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PoliGAF Interim Thread of cunning stunts and desperate punts

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Cloudy said:


Sucks at poetry

This site will have all of the debates in their entirety. Actually looking through it now most of the links are embedded youtube videos. So I guess all of the debates will go up on youtube as well shortly after they air. I wonder if there will be a better place to see them online in higher quality.
Schlep said:
Not sure if this is old...it shows 0 views on NBC. And damn... :lol


The best one was "Obama supports Universal healthcare. *cue picture of the entire galaxy*. That includes Osama Bin Laden. Obama wants to give health care benefits to Osama bin Laden!"

Leaps of logic is exactly how McCain has been running his ad campaign.

Though anyone notice how the McCain campaign has dialed it back this past week with their ads? I think when even Karl Rove wouldn't even defend the ads, the McCain campaign realized they had to pull back a bit.

However if the poll numbers keep sliding throughout next week, I bet the smear ads will be back in full force, critics be damned.


Cloudy said:
I'm still waiting on the Rev. Wright ad. You know it's coming..
I wonder if McCain would drudge that back up with Keating 5 still on deck. Wright is ugly, but Keating 5 right now would drop McCain like a rock. I think that's the only reason we haven't seen that ad from the Obama side yet.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Cloudy said:
I'm still waiting on the Rev. Wright ad. You know it's coming..

That has been beaten into the ground. If that comes out, I'm sure Keating 5 ads will start to fly as well.


Cloudy said:
I'm still waiting on the Rev. Wright ad. You know it's coming..

Like someone else here mentioned already, GOP talking (air)heads like Sean Hannity did Obama a favor by taking care of this story during the primaries.


I really hope the Obama camp starts finding ways to get Biden more air time. Not only does he know what he's talking about, but it would also aid in making this race not seem like a black man vs. a white man sort of ordeal. Seeing more of Biden can help ease the reserves of some who are skeptical of voting for a black man. This will do nothing for the hardcore racists, but some who are on the fence may feel more at ease when they start to connect with a guy they 'are familiar with.'
kevm3 said:
I really hope the Obama camp starts finding ways to get Biden more air time. Not only does he know what he's talking about, but it would also aid in making this race not seem like a black man vs. a white man sort of ordeal. Seeing more of Biden can help ease the reserves of some who are skeptical of voting for a black man. This will do nothing for the hardcore racists, but some who are on the fence may feel more at ease when they start to connect with a guy they 'are familiar with.'
Biden will shine in the debate, which is sure to get tons of viewers compared to past VP debates. After that, Obama can start putting out occasional Biden-focused ads that convey a positive message, while Obama himself hopefully continues to attack McCain.


Setec Astronomer
LCGeek said:
Cheney will always get a certain level of respect from me, simply put he gets shit done for the neocons and their agenda. Bush Jr to be honest I think is a fool, but is quite aware of it and makes the most with it even indulges it sometime for political or social gain.
I don't think "respect" is what I have in mind when I think of Cheney. Yes, he has been more than effective at carrying out his agenda, but he's done so in ways utterly contrary to any concept of good, honest, accountable, or constitutional governance. "Impressive," maybe, like seeing a monster level a city far more quickly than anyone would have believed.

The problem with what you said "goof off buddy" is that most americans with that mentality for liking bush don't trust the more sophisticated types. More progressive types need to realize you have to connect with all groups in this country not those who already dispositioned towards your political philosophy. I'll say it again like I usually do kerry was a turn off with how I felt all of the media portrayed him and it wasn't until he grew a pair after the election I realized yeah he was a better vote.
When one of the political philosophies any competent candidate has to connect with is anti-intellectualism, we have deeper problems.


Stoney Mason said:
I lost a ton of respect for Powell as well. In fact it quite bothers me when people still try to bring him up and ask who he is endorsing as if it matters.

In a weird way, the guy I respect/am fascinated with out of this is bizarrely (in a political sense only) is Cheney. While I think what he did was awful and he lied as much as anybody (more) at least I understand him. At least he is consistent with that he is. He isn't trying to pretend to be something he isn't or decorate it in pretty flowers (ignoring all the destruction of evidence and political backstabbing.) He set out achieve what he wanted and pretty much did. Can any of the rest of the Bush administration honestly say that?

Bush has always been able to get away with this shit because he strikes people as the guy you can "have a beer" with when in all honesty he is really the guy you goof off at work with. Is this really the guy who should have been president Your goof off buddy?

Well I've railed enough on the Bush Administration for the night...

This always makes me crack up:


Trurl said:
I hate to burst the Biden Bubble, but the truth needs to be told.



It cost as much as Cindy McCain's underwear.
┏┫ ┏┓ ┏┓ ┣┓    ┃┃
┗┫   ┃   ┣┛ ┏━━┻┃YES WE CAN!!!!!
 ┃ ┗━━━┛ ┃  ┣━━ ┃
 ┗━━━┳━━━┛  ┣━━ ┃
_./'\._¸¸.•¤**¤•.¸.•¤**¤•..•¤. .
*•. .•* *Obama/Biden o8!! Vote4 REAL Change!!

da fug? :lol


teh_pwn said:
Considering her background with intelligent design and churches that pray away the gay, I would be surprised if she even knows what a molecule is.

Something like "I'm okay with many molecules, I support many molecules, but I don't like H2 and O2. Molecules of the same type joining together? We can't be having that. We must fight to preserve the sanctity of molecular bonding. I'm also against covalent unions."?


mclem said:
Something like "I'm okay with many molecules, I support many molecules, but I don't like H2 and O2. Molecules of the same type joining together? We can't be having that. We must fight to preserver the sanctity of molecular bonding. I'm also against covalent unions."?

Water - a hydrogen gangbang.


speculawyer said:

Since countup tallies are so popular on the Republican website, can we get a tally in the OP of the number of times this has been used? Or "Days since Speculawyer has posted it", if you like :)

Same goes for the tax graph


mclem said:
Something like "I'm okay with many molecules, I support many molecules, but I don't like H2 and O2. Molecules of the same type joining together? We can't be having that. We must fight to preserver the sanctity of molecular bonding. I'm also against covalent unions."?
JayDubya said:
Water - a hydrogen gangbang.

:lol :lol This exchange :lol :lol


It's still SARAH SARAH SARAH in the top headlines on Philly.com, and has been for the last few days (those not all the articles, or perhaps even most, are positive).

Is she still getting this degree of coverage in other localities?


gkrykewy said:
It's still SARAH SARAH SARAH in the top headlines on Philly.com, and has been for the last few days (those not all the articles, or perhaps even most, are positive).

Is she still getting this degree of coverage in other localities?

In my area, Palin gets some coverage. The Pocono Record has been running pretty consistently negative editorial pieces on McCain and Palin for a number of weeks now.

They ran a scathing opinion piece on Palin the other day, essentially calling her a catastrophe, who shares Obama's lack of experience but not his competence or intelligence. I wish I could find the paper because I know it was one of their guest writers, and it has to be on the net somewhere.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
This will be my only PoliGAF post for the majority of my day. I am off to go join the Obama campaign in NJ, where I'll be trained and sent to battleground states to help out with the ground game.

I'll be sure to share what it's like and all that when I return. Not quite sure what to expect, but I feel compelled to help out more than I am currently.
RubxQub said:
This will be my only PoliGAF post for the majority of my day. I am off to go join the Obama campaign in NJ, where I'll be trained and sent to battleground states to help out with the ground game.

I'll be sure to share what it's like and all that when I return. Not quite sure what to expect, but I feel compelled to help out more than I am currently.
Wait what? You'll actually go to other states to help the campaign? I assume this is voluntary work? If so: you've got my thumbs up!


RubxQub said:
This will be my only PoliGAF post for the majority of my day. I am off to go join the Obama campaign in NJ, where I'll be trained and sent to battleground states to help out with the ground game.

I'll be sure to share what it's like and all that when I return. Not quite sure what to expect, but I feel compelled to help out more than I am currently.

Make us proud, soldier.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
RubxQub said:
This will be my only PoliGAF post for the majority of my day. I am off to go join the Obama campaign in NJ, where I'll be trained and sent to battleground states to help out with the ground game.

I'll be sure to share what it's like and all that when I return. Not quite sure what to expect, but I feel compelled to help out more than I am currently.

Fight the good fight friend. Don't do anything that would make Obama blush.
RubxQub said:
This will be my only PoliGAF post for the majority of my day. I am off to go join the Obama campaign in NJ, where I'll be trained and sent to battleground states to help out with the ground game.

I'll be sure to share what it's like and all that when I return. Not quite sure what to expect, but I feel compelled to help out more than I am currently.


Another one is sucked in! Wouldn't be surprised if you're sent to either Ohio or Virginia.

Who else is traveling to a battleground state(s) this election? I know a few Gaffers already have, or are planning to...


I know Cheebs is involved with the Obama campaign, too. Lamonster spends nearly every weekend setting records phonebanking... :lol
mclem said:
Since countup tallies are so popular on the Republican website, can we get a tally in the OP of the number of times this has been used? Or "Days since Speculawyer has posted it", if you like :)

Same goes for the tax graph

Count me in, because this'll be the next most used graph:

words and phrases that I've started to hate this year:

working class
thanks but no thanks
closing the deal
candidate has a ______ problem
my friends
soul creator said:
words and phrases that I've started to hate this year:

working class
thanks but no thanks
closing the deal
candidate has a ______ problem
my friends

ladies and gentlemen
....ladies and gentlemen


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Incognito said:

Another one is sucked in! Wouldn't be surprised if you're sent to either Ohio or Virginia.

Who else is traveling to a battleground state(s) this election? I know a few Gaffers already have, or are planning to...


I know Cheebs is involved with the Obama campaign, too. Lamonster spends nearly every weekend setting records phonebanking... :lol


Also gonna be getting on the phone this week.

Where are you guys signing up for the training?
MaddenNFL64 said:
Man, Hoover got a RAW deal. Still if he had the balls & will FDR had, maybe shit wouldn't have been so bad.

The fact is, a democrat in the white house will always benefit the country more when it comes to the economy than a republican. This is why I really wish the media would talk about this.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
soul creator said:
words and phrases that I've started to hate this year:

working class
thanks but no thanks
closing the deal
candidate has a ______ problem
my friends

Grammar constructs:

The passive.
ATTN: Sorkin fans

Seeking a President Who Gives Goose Bumps? So’s Obama.
Published: September 20, 2008
By Maureen Dowd

Now that he’s finally fired up on the soup-line economy, Barack Obama knows he can’t fade out again. He was eager to talk privately to a Democratic ex-president who could offer more fatherly wisdom — not to mention a surreptitious smoke — and less fraternal rivalry. I called the “West Wing” creator Aaron Sorkin (yes, truly) to get a read-out of the meeting. This is his account:

BARACK OBAMA knocks on the front door of a 300-year-old New Hampshire farmhouse while his Secret Service detail waits in the driveway. The door opens and OBAMA is standing face to face with former President JED BARTLET.

BARTLET: Senator.

OBAMA: Mr. President.

BARTLET: You seem startled.

OBAMA: I didn’t expect you to answer the door yourself.

BARTLET: I didn’t expect you to be getting beat by John McCain and a Lancôme rep who thinks “The Flintstones” was based on a true story, so let’s call it even.

OBAMA: Yes, sir.

BARTLET: Come on in.

BARTLET leads OBAMA into his study.

BARTLET: That was a hell of a convention.

OBAMA: Thank you, I was proud of it.

BARTLET: I meant the Republicans. The Us versus Them-a-thon. As a Democrat I was surprised to learn that I don’t like small towns, God, people with jobs or America. I’ve been a little out of touch but is there a mandate that the vice president be skilled at field dressing a moose —

OBAMA: Look —

BARTLET: — and selling Air Force Two on eBay?

OBAMA: Joke all you want, Mr. President, but it worked.

BARTLET: Imagine my surprise. What can I do for you, kid?

OBAMA: I’m interested in your advice.

BARTLET: I can’t give it to you.

OBAMA: Why not?

BARTLET: I’m supporting McCain.


BARTLET: He’s promised to eradicate evil and that was always on my “to do” list.


BARTLET: And he’s surrounded himself, I think, with the best possible team to get us out of an economic crisis. Why, Sarah Palin just said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.” Can you spot the error in that statement?

OBAMA: Yes, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac aren’t funded by taxpayers.

BARTLET: Well, at least they are now. Kind of reminds you of the time Bush said that Social Security wasn’t a government program. He was only off by a little — Social Security is the largest government program.

OBAMA: I appreciate your sense of humor, sir, but I really could use your advice.

BARTLET: Well, it seems to me your problem is a lot like the problem I had twice.

OBAMA: Which was?

BARTLET: A huge number of Americans thought I thought I was superior to them.



OBAMA: I mean, how did you overcome that?

BARTLET: I won’t lie to you, being fictional was a big advantage.

OBAMA: What do you mean?

BARTLET: I’m a fictional president. You’re dreaming right now, Senator.

OBAMA: I’m asleep?

BARTLET: Yes, and you’re losing a ton of white women.

OBAMA: Yes, sir.

BARTLET: I mean tons.

OBAMA: I understand.

BARTLET: I didn’t even think there were that many white women.

OBAMA: I see the numbers, sir. What do they want from me?

BARTLET: I’ve been married to a white woman for 40 years and I still don’t know what she wants from me.

OBAMA: How did you do it?

BARTLET: Well, I say I’m sorry a lot.

OBAMA: I don’t mean your marriage, sir. I mean how did you get America on your side?

BARTLET: There again, I didn’t have to be president of America, I just had to be president of the people who watched “The West Wing.”

OBAMA: That would make it easier.

BARTLET: You’d do very well on NBC. Thursday nights in the old “ER” time slot with “30 Rock” as your lead-in, you’d get seven, seven-five in the demo with a 20, 22 share — you’d be selling $450,000 minutes.

OBAMA: What the hell does that mean?

BARTLET: TV talk. I thought you’d be interested.

OBAMA: I’m not. They pivoted off the argument that I was inexperienced to the criticism that I’m — wait for it — the Messiah, who, by the way, was a community organizer. When I speak I try to lead with inspiration and aptitude. How is that a liability?

BARTLET: Because the idea of American exceptionalism doesn’t extend to Americans being exceptional. If you excelled academically and are able to casually use 690 SAT words then you might as well have the press shoot video of you giving the finger to the Statue of Liberty while the Dixie Chicks sing the University of the Taliban fight song. The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it.

OBAMA: You’re saying race doesn’t have anything to do with it?

BARTLET: I wouldn’t go that far. Brains made me look arrogant but they make you look uppity. Plus, if you had a black daughter —

OBAMA: I have two.

BARTLET: — who was 17 and pregnant and unmarried and the father was a teenager hoping to launch a rap career with “Thug Life” inked across his chest, you’d come in fifth behind Bob Barr, Ralph Nader and a ficus.

OBAMA: You’re not cheering me up.

BARTLET: Is that what you came here for?

OBAMA: No, but it wouldn’t kill you.

BARTLET: Have you tried doing a two-hour special or a really good Christmas show?

OBAMA: Sir —

BARTLET: Hang on. Home run. Right here. Is there any chance you could get Michelle pregnant before the fall sweeps?

OBAMA: The problem is we can’t appear angry. Bush called us the angry left. Did you see anyone in Denver who was angry?

BARTLET: Well ... let me think. ...We went to war against the wrong country, Osama bin Laden just celebrated his seventh anniversary of not being caught either dead or alive, my family’s less safe than it was eight years ago, we’ve lost trillions of dollars, millions of jobs, thousands of lives and we lost an entire city due to bad weather. So, you know ... I’m a little angry.

OBAMA: What would you do?

BARTLET: GET ANGRIER! Call them liars, because that’s what they are. Sarah Palin didn’t say “thanks but no thanks” to the Bridge to Nowhere. She just said “Thanks.” You were raised by a single mother on food stamps — where does a guy with eight houses who was legacied into Annapolis get off calling you an elitist? And by the way, if you do nothing else, take that word back. Elite is a good word, it means well above average. I’d ask them what their problem is with excellence. While you’re at it, I want the word “patriot” back. McCain can say that the transcendent issue of our time is the spread of Islamic fanaticism or he can choose a running mate who doesn’t know the Bush doctrine from the Monroe Doctrine, but he can’t do both at the same time and call it patriotic. They have to lie — the truth isn’t their friend right now. Get angry. Mock them mercilessly; they’ve earned it. McCain decried agents of intolerance, then chose a running mate who had to ask if she was allowed to ban books from a public library. It’s not bad enough she thinks the planet Earth was created in six days 6,000 years ago complete with a man, a woman and a talking snake, she wants schools to teach the rest of our kids to deny geology, anthropology, archaeology and common sense too? It’s not bad enough she’s forcing her own daughter into a loveless marriage to a teenage hood, she wants the rest of us to guide our daughters in that direction too? It’s not enough that a woman shouldn’t have the right to choose, it should be the law of the land that she has to carry and deliver her rapist’s baby too? I don’t know whether or not Governor Palin has the tenacity of a pit bull, but I know for sure she’s got the qualifications of one. And you’re worried about seeming angry? You could eat their lunch, make them cry and tell their mamas about it and God himself would call it restrained. There are times when you are simply required to be impolite. There are times when condescension is called for!

OBAMA: Good to get that off your chest?

BARTLET: Am I keeping you from something?

OBAMA: Well, it’s not as if I didn’t know all of that and it took you like 20 minutes to say.

BARTLET: I know, I have a problem, but admitting it is the first step.

OBAMA: What’s the second step?

BARTLET: I don’t care.

OBAMA: So what about hope? Chuck it for outrage and put-downs?

BARTLET: No. You’re elite, you can do both. Four weeks ago you had the best week of your campaign, followed — granted, inexplicably — by the worst week of your campaign. And you’re still in a statistical dead heat. You’re a 47-year-old black man with a foreign-sounding name who went to Harvard and thinks devotion to your country and lapel pins aren’t the same thing and you’re in a statistical tie with a war hero and a Cinemax heroine. To these aged eyes, Senator, that’s what progress looks like. You guys got four debates. Get out of my house and go back to work.

OBAMA: Wait, what is it you always used to say? When you hit a bump on the show and your people were down and frustrated? You’d give them a pep talk and then you’d always end it with something. What was it ...?

BARTLET: “Break’s over.”

You know, maybe it's time that I put up some West Wing dvds in the ol' Netflix queue. I've never bothered to watch this show.
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