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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For. CONFIRMED
I thought it was funny seeing Obama clearly trying to deflect the "Democrats are weak on national security!" thing when talking about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. We will kill him and we will crush them! He forgot to say that we will also hear the lamentations of their women.
greepoman said:
I wonder if any people are crazy enough to kill themselves if Obama is elected. There will definitely be some major meltdowns. Anyone know a good conservative blog site I can watch on election day? You think they'll be able to match some of the classic GAF meltdowns?

(of course if Obama loses this would probably be the place to be :lol )

Go to Hillaryis44. That should be a riot on election day.


soul creator said:
I thought it was funny seeing Obama clearly trying to deflect the "Democrats are weak on national security!" thing when talking about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. We will kill him and we will crush them! He forgot to say that we will also hear the lamentations of their women.

I think the word "crush" will resonate well with voters. Good good word.


BrandNew said:
Well Brokaw's shitty attitude certainly didn't help.

What was the general reaction on him? He didn't bug me that much though there were times I felt he didn't allow Obama the same leeway McCain seemed to have.
I just saw the Gibbs/Wallace thing on Morning Joe. Now those are two talking heads that really make politics watchable. They aren't yelling at each other, they aren't raising ridiculous smears, they are fucking downright cordial, completely on message, and responding directly to each other. Frankly they shame every other shill I've ever seen.


bob_arctor said:
What was the general reaction on him? He didn't bug me that much though there were times I felt he didn't allow Obama the same leeway McCain seemed to have.

Brokaw was frustrated with the strict requirements the parties required, but I think he ended up looking petty. People didn't tune-in to watch him partially steal the spotlight.
lawblob said:
Brokaw was frustrated with the strict requirements the parties required, but I think he ended up looking petty. People didn't tune-in to watch him partially steal the spotlight.

Which is a shame, I thought McCain was gonna name him Secretary of Treasury!! He shot down that rumor pretty quickly :(


lawblob said:
Brokaw was frustrated with the strict requirements the parties required, but I think he ended up looking petty. People didn't tune-in to watch him partially steal the spotlight.

Didn't Obama and McCain agree on no follow-up questions, but didn't make Brokaw part of the decision? That could have been part of the reason he was pissy all-night.


Sucks at poetry
For when we have faced down impossible odds, when we've been told we're not ready or that we shouldn't try or that we can't, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Go home John McCain.

:lol hehehe
Oh and hey, what the fuck is up with Chris Matthews. Ever since he got canned from hosting duties for NBC, Hardball has been awesome. His live on the spot coverage for each debate has easily been the best part of each of them. Hell, Countdown is fucking boring by comparison.
Brokaw just seemed to giggle more often to McCain's shitty jokes and when Obama was honestly trying to rebuke something, Brokaw wouldn't let it happen. Whereas he seemed to give McCain a lot more leeway.

Great generation my dick, you had your fucking 50 years.


lawblob said:
Brokaw was frustrated with the strict requirements the parties required, but I think he ended up looking petty. People didn't tune-in to watch him partially steal the spotlight.

McCain ended up wanting rebuttals just as badly as Obama. I think after the first time Obama asked to be able to respond, which was fairly early on, Brokaw should have checked to see if McCain was okay with it. Who gives a fuck if the advisors and organizers on both sides agreed to certain rules? These are the actual candidates. They make the final decisions. It's utterly ridiculous that they wouldn't be allowed rejoinders and rebuttals in a fucking presidential debate. It's not a debate in that case, it's a roundtable.
BrandNew said:
Brokaw just seemed to giggle more often to McCain's shitty jokes and when Obama was honestly trying to rebuke something, Brokaw wouldn't let it happen. Whereas he seemed to give McCain a lot more leeway.

Great generation my dick, you had your fucking 50 years.
He was basically shilling for McCain on Morning Joe too. I love how people get to crap all over Obama under the guise of "analysis" these days.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Hotline continues to keep Cable News in business:

O: 45 M: 44
At the risk of inciting panic, every tracker so far has McCain gaining.

Of course, today's are kind of moot with the first results to reflect the debate coming tomorrow.


Son of Godzilla said:
Oh and hey, what the fuck is up with Chris Matthews. Ever since he got canned from hosting duties for NBC, Hardball has been awesome. His live on the spot coverage for each debate has easily been the best part of each of them. Hell, Countdown is fucking boring by comparison.

It's true, literally right after Matthews and Olbermann got thrown off the election anchor chairs, Matthews just started going off on the McCain campaign and calling them out on all of their bullshit. It was actually the very next episode after that incident - I remember it clearly.

WaltJay said:
And that is post-baby too.

The woman is not of this planet. Halle Berry's like an ethereal being. I'm honestly not sure that I've ever seen a better-looking female in her 40s, at least off the top of my head. Monica Bellucci is the only one I can think of that even comes close.
Zeliard said:
McCain ended up wanting rebuttals just as badly as Obama. I think after the first time Obama asked to be able to respond, which was fairly early on, Brokaw should have checked to see if McCain was okay with it. Who gives a fuck if the advisors and organizers on both sides agreed to certain rules? These are the actual candidates. They make the final decisions. It's utterly ridiculous that they wouldn't be allowed rejoinders and rebuttals in a fucking presidential debate. It's not a debate in that case, it's a roundtable.
Brokaw actually denied Obama his minute followup. I was wondering what the fuck was going on, Obama got up to speak after McCain's turn and Brokaw started asking McCain another question.


not a medical professional

"Please help me welcome the next vice president of the united states.... JOHN MCCAIN"

That's a bit of a fuck up there.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cloudy said:
WTF Fox News is now crying about the Palin Newsweek cover :lol

Says she wasn't photoshopped enough LIKE OBAMA WAS on his covers

Telling folks to cancel their subscriptions :lol

FoxNews is becoming a joke.


That dude just fd up Bidens intro! :lol:lol :lol

"Then please help me in welcoming the next Vice President of the United States... JOHN McCAIN!"
I remember you guys dumped on me for saying Brokaw was in the tank for McCain when I showed you a clip from last week's meet the press where he ended the show by posting a FUD poll saying more Americans think McCain is ready to be president when all other polls show otherwise.
artredis1980 said:
I remember you guys dumped on me for saying Brokaw was in the tank for McCain when I showed you a clip from last week's meet the press where he ended the show by posting a FUD poll saying more Americans think McCain is ready to be president when all other polls show otherwise.

Oh please. Tom Brokaw isn't in the tank for anyone. That's like some super hypersensitivity.


Son of Godzilla said:
Brokaw actually denied Obama his minute followup. I was wondering what the fuck was going on, Obama got up to speak after McCain's turn and Brokaw started asking McCain another question.

yeah, that's the part that pissed me off. Obama got around this by segueing his next reply back to whatever b.s. McCain had spouted beforehand.

Question: what was up with that time Obama was in the middle of an answer and McCain sort of wandered on stage right past him??
BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh please. Tom Brokaw isn't in the tank for anyone. That's like some super hypersensitivity.
I wouldn't say he's in the tank, but he definitely has a mancrush on McCain. Hell, POW was even flirting with him last night.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Biden coming out swinging in Florida right now.


Heh. TPM points out that McCain has named his $300 billion home buying proposal.

John McCain will direct his Treasury Secretary to implement an American Homeownership Resurgence Plan (McCain Resurgence Plan) to keep families in their homes, avoid foreclosures, save failing neighborhoods, stabilize the housing market and attack the roots of our financial crisis.
From McCain's website: http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/Read.aspx?guid=b9af0d4c-9c0e-4a97-b27f-19df8cfec83d

At least they're up front about what it is.
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