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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Steve Youngblood said:
Trivial observation. Nothing any of us do in this thread is going to have any impact on the election at large. We're just here talking about this because it's entertaining for us to talk about. Some of us are killing time at work, some of us derive genuine entertainment from it, and others just really don't have anything better to do. It's not like the Republicans are going to win this fall because of the efforts of SiameseDreamer, or Obama is going to win because of my efforts. All I can take credit for is giving him one lousy vote.

Any division in the party is because of a prolonged battle between two individuals with passionate supporters. That, and media punditry. Not because of petty bickering on NeoGAF.

I really just meant supporters of those candidates (on this forum) when I said that.


Just got back from seeing Bill Clinton... he's definitely got some of his mojo back. He only bashed Obama about 7% of the time and only Clintonian about 20% of the time, so it was an excellent speech the other 73% of the time.

It was mainly talking about Hillary's plans and why we needed to do all this boilerplate stuff that all the Dems agree on and how ""she would be a better president than I was because she is a true agent of change!".

He said "those people" calling for the contest to end "don't want you to vote" and "you know why they don't want you to vote... because their guy can lose", and also that "those people" were bringing up all the garbage about Ireland and Bosnia and that he talked to people all over the world who knew what Hillary said was the truth.

I busted out laughing at that point.
Jim Cramer on CNBC was talking about his interview with Hillary. He said thats she starting to back away from the Anti-NAFTA talk. = /
Michelle Obama is giving a great, passionate speech on CNN right now. This "moving the bar" analogy is new to me at least, and quite effective
Karl Rove calls Obama "elitist" and "arrogant" and sez he should do his homework

Are you surprised at how Obama exploded?
You know, I want to be careful—I think we need to be careful about not getting carried away with a narrative that doesn't truly exist. Like the story this morning in The New York Times about "the Obamacans"—the Republicans who support Obama.

You don't buy that?
No. Do I buy that there are Republicans who support Obama? Sure, I do. But take a look at the last four polls on which there are cross tabs available. There are twice as many Democrats defecting to McCain as there are Republicans defecting to Obama. In the Fox poll, Obama takes 74 percent of Democrats and loses 18 to McCain. And McCain keeps 80 percent of Republicans and loses 10 to Obama. And in every one of the polls, it's nearly twice as many Democrats defect to McCain as Republicans defect to Obama. And against Clinton, it's three times as many. Know why? Well, there are a lot of different reasons why. There are Democrats, particularly blue-collar Democrats, who defect to McCain because they see McCain as a patriotic figure and they see Obama as an elitist who's looking down his nose at 'em. Which he is. That comment where he said, you know, "After 9/11, I didn't wear a flag lapel pin because true patriotism consists of speaking out on the issues, not wearing a flag lapel pin"? Well, to a lot of ordinary people, putting that flag lapel pin on is true patriotism. It's a statement of their patriotic love of the country. And for him to sit there and dismiss it as he did—

You're not wearing a flag pin, Karl.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. But I respect those who consciously get up in the morning and put a flag lapel pin on.

Do you see the elitist thing in other ways?
Obama is coolly detached and very arrogant. I think he's very smart and knows he's smart, but as a result doesn't do his homework.

Rest of hilarity at link. And don't forget -- this is Karl Rove answering. :lol


syllogism said:
I haven't heard her speak before and I can see why they are still letting her campaign despite the occasional stupid remarks.
Yeah, she's been remarkable. (I just tuned in about five minutes ago.)


Karl Rove said:
There are Democrats, particularly blue-collar Democrats, who defect to McCain because they see McCain as a patriotic figure and they see Obama as an elitist who's looking down his nose at 'em. Which he is. That comment where he said, you know, "After 9/11, I didn't wear a flag lapel pin because true patriotism consists of speaking out on the issues, not wearing a flag lapel pin"? Well, to a lot of ordinary people, putting that flag lapel pin on is true patriotism. It's a statement of their patriotic love of the country. And for him to sit there and dismiss it as he did—

All I can gather from this excerpt is that Karl Rove posts on GAF. A lot.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
And another idiot wrapped in a moron targets Obama for not wearing a flag lapel, yet he's not wearing one himself. :lol :lol

Karl Rove just just isn't patriotic.

Actually, the vast majority of Americans aren't patriotic.

/crazy logic


Incognito said:
Rest of hilarity at link. And don't forget -- this is Karl Rove answering. :lol

Ah, Karl Rove. A man made up entirely of soft, pasty underbelly. A man so pale, UV rays actively seek him out, thinking him their Holy Grail.

God bless you, Karl. Without you, this world would be a better place.


maximum360 said:
Karl Rove just just isn't patriotic.

Actually, the vast majority of Americans aren't patriotic.

/crazy logic

The complaint was never about Obama not wearing a pin, the complaint was that Obama made a statement that made it sound like he was intentionally distancing himself from those who do wear pins (and thus insulting them). Though he later clarified his statement to make it clear that he he didn't intend to insult anyone.

I hate to make another post about this stupid subject, but your "crazy logic" comment is totally off the mark.


*drowns in jizz*
I get the sense you respect Hillary more than you respect Obama.
Off the record?

Please don't go off the record.
Off the record… [Yeah, it's good. Sorry.]

Damn! Now say that on the record.
No. Nope. Nope. Nope.

So, why the fuck wasn't that published? Wasn't the 'Monster' quote off the record?
Tom_Cody said:
The complaint was never about Obama not wearing a pin, the complaint was that Obama made a statement that made it sound like he was intentionally distancing himself from those who do wear pins (and thus insulting them). Though he later clarified his statement to make it clear that he he didn't intend to insult anyone.

I hate to make another post about this stupid subject, but your "crazy logic" comment is totally off the mark.

My point is the entire discussion was foolish to begin with.

And that's my last comment on the issue. I don't want to encourage the senseless argument all over again.


Slurpy said:
So, why the fuck wasn't that published? Wasn't the 'Monster' quote off the record?
What's that about?

Anyway, Bill Clinton pulled a McCain :D
Bill Clinton's tirade stunned some delegates
The Bill Clinton who met privately with California's superdelegates at last weekend's state convention was a far cry from the congenial former president who afterward publicly urged fellow Democrats to "chill out" over the race between his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Barack Obama.

In fact, before his speech Clinton had one of his famous meltdowns Sunday, blasting away at former presidential contender Bill Richardson for having endorsed Obama, the media and the entire nomination process.

"It was one of the worst political meetings I have ever attended," one superdelegate said.

According to those at the meeting, Clinton - who flew in from Chicago with bags under his eyes - was classic old Bill at first, charming and making small talk with the 15 or so delegates who gathered in a room behind the convention stage.

But as the group moved together for the perfunctory photo, Rachel Binah, a former Richardson delegate who now supports Hillary Clinton, told Bill how "sorry" she was to have heard former Clinton campaign manager James Carville call Richardson a "Judas" for backing Obama.

It was as if someone pulled the pin from a grenade.

"Five times to my face (Richardson) said that he would never do that," a red-faced, finger-pointing Clinton erupted.

The former president then went on a tirade that ran from the media's unfair treatment of Hillary to questions about the fairness of the votes in state caucuses that voted for Obama. It ended with him asking delegates to imagine what the reaction would be if Obama was trailing by just 1 percent and people were telling him to drop out.

"It was very, very intense," said one attendee. "Not at all like the Bill of earlier campaigns."

When he finally wound down, Bill was asked what message he wanted the delegates to take away from the meeting.

At that point, a much calmer Clinton outlined his message of party unity.

"It was kind of strange later when he took the stage and told everyone to 'chill out,' " one delegate told us.

"We couldn't help but think he was also talking to himself."

When delegate Binah - still stunned from her encounter with Clinton - got home to Little River (Mendocino County) later in the day - there was a phone message waiting for her from State Party Chairman Art Torres, telling her the former president wanted him to apologize to her on his behalf for what happened.

Still, word of Clinton's blast shot all the way back to the New Mexico state Capitol, where Richardson spokesman Pahl Shipley reiterated Tuesday that his boss had never "promised or guaranteed" Bill and Hillary his endorsement.


Carl Rove said:
Do I buy that there are Republicans who support Obama? Sure, I do. But take a look at the last four polls on which there are cross tabs available. There are twice as many Democrats defecting to McCain as there are Republicans defecting to Obama. In the Fox poll, Obama takes 74 percent of Democrats and loses 18 to McCain. And McCain keeps 80 percent of Republicans and loses 10 to Obama. And in every one of the polls, it's nearly twice as many Democrats defect to McCain as Republicans defect to Obama. And against Clinton, it's three times as many.

I thought this was interesting. Rove omits an important point in this comment: there will be more Democrats than Republicans voting in November. McCain must do better than his opponent with independents and crossovers if he is going to be competitive.
The Karl Rove interview is fun. People should read the whole thing, especially the part about the duder at Penn who called him a 'cancer' and how he reacted to it.


ZealousD said:
The headline for the Obama photo thing is "Obama Harassed by Aggressive Photo-Seeker" over at The Huffington Post.

Reading the transcript, it sounded pretty bad, but after watching the video, the photo guy just sounded like a total dick.


MSNBC take as well. Both are positive towards Obama.

Actually I'm more annoyed that a seemingly brash onlooking was able to essentially rush Obama for a picture. The implications of that, if he had say a gun instead of a camera, are pretty great.

Amir0x said:
Actually I'm more annoyed that a seemingly brash onlooking was able to essentially rush Obama for a picture. The implications of that, if he had say a gun instead of a camera, are pretty great.


Exactly. I image he didn't pose a thread in the SS's eyes but jeez, why was he able to get so close
Amir0x said:
Actually I'm more annoyed that a seemingly brash onlooking was able to essentially rush Obama for a picture. The implications of that, if he had say a gun instead of a camera, are pretty great.

ZealousD said:
The headline for the Obama photo thing is "Obama Harassed by Aggressive Photo-Seeker" over at The Huffington Post.

Reading the transcript, it sounded pretty bad, but after watching the video, the photo guy just sounded like a total dick.


MSNBC take as well. Both are positive towards Obama.

As someone who has been to a couple of these things, I don't know what the guy was thinking. Obama is usually surrounding by a couple hundred people trying to mob him for autographs and pictures. Its not like Barack has time to dawdle around to take pics. He will shake your hand, thank you for your support, and apologize that he can't help you out with anything else. The photographer was just a total douche bag with a superiority complex and should be thankful secret service didn't pummel his ass.


Amir0x said:
god Obama is such a pimp.

'hey, sup' he swaggers to the stage.

Chris Matthews gives him a loving kiss on the lips

What did Matthews say before the show went live? It actually sounded like he said "slut":lol


Man, Obama's going to be untouchable by August... he keeps getting better and more comfortable doing this stuff (and this is coming from someone who saw Bill Clinton on top of his game earlier today in person).
GhaleonEB said:

From NBC's Mark Murray
The AP is reporting -- and First Read has confirmed -- that Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal, a Dem superdelegate, is endorsing Obama.

That brings our superdelegate count to Clinton 255, Obama 222.

Overall, with pledged delegates added, it's now Obama 1,638, Clinton 1,507.

*** UPDATE *** Since March 4, Obama has picked up 11 superdelegates to Clinton's one.

woo hoo!!
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