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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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siamesedreamer said:
You complain about Jindal being Catholic, yet you're voting for Obama?
There's big difference between their religious histories and how that affects their positions. Do your research - unlike you I didn't hear about him just yesterday. I already praised some of his qualities and said I'd possibly prefer him over a democrat (if the Dems got this close to nominating Shrillary, who knows). That's about as far as I've ever gone for a religious loony, what more do you want?

Farmboy said:
Call me crazy, but I doubt Zeed meant Jindal's catholicism when he noted his religious history made him nervous.
The man wrote an article about how he saw his friend get possessed by a fucking demon. There's clearly a few screws loose in there, and his religious-driven policy positions don't exactly help.
Zeed said:
There's big difference between their religious histories and how that affects their positions.

If I understand you correctly, then you're saying Obama's religious history has no bearing on his policies.

What about the "non-negotiable commitment to Africa"? One could argue that has significant bearing on his Global Poverty Act. What better way to make America pay for the sin of creating AIDS than to send almost $1 trillion of taxpayer money to Africa?

I'm not saying I necessarily believe that. But hey, it can be interpreted that way. :p


siamesedreamer said:
What about the "non-negotiable commitment to Africa"? One could argue that has significant bearing on his Global Poverty Act. What better way to make America pay for the sin of creating AIDS than to send almost $1 trillion of taxpayer money to Africa?
That's the best rebuttal you can come up with? You're slipping my friend.

I'm not saying I necessarily believe that. But hey, it can be interpreted that way. :p
You don't believe that because there's no evidence to support it.

Jindal hasn't exactly made a secret of his faith-based policies, and he already has a history of religious wackiness. I would be very hesitant to trust him in the White House - it'd take a Democrat as bad as Clinton or worse - but I think the position of Governor suits him well. It gives him the opportunity to exercise his best qualities in an office where his worst ones can do little damage.


Cheebs said:
He'd help her in NC, his home state. Enough so Obama doesn't win in a blowout, but Obama would still win.

Edwards represent the working class. if he endorses Hillary, everything he campaigned against goes out the window, so his supporters definitely won't follow.


v1cious said:
Edwards represent the working class. if he endorses Hillary, everything he campaigned against goes out the window, so his supporters definitely won't follow.
Funnily enough that's the demographic Hillary seems to win anyway, even if nothing about her should seem attractive to them. But all of Edward's major supporters have already moved on, mostly to Obama, so his endorsement would probably be a non-issue.


Rassmussen had a meaningless shift (1% is just statistical) from 47-44 to 46-44 today. While still it is nowhere near the 50-42 Obama lead had on friday it is just good that the bleeding from Rev. Wright stopped.


Wright has done more damage to him than these primary polls suggest, but it could just be shorterm. General election polls could be affected by the current bitterness.


syllogism said:
Wright has done more damage to him than these primary polls suggest, but it could just be shorterm. General election polls could be affected by the current bitterness.
They are. Gen polls took much more of a hit than primary polls did. he is behind mccain by 4 in gallups tracking, but mccain is tied with hillary.


Cheebs said:
They are. Gen polls took much more of a hit than primary polls did. he is behind mccain by 4 in gallups tracking, but mccain is tied with hillary.
I phrased that poorly, I meant the general bitterness between the two democratic camps and not just the Wright issue. Quite a few democrats claim to rather vote for Mccain than Obama and once the nominee is clear that should at least somewhat change.


syllogism said:
I phrased that poorly, I meant the general bitterness between the two democratic camps and not just the Wright issue. Quite a few democrats claim to rather vote for Mccain than Obama and once the nominee is clear that should at least somewhat change.
That always happens in heated primaries. But the tenseness and bitterness of a general election campaign results in everyone falling in line.


Rur0ni said:
Is the Wright issue Obama's biggest guffaw yet? Wasn't even his doing.
I don't think so personally, but the media's only going to be harder on him from here on out since he's the presumptive nominee.
APF said:
I don't think so personally, but the media's only going to be harder on him from here on out since he's the presumptive nominee.

The problem is that Hillary Clinton's campaign is making it very easy for the media and the Republican camps. They don't have to do anything but sit back and broadcast what Hillary is saying. She really is damaging the party at this point.


It was inevitable



syllogism said:
It was inevitable


Remarkable. If anything it just shows how the media controls the messages, and how effective they are at manipulating the election cycles. Glad Obama has the nomination locked up at this point.


GhaleonEB said:
Remarkable. If anything it just shows how the media controls the messages, and how effective they are at manipulating the election cycles. Glad Obama has the nomination locked up at this point.

Unless I'm missing something, ABC news basically pulled this story out of thin air last week. The videos are old - they could have run with this whenever they wanted to. I wonder what the missing link is.


gkrykewy said:
Unless I'm missing something, ABC news basically pulled this story out of thin air last week. The videos are old - they could have run with this whenever they wanted to.
Exactly. Old footage of someone other than Obama, it's Obama that takes the hit. I think it just shows how easily people are manipulated, even by idiotic distractions like these. At any rate - I'd said before that I expect those polls to swing back and forth all the way through this, and I'm sure it will continue to do so.

Oh, and Obama picked up another super today.

3-17-08 - Added DNC Margie Woods (IL) for Obama



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gkrykewy said:
Unless I'm missing something, ABC news basically pulled this story out of thin air last week. The videos are old - they could have run with this whenever they wanted to. I wonder what the missing link is.

The power of the media.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gkrykewy said:
I mean, why now? Some sort of behind the scenes decision must have been made.

SNL skit. The media got embarrassed and they hate that. Plus Obama is now in the lead, so this comes with the territory.


Now the question becomes did ABCNews do it to have a negative impact, or did they do it now with 6 weeks until the next primary to prevent FOX from doing the same thing at an inopportune time.:p


mckmas8808 said:
SNL skit. The media got embarrassed and they hate that. Plus Obama is now in the lead, so this comes with the territory.

Again, though, the skit was weeks ago. Tamanon may be onto something - not necessarily timing to benefit obama though (or mitigate damage), but simply to avoid being scooped. Could be as simple as that.


gkrykewy said:
Again, though, the skit was weeks ago. Tamanon may be onto something - not necessarily timing to benefit obama though (or mitigate damage), but simply to avoid being scooped. Could be as simple as that.
I think they're digging for as much dirt as possible on Obama, and this is the first that came up. Won't be the last.

And in the midst of it all, Obama is pulling further and further ahead in the count that matters - delegates. The disconnect between the media narrative and reality is remarkable.
the part that confuses me is that the whole "controversial whitey hating pastor!" thing was brought up like a year ago wasn't it? Seems weird to have it pop back up all of a sudden. I guess the "God Damn America" part is new to them or something, since that seems to be the focus of a lot of the press.


I find it funny that 10 minutes worth of thousands of hours worth of sermons is enough to label a guy. I'm pretty sure I could make anyone look batshit insane if I were to take a very select few portions of their life to broadcast.


soul creator said:
the part that confuses me is that the whole "controversial whitey hating pastor!" thing was brought up like a year ago wasn't it? Seems weird to have it pop back up all of a sudden. I guess the "God Damn America" part is new to them or something, since that seems to be the focus of a lot of the press.

I noticed during last night's John Adams premier on HBO, Samuel Adams said "God Damn The King" following a proclamation that was signed "God Save The King," and was in turn followed by Benjamin Franklin saying "God Bless The King" (for this awful proclamation that would unite everyone against him).


Not really relevant - the juxtaposition was interesting, is all.


GhaleonEB said:
I think they're digging for as much dirt as possible on Obama, and this is the first that came up. Won't be the last.

And in the midst of it all, Obama is pulling further and further ahead in the count that matters - delegates. The disconnect between the media narrative and reality is remarkable.

whatever the shit is going on... above is bolded for truth, and simple hilarity. He picks up more delegats in a non election day then Hillary gets on mini Tuesday with her so called AMAZING comeback.

Sersiously though, almost every day, she is in worse and worse a situation. At this point, the only thing she can be waiting for is some kind of GAF-like meltdown from Obama. Other then that, she has no shot at winning.


From Politico:

Obama plans major race speech tomorrow

Barack Obama will give a major speech on "the larger issue of race in this campaign," he told reporters in Monaca, PA just now.

He was pressed there, as he has been at recent appearances, on statements by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

"I am going to be talking about not just Reverend Wright, but the larger issue of race in this campaign," he said.

He added that he would "talk about how some of these issues are perceived from within the black church issue for example," he said.

He also briefly defended Wright from the image that has come through in a handful of repeatedly televised clips from recent Wright sermons.

"The caricature that’s being painted of him is not accurate," he said.

The speech could offer Obama an opportunity to move past the controversy over his pastor, and to turn the conversation to a topic he'd rather focus on: his Christian faith. But the speech also guarantees that the Wright story will continue to dominate political headlines.

Mitt Romney's attempt directly to address his Mormonism last year never decisively put the issue to rest for some voters.

Obama's schedule puts him in Philadelphia tomorrow.

Should be interesting.


Ante Up
gkrykewy said:
I mean, why now? Some sort of behind the scenes decision must have been made.

They want to keep people interested during these next 6 weeks.

At the end of the day, it may be a blessing in disguise that this news broke far ahead of any new voting.


*drowns in jizz*
belvedere said:
Good job American people, you dumb motherfuckers.

And Americans get defensive when they're called the stupidest people on the planet by other countries. I'm sorry, but its generally true. Like fucking sheep that swallow everything vomited out by the media, without a trace of critical analysis.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
I wonder what kind of coverage it will get. I heard about Mitt's speech in advance for what seemed forever.

If Obama says good level headed things then it will get none to little coverage. If he slips and says something stupid, it will be on TV ALL DAY!!


Master of the Google Search
Slurpy said:
And Americans get defensive when they're called the stupidest people on the planet by other countries. I'm sorry, but its generally true. Like fucking sheep that swallow everything vomited out by the media, without a trace of critical analysis.

Statistically insignificant change on a polling chart = Americans are the stupidest people on the planet

Great logic there


*drowns in jizz*
grandjedi6 said:
Statistically insignificant change on a polling chart = Americans are the stupidest people on the planet

Great logic there

I'm not going by this polling chart. I'm going by the last 10 years or so. And this drop on the chart isn't coincidental, as there was a same sized drop after the red phone ads, etc.


Master of the Google Search
Slurpy said:
I'm not going by this polling chart. I'm going by the last 10 years or so. And this drop on the chart isn't coincidental, as there was a same sized drop after the red phone ads, etc.

Statistically insignifcant is statistically insignificant. You are just trying to apply causation to a correlation.

And you better have great evidence if you want to call Americans the stupidest people in the world. Unless of course you can't back up a generalization like that

topsyturvy said:
obama totally threw his own church under the bus. Seriously, that shit is bogus.

He only threw his pastor under the bus, not the church. And what did you expect him to do?


topsyturvy said:
obama totally threw his own church under the bus. Seriously, that shit is bogus.
Where did he do that?

From what I've read today he's been defending Wright and the church.

Speaking with reporters, Obama said the media is portraying Wright inaccurately.

"I think the caricature that is being painted of him is not accurate, and so part of what I will do tomorrow is to talk about how these issues are perceived from within the black church community for example which I think skews this very differently."
Slurpy said:
And Americans get defensive when they're called the stupidest people on the planet by other countries. I'm sorry, but its generally true. Like fucking sheep that swallow everything vomited out by the media, without a trace of critical analysis.
Actually what pisses me off is when non-Americans blame America for having all the stupid people.


get used to it and stop blaming us because we're fat


topsyturvy said:
obama totally threw his own church under the bus. Seriously, that shit is bogus.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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