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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
well SD can't attack Obama's policy platform because he can't be bothered to read it, so let it slide. his 'gotcha!' posts are entertaining to see how many people fall for the bait.

in wholly stupid news, it seems that many observers call the Basara uprising a 'win' for al Sadr - http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/32187.html

thank god McCain told us that the winners don't usually agree to ceasefires, or i would've believed this liberal tripe!
scorcho said:
well SD can't attack Obama's policy platform because he can't be bothered to read it, so let it slide.

And this comes from someone who pops in here on random occasions.

I outlined my disagreements with his policy proposals last week. You just can't be bothered to read them.


Steve Youngblood said:
I don't really know what you were expecting with that FactCheck posting. I don't mean to sweep all criticisms under the rug because my candidate of choice can only win if he's viewed as an immaculately clean politician, and any and all criticisms must be countered 100% lest he be destroyed. Again, if somebody in the media picked up on this theoretical hypocrisy, I do think that there is SOME ammo there to fire at Obama with. The important thing, though, is that when it comes to this attack, these bullets are more easily dodged than the phantom sniper fire Hillary faced in Bosnia*.

*See what I did there? I deflected criticism from my candidate by transparently bringing up a more palatable, if completely unrelated attack against the opposition. Political spinning sure is fun.

All the while he's cackling madly, playing one democratic candidate off against another.

Whatever the case is, as long as UHC isn't a go, he's happy.

Did you know Siamesedreamer had cancer in the last couple of years?


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:
And this comes from someone who pops in here on random occasions.
i call it as i see it, and your prior history of two-fer-tuesday Obama threads and the current bunch give me little reason to see you other as a master (obama) baiter

I outlined my disagreements with his policy proposals last week. You just can't be bothered to read them.
color me shock and awed - you argued against Obama on substance? yowza. i have to dig these choice posts up.


Mandark said:
All he's ever done is be right.

Hey, remember when Dean was going to totally cost the Democrats the midterm elections by saying the US couldn't win in Iraq? Good times, good times.


UHC is the only issue siamese wants them to tackle, or at least the whole preexisting condition thing.

Wyoming's Governor endorses Obama. Chalk up another one!
Zaptruder said:
All the while he's cackling madly, playing one democratic candidate off against another.
Trivial observation. Nothing any of us do in this thread is going to have any impact on the election at large. We're just here talking about this because it's entertaining for us to talk about. Some of us are killing time at work, some of us derive genuine entertainment from it, and others just really don't have anything better to do. It's not like the Republicans are going to win this fall because of the efforts of SiameseDreamer, or Obama is going to win because of my efforts. All I can take credit for is giving him one lousy vote.

Any division in the party is because of a prolonged battle between two individuals with passionate supporters. That, and media punditry. Not because of petty bickering on NeoGAF.


I'm not a big fan of hillary, but like obama, i must atleast point out something.

Hillary did say numerous times before her presidential bid that NAFTA is ruining the country in most parts. She even told Bill Clinton that he should re-approach the treaty doing his presidency.


when is my burrito
Tamanon said:
UHC is the only issue siamese wants them to tackle, or at least the whole preexisting condition thing.

About all Democrats have to do to pick up a good number of votes in November is to talk up their proposal to outlaw pre-existing condition rules.
Tamanon said:
UHC is the only issue siamese wants them to tackle, or at least the whole preexisting condition thing.

I would be perfectly fine with Hillary Clinton working on health care reform again. What I would not be fine with is Hillary Clinton as my President.


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:
Because its not all rosey like some here suggest.
it's also nowhere close to being a potential failure. Other industrialized countries with universal health care not only have high quality-of-life ratings than the US, but spend less per capita in health care than we do. there is nothing to say we can't both provide wider coverage and at cheaper costs than we currently do, and my technical issue with Obama's plan is that he doesn't go far enough and still adheres to the idea that we need to invoke private enterprise when all it has done so far is drive up costs.


Tamanon said:
UHC is the only issue siamese wants them to tackle, or at least the whole preexisting condition thing.

Wyoming's Governor endorses Obama. Chalk up another one!
From NBC's Mark Murray
The AP is reporting -- and First Read has confirmed -- that Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal, a Dem superdelegate, is endorsing Obama.

That brings our superdelegate count to Clinton 255, Obama 222.

Overall, with pledged delegates added, it's now Obama 1,638, Clinton 1,507.

*** UPDATE *** Since March 4, Obama has picked up 11 superdelegates to Clinton's one.



Obama got pissed at some guy who kept showing up and asking for a picture and Obama kept saying no.

Eventually Obama said yes but told him he wouldn't smile cause the guy was annoying him. :lol

ABC news recorded it and will be airing it on their nightly news tonight:

Run in #1: outside the first shop, on the way in

Man: Senator can I have a quick picture with you.

(Obama has his arm on the guys arm in a very nice way, like he does when he shakes peoples hand) but Obama refuses to take a picture and walks away.)
Man: It will take you two seconds. Don't cram me, I'm not doing anything to anybody. Jesus.

Run in #2: after the first shop
Man: "Senator can I get a picture with you?"
Obama: (slightly annoyed) "You are wearing me out, brother."
Man: "I got one with [Clinton] and I got one with McCain, come on Senator that' not right."

Run in #3: in the street
Man: "Senator, can I please, a quick one?
Obama: (very annoyed) No, you know what no.
Man: Can I just say something to you real fast.
Obama: Yeah you can.
Man: I had one with [Clinton] had one with [McCain].
Obama: I am sure you do. Because when I was trying to talk to some kids - and I know look--

Man: No, my wife is a school teacher and she was there, she had to go back and that wasn't right what wont you just take a picture with me, I'm not asking you for a autograph -- its for my family.

Obama: Yea well whatever. Just take it. I won't be smiling. Because you're wearing me out. ....No no, you've been really rude about it. Just take a shot.
Cheebs said:
Obama got pissed at some guy who kept showing up and asking for a picture and Obama kept saying no.

Eventually Obama said yes but told him he wouldn't smile cause the guy was annoying him. :lol

ABC news recorded it and will be airing it on their nightly news tonight:
Looks like even Obama's patience is limited. :lol :lol


Cheebs said:
Obama got pissed at some guy who kept showing up and asking for a picture and Obama kept saying no.

Eventually Obama said yes but told him he wouldn't smile cause the guy was annoying him. :lol

ABC news recorded it and will be airing it on their nightly news tonight:

Does ABC news not like Obama?


Junior Butler
Cheebs said:
Obama got pissed at some guy who kept showing up and asking for a picture and Obama kept saying no.

Eventually Obama said yes but told him he wouldn't smile cause the guy was annoying him. :lol

ABC news recorded it and will be airing it on their nightly news tonight:

They've already shown some of this.

Obama was trying to shake hands and speak with some kids either the first or second time and was interrupted by this asshole.

So fucking what.


God bless the American media. There's no hope.


Yeah is that really even newsworthy? :lol

"Man wants photo with presidential candidate, he says no"

scorcho said:
my technical issue with Obama's plan is that he doesn't go far enough and still adheres to the idea that we need to invoke private enterprise when all it has done so far is drive up costs.

Its also based on the false premise that people will buy it if its cheaper. While true for some, its not true for all. We're still going to be left with people gaming the system because buying insurance isn't required.


Junior Butler
Cheebs said:
Hillary's having a pretty decent week so far. Interesting.

Next weeks will be interesting. All of the major news networks (with the exception of MSNBC of course) are so afraid of being viewed as biased towards Obama that they're doing nothing but sucking Hillary's ass.

I'm curious to how this will affect the numbers in the next few days.


scorcho said:
in wholly stupid news, it seems that many observers call the Basara uprising a 'win' for al Sadr - http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/32187.html

thank god McCain told us that the winners don't usually agree to ceasefires, or i would've believed this liberal tripe!

:lol McCain's got absolutely nothing to offer.

Many saw the role of an Iranian general in brokering the ceasefire that Sadr declared on Sunday as a clear sign that Maliki had badly miscalculated.

"The Iraqi government looks silly in the face of their ardent statements," said Joost Hiltermann, the deputy program director for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group, a private group that studies international conflicts. He said the outcome shows "the Iraqi military doesn't have the ability to do much of anything."



By Shailagh Murray
PHILADELPHIA -- During Sen. Barack Obama's visit to the Italian Market here this morning, he was harassed repeatedly by a middle-aged man trying to get a photo with the Illinois senator. The extended contact was unusual, given the heavy security surrounding the candidate, and Obama was sufficiently frazzled that he lost his cool.

It turned out the man was an e-Bay seller, according to campaign spokesman Robert Gibbs. He had been spotted by campaign staff at Obama's hotel earlier in the morning, and was seeking an autograph -- presumably for sale -- as well as a photograph to authenticate the transaction.

Apparently the man had previously approached Obama while he was speaking to several children. When the man surfaced at the Italian Market for another try, Obama walked away. The man nudged his way to Obama again, after the senator walked out of a shop. “Senator can I get a picture with you?” Slightly annoyed, Obama responded, “You are wearing me out, brother.”

Ben Smith is such a Clinton shill

Also Obama campaign says the report saying they raised 30-40M isn't accurate and they hope to have a number tomorrow.


testicles on a cold fall morning
speaking of misleading and 'lying', let's offer a more obvious example of blatant lying and transparent dissembling - http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/186960.php

But look what it's actually saying: that McCain's reputation as someone who won't truck with lobbyist is so strong that it can overcome the fact that he's staffing his campaign with top dollar lobbyists, i.e., my reputation trumps the evidence.

much like how Chuck Todd claimed McCain's foreign policy 'credentials' are enough to overcome his idiotic conflation between Sunnis, Shiites, and bears, oh my. the guy has become a walking joke.


Cheebs said:
Well neither bring up the fact he is a autograph whore on ebay last I checked. They should meh
I went to Ben's blog to read the post. He's updated it.

UPDATE: An Obama aide says the photo seeker was a collector -- one of the eBay people, as they're sometimes known on the trail -- who was looking to turn a profit on the exchange.

"You're an eBay guy and I know it," Obama says in the video below.
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