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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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scorcho said:
Lee Hamilton endorses Obama. my god doesn't he realize how stupid, idealistic and reckless his foreign policy prescriptions are?!

I knew my bro would come through. :D (seriously, he was a good friend of my grandfather, so I've met him 3-4 times).

You can officially consider Indiana tied now. That's how much this means in S. Indiana.


testicles on a cold fall morning
you guys not only took SD's bait but got reamed in the ass by APF simply for allowing this to continue for so long.

in other less-relevant news, squared - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/02/u...8eb16c621d9791&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

good read, with the biggest problem outlined in the 3rd para -
Yet three years after he won election as the party chairman by running largely as an outsider, it is not clear that Mr. Dean has the political skills or the stature with the two campaigns to bring the nominating battle to a relatively quick and unifying conclusion.
the man who had to cajole, bitch and complain to make the party follow his 50-state strategy still gets no respect.
I don't really understand what the point of this oil debate is supposed to be. At best, it's mildly damaging as it paints him in a somewhat hypocritical view. Even conceding that, this is never going to do any real damage to his campaign, since if anybody calls him out on it, it's a very easily defended accusation via basic semantics.

So, on these grounds, all right, yeah, Obama isn't 100% squeaky clean. This is hardly damaging, though, and I see little reason to throw this out there as an accusation, or defend it for that matter, as it's a non-story.

Now, if I can remember Spin 101, and felt like defending my prince from any and all accusations, no matter how minor they might be, using creative wording, he's not in the wrong at all. He didn't take money from lobbyists, individuals are free to donate to whomever they choose without representing their company, and so on and so forth ad nauseum. Obama would never do anything wrong! The new politics of change don't welcome in the corrupt shenanigans of old Washington. Try again APF!!!


Master of the Google Search
v1cious said:
what is up with the ad banners? is it just me? or is there a strong republican bias lately.

It has been well publicized how much funding McCain (and other Republicans) have put into internet ads such as google ads.


Small balls, big fun!


Possibly posted, but: nice piece from Dionne. Recently, I've been reading many articles about how Hillary has every right to keep running, how Hart and Kennedy were much farther behind but no-one called for them to drop out, etc. The difference is, obviously, in the tone.



The Bill Clinton who met privately with California's superdelegates at last weekend's state convention was a far cry from the congenial former president who afterward publicly urged fellow Democrats to "chill out" over the race between his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Barack Obama.

In fact, before his speech Clinton had one of his famous meltdowns Sunday, blasting away at former presidential contender Bill Richardson for having endorsed Obama, the media and the entire nomination process.

"It was one of the worst political meetings I have ever attended," one superdelegate said.


But as the group moved together for the perfunctory photo, Rachel Binah, a former Richardson delegate who now supports Hillary Clinton, told Bill how "sorry" she was to have heard former Clinton campaign manager James Carville call Richardson a "Judas" for backing Obama.

It was as if someone pulled the pin from a grenade.

"Five times to my face (Richardson) said that he would never do that," a red-faced, finger-pointing Clinton erupted.

The former president then went on a tirade that ran from the media's unfair treatment of Hillary to questions about the fairness of the votes in state caucuses that voted for Obama. It ended with him asking delegates to imagine what the reaction would be if Obama was trailing by just 1 percent and people were telling him to drop out.

"It was very, very intense," said one attendee. "Not at all like the Bill of earlier campaigns."

When he finally wound down, Bill was asked what message he wanted the delegates to take away from the meeting.

At that point, a much calmer Clinton outlined his message of party unity.

"It was kind of strange later when he took the stage and told everyone to 'chill out,' " one delegate told us.

Also further evidence PPP is worthless:

PA poll: Obama up by 2%. Their previous poll during Wright controversy had Clinton up by 26%


New Quinnipiac PA poll has Clinton up by 9%
Deus Ex Machina said:

This needs to be the next story that the media picks up on. She's claiming things from Bill Clinton's administration as experience, and if she's going to do that then she needs to take the bad things too. Including that her husband signed NAFTA, she promoted it, and now she speaks out against it. If she had come out and said...I know realize that NAFTA was a bad decision, that's one thing. But the way she denies things and lies about them is ridiculous. Tie this into lying about the Canadian government's conversation with Obama staff about NAFTA which had a big effect in Ohio no doubt, and I just can't respect her.

Also, I can't stand the way the Clintons are acting. They are acting as if they deserve this nomination. Obama has proved again and again that he is ready, and he's run a much better campaign. He's continually rose to every challenge, won the most delegates, won the popular vote, and he's built a new coalition for the Democratic party. I'm sorry Clintons, but you've attacked, you've lied, you've cheated and now you've lost.
If McDonalds workers or their spouses donated money to Obama, would it be truthful to say "Obama has accepted money from McDonalds?" Eh, I don't think so


PPP says Obama is ahead in PA? :lol That's a joke. Survey USA who is 100000000x more realible has her up by 12 in the same time frame.


Cheebs said:
PPP says Obama is ahead in PA? :lol That's a joke. Survey USA who is 100000000x more realible has her up by 12 in the same time frame.
This is the same group that showed a 20-point Obama swing in NC in a single week as well. No one should take them seriously.


PhoenixDark said:
If McDonalds workers or their spouses donated money to Obama, would it be truthful to say "Obama has accepted money from McDonalds?" Eh, I don't think so

I'm confused, why are you agreeing with us?
harSon said:
I'm confused, why are you agreeing with us?

Seems like a weak point of attack from the anti-Obama camp, at least to me. I pride myself in being fair and balanced with respect to attacks

And this NAFTA story seems bigger than Bosnia to me. Damn


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I still can't believe they're actually pulling the "unfair treatment" card, when all Clinton had to do was not piss anybody off and she'd be the nominee and in the white house.

While Obama has proven a bigger challenge than anyone could have expected, Clinton has no one to blame but herself and her dim-witted campaign. They've alienated so much of their fanbase, particularly in the African American community.

She was leading among african americans like 2:1 before South Carolina, if I'm not mistaken.

Take a look in the mirror, Hillary, and you'll see why you failed. You can't rely on the past to carry you through the present and into the future.


Cheebs said:
PPP says Obama is ahead in PA? :lol That's a joke. Survey USA who is 100000000x more realible has her up by 12 in the same time frame.

The polls and the media are whats keeping Hillary in this fucking race :lol It always starts out the same way (Hillary has a significant lead in x state with several weeks to go) and always ends the same way (Obama closes the lead in x state and is considered the favorite to win despite being down 98% of the time) and then the media calls it a massive upset when Hillary wins the state she was supposed to win in the first place. It's starting to get old.


Also kids, remember Obama will be on for the ENTIRE HOUR on hardball today.

Chris Matthews has been acting like a giddy schoolgirl all week because of the fact he gets to chum it up with Obama for an hour. I suspect he'll throw obama mostly softballs.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Cheebs said:
Also kids, remember Obama will be on for the ENTIRE HOUR on hardball today.

Chris Matthews has been acting like a giddy schoolgirl all week because of the fact he gets to chum it up with Obama for an hour. I suspect he'll throw obama mostly softballs.

" Senator , how much do you love America?"
Cheebs said:
I suspect he'll throw obama mostly softballs.

Ya think?

Anyway, glad to see y'all view Obama's "new politics" to be the same as the old politics: lies, misleadings, and omissions. But hey, I wouldn't expect anything different from his worshippers.

In other news, MSNBC is reporting Hillary raised ~$20M in March and Obama raised ~1/2 of his February total (~$27.5M?). Even though his February numbers were astronomical, gotta think Wright had some role in the big drop off.
hillaryis44 is really asking for a purge of the Democratic party:

What a mess. And it will get worse. Howard Dean must go.

Donna Brazile who writes garbage like this (LINK) yet still pretends she is not a pro-Obama shill must go too. Nancy Pelosi must also resign as co-Chair of the Democratic convention this August because she too is attempting to rig this election for Big Media tool Barack Obama.

Maybe Ted Kennedy, who in 1980 after Jimmy Carter had secured many more delegates than needed for renomination, tried to get delegates released from their voting commitment can help Dean understand the mess Democrats are in.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
siamesedreamer said:
In other news, MSNBC is reporting Hillary raised ~$20M in March and Obama raised ~1/2 of his February total (~$27.5M?). Even though his February numbers were astronomical, gotta think Wright had some role in the big drop off.

Or maybe it was the fact that there were no races to drive fundraising?


siamesedreamer said:
Ya think?

Anyway, glad to see y'all view Obama's "new politics" to be the same as the old politics: lies, misleadings, and omissions. But hey, I wouldn't expect anything different from his worshippers.

In other news, MSNBC is reporting Hillary raised ~$20M in March and Obama raised ~1/2 of his February total (~$27.5M?). Even though his February numbers were astronomical, gotta think Wright had some role in the big drop off.

What percentage of those numbers are for the democratic election? If last months numbers are anything to go by, we can expect Hillary's number to be padded.
siamesedreamer said:
<useless garbage snipped>

In other news, MSNBC is reporting Hillary raised ~$20M in March and Obama raised ~1/2 of his February total (~$27.5M?). Even though his February numbers were astronomical, gotta think Wright had some role in the big drop off.

Well then how do you account for the fact that Obama had more donors in March than February? It's much more likely his existing donor base is contributing less in dollar amounts.


siamesedreamer said:
Ya think?

Anyway, glad to see y'all view Obama's "new politics" to be the same as the old politics: lies, misleadings, and omissions. But hey, I wouldn't expect anything different from his worshippers.

In other news, MSNBC is reporting Hillary raised ~$20M in March and Obama raised ~1/2 of his February total (~$27.5M?). Even though his February numbers were astronomical, gotta think Wright had some role in the big drop off.
If they are just parroting the TIME article, Obama campaign said the figure starts with a 3, so more than that. I think the drop has more to do with the fact there were fewer races and it was impossible to sustain such a pace anyway. He raised $36 in Jan and THAT was record breaking too.
siamesedreamer said:
Anyway, glad to see y'all view Obama's "new politics" to be the same as the old politics: lies, misleadings, and omissions. But hey, I wouldn't expect anything different from his worshippers.
I don't really know what you were expecting with that FactCheck posting. I don't mean to sweep all criticisms under the rug because my candidate of choice can only win if he's viewed as an immaculately clean politician, and any and all criticisms must be countered 100% lest he be destroyed. Again, if somebody in the media picked up on this theoretical hypocrisy, I do think that there is SOME ammo there to fire at Obama with. The important thing, though, is that when it comes to this attack, these bullets are more easily dodged than the phantom sniper fire Hillary faced in Bosnia*.

*See what I did there? I deflected criticism from my candidate by transparently bringing up a more palatable, if completely unrelated attack against the opposition. Political spinning sure is fun.
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