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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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This is hilarious,

apparently at the Iowa event, where Obama picked up some of Edwards and one of clintons delegates, the clinton campaign flew in Sean Aston to try and persuade them to switch their votes to hillary.

I was an Obama delegate at the Dubuque County Convention yesterday in Iowa. Given the fact that there were over 250 people in attendence for an event that usually gets under 50, it was pretty chaotic. As per usual, the day began with brief speechs from various local Democratic politicans. These were interrupted, however, so that a special guest could speak to us. The Clinton campaign had flown in Sean Astin to shill for Hill. He's most famous for playing Sam, Frodo's erstwhile friend, in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He proceeded to tell us all about what a strong women and great leader Hillary was and then went into the now-discredited accounts of her foreign policy accomplishments in Northern Ireland etc. He also returned to the idea of the joint Hillary-Obama dream ticket. But the culmination of his speech was when he talked about how the wonderful thing about the Iowa caucus system was that the county convention was essentially another caucus and that not only the undecided delegates (those pledged to candidates who have withdrawn) but even the pledged delegates could switch their allegiance.


While the pledged delegate should have stayed where they were, I mean the people elected you, the irony tastes like strawberries.

Backfire am total.


Tom_Cody said:
What does that even mean? You state that these comments are not reflective of his identity as a pastor (one comment out of a lifetime and so on). If they aren't reflective of his identity as a pastor he should take them back and apologize.

Taking back the words does not make them any less ignorant. John Mccain was speaking the truth when he said he hated the Vietnamese, I see no difference between Jeramiah Wright and John Mccain's words. They both said ignorant shit, apologizing does not change anything.


Tamanon said:
Oh yeah, btw, Florida's revote is completely dead now according to the state party. DONE DONE DONE.

:lol They played Tracy Morgan's "black is the new president, bitch" bit on MSNBC after all, I'm shocked.
Now it's down to what they do with the delegates. Didn't the DNC say they couldn't count the vote in any way? Or is there a way to count it that they're open to?


Tamanon said:
Holy crap, Scarborough actually said Obama showed the signs of a great leader by getting out in front of the story. Of course, he couched it by saying Wright said we deserved 9/11 instead of what he actually said:p
It's funny that the RWNM didn't have quite the same amount of uproar when Falwell/Robertson/etc. said we got 9/11 because God was angry with us over teh gayz. Consistency!


electricpirate said:
This is hilarious,

apparently at the Iowa event, where Obama picked up some of Edwards and one of clintons delegates, the clinton campaign flew in Sean Aston to try and persuade them to switch their votes to hillary.


While the pledged delegate should have stayed where they were, I mean the people elected you, the irony tastes like strawberries.

Backfire am total.
I just read that same post and was laughing pretty hard. That gif fits it perfectly. :lol


GhaleonEB said:
Now it's down to what they do with the delegates. Didn't the DNC say they couldn't count the vote in any way? Or is there a way to count it that they're open to?

give each delegate a half count


Tamanon said:
Oh yeah, btw, Florida's revote is completely dead now according to the state party. DONE DONE DONE.

:lol They played Tracy Morgan's "black is the new president, bitch" bit on MSNBC after all, I'm shocked.

I find it quite amusing that Hillary has potentially put herself further behind before all is said and done :lol There is a pretty good chance that Obama could end up winning the primary in Michigan...


harSon said:
Taking back the words does not make them any less ignorant. John Mccain was speaking the truth when he said he hated the Vietnamese, I see no difference between Jeramiah Wright and John Mccain's words. They both said ignorant shit, apologizing does not change anything.
Combined with your statement that you can take snapshots of anyone's life and make them look crazy, what you're ultimately saying is you can never judge anyone for anything.

Triumph said:
It's funny that the RWNM didn't have quite the same amount of uproar when Falwell/Robertson/etc. said we got 9/11 because God was angry with us over teh gayz. Consistency!
? There wasn't a media blowup over this stuff? Then how do you know it happened?
harSon said:
I find it quite amusing that Hillary has potentially put herself further behind before all is said and done :lol There is a pretty good chance that Obama could end up winning the primary in Michigan...

With no campaigning going on, he's polling even in MI, He can very well take MI.

What are the details of the revote, did they settle on mail in, caucus, or a strait primary?


Triumph said:

Just said it was "a media obsession" that keeps the race seeming 50/50. lololololol.
Chuck Todd and MSNBC are on the ball all the time, no suprise they bring the truth about the "closeness" of the race. I watch MSNBC and I feel like I am getting informed. CNN just pisses me off with statements like "PA looks to be the deciding state in this primary season". Ugh...why doesnt MSNBC beat CNN in the ratings. :(




harSon said:
Taking back the words does not make them any less ignorant. John Mccain was speaking the truth when he said he hated the Vietnamese, I see no difference between Jeramiah Wright and John Mccain's words. They both said ignorant shit, apologizing does not change anything.

Okay, I understand what you meant now (though I don't agree).
Triumph said:
It's funny that the RWNM didn't have quite the same amount of uproar when Falwell/Robertson/etc. said we got 9/11 because God was angry with us over teh gayz. Consistency!

lol, I think I just figured out what RWNM means


Plus, McCain has never apologized for the "gook" comments and stated he never will:p

BTW, I'd like to think the internet is the reason for Chuck Todd's ascension up the MSNBC ladder. Nowadays he's on every single show.:lol


APF: I've always wondered, if (when) Obama gets the NOM NOM, would you vote McCain or Obama in the general election?
Holy crap @ FOX. They interview Garrett about his church without even mentioning the interview they had last week (I guess they didn't have any good footage) while bringing back the spectre of unsubstantiated "Questions" about what he knew. They even cite the debunked Newsmax article, and next they have a segment on, get this, the Trinity website updating it's mission statement!


typhonsentra said:
Holy crap @ FOX. They interview Garrett about his church without even mentioning the interview they had last week (I guess they didn't have any good footage) while bringing back the spectre of unsubstantiated "Questions" about what he knew. They even cite the debunked Newsmax article, and next they have a segment on, get this, the Trinity website updating it's mission statement!
dem primary voters (outside of political junkies who watch everything) dont watch fox, dont worry about it.


thekad said:
APF: I've always wondered, if (when) Obama gets the NOM NOM, would you vote McCain or Obama in the general election?
I've answered this a bunch of times, but I'm in a solid blue state. I'll probably just stay home. If I were in a state where my vote mattered, I'd vote for Obama.


Tamanon said:
Plus, McCain has never apologized for the "gook" comments and stated he never will:p



Welcome to 8 years ago.

John McCain said:
"I will continue to condemn those who unfairly mistreated us,” McCain said in a statement released Feb. 21. “But out of respect to a great number of people for whom I hold in very high regard, I will no longer use the term that has caused such discomfort… I apologize and renounce all language that is bigoted and offensive, which is contrary to all that I represent and believe."
Cheebs said:
dem primary voters (outside of political junkies who watch everything) dont watch fox, dont worry about it.
Regardless, it's pretty evil on their part. He gives them an explanation and they refuse to air it? Even when they did they only aired it in small segments, with their "Analysis" from expert Newt Gingrich being longer than the aired footage of the interview on Greta.


Oh, he changed his mind afterwards I guess. Bully for him! I was going by his original statement:p

v1cious: It would put her ahead of she beat him by ~800,000 votes.

AKA, not going to happen.
v1cious said:
if Hillary has a blowout in Pennsylvania, that would put her ahead in the popular vote, right?
Depends on how you count it. With Michigan and Florida? Over 220k I think, when you include the caucus predictions.


v1cious said:
if Hillary has a blowout in Pennsylvania, that would put her ahead in the popular vote, right?

No. She has no chance to overtake Obama in popular vote, delegates, nor states won. She is delaying the inevitable.


No, she DEFINITELY has a remote chance of surpassing popular vote - needs a big win in any given Michigan revote (or, even less unlikely, the vote total to stand as is), and an absolute massive blowout in PA. It is possible. It is the most possible of any of her very unlikely scenarios, but it is still in the REMOTE realm of possibility - unlike her delegate race.


Two questions.

How many pledged delegates were stripped from MI and FL, and how many would Obama/Clinton get in the 1/2 delegate option in FL?

And does the 2025 automatic threshold apply to pledged delegates, or does that include supers?


Amir0x said:
No, she DEFINITELY has a remote chance of surpassing popular vote - needs a big win in any given Michigan revote (or, even less unlikely, the vote total to stand as is), and an absolute massive blowout in PA. It is possible. It is the most possible of any of her very unlikely scenarios, but it is still in the REMOTE realm of possibility - unlike her delegate race.

No, I was saying there's no chance whatsoever of her surpassing or even catching up in Pennsylvania which is what was asked:p


One man's junk is another man's treasure
APF said:
I've answered this a bunch of times, but I'm in a solid blue state. I'll probably just stay home. If I were in a state where my vote mattered, I'd vote for Obama.



GhaleonEB said:
Two questions.

How many pledged delegates were stripped from MI and FL, and how many would Obama/Clinton get in the 1/2 delegate option in FL?

And does the 2025 automatic threshold apply to pledged delegates, or does that include supers?
As for 2, yes that includes supers. Right now, 1627 is the magic number for pledged delegates I think.

As for Michigan/Florida, Michigan lost 128 pledged delegates, Florida lost 185.


Tamanon said:
No, I was saying there's no chance whatsoever of her surpassing or even catching up in Pennsylvania which is what was asked:p

but every poll shows her with like a 15 point lead so far. i mean i know that can change in a few weeks, but Obama's not campaining there either.


Triumph said:
As for 2, yes that includes supers. Right now, 1627 is the magic number for pledged delegates I think.

As for Michigan/Florida, Michigan lost 128 pledged delegates, Florida lost 185.
It was mentioned on MSNBC IIRC (read it on a blog), but it's actually quite possible for Obama to clear that threshold before the convention, especially if MI revotes. (Or does the bar go up if they are added?)
If you're including a Michigan revote, then I don't think there's any way she can get it back. Michigan gave her like, 320k votes to his zero. Considering that they're tied there now, wouldn't a 100k lead be an amazing, shocking upset for her?


Triumph said:
If blowout = wins by more than 800 something thousand votes, sure.

Well if the Pennsylvania turnout is similar to Ohio's, and she pulls off a 70/30 victory. She will net the 800,000 votes needed to pull ahead.


Master of the Google Search
GhaleonEB said:
It was mentioned on MSNBC IIRC (read it on a blog), but it's actually quite possible for Obama to clear that threshold before the convention, especially if MI revotes. (Or does the bar go up if they are added?)

The bar would go up


KRS7 said:
Well if the Pennsylvania turnout is similar to Ohio's, and she pulls off a 70/30 victory. She will net the 800,000 votes needed to pull ahead.
At most she's gonna win by 10 percent. Unless Obama gets caught in bed with a zebra, leopard and marmot in a quad species orgy of sin or something.


Tom_Cody said:
Yes. He would still be my father, but it would disturb me to know that my father believed the government created HIV as "a genocide against people of color".

Kind of like when I find out otherwise presentable people are creationists or global warming doubters. Regardless of anything else about them, they're thereafter going to be "that evangelical nutjob" or "that intentionally ignorant Fox News tool" (usually a little of column A, a little of column B).


APF said:
I've answered this a bunch of times, but I'm in a solid blue state. I'll probably just stay home. If I were in a state where my vote mattered, I'd vote for Obama.

Huh, so what do you think of Hillary's prolonging of this primary? I'm guessing you already realize that she is hurting Obama's chances in the general election by delaying the inevitable, so surely you would like for her to drop out. amirite?


Master of the Google Search
APF said:
I've answered this a bunch of times, but I'm in a solid blue state. I'll probably just stay home. If I were in a state where my vote mattered, I'd vote for Obama.

Not voting is stupid


thekad said:
Huh, so what do you think of Hillary's prolonging of this primary? I'm guessing you already realize that she is hurting Obama's chances in the general election by delaying the inevitable, so surely you would like for her to drop out. amirite?
I don't care either way really. If this hurts Obama, he's a weak candidate who would be hurt by McCain and the Republicans anyway.

grandjedi6: not voting gets an unfair bad rap. It's a perfectly legitimate method for participating in the electoral process, ironically enough.


IMO I think it helps Obama in the long run for his negatives to go up and this to be dragged out. Why? Because that would happen anyway. The media is digging up his dirty laundry and smacking him around now.

Would you rather have the Rezko story pop up in the middle of March or the weekend before the general election? Gotta look at this with some perspective.


Master of the Google Search
APF: Not voting gets bundled with the apathetic vote too easily. It's better to vote for a 3rd party or write in a nonsense candidate to show your displeasure


Amir0x said:
No, she DEFINITELY has a remote chance of surpassing popular vote - needs a big win in any given Michigan revote (or, even less unlikely, the vote total to stand as is), and an absolute massive blowout in PA. It is possible. It is the most possible of any of her very unlikely scenarios, but it is still in the REMOTE realm of possibility - unlike her delegate race.

There are 9 states outside of Pennsylvania as well :p
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