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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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I lot of people are asking why is the interview edited like it is. i think it has to do with ABC having to cut out Q&As where Palin didn't do a good job or took her al9ong time to come to a conclusion. The editing job seems very last minute.



Wow, this McCain interview from yesterday is even worse IMO. How can Republicans support this farce with a straight face? He got caught off guard (NO ONE ever asks him tough questions) and just started spewing the same talking points incoherently and it's almost like he's the VP candidate and Palin is running for Prez. Just cringe-worthy and I don't see how any intelligent person can accept this..

Shame on you all...
:lol :lol :lol

This past page is filled with better Gibson/Palin banter then I could even dream of coming up with.

Guess it's back to Fecal, Semen, Urine, and Rectal Figs jokes for the monkey.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Choabac said:
Sorry, but it’s a lot funnier without the text.

After watching the interview, you can let your mind run wild and fill in blanks on what she would potentially be saying in that picture.

Her face contains precisely the amount of glee and surprise that an unsophisticated hockey mom should feel upon being told she is the Vice Presidential candidate.


LuCkymoON said:
I lot of people are asking why is the interview edited like it is. i think it has to do with ABC having to cut out Q&As where Palin didn't do a good job or took her al9ong time to come to a conclusion. The editing job seems very last minute.

they probably gave editorial control of the interview to the campaign in order to secure the interview :( i wonder if there is some potentially damaging outtakes just waiting to be leaked...


qwertybob said:
they probably gave editorial control of the interview to the campaign in order to secure the interview :( i wonder if there is some potentially damaging outtakes just waiting to be leaked...

Eh, Gibson's a hack much of the time, but there's no way they would ever give editorial control over for a political interview. Doesn't happen, would ruin the news division.
This is the country that brought us 4 more years of Bush. Being dumb or perceived as dumb is not a negative when running for the highest political office in this dumb-fuck country.

"She's one of us. Good ol' gal you can relate to. BOO to that elitist reporter asking stupid questions!"

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Tamanon said:
Eh, Gibson's a hack much of the time, but there's no way they would ever give editorial control over for a political interview. Doesn't happen, would ruin the news division.

Like they would even need to.
They would close down before try to embarrass the Republican ticket.
I'm laughing my ass off @ this interview.

I fully understand why they don't want her talking to ANYONE off-script.

Charlie looks like he is losing his mind in this interview.
BoboBrazil said:
Never underestimate the idiocy of the average American. The America where Fox News is always the most watched. What can you expect though, when the media is afraid to confront McCain-Palin and call them out on the bullshit they do. If you are an average American and don't do research, you won't know most of the stuff they say are lies...You'll take their words as truth...

Yup Yup.

Like I said to the average uniformed voter her babble probably came off as sufficient answers. The key for her is to respond rapidly. Though that was the problem with the Bush Doctrine question, she got stuck in the mud and couldn't answer quickly. But that question in itself probably isn't a deal-breaker for the average viewer since they probably don't know what the Bush Doctrine is either.
The Chosen One said:
Yup Yup.

Like I said to the average uniformed voter her babble probably came off as sufficient answers. The key for her is to respond rapidly. Though that was the problem with the Bush Doctrine question, she got stuck in the mud and couldn't answer quickly. But that question in itself probably isn't a deal-breaker for the average viewer since they probably don't know what the Bush Doctrine is either.

But a news reporter shouldn't know more than a VP (P) candidate.

<3 your avatar.


get some go again
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Gibson: So you say you're eating a sandwich?

Palin: Yes.

Gibson: But it's just two pieces of bread.

Palin: Yes, but i can see the turkey slices & cheese sitting on the counter over there from here.

Gibson: *stares at her from over his glasses*


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
heliosRAzi said:
It's funny how she says "In what respect, Charlie?" It's like she's being accusing or frustrated. No, it's more like she thought she got the best of Gibson, especially with the way she interlocks her fingers. She thinks she's gotten the high ground.
That interview points to her as believing she's significantly smarter than in actuality, and she can't seem to hide it well when she believes she's about to pull a fast one or throw down some knowledge, so it comes off doubly pathetic.


:lol @ what this thread has become. Awesome work!

Insertia said:
just saw the video

Really, if anyone cares about this country how can they support McCain/Palin?

She's a hockey mom with 5 kids!

EDIT: Changed to "hockey"...not sure what I was thinking
Slurpy said:
'You can actually SEE Russia from Alaska.'

Jesus Christ.
I can see Mexico from the ground in Kansas.

If I face north I can see Canada!

It's not just sad and pathetic, but also pathetically sad.

Trurl said:
It looks like the post-convention doom and gloom has finally subsided.
Well Palin did threaten war with Russia.

The only other country on this planet with anything close to the number of nukes we have.


The Chosen One said:
Yup Yup.

Like I said to the average uniformed voter her babble probably came off as sufficient answers. The key for her is to respond rapidly. Though that was the problem with the Bush Doctrine question, she got stuck in the mud and couldn't answer quickly. But that question in itself probably isn't a deal-breaker for the average viewer since they probably don't know what the Bush Doctrine is either.
Yeah, I wouldn't pin much hope on 90% of the electorate being able to watch an interview like that and being able to discern that she doesn't know what the fuck she's on about.

I think the best you can hope for is for people to walk away thinking: "Eh, she's kind of annoying. Maybe I don't like her so much after all."


Two new Washington Post stories:

Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska

Gov. Sarah Palin linked the war in Iraq with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, telling an Iraq-bound brigade of soldiers that included her son that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."


A Tangled Story of Addiction

In describing her struggle with drugs, [Cindy] McCain has said that she became addicted to Vicodin and Percocet in early 1989 after rupturing two disks and having back surgery. She has said she hid her addiction from her husband, Sen. John McCain, and stopped taking the painkillers in 1992 after her parents confronted her. She has not discussed what kind of treatment she received for her addiction, but she has made clear that she believes she has put her problems behind her.

While McCain's accounts have captured the pain of her addiction, her journey through this personal crisis is a more complicated story than she has described, and it had more consequences for her and those around her than she has acknowledged.



Why is being a hockey mom a good qualification to have when becoming vice president? Can she fight terrorist with her son's hockey stick?


Rugasuki said:
Two new Washington Post stories:

Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska

Gov. Sarah Palin linked the war in Iraq with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, telling an Iraq-bound brigade of soldiers that included her son that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."


Oh wow. Just.... wow.

This is like fucking Christmas for whoever makes the ads for the Obama campaign.
Cloudy said:

Wow, this McCain interview from yesterday is even worse IMO. How can Republicans support this farce with a straight face? He got caught off guard (NO ONE ever asks him tough questions) and just started spewing the same talking points incoherently and it's almost like he's the VP candidate and Palin is running for Prez. Just cringe-worthy and I don't see how any intelligent person can accept this..

Shame on you all...

Sweet fancy Moses.

It's plain as day that this guy doesn't believe anything he's saying. What a tragic fucking campaign they're running.

And they still might win.
My conversation with Ms. Palin. :lol Amusing.

HockeyMom : Fire away

you : iraq

HockeyMom : The state you're a senator from is about the size of the Down Syndrome baby I chose to raise.

you : u mean arizona?

HockeyMom : I'm pregnant again!

you : really? thats nice

HockeyMom : I not going to abort my baby, but I might sell it on eBay.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Rugasuki said:
Two new Washington Post stories:

Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska


Stay classy WAPO! :lol Next time, just do a simple web search.

ZOMG. This just in! U.S. soldiers fight Al-Qaeda - the same group that planned and executed 9/11 - and Sarah Palin dared to mention it! ROFL ROFL (Why would she ever mention such a thing on the 7th anniversary of the attacks???)


New York times says we can expect more forceful attack TV ads this morning and for stump speeches etc to get more forceful from Obama Camp.

Should be interesting to see what presents itself and how it will shape the talk. Democrats need to get some control back on their message. Republicans have worked pretty well hijacking the change message to the average voter.


Cloudy said:
I don't like the "hit-piece" on Cindy McCain. Why bring this old stuff up?

They got a new interview when a guy came forward and it contains information that is not in other previous stories such as the Dr. that prescribed her the medications losing his license. They also say that Cindy McCain's version of the story reported in Newsweek has factual errors.

It's questionable if the story is relevant but an argument can be made that she would serve as a role model as first lady. Also, it's pretty clear that if it were Michelle Obama who had the drug addiction, this would be widely covered.


140.85 said:

Stay classy WAPO! :lol Next time, just do a simple web search.

ZOMG. This just in! U.S. soldiers fight Al-Qaeda - the same group that planned and executed 9/11 and Sarah Palin dared to mention it! ROFL ROFL

The point is that Al-Qaeda in Iraq are a completely separate group from the real Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and that Palin saying that her son's brigade, which is going to IRAQ, is going to be fighting those responsible for 9/11 demonstrates a remarkable lack of awareness on the nature of the Iraq conflict (seeing as even the current President admits there is no connection between 9/11 and Iraq).


laserbeam said:
New York times says we can expect more forceful attack TV ads this morning and for stump speeches etc to get more forceful from Obama Camp.

Should be interesting to see what presents itself and how it will shape the talk. Democrats need to get some control back on their message. Republicans have worked pretty well hijacking the change message to the average voter.

I think it should be that the Republicans are out of touch (if they're not going to compete on actual issues, they are), that they have lied and are still lying, and that the Democrats are offering relief for the middle class in forms of tax cuts and affordable health care.

It's a way to stay on message and still attack.

I hope the Republicans are forced into becoming a political party again instead of some fanatic devotion. I want to see real solutions coming from them instead of the appealing to the lowest common denominator shit they've pulled for the last eight years. I don't agree with his Bible-shaped worldview, but I think that Huckabee's got the right idea- that Democrats can be wrong on the issues and that it's wrong not to challenge them on the issues.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
unifin said:
The point is that Al-Qaeda in Iraq are a completely separate group from the real Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and that Palin saying that her son's brigade, which is going to IRAQ, is going to be fighting those responsible for 9/11 demonstrates a remarkable lack of awareness on the nature of the Iraq conflict (seeing as even the current President admits there is no connection between 9/11 and Iraq).

The "real" al-qaeda? Completely separate? No. You're going to have to explain why al-qaeda has praised/been disappointed by events in Iraq. What exactly is the scope of the "real" al-qaeda?
"Things are getting warmer. Now what do we do about it. And John McCain and I are gonna be working on what we do about it" -Palin
Thats my phrase for today.
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