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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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siamesedreamer said:
So what? Heaven forbid a post something critical of The Messiah.

Your persistent messiah bullshit is just as annoying as the zealots you criticize. Every candidate has them. More of them for one candidate post here. Get the fuck over it.


siamesedreamer said:
So what? Heaven forbid a post something critical of The Messiah.
That's utter bullshit. I'd say the same thing if you threw that kind of pettiness at Clinton or McCain. The messiah meme is simply childish.


siamesedreamer said:
So what? Heaven forbid a post something critical of The Messiah.



GhaleonEB said:
That's utter bullshit. I'd say the same thing if you threw that kind of pettiness at Clinton or McCain. The messiah meme is simply childish.

I don't know why you guys keep getting baited by Siamese and APF. So intellectually dishonest, you might as well go searching for opinion in an unflushed toilet.


Zaptruder said:
I don't know why you guys keep getting baited by Siamese and APF. So intellectually dishonest, you might as well go searching for opinion in an unflushed toilet.
I usually don't respond to him, made an exception for that one. Forgive me, I'll be better going forward. :p


GhaleonEB said:
I usually don't respond to him, made an exception for that one. Forgive me, I'll be better going forward. :p

To be fair, I find myself tempted to hit reply every so often, but have seen too much of their bullshit to realise that they'll just slide past what's inconvenient and press the attack right back on what is convenient.


*drowns in jizz*
Can a ban be administered to whoever refers to Obama as 'the messiah' from now on? It adds fucking nothing to the conversation, and is a beyond-irritating troll tactic at this point. Grow the fuck up.


Slurpy said:
Can a ban be administered to whoever refers to Obama as 'the messiah' from now on? It adds fucking nothing to the conversation, and is a beyond-irritating troll tactic at this point. Grow the fuck up.

Agreed, it's pretty fucking pathetic.


I really wish there were people actually against Obama who didn't debate like they're in the tenth grade so maybe some real thoughts would be conjured and not just jabs at the pro-bama crowd.

We get it! You don't like all this Obama hysterics, how about you actually try to conjure REAL opinions and not "see gaf teehee he isn't god!"


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Slurpy said:
Can a ban be administered to whoever refers to Obama as 'the messiah' from now on? It adds fucking nothing to the conversation, and is a beyond-irritating troll tactic at this point. Grow the fuck up.

Can we ban people who make McCain is Father Time LOLZ remarks?


Ante Up
siamesedreamer said:
Another Obama lie...

It must be slim pickings for Obama haters these days... ;)

I like how the author made it sound like Obama sensed the question coming and purposefully darted away :lol

BTW, one can enter a room with smokers present and exit smelling of smoke without having personally lit one up...

schuelma said:
Can we ban people who make McCain is Father Time LOLZ remarks?

Dude IS old. Calling Obama "the Messiah" has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with not-so-cleverly bashing his supporters.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
mashoutposse said:
Dude IS old. Calling Obama "the Messiah" has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with not-so-cleverly bashing his supporters.

What does making age jokes "add to the discussion"?


schuelma said:
Can we ban people who make McCain is Father Time LOLZ remarks?
Now now, to be fair it's not possible to prove that Obama is the messiah, but it's easily proven that McCain is OLD LOLZ.


I'm always amused when these guys post in this thread overreacting to every little Obama misstep and then pretend that its his supporters who idolize him. If we are the ones who naively believe he has no flaws, why are you the ones who freak out whenever a flaw is found?


Tom_Cody said:

Screw Huckabee. Romney for VP!
I just don't get the Romney love in the GOP. He's NOT a conservative. I mean, how conservative can you be to be elected governor of Massachusetts as a Republican? Not very, and his record shows it. He's socially moderate at best. That his waffling on the issues has somehow painted him as the next "heir to the mantle of True Conservative" for the GOP is a real head scratcher. I think it just proves that the elite of the Republican party is made up of the fiscal "conservatives" (I prefer to call them kleptarchs) and not the hawks or fundies.


Ante Up
schuelma said:
What does making age jokes "add to the discussion"?

Age is a legitimate concern, just as Barack being black is legitimate and Hillary being a woman is legitimate. Obama being a messianic figure has nothing to do with anything.

Poll: America is ready to vote for:

-an African American
-a woman
-someone >70 years of age
-the Messiah

Triumph said:
I just don't get the Romney love in the GOP. He's NOT a conservative. I mean, how conservative can you be to be elected governor of Massachusetts as a Republican? Not very, and his record shows it. He's socially moderate at best. That his waffling on the issues has somehow painted him as the next "heir to the mantle of True Conservative" for the GOP is a real head scratcher. I think it just proves that the elite of the Republican party is made up of the fiscal "conservatives" (I prefer to call them kleptarchs) and not the hawks or fundies.

Like him or hate him, more and more it seems to me like McCain wasn't ready to be in the position that he is. The Republican nominee for President. Many of his policies aren't even policies. They're more along the line of...Things aren't so bad, let's just ride it out...Including his stance on the war in Iraq, the economy, the housing crisis, the health care crisis...Does McCain have ANY plans? He's not doing anything to help rebuild the image and direction of the Republican party post-Bush that's for sure.

Also, I'm not sure there's any fiscal conservatives left in main stream politics anymore.


ToyMachine228 said:
Like him or hate him, more and more it seems to me like McCain wasn't ready to be in the position that he is. The Republican nominee for President. Many of his policies aren't even policies. They're more along the line of...Things aren't so bad, let's just ride it out...Including his stance on the war in Iraq, the economy, the housing crisis, the health care crisis...Does McCain have ANY plans? He's not doing anything to help rebuild the image and direction of the Republican party post-Bush that's for sure.

Also, I'm not sure there's any fiscal conservatives left in main stream politics anymore.
That's why I like to call them kleptarchs. You don't make that much money unless you've fucked over a lot of people... or unless you've given a lot of speeches, like Bubba. (just kidding, Bubba's done his share of fucking- HEY-OOOOOOO!)

As for McCain not being ready to be the nominee (or just not in touch enough to be), here's a piece comparing him to Bob Dole. Funny!
mashoutposse said:
Age is a legitimate concern, just as Barack being black is legitimate and Hillary being a woman is legitimate. Obama being a messianic figure has nothing to do with anything.

Poll: America is ready to vote for:

-an African American
-a woman
-someone >70 years of age
-the Messiah

I would vote for Jesus.

(the Obama trolling in this thread is hilarious. Especially the attempts at moral high ground. Being in the minority does not lend your retarded arguments any special credence, kids.)
Triumph said:
I just don't get the Romney love in the GOP. He's NOT a conservative. I mean, how conservative can you be to be elected governor of Massachusetts as a Republican? Not very, and his record shows it. He's socially moderate at best. That his waffling on the issues has somehow painted him as the next "heir to the mantle of True Conservative" for the GOP is a real head scratcher. I think it just proves that the elite of the Republican party is made up of the fiscal "conservatives" (I prefer to call them kleptarchs) and not the hawks or fundies.

He's like the republican clinton, he completely tailors and often outright changes his message for the exact group he's polling. He ran his campaign similarly, he used the same microtrends tactics, and he got burned the same way.
siamesedreamer said:
Sounds like a call to Socialism.
Yeah, I love the part where it advocates community/state ownership of the means of production in the economy. *rolleyes*

Honestly, guys, not everything that advocates helping out poor people deserves the cry of "omg socialism!" Save that title for actual socialism, or a socialist aspect of a mixed economy - like single-payer UHC, or the public school system.


Master of the Google Search
Triumph said:
I just don't get the Romney love in the GOP. He's NOT a conservative. I mean, how conservative can you be to be elected governor of Massachusetts as a Republican? Not very, and his record shows it. He's socially moderate at best. That his waffling on the issues has somehow painted him as the next "heir to the mantle of True Conservative" for the GOP is a real head scratcher. I think it just proves that the elite of the Republican party is made up of the fiscal "conservatives" (I prefer to call them kleptarchs) and not the hawks or fundies.

:lol :lol


Small balls, big fun!
The Colbert Bump is real.

Democratic candidates for office seem to enjoy a spike in fundraising after appearing on the show. Republican candidates have a "pre-Colbert" bump. This is an actual polisci paper which seems to be a teaser for an upcoming book about the field.


Smiles and Cries said:
recaucussing? why??
That's how caucuses work, though it would have been more accurate to say North Dakota county conventions are today. They go through several rather unnecessary steps until they finally elect the delegates that will go to Denver. It likely won't affect the results.


Odrion said:
I really wish there were people actually against Obama who didn't debate like they're in the tenth grade so maybe some real thoughts would be conjured and not just jabs at the pro-bama crowd.

Give APF some credit. He tends to get lost in semantics a fair bit, but he deserves a bit more benefit of the doubt than he's received. I can't really blame him for some of his more annoyed replies, seeing as how for any valid point he tries to make the ratio of "lol look guys it's APF grasping at straws" replies to thoughful rebuttals is about 4:1. The hysteria simply is annoying. And I'm saying this as a huge Obama fan.

You're right though, that most of the other McCain/Hillary supporters tend to argue more about how blindly loyal the worst Obama-fanatics are than actually argue against Obama/for their candidate. That adds nothing, since few Obama supporters will deny that there are annoying, blindly loyal, all-spinning loyalists in their camp (as there are in any camp).


Setec Astronomer
GhaleonEB said:
2000-2007 Returns
Income: $109m
Feds Taxes Paid: $33.7 million
Charity: $10.2 million

Big chunk to charity, which is good. That's an incredible haul though, way more than I had heard.
Newspapers are saying they paid more tax than others in their income bracket.
Who else just zones out when someone calls Obama "the Messiah"? How worthwhile can a discussion be once someone accuses you baselessly as being delusional for supporting a candidate?
typhonsentra said:
Who else just zones out when someone calls Obama "the Messiah"? How worthwhile can a discussion be once someone accuses you baselessly as being delusional for supporting a candidate?

agreed... I hope this Cult of Obama thing does not stick.
maynerd said:
If only you tracked down bush's lies with as much care and vigor as you do for Obama's so called lies......

FWIW, I don't care about a politician lying. They all do it. I'm simply pointing out that once you get past his pretty speeches and the rhetoric, Obama is *shock* no dfferent than the rest of them.
Good article on Money and the different definitions of money in the campaign


It's also crazy to conflate individuals and "business interests" like a corporate or trade association PAC. If someone is a bank teller or works in a credit card call center and they give $200 to Barack Obama, according to the clumsy taxonomy of the WSJ article (adopted from the clumsy and unedifying categories used by most campaign finance "watchdog" groups), that money is evidence of contributions from the financial industries sector. Never mind that it may be the accumulated total of 8 $25 contributions made online over several months because that person finds Barack Obama's message of change inspiring. No, in articles like this one above—and to be fair to the WSJ, which if you ignore the editorial page is an excellent paper, are repeated daily in newspapers across the country—that person giving 8 $25 donations is "proof" of the inordinate influence of the financial services industry on our national politics.

And on why Obama is directing a higher percentage of his fundraising towards the primary then clinton.

Any money taken in for the primary can be spent in the primary OR in the general. However, for presidential candidates—the only federal candidates eligible for federal matching funds—you will probably want to spend the primary money before the convention if you decide to take federal matching funds, because with the acceptance of funds comes a limit on the money you can spend in that campaign period. Obama and Clinton both rejected matching funds for the primary, so they can spend whatever they want between now and the nomination. If Obama rejects matching funds for the general, he can spend whatever he wants through November. If he takes matching funds, he won't be required to spend the money he takes in during the primary, but anything he carries over counts against the spending cap, so the incentive, if he thought he could raise the maximum amount allowable (and that won't be a problem for him) is to spend all the primary money and reload for the general.

So he seems to be setting himself up to work that agreement with McCain to federally fund the election.


Good. Didn't like the change of perspective he had on that issue, so it's good to see he MAY be sticking to his word here.
siamesedreamer said:
FWIW, I don't care about a politician lying. They all do it. I'm simply pointing out that once you get past his pretty speeches and the rhetoric, Obama is *shock* no dfferent than the rest of them.
But you should care that our elected leaders lie and are deliberately dishonest. It's not something to just accept as status quo. Is it common? Yeah, but we should still care. These few people are deciding things for many millions. And while I don't expect Obama to walk on water I have no reason to not believe in his brand of politics. It's a been a while since we've been able to see a high level politician wear hope and civility so proudly as a badge, with all that idealism out front. It's why so many are behind him and his campaign.


Two new Rasmussen polls this morning.

Daily tracking has Obama up by 10, 51-41. It was 48-42 yesterday.

Other is North Carolina, Obama 56% Clinton 33%.
Amir0x said:
Good. Didn't like the change of perspective he had on that issue, so it's good to see he MAY be sticking to his word here.

I don't think it was ever fully agreed that he actually joined with McCain to sign on to public financing for the General Election. If so, I'm sure they would have been an uproar just as there was when Edwards decided that if he were the nominee, he would unilaterally disarm himself against the Republican. As I said before, Obama can plausibly claim that with his million + donors that he already has a form of public financing. I will be extremely pissed if Obama agrees to PF against McCain unless there are some strong, strong provisions against outside groups and the like.
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