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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Gary Whitta said:
Just had a thought - would it be insane for Obama to appoint McCain as his SecDef? Would be a great bipartisan gesture and a fitting job for McCain; we know he would have the troops' respect. Or are they just too far apart on the war?



Gary Whitta said:
Just had a thought - would it be insane for Obama to appoint McCain as his SecDef? Would be a great bipartisan gesture and a fitting job for McCain; we know he would have the troops' respect. Or are they just too far apart on the war?
There's just no way. McCain and Obama don't seem like the type to work together, considering their history in the senate, and now this campaign. Plus, I doubt that Obama thinks McCain is fit to be Sec of Defense.

MoxManiac said:
Has the franken/coleman race been decided yet?
It's really close, but Coleman was ahead. There'll be a recount, since it ended up being a difference of a few hundred votes.

Also, didn't Stevens win in Alaska? Jesus Christ, can we just let those people leave the union, they're fucking morons?
MoxManiac said:
Has the franken/coleman race been decided yet?

GOing to automatic recount hell. The numbers are still fluctuating on the MN SOS website.

Stevens/Begich isn't done yet either, my understanding is that there are a lot of early votes not yet counted. Same for Martin/Chambliss, and those votes are apparently in AA heavy counties.


I really believe of the 4 undecided races...Dems will nab Oregon no question, probably Georgia...MN is still a toss-up. Probably won't get Alaska. So, I'd predict 58-59 seats when all is said and done.
Probably already posted but whatever. It made me laugh. :lol

Just minutes after their party's longstanding losing tradition lay in tatters on the ground, millions of shell-shocked Democrats stared at their television screens in disbelief, asking themselves what went right.

For Democrats, who have become accustomed to their party blowing an election even when it seemed like a sure thing, Tuesday night's results were a bitter pill to swallow.

The head-shaking and finger-pointing over the demise of the Democrats' losing streak, which many of the party faithful had worn like a badge of honor, reached all the way to the upper echelons of the Democratic National Committee.

"Believe me, I'm as shocked by these results as anybody," said DNC chief Howard Dean, who indicated he has received hundreds of calls from incredulous party members. "We did everything in our power to screw this thing up."

Dean pointed to several key elements the Democrats put in place to ensure defeat, ranging from "a rancorous primary campaign" to "the appointment of me."

"Somehow, despite our best efforts to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, we won," he said. "I came in here with a mandate to blow this thing and I didn't get it done."

Carol Foyler, a lifelong Democrat who owns a loom supply store in Portland, Maine, said she has been "nearly catatonic" since the election results were announced.

"For the past eight years, I've fixed myself some herbal tea, turned on NPR, and ranted about the Republicans," she said. "All that has been taken from me."

Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain offered this comment on Sen. Barack Obama's victory: "My friends, I've got him just where I want him."


lil smoke

Gary Whitta said:
Just had a thought - would it be insane for Obama to appoint McCain as his SecDef? Would be a great bipartisan gesture and a fitting job for McCain; we know he would have the troops' respect. Or are they just too far apart on the war?
Whatever. They think he's a terrorist. Fuck them.


Cloudy said:
So what is gonna happen to Lieberman? He is total scum...

Well, interestingly, not getting close to a supermajority is going to make his position much more tenuous. The Democrats no longer need him to control the Senate.


Just had a thought - would it be insane for Obama to appoint McCain as his SecDef?

Umm no. McCain has proven to be incompetent. Chuck Hagel is a Republican with integrity and he was actually on the Foreign Relations committee with Obama. He would be a great choice..

But isn't Gates staying on?


The Rock was right:



Greece celebrates (I'm Greek-American). I love HuffingtonPost's slideshow!


Fragamemnon said:
All the news outlets are reporting 130M+ turnout. So I think there are still a LOT of votes out there that have yet to be counted.

Frag; are provisional / absentee ballots actually counted? Last night my election party was arguing this. I thought provisionals / absentee ballots weren't actually counted unless there was a re-count situation. Is that accurate?


lawblob said:
I hate to break it to you, but white voters with incomes > $100,000 per year; (ie: people with college degrees) went for Obama.
I like making up facts too.

McCain beat Obama with people who make 100,000+ income, white college voters, and whites with 50,000 income(as specific as that last one comes...)
artredis1980 said:

2004 turnout: 122 million

2008 turnout: 118 million

what?!?! something is missing here

More than 130 million people turned out to vote Tuesday, the most ever to vote in a presidential election.

With ballots still being counted in some precincts into Wednesday morning, an estimated 64 percent of the electorate turned out, making 2008 the highest percentage turnout in generations.



Cloudy said:
So what is gonna happen to Lieberman? He is total scum...

Apparently he's meeting with Harry Reid this week and his Homeland Security chair might be yanked out from under him.

BUT that is dependant on whether or not Democrats get the Senate majority, which I think is a pussy move. Fucking Lieberman voted against his party and the reason was to stave off a majority. Dude needs to be cut the fuck loose so that he can follow his heart and run as a full-blooded Republican.

The election was epic, in downtown Toronto, at a pub and on the streets. People were crying, I was tearing up. His acceptance speech was one of those 'where were you when' moments and I'm glad I was in public to witness it.

Plus, fucking CNN holograms!!! Wasn't that shit just the fucking dopest?!? It was like an election from the future, TODAY!
lawblob said:
Frag; are provisional / absentee ballots actually counted? Last night my election party was arguing this. I thought provisionals / absentee ballots weren't actually counted unless there was a re-count situation. Is that accurate?

YES YES YES, very much so. Everyone's vote is counted (or at least attempted to, in the case of provisionals), regardless of the race's outcome.


lawblob said:
Shut up you idiot. I hate to break it to you, but white voters with incomes > $100,000 per year; (ie: people with college degrees) went for Obama. Republicans have become the party of low income, low education southerners... Not exactly the bastion of American intellectualism!

Don't you get it? The REPUBLICANS have become the party of stupid people! REPUBLICANS have become the party of voters who don't know what the fuck they are voting for! Have fun with your coalition of toothless southerner racists, because thats basically all the GOP has left.

Wow, such a sad response.
JCreasy said:

-- McCain himself rarely spoke to Palin during the campaign and aides kept him in the dark about the details of her spending on clothes because they were sure he would be offended. Palin asked to speak along with McCain at his Arizona concession speech but campaign strategist Steve Schmidt vetoed the request.

-- The Obama campaign was provided with reports from the Secret Service showing a sharp and very disturbing increase in threats to Obama in September and early October, at the same time that the crowds at Palin rallies became more frenzied. Michelle Obama was shaken by the vituperative crowds and the hot rhetoric from the GOP candidates. "Why would they try to make people hate us?" Michelle Obama said to a top campaign aide.

-- On the Sunday night before the last debate, McCain's core group of advisers--Steve Schmidt, Rick Davis, adman Fred Davis, strategist Greg Strimple, pollster Bill McInturff and strategy director Sarah Simmons -- met to decide whether or not to tell McCain that the race was effectively over, that he no longer had a chance to win. The consensus in the room was no, not yet, not while he still had "a pulse."

-- The Obama campaign's "New Media" experts created a computer program that would allow a "flusher"--the term for a volunteer who rounds up nonvoters on Election Day--to know exactly who had, and had not, voted in real time. They dubbed it Project Houdini, because of the way names disappear off the list instantly once people are identified as they wait in line at their local polling station.

-- Palin launched her attack on Obama's association with William Ayers, the former Weather Underground bomber, before the campaign had finalized a plan to raise the issue. McCain's advisers were working on a strategy that they hoped to unveil the following week, but McCain had not signed off on it, and top adviser Mark Salter was resisting.

-- McCain also was reluctant to use Obama's incendiary pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue. He had set firm boundaries: no Jeremiah Wright; no attacking Michelle Obama; no attacking Obama for not serving in the military. McCain balked at an ad using images of children that suggested that Obama might not protect them from terrorism; Schmidt vetoed ads suggesting that Obama was soft on crime (no Willie Hortons); and before word even got to McCain, Schmidt and Salter scuttled a "celebrity" ad of Obama dancing with talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres (the sight of a black man dancing with a lesbian was deemed too provocative).

-- Obama was never inclined to choose Sen. Hillary Clinton as his running mate, not so much because she had been his sometime bitter rival on the campaign trail, but because of her husband. Still, as Hillary's name came up in veep discussions, and Obama's advisers gave all the reasons why she should be kept off the ticket, Obama would stop and ask, "Are we sure?" He needed to be convinced one more time that the Clintons would do more harm than good. McCain, on the other hand, was relieved to face Biden as the veep choice, and not Hillary Clinton, whom the McCain camp had truly feared.

-- McCain was dumbfounded when Congressman John Lewis, a civil-rights hero, issued a press release comparing McCain with former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, a segregationist infamous for stirring racial fears. McCain had devoted a chapter to Lewis in one of his books, "Why Courage Matters" and had so admired Lewis that he had once taken his children to meet him.

-- The debates unnerved both candidates. When he was preparing for the Democratic primary debates, Obama was recorded saying, "I don't consider this to be a good format for me, which makes me more cautious. I often find myself trapped by the questions and thinking to myself, 'You know, this is a stupid question, but let me ... answer it.' So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."


The Hermit

Crayon Shinchan said:
This is the kind of thing Obama has to be wary of.

People need to realise that, with Obama's election, that they've definetly taken the better of two roads. However, he's human; he can only do so much without pure authoritarian power.

What he should do is frequent public addresses, akin to FDR's fireside chats. Presidents have used this tool to good effect in America... and he needs to give frequent updates on where he sees the country, what he hopes to do to correct things, and what he realistically expect outcomes to be.

If he does that, then without a doubt, he'll be able to magnify what is starting off as an extremely impressive legacy.

If he lets expectations go unmanaged, they'll crash in less than a year, when people exclaim how the economy isn't back on track yet, how the wars are still going, etc, etc.

Not only Obama, but the people who elected him must be wary that next year, regardless of the president, will be a very difficult year.

The fact that a Democrat president is elected makes most people more comfortable, but its the first year that will show how beneficial the change (if there is any) really is.
GrapeApes said:
Gets ready for The View nh. First to get checked off my list of crow eating.

Also was there any crying on Fox and Friends?

They were surprisingly good about it. I can't wait till Hannity though...mmm salty tears.


Personally I think this election showcased that a whole new generation of political aware Americans are about to take a stand for their country to make it and return it to the country that was beloved all throughout the world!!!


Hail to the KING baby
McCain himself rarely spoke to Palin during the campaign and aides kept him in the dark about the details of her spending on clothes because they were sure he would be offended. Palin asked to speak along with McCain at his Arizona concession speech but campaign strategist Steve Schmidt vetoed the request

Smart. Let McCain keep the one bright spot of his entire campaign.


Cloudy said:
Umm no. McCain has proven to be incompetent. Chuck Hagel is a Republican with integrity and he was actually on the Foreign Relations committee with Obama. He would be a great choice..

But isn't Gates staying on?

It will be Gates or Hagel, unless Obama doesn't want to reinforce the "Repubs are better at defense" talking point.


JCreasy said:

The debates unnerved both candidates. When he was preparing for the Democratic primary debates, Obama was recorded saying, "I don't consider this to be a good format for me, which makes me more cautious. I often find myself trapped by the questions and thinking to myself, 'You know, this is a stupid question, but let me ... answer it.' So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."



Fragamemnon said:
Stevens/Begich isn't done yet either, my understanding is that there are a lot of early votes not yet counted.
Although, the early votes should be heavily for Stevens, since they'd be from before he was found guilty. So Stevens should end up winning.

besada said:
Well, interestingly, not getting close to a supermajority is going to make his position much more tenuous. The Democrats no longer need him to control the Senate.
Well yeah, if the Dems ended up with 60 seats, then they'd have to be nice to Lieberman to keep him with them to maintain their supermajority. Now, if they have 57 seats, they can kick his ass to the curb, since going from 57 to 56 won't hurt them.
So let me get this straight, we have 100% results for NC with Obama ahead by over 10k votes and people still won't call it for Obama?

And with 100% in Norm Coleman leads Franken by just under 600 votes. I smell a recount and drama.


ggnoobIGN said:
I like making up facts too.

McCain beat Obama with people who make 100,000+ income, white college voters, and whites with 50,000 income(as specific as that last one comes...)

Don't forget black people! I read in the paper that 96% of African Americans voted Obama. Those other 4% though? Man they got to be fucking crazy to have missed the opportunity to vote in America's first black President.

If I see a black dude wearing a "I voted for McCain" shirt I will buy him a beer just so that I can ask him "What where you thinking man?" I'd probably be too helpless with laughter to even get out the question.


I hope a lot of you guys turned off poligaf for a while last night, and just soked all this hopium and change in. My God. This isn't the same country I woke up to yesterday and its blowing my mind. My cousin and I were talking about this last night, and I told him without the unprecedented failure of carrying out office of President of the United States by George 43, chances are people wouldn't have never given President Obama a real chance in the first place.

With that said, I'm not thankful that Bush beat Gore and then Kerry. While Kerry or Gore administrations would have been >>>>>>>>> for this country than Bush's, neither of them would've been able to offer this country the progressiveness it needs to break down barriers, some of which have been holding us back for decades or even centuries and neither of them would've been able to truly achieve the mantel of World Leader which is what President Obama will be....crazy how things work out.

This is a paradigm shifting moment for everyone on this planet and I really can't express how proud I am of my country right now!


DancingJesus said:
They were suprisingly good about it. I can't wait till Hannity though...mmm salty tears.

that cocksucker is still going to continue making a living by bitching about obama for the next 4 years.


Stoney Mason said:
There were no freakouts on Fox. It was simply like watching a funeral procession. Same mood. Combined with pre-emptive spinning for the future of the "radical liberal agenda of Barack and cronies in Congress. "

Fairly late last night the creepy mortition looking fellow kept giving these really nasty back handed compliments about how great Obama's campaign was and how that's all he's done and how his speech showed how he's already starting his campaign for 2012. It was in really poor taste I thought.


lawblob said:
Shut up you idiot. I hate to break it to you, but white voters with incomes > $100,000 per year; (ie: people with college degrees) went for Obama. Republicans have become the party of low income, low education southerners... Not exactly the bastion of American intellectualism!

Don't you get it? The REPUBLICANS have become the party of stupid people! REPUBLICANS have become the party of voters who don't know what the fuck they are voting for! Have fun with your coalition of toothless southerner racists, because thats basically all the GOP has left.
Lawblob I'm going to have to disagree with you on "the toothless southerner racists" comment. If this election proved anything its that racism exists beyond the southern demographic. This is why it was so important for me that NC turned blue or at least come close.


Dyno said:
Don't forget black people! I read in the paper that 96% of African Americans voted Obama. Those other 4% though? Man they got to be fucking crazy to have missed the opportunity to vote in America's first black President.

If I see a black dude wearing a "I voted for McCain" shirt I will buy him a beer just so that I can ask him "What where you thinking man?" I'd probably be too helpless with laughter to even get out the question.

My African American friend voted for McCain... *major facepalm* by me..

He did not like his "socialist" ways concerning health care... :lol :lol :lol :lol


lawblob said:
Frag; are provisional / absentee ballots actually counted? Last night my election party was arguing this. I thought provisionals / absentee ballots weren't actually counted unless there was a re-count situation. Is that accurate?

Different for each state, I'd guess. Absentee/provisionals don't get counted in my state, unless they could effect the outcome. So if the vote difference was a million votes, and there are 900,000 provisional ballots, they toss them.
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