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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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testicles on a cold fall morning
maximum360 said:
I seriously don't know what's wrong with CNN. They sensationalize news like there's no tomorrow. Every day they seem to take steps that bring them closer to being a Fox News facsimilie. Wolf is the worst of them.

At least Jack Cafferty still calls it like it is.
they're basing it on the recently released poll - the NYT came out with much the same headline yesterday on their website.
XxenobladerxX said:
Fuck that old windbag,seriously.

Lou Dobbs is just all sour grapes because his failed (and weak attempt) to run for president was thwarted.....better yet, it was completely destroyed by the one called Obama. He's been pushing people to become indepedent for years on his program, hoping to rally the base of his faithful "independents" when he ran for office. Since Obama came and destroyed his chances of every drawing independents, Dobbs has been seething every since.

He can't stand positive news for Obama so instead he tries to spin in it in favor of Hillary.
scorcho said:
they're basing it on the recently released poll - the NYT came out with much the same headline yesterday on their website.

My problem is not with this one incidence, it's that they sensationlize things to no end.


Tell me Poligafers, I just got stoned and thought this would be a funny photoshop, agree?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
You know what? I kinda feel sorry for Hillary. Sure about a year ago she and her cronies thought they were going to lock up the nomination, but now look what's happening to her.............ah what the hell am I talking about? I enjoy licking her tears. They taste sooooo good!
shes still going to win the nomination.


So what's the deal with her 'loaning' money to her campaign. What if the money she has in her savings that she pulled from came from foreigners? Isn't that essentially foreigners donating to her campaign which is illegal?

I'm just wondering how that works.
maynerd said:
So what's the deal with her 'loaning' money to her campaign. What if the money she has in her savings that she pulled from came from foreigners? Isn't that essentially foreigners donating to her campaign which is illegal?

I'm just wondering how that works.

She still hasn't released her 2007 returns yet, those loans would have been on those returns.

And she probably won't in the primaries, she filed for an extension on her filings.


Gold Member
maynerd said:
So what's the deal with her 'loaning' money to her campaign. What if the money she has in her savings that she pulled from came from foreigners? Isn't that essentially foreigners donating to her campaign which is illegal?

I'm just wondering how that works.

I'm just wondering why she 'loans' money to her campaign whilst expecting everyone else to 'donate'.

The family is more than wealthy enough to have parted with a donation to fund their own bid to the presidency.


Tamanon said:
:lol the MSNBC anchor just went into panic mode.


Conyers: When John McCain was my colleague in the House and I introduced the Holiday bill, he voted against it in 1983…Now I believe in forgiveness, but it’s incredible that all he can do is show up on April 4th and think that everything is OK. We’re not just African Americans, but we’re most people.

Host: Rep. Conyers I think in all fairness we should say , perhaps you did not hear it but certainly John McCain did offer an apology for that first vote in 1983 when you did put forward that bill. You had not heard that? He did make that apology sir so that he regretted voting that way back then.

Conyers: Yea, well look. I’m happy. That was in 1983, he didn’t make any apology, he didn’t make any apologies in 1987, so I guess I’m thrilled and forgiving that finally when he’s running for President he remembers to apologize. No, that’s great. (satirically)

Host: Well, he has done so today and perhaps you’ll take that as some sort of appeasement, but anyway…

Wow. McCain wasn't kidding when he called the media his base.
electricpirate said:

Long story short, an Obama advisor wrote a paper for a think tank advocating 60k-80k US troops through 2010. The paper is not from the campaign, or representing the campaign in any way.

IMO, 80K troops in Iraq is probably the most realistic short term outcome. That's half the troops out before the 2010 midterm and enough of a presence to prevent an out-of-control situation. It'll be a mild flip flop for the DEMs, but probably good enough to prevent any erosion of seats they'll get this fall.
GhaleonEB said:


Wow. McCain wasn't kidding when he called the media his base.

She was one having a grand old time when the Rev. Wright issue was all abuzz and Obama's political future seemed bleak. After seeing that video, it just put things in context. She wasn't against Obama as she is pro-McCain. If you have a bias, fine. Just don't hind behind it and call yourself objective (especially when you portray yourself as anything but objective).
VPhys said:
$109 Million! I said wow.

"Underdog" confirmed. "The boys" are tying to beat up on me.

Indeed. The 5 million dollar loan probably raised some eyebrows, but the sum of money in the Clinton bank may put her in another light. I wonder if she'll still pick up the majority of the poor/working class white vote after this.
maximum360 said:
Indeed. The 5 million dollar loan probably raised some eyebrows, but the sum of money in the Clinton bank may put her in another light. I wonder if she'll still pick up the majority of the poor/working class white vote after this.
what now?
XxenobladerxX said:
what now?

This could be equivalent the John Edwards $400 haircut after he's given a speech on poverty in America. This is not a dig at Hillary, it's just that financially where she stands may give the impression that she's far removed from the plight of the working class in America. This by no means makes Obama or McCain better. I think Obama may be worth a few million (but don't quote me on this). McCain is a bit more slimy. While his personal account may only be worth a few hundred thousand, his wife's net worth is in the mega millions. McCain does this for perception-sake but I'm sure when the democratic fight is over, attention will turn swiftly to McCain and his previous dealings.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Keynes argued both the moralistic and economic reason for providing social safety nets in a capitalist economy over 70 years ago. this isn't shocking.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
OK, I'm having trouble understanding this. Is this a "preferred candidate" poll or is it an approval ratings poll?

Why do the numbers not add up to 100%?

I'm guessing the remaining 7% are undecided
KarishBHR said:
Tell me Poligafers, I just got stoned and thought this would be a funny photoshop, agree?



Did you really make it, or is this another stunt like your "exclusive" Pineapple Express script bullcrap?

McCain VP drama

A group of social conservatives has launched an effort to keep Mitt Romney off John McCain's ticket.

Under the rubric of an obscure PAC called Government Is Not God, a coalition of longtime Romney opponents and past supporters of Mike Huckabee have created a website and are buying print ads that resurrect the former Massachusetts governor's past abortion and gay rights stances.

Their first ad will run this weekend in Arizona, where McCain closes out his introductory tour, and others will follow in cities McCain stops along the trail.

"If Gov. Romney is on your ticket, many social conservative voters will consider their values repudiated by the Republican Party and either stay away from the polls this November or only vote down the ticket," warns a list of 26 conservative activists to McCain in the print ad that screams "No Mitt" in bold.

The group comprises Massachusetts social conservatives who never bought Romney's conversion and a hodgepodge of mostly little-known national activists.

Some, including radio talk show host Janet Folger and Michigan activist Gary Glenn, were vocal Huckabee backers during the primary. The parent group sponsoring the ads, Government Is Not God, also endorsed the Arkansan's presidential bid, and its leader, William J. Murray, was a top Huckabee donor who is pushing him for vice president.

The group does, though, include one high-profile Romney backer. Veteran movement conservative leader Paul Weyrich endorsed Romney in the heat of the primary before throwing his support to Huckabee after Mitt got out.

The veepstakes are, of course, especially important this cycle because whoever is tapped as McCain's No. 2 will be seen to have a leg up in either 2012 or 2016.



In the College Tour Hardball interview, he said he'd fallen off and smoked a few times in his efforts to quit.

Seriously, SD - That's what you want to bring to political conversation? It's the very definition of petty.
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