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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Bah, it's:

NYDailyNews.Com set to report: Hours after he’s sworn in, new NY State Gov. Paterson Confesses Affair...



PhoenixDark said:
Well he is blind...maybe it was an accident
That's what I was gonna say!

So now the Republican dude is gonna get to be Gov? What happens when we find out he had sex with a dude? Honestly, I bet this is not such a big deal.


Triumph said:
That's what I was gonna say!

So now the Republican dude is gonna get to be Gov? What happens when we find out he had sex with a dude? Honestly, I bet this is not such a big deal.


This is nothing, nothing at all, it's an affair, his wife had affairs. They're married and old, it's what they do!


I can't help but wonder why CoolTrick keeps posting unfavorable Obama polls when he knows Hillary has absolutely no shot at winning the nomination. Is CoolTrick a McCain fan or something?


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Ninja Scooter said:
so its gonna be President McCain then?

Oh, don't worry, even if the demacratics lose the white house we'll still pick up plenty of House and Senate seats.


siamesedreamer said:
According to Dick Morris, that's a 17 point decline in favorable ratings over the last 2 1/2 weeks.

Interestingly, I had about an 85% favorable rating for your posts when I only noticed you on the gaming side, but now it's down to around 30%.

These things fluctuate wildly.
gkrykewy said:
Interestingly, I had about an 85% favorable rating for your posts when I only noticed you on the gaming side, but now it's down to around 30%.

These things fluctuate wildly.

Welcome to the club. You're a little lttp though.

You should check in to the baseball thread next week. I'll be announcing 2008's "BOMBZALDROOPEN" girl.


Oh god why did I laugh at this :( :lol

CoolTrick said:
Btw, Obama's favorable ratings are now 47%, unfavorable 50%, according to Rasmussen.

At the apex of probably the most difficult scandal of has campaign, he pulls even with hilary. That's pretty bad. Granted, he'll bounce back, as this scandal passes, whereas, Hilaries have sat at that level for the last 2 years.
So lot's of news today...

New poll on CNN shows that 52% of Democrats want Obama as their nominee, with 45% picking Hillary. The same poll shows that 45% would be excited by an Obama victory, with 38% excited about a Hillary victory.

The Florida delegates won't be seated. Bad news for Hillary...Another chance for her to weasel her way gone. She's nearly out of chances. Also, she officially lost another super delegate today as Spitzer is officially out, and Paterson already had a vote.

And my new Governor admitted to having a previous affair in his first day of office. Strange way to start your term, but I guess that works...

Also, I wanted to comment that I really like Obama's strategy of moving onto all the remaining states now with the 6 weeks until Pennsylvania. He's making his inroads in all the remaining contests now and it'll definitely pay off. There's a lot of volunteer activity in Pennsylvania. Sure, Hillary is going to win Pennsylvania, but if Obama can get close, while also covering a lot of ground across the whole country, he's got the nomination locked up. I really don't see Hillary having any chances left to pass Obama in pledged delegates.

Also, you guys read way too much into polls. A lot is going to change once the Democratic nominee is chosen. I posted a poll above, but they don't mean much. They're effected by recent headlines heavily, and they don't really mean anything. I'm confident that Obama will be strongest against McCain and will win against McCain. McCain would be a strong nominee against a John Kerry, or someone like that, but I think Obama has a lot on McCain, and we'll see Obama really ring up the score on McCain in the general election. Don't worry about polls now. Worry about them once the general election campaigns have started in the fall.


ToyMachine228 said:
So lot's of news today...

New poll on CNN shows that 52% of Democrats want Obama as their nominee, with 45% picking Hillary. The same poll shows that 45% would be excited by an Obama victory, with 38% excited about a Hillary victory.

The Florida delegates won't be seated. Bad news for Hillary...Another chance for her to weasel her way gone. She's nearly out of chances. Also, she officially lost another super delegate today as Spitzer is officially out, and Paterson already had a vote.

And my new Governor admitted to having a previous affair in his first day of office. Strange way to start your term, but I guess that works...

Also, I wanted to comment that I really like Obama's strategy of moving onto all the remaining states now with the 6 weeks until Pennsylvania. He's making his inroads in all the remaining contests now and it'll definitely pay off. There's a lot of volunteer activity in Pennsylvania. Sure, Hillary is going to win Pennsylvania, but if Obama can get close, while also covering a lot of ground across the whole country, he's got the nomination locked up. I really don't see Hillary having any chances left to pass Obama in pledged delegates.
He kicks off the North Carolina campaign on Wednesday. Not sure why he's bothering though, we all know it ends in PA.


APF said:
grandjedi6: not voting gets an unfair bad rap. It's a perfectly legitimate method for participating in the electoral process, ironically enough.
Don't you have other races to vote for?

siamesedreamer said:

56% of people are less likely to vote for Obama now including 44% of DEMs
The way the question was framed you were bound to get that kind of answers


Master of the Google Search
Samantha Power isn't the brightest crayon in the box. She tried to use the Colbert Report to denounce her Monster comment? :lol


APF said:
I don't care either way really. If this hurts Obama, he's a weak candidate who would be hurt by McCain and the Republicans anyway.

This has been the Clinton Camp's justification for their shrill negativity: that Obama needs to be vetted and that Hillary's attacks are going to look like child's play come november. But that's not entirely accurate. First of all, attacks are harder to refute when they come from within your own party. Also, since Hillary has been parroting McCain's talking points, it's basically two against one.

As was mentioned in an article I linked earlier, negative campaigning isn't a zero-sum game: both the attacker and the target tend to see their popularity drop. Usually, the victim's popularity drops harder than the attacker's, which is why negative campaigning works. But in the case of primaries, where the winner has to go on to another election, it's not such a hot strategy. McCain benefits tremendously, as he doesn't have to deal with internal Republican attacks anymore -- and as wasn't really too harshly treated by Huckabee either, he's been freerolling for a while now.

That's kind of my beef with Hillary's strategy: there's no reason she couldn't have taken the Huckabee route, pressing her pet issues while training her sights on McCain. The race would continue with a civil tone, with Hillary right there to step in and win if Obama self-destructs, which is pretty much her only hope now anyway; at least, in terms of scoring a primary win in a fashion that doesn't thoroughly ruin her own changes in the GE.

On a related note, Kos was spot on yesterday. Must read.


I always figured that Clinton would go as far as scorching the earth to win this election. Her actions in this election pretty much proves it.


Shiggie said:
hey guys, when is the Obama speech?

I dunno, but it's across the street from my work. The local FOX affiliate was hyping it significantly this morning (while also playing the God Damn America quote every 20 minutes in the process).

Apparently Obama had an interview on PBS last night where he called Wright's words "stupid"? That's what they said.


gkrykewy said:
I dunno, but it's across the street from my work. The local FOX affiliate was hyping it significantly this morning (while also playing the God Damn America quote every 20 minutes in the process).

Apparently Obama had an interview on PBS last night where he called Wright's words "stupid"? That's what they said.
yeah they played that clip on CNN this morning when i was getting ready for work.
Shiggie said:
yeah they played that clip on CNN this morning when i was getting ready for work.

I'm not sure if that was the best way for Obama to frame those words. The church and new pastor are obviously not going to let the issue drop, and by saying this will make them even more willing to lash out at Obama and the media. Let's just hope that Obama can knock this one out of the park today. Fox News is on a serious rampage though. The very little ethics they had left are totally out the window now. They are rabbidly pushing this issue.


maximum360 said:
I'm not sure if that was the best way for Obama to frame those words. The church and new pastor are obviously not going to let the issue drop, and by saying this will make them even more willing to lash out at Obama and the media. Let's just hope that Obama can knock this one out of the park today. Fox News is on a serious rampage though. The very little ethics they had left are totally out the window now. They are rabbidly pushing this issue.

Oh come now. I know that FOX is vehemently right-wing and that grates on a lot of people, but at the very least lets not try and compare ethics. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that all network news stations in this years election and primary processes have been rather lacking in terms of ethics.


Pat Buchanan is really doing a number on Obama/Wright on MSNBC right now. Just said that Wright "wasn't a real Christian since he's spreading a message of hate".

Hey Pat? What about Robertson, Falwell, Hagee, Parsley etc? Are they all real Christians? I really wish the media would focus on the other side of the aisle a little bit. Sigh.
Its supposed to be 1/2 hour long.

I think that's a horrible mistake. The longer he talks the more of an opening he creates. He can't ignore this problem, but he can't exactly throw Wright under the bus. There's a very fine line here and he's basically gambling his presidency on this.
Triumph said:
Hey Pat? What about Robertson, Falwell, Hagee, Parsley etc? Are they all real Christians? I really wish the media would focus on the other side of the aisle a little bit. Sigh.

Poppy cock...there's such a double standard here. What if a REP was a member of Falwell's curch for 20 years?


siamesedreamer said:
Its supposed to be 1/2 hour long.

I think that's a horrible mistake. The longer he talks the more of an opening he creates. He can't ignore this problem, but he can't exactly throw Wright under the bus. There's a very fine line here and he's basically gambling his presidency on this.

As a foreigner, American politics really blow my mind.


siamesedreamer said:
Poppy cock...there's such a double standard here. What if a REP was a member of Falwell's curch for 20 years?
Falwell and Robertson have both been to the White House and had personal relationships with multiple Republican Presidents.

My point is that it's stupid for people to be making such a goddamn big deal out of this. White people can be really fucking stupid.


Stridone said:
As a foreigner, American politics really blow my mind.

I don't know, seems logical to me. When there's a scandal about a candidate that's been gaining steam for almost a week, if the candidate can't put the issue to rest with a speech after trying everything else then it's something that won't go away and might cost him the election if not even the nomination.
Odd...there's not many people there. It must be a press only event.

Romney had supporters at his. I think this is another mistake. He does better feeding off the energy of the crowds.
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