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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Franken/Coleman race down to Cass, Pine, and St. Louis. The former will probably go to Coleman. Franken will need a good amount of what's left of St. Louis.


AniHawk said:
Franken/Coleman race down to Cass, Pine, and St. Louis. The former will probably go to Coleman. Franken will need a good amount of what's left of St. Louis.

I Think franken will pull this one out. I think he has the votes in St. Louis. Plus, he still has a percentage in Hennepin (no idea how) so that might offset any Coleman gains in Cass county


A new dawn for American and the final sunset of individual liberty.

Just another shitty hand America can blame on Bush.
Jesus Christ. I just got back home from chicago (left at 12:15 am, 1 hour train, stayed at 'rent's for about half an hour, drove 2 hours home).

The Grant Park event was spectacular.

The worst part was the difficulty getting refreshments. Anyone at the front of the crowd would've had an insanely difficult time getting to a vendor and then back without someone throwing a punch. As such, I didn't drink anything between 2:30 pm and midnight, standing for 95% of that time.


Greetings from Sweden. Thank you, America, for making this wise decision.

This is what the frontpage of one of our biggest
, and worst,
newspapers looks like at the moment. As you can see, they have some highly trained graphical artists at work there. :D



AniHawk said:
12% more of the St. Louis vote just came in. Gives an overall boost to Coleman.

Looks over for Franken.

Missourians can vote for Minnesota's senator? cool. :p

Edit: Oh I just noticed there is a St. Louis county :)

Sad for Franken, but who cares? President Obama :)

Red Scarlet

monchi-kun said:
one thing i wish i did....collect all the images and GIFs and do a visual montage. gonna have to dig through EVERY SINGLE POLIGAF thread to find the gems.

POLIGAF lives yet again!!!!

There's this thread, then these:
The Primaries
Iowa 2008 Caucus Thread
Official NH Primary Results Thread
Michigan Presidential Primary results thread
Nevada/South Carolina Primary Results Thread
South Carolina CNN Dem Debate (Obama: Yet to determine if Bill is, in fact, a brotha)
The South Carolina Democratic Primary thread (Obama 2:1 over Clinton)
Today is GOP Primary day in Florida
Official CNN 1/31 Democratic Debate Thread: Obama v. Clinton
The Official Super Tuesday Thread
Official Feb. 9-10th Primary/Caucus Thread (Obama = Weekend Sweep)
Official Feb. 12th Primary Thread (Obama/McCain Beltway SWEEP SWEEP)
Official February 19th Primary/Caucus Thread (OBAMA wins so does McCain but really..)
Official CNN Democratic Presidential Debate Thread of CHANGE you can XEROX
Official MSNBC Feb 26 Democratic Debate Thread of "Bring Obama a pillow!"
Official March 4th - Jr. Tuesday - GAF's worst (McCain wins, Hil wins Ohio, Texas)
NeoGAF March 8th/11th Caucus Thread (Wyoming + Mississippi = OBAMATON)

PoliGAF is born
PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)
PoliGAF Thread of Democratic Boxing (ABC - 4/16 - 8PM EST)
PoliGAF Official April 22nd Primary Thread (Democrat Apocalypse)
PoliGAF Official May 6th Primary Thread (All I need is a Hirracle, all I need is you)
PoliGAF Thread of toothless Hill-Billys (75,000 in Portland for OBAMA post #3599)
PoliGAF Thread of Obama's Victory Lap and Smoking Hopium in Internet Dens
PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)
PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)
PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)
PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)
PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts
PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit
PoliGAF Thread of VP Debate 2008 Trainwreck-in-slow-motion Popcorn Party Edition
PoliGAF Thread of Post #7323 (LAST DAY TO REG. IN CO,FL,IN,MI,OH,PA,TX,VA)
PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)
PoliGAF Debate #3 Thread of Hey Joe, where you goin' with that plunger in your hand
PoliGAF Interim Thread of 2008 Early Voting (THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: T MINUS 2 DAYS)

See ya after inauguration day.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
Billen said:
Greetings from Sweden. Thank you, America, for making this wise decision.

This is what one of our biggest
, and worst,
newspapers frontpage looks like at the moment. As you can see, they have some highly trained graphical artists at work there. :D


urk... tabloids. keep that shit out of this fountain of happiness! :(

Red Scarlet

AniHawk said:
We all knew it was coming, but Barack Obama now has more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. And votes are still coming in.

Does this election have the highest number of votes? I was talking to someone earlier that it sounded like this one would have more votes than the last high one (from like the 1920's?).
KRS7 said:
Barackefeller center. Joe has his moments.

Any good relatively high res pics of the Chicago event?

There were like a million billion people taking pictures there today, and plenty of professional photographers.


*drowns in jizz*
monchi-kun said:
EPIC meltdown.....i love the time stamps, you could plot the build-up of enthusiasm, the confusion, the denial, the anger...no acceptance from these fuckers.

so funny to see them talk about organizing, they think they can pull of an Obama-style ground campaign.

oh the lulz, so much more satisfying with a side of super-size meltdown

The funny thing about those fucks is that they've been wrong about absolutely everything, yet are too depraved to even think about admitting to it.

They said Obama would have no Chance against Clinton
They said he was unelectable
That Hillary voters would never flock to him
That PUMAS would decide the election
That he wouldnt stand a chance against McCain
That he wouldnt be able to expand the map

And what exactly do they stand for? Clinton's policies? Her ideals? No, they immediately embraced McCain and Palin. They cheer Palin though she's the antithesis of Clinton. Do they stand for integrity? No, ecstatically embraced and whored every one of McCains smears. Do they stand with Hillary? No, they disowned her after she started campaigning for Obama and 'put party before country'. What the fuck are they supporting, or pretending to support? Nobody knows. Their preferred nominee lost, and thats all they know. Pathetic, hateful fucks. Im comforted by the fact that their posts make it obvious they lead very shitty and unsatisfying lives.


AniHawk said:
12% more of the St. Louis vote just came in. Gives an overall boost to Coleman.

Looks over for Franken.

that sucks. Well, maybe a recount/absentee ballots will push it in Franken's favor...

Well, Im going to bed.


4,000 or less voters in Alaska and Minnesota may have determined the effectiveness of Obama's administration over the next 4 years. 4,000. It's like a mini-Florida 2000 all over again.


monchi-kun said:
one thing i wish i did....collect all the images and GIFs and do a visual montage. gonna have to dig through EVERY SINGLE POLIGAF thread to find the gems.

POLIGAF lives yet again!!!!

Do that and I will love you forever and ever. And tell my wife about it.


Red Scarlet said:
Does this election have the highest number of votes? I was talking to someone earlier that it sounded like this one would have more votes than the last high one (from like the 1920's?).

As far as turnout (% of registered voters showing up), I dunno. 2004 still holds the record for the most voters showing up at around 120m, and this election hasn't quite reached that yet. In fact, it sorta looks like Republicans stayed home.


Jak140 said:
4,000 or less voters in Alaska and Minnesota may have determined the effectiveness of Obama's administration over the next 4 years. 4,000. It's like a mini-Florida 2000 all over again.

Oh, I'm sure McCain and Hagel would join in with the Independents to help break a filibuster if need be.

EDIT: Hagel's retiring. Woops. Well, I guess there could be a couple other GOP senators that would step in.


Jak140 said:
4,000 or less voters in Alaska and Minnesota may have determined the effectiveness of Obama's administration over the next 4 years. 4,000. It's like a mini-Florida 2000 all over again.

To be fair, Coleman is a somewhat of a moderate republican so its not the end of the world if he gets elected.
Where are you guys getting this data? Franken still looks to be within spitting distance on CNN's map, and that was updated three minutes ago.

edit: CNN now has Franken down by about a 1,000 votes with 99% reporting


Unconfirmed Member
AniHawk said:
As far as turnout (% of registered voters showing up), I dunno. 2004 still holds the record for the most voters showing up at around 120m, and this election hasn't quite reached that yet. In fact, it sorta looks like Republicans stayed home.
Between the missing Georgia votes and the remaining west coast votes that need to be reported, there are probably a few million votes left to count, so this may still break 120m.


So it looks like Bams will get 364 EV, just as I predicted in the predictions thread. :D

switched Missouri and Indiana, but who cares! :p

And bear with me here as I don't know the details, but I thought when none of the senate candidates get over 50% there's a runoff (meaning another election between just two candidates), why all the doom and gloom over Coleman/Franken?


Haunted said:
So it looks like Bams will get 364 EV, just as I predicted in the predictions thread. :D

switched Missouri and Indiana, but who cares! :p

And bear with me here as I don't know the details, but I thought when none of the senate candidates get over 50% there's a runoff (meaning another election between just two candidates), why all the doom and gloom over Coleman/Franken?

Thats not the case in MN
Ford Prefect said:
God, fuck these guyss.

I don't need this I'm going to bed.

There's no way Minnesota is getting called tonight or any time tomorrow. Georgia and Minnesota both look ready for a recount war. Go to bed.


*drowns in jizz*
eznark said:
A new dawn for American and the final sunset of individual liberty.

Just another shitty hand America can blame on Bush.

You sound like you need your diapers changed.

It's people like yourself who don't deserve a decent leader. But your bitter tears are awesome.


:lol @ Joe insinuating that everyone else is now racist because they haven't had a black president / prime minister.


Haunted said:
So it looks like Bams will get 364 EV, just as I predicted in the predictions thread. :D

switched Missouri and Indiana, but who cares! :p

And bear with me here as I don't know the details, but I thought when none of the senate candidates get over 50% there's a runoff (meaning another election between just two candidates), why all the doom and gloom over Coleman/Franken?

Well, it puts the dems further away from the 60 seat supermajority (that they were never gonna get). I think at least a few Republicans are gonna have to cross party lines since the country's moving left now. Lurching to the right would be really stupid for the GOP right now. Just palin stupid.


Unconfirmed Member
Haunted said:
So it looks like Bams will get 364 EV, just as I predicted in the predictions thread. :D
Actually looks like he may be taking 365 thanks to Omaha, which still has yet to be officially called.


Gonaria said:
down by 1500!

God, my heart can't take much more of this.. :lol

AniHawk said:
Well, it puts the dems further away from the 60 seat supermajority (that they were never gonna get). I think at least a few Republicans are gonna have to cross party lines since the country's moving left now. Lurching to the right would be really stupid for the GOP right now. Just palin stupid.

I suspect that we can entice Senators Collins and Snowe can vote with us to end filibusters on certain topics. They'll come in handy.
AniHawk said:
Well, it puts the dems further away from the 60 seat supermajority (that they were never gonna get). I think at least a few Republicans are gonna have to cross party lines since the country's moving left now. Lurching to the right would be really stupid for the GOP right now. Just palin stupid.

And yet that is exactly what they did to try and keep the white house.
AniHawk said:
Well, it puts the dems further away from the 60 seat supermajority (that they were never gonna get). I think at least a few Republicans are gonna have to cross party lines since the country's moving left now. Lurching to the right would be really stupid for the GOP right now. Just palin stupid.
Oh God. I just realized it. She is going to be a United States Senator. Just.... somebody hold me.


Slurpy said:
You sound like you need your diapers changed.

It's people like yourself who don't deserve a decent leader. But your bitter tears are awesome.

No bitterness at all, I'd have said the exact same thing if McCain had won.
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