'll see if I can find something, but I distinctly remember him on (I believe) CNN talking to Wolf and smearing Obama with false bullshit.

I shall dig.


I guess you can say that his choice of Palin was a big mistake, but it was also a necessary

I think it was a horrible choice cos it KILLED the whole "experience" angle and Palin has proven to be very divisive. Hell, she was the one who brought the Hilary voters back to the Dems :lol

I think McCain should have picked Romney. The "base" would still vote for a Mormon VP over a Black Prez :p


beermonkey@tehbias said:
The dramatic shift towards pessimism from the right-wing base, from conservative pundits to End Times message boards, is quite refreshing. In the last twelve hours we may have passed the event horizon. If there was ever a time to partake in the hopium, it is now. I may even have a hit myself.

Yeah, reading what the McCain campaign is saying publicly today, they're pretty close to waving the white flag with the economy drowning out their attempts at attacks.

I'm not going to let my guard down, but this race looks very good for Obama right now.


I was surprised that Obama didn't call McCain out on the whole "turn the page of the economy" thing last night. It was a main part of his speech's narrative the other day and there's really no positive way for McCain to excuse his campaign take such a stance on THE core issue facing this country right now. But I suppose with Brokaw being a douche about the time, as well as the quick fire format of the debate, it was smart not to and prevent McCain from being able to easily weasel his way out of the addressing it. I fully expect Obama to nail him on it next Wednesday, though.


Dax01 said:
What do these rates do in the stock market? How does it affect the value of stocks?

It makes money cheaper to borrow, but it also has the net effect of increased inflation. In other words, the era of $50 a bread loaf is 2 months away. :lol


I was watching Morning Joe this morning and they someone from the New Yorker to talk about the magazine's endorsement of John McCain. And I was like "what the heck?". Joe worded his sentence so clumsily, or maybe it was a sarcasm gone wrong--- the New Yorker has endorsed Obama, not the Arizona Senator.

It took a few minutes to listen to the New Yorker employee to realize he was praising Obama and knocking McCain's judgment. Did anyone else get confused by Joe Scarborough this morning?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
thefro said:
Yeah, reading what the McCain campaign is saying publicly today, they're pretty close to waving the white flag with the economy drowning out their attempts at attacks.

I'm not going to let my guard down, but this race looks very good for Obama right now.

When rats start leaving the sinking ship, it's over. You can all do bong hits of hopium when a manager or adviser leaves.


Cloudy said:
I think McCain should have picked Romney. The "base" would still vote for a Mormon VP over a Black Prez :p

Well, you can not win without strong support from your base. Look at Bush 1992 for the nearest example.

I agree with you about Romney, but for different reasons.

Romney isn't really a traditional social conservative (like Palin), and wouldn't have motivated the base like she has. But, he would have helped McCain with moderates or independents who view Romney as someone with the economic/financial chops. Something that McCain clearly lacks (or at least, that is the perception of him).


First tragedy, then farce.
Hey, could a photoshop artist do me a big favor.

Could someone make an Obama logo out of the Neogaf logo?

Like make the grey part of the logo the red and white strips and the orange part the blue field.

and have the word "Believe" at the top and "in change" at the bottom encercling the logo? (kinda like the words encircle the preseidential seal.

I want to use it for the NeoGaffers for Obama website.

If you culd you would be my hero and send me a PM because I doubt I can follow this thread today. Avatar size would be nice too in case someone wants it.

Also, maybe one that says "Smoking Hopium" at the top and "in internet dens" at the bottom.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
giga said:
For an issue that's so near and dear to his heart, McCain consistently picks some of the WORST examples for why earmark spending is bad. Either by his own ignorance or because he presumes the ignorance of those he's talking to in that he implies that the amount of money spent on this is ludicrous. Or the 3 million for the Bear DNA study at the last debate, as another example. If earmarks are so bad, how about discussing one with a bit more heft to it, fiscally speaking.
eznark said:
Nah, all I'm saying is that the backing-a-winner phenomenon is going to push him from 55% of the popular vote to near 60%. It's not going to win him the presidency, his campaign and the economy will do that, but it will make it ugly for GOP'ers.

No one is going to "shift their worldviews." If they had concrete and inflexible world views they wouldn't be independents.

No they wouldn't be undecided. Independents have concrete world views that may or may not fit one candidate's entire platofrm. Undecideds are probably people who pay little-to-no attention to the race, or are just too wishy-washy to have an opinion of their own. Huge difference.


kaching said:
For an issue that's so near and dear to his heart, McCain consistently picks some of the WORST examples for why earmark spending is bad. Either by his own ignorance or because he presumes the ignorance of those he's talking to in that he implies that the amount of money spent on this is ludicrous. Or the 3 million for the Bear DNA study at the last debate, as another example. If earmarks are so bad, how about discussing one with a bit more heft to it, fiscally speaking.

It's a problem of a thousand tiny cuts though, not a single hatchet wound.

No they wouldn't be undecided. Independents have concrete world views that may or may not fit one candidate's entire platofrm. Undecideds are probably people who pay little-to-no attention to the race, or are just too wishy-washy to have an opinion of their own. Huge difference.

Very true, poor word usage on my part.


McCain should have picked Tom Ridge. He ran his entire campaign on experience and "maverickness", and a Ridge pick would have conveyed the latter quite effectively, considerably moreso than anything McCain has done since starting his campaign. Votes he would have lost due to Ridge's pro-choice stance would have possibly been offset by strong support from independents and conservative Democrats, as well as Republicans and conservatives who have been turned off by Palin's total incompetence.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
eznark said:
It's a problem of a thousand tiny cuts though, not a single hatchet wound.
Please, there are plenty of earmark requests that ask for far more than $3 million and are paradoxically far less justifiable than the 2 examples he's provided in these debates.
Zeliard said:
McCain should have picked Tom Ridge. He ran his entire campaign on experience and "maverickness", and a Ridge pick would have conveyed the latter quite effectively, considerably moreso than anything McCain has done since starting his campaign. Votes he would have lost due to Ridge's pro-choice stance would have possibly been offset by strong support from independents and conservative Democrats, as well as Republicans and conservatives who have been turned off by Palin's total incompetence.

THIS. The only problem (besides his pro-choice stance) is his ties to the Bush administration. But still, it would have been a more logical choice for McCain, and would have made Pennsylvania much tighter.
kaching said:
Please, there are plenty of earmark requests that ask for far more than $3 million and are paradoxically far less justifiable than the 2 examples he's provided in these debates.

I'm still waiting for him to bring up the earmark about the mating of crabs in Alask... oh wait.


I wonder if any people are crazy enough to kill themselves if Obama is elected. There will definitely be some major meltdowns. Anyone know a good conservative blog site I can watch on election day? You think they'll be able to match some of the classic GAF meltdowns?

(of course if Obama loses this would probably be the place to be :lol )


I'm not going to celebrate until I hear McCain's concession speech. After everything McCain and the GOP have done thus far to try and win this election, I don't put anything past them. Not even trying to defraud the election it self(Its common knowledge that there was some shady shit going on in 2000).

There's too much time left and the GOP are too desperate at this point. And for all the strides the average person has made IMO by mostly not buying into McCain's BS, people are still fucking morons at the end of the day. Something is going to go wrong.. :(


Obama owned hard on healthcare. I missed the economy stuff early. Foreign policy was a toss-up in that Obama meandered a bit and stumbled on some words while McCain was direct and curt. Obama drew blood on the "Bomb Iran" remark--McCain was visibly angry. Interesting to see McCain call Obama too hawkish in regards to Pakistan.

Overall, Obama wins. McCain needed to destroy Obama and hope for a major fuck-up and neither happened.

I will say this: it's the very first time I've seen Obama loose his cool or look visibly upset.


greepoman said:
I wonder if any people are crazy enough to kill themselves if Obama is elected. There will definitely be some major meltdowns. Anyone know a good conservative blog site I can watch on election day? You think they'll be able to match some of the classic GAF meltdowns?

(of course if Obama loses this would probably be the place to be :lol )

It will definitely bring into focus the rabid racism that still exists in the south. Maybe some wingnut state legislator somewhere will propose a bill to secede from the US or something. Wouldn't surprise me.


greepoman said:
I wonder if any people are crazy enough to kill themselves if Obama is elected. There will definitely be some major meltdowns. Anyone know a good conservative blog site I can watch on election day? You think they'll be able to match some of the classic GAF meltdowns?

(of course if Obama loses this would probably be the place to be :lol )

if Obama loses DU will be the place to be. They were AWESOME in 00/04.
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