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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Tamanon said:
So, I flipped over to Rush today while getting lunch. Some guest host was on, and his way of commerorating Dr King's assassination.....
Discussing Jeremiah Wright and how much he hates America



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Cheebs said:
And he came back to the republican party after that.

Still, like I said, the parties are the same in name only. Can you imagine someone like Teddy Roosevelt going over in the republican party, today?


Clinton has sharply criticized America's free trade agreements as she campaigns for the Democratic presidential nomination, and was particularly critical of rival Barack Obama in February when it was reported that one of his chief foreign policy advisors had suggested to a Canadian official that the Illinois senator was not as anti-free trade as he was claiming to be on the trail.

"I don't think people should come to Ohio and tell the people of Ohio one thing and then have your campaign tell a foreign government something else behind closed doors," Clinton said then. "That's the kind of difference between talk and action and that I've been pointing out in this campaign."

"I would ask you to look at that story, substitute my name for Senator Obama," she also said. "If some of my advisers had been having private meetings with foreign governments and basically saying ignore what I'm saying because it's only political rhetoric … I think it raises serious questions."
Uhm, wasn't this debunked some time ago? By the Canadian government themselves?




Incognito said:

*** UPDATE *** Change to Win, a federation of labor unions (like SEIU and the Teamsters), that has endorsed Obama, is calling for Hillary Clinton to fire her chief strategist, Mark Penn. "We have questioned Penn's role in the Clinton campaign in the past for his representation of union busting employers like Cintas," Change to Win executive director Greg Tarpinian said in a statement. "At that time, Penn said there was a wall between him and his firm's representation of union busters. The latest revelation that Penn -- whose firm represents the Colombian government in its effort to secure passage of a so-called free trade agreement -- is actively involved in securing its passage in the middle of Senator Clinton's presidential campaign is outrageous. It also suggests that he has been playing a double role - advising the Senator on what to say to curry Democratic voters and advising the Colombian government on what to say to curry a majority of votes in Congress."


Tamanon said:
BTW, funniest part, is Clinton's quote from the whole Canada-NAFTA thing.
Peering at the 50 or so reporters packed into a small hotel conference room here, she added: "I would ask you to look at this story and substitute my name for Sen. Obama’s name and see what you would do with this story ... Just ask yourself [what you would do] if some of my advisers had been having private meetings with foreign governments."

Ooh, OW! The stupid, it burns me so!!!

[Sigh] The Clintons. They helped make the 90s as good as they were but less than a decade later they seem like dinosaurs. Rawr!


Well, it seems Clinton camp is waiting until Friday Afternoon News Dump Zone, so there might be something at least embarrassing in the tax returns


Tamanon said:
It's all very complex and nobody knows exactly what happened. Some people say Obama sent his advisor up there, some people say Clinton sent hers up there. The Canadian government has even taken both stances separately, then just shut down speaking to the media about things.

Actually it's quite simple. She's lying.

syllogism said:
Well, it seems Clinton camp is waiting until Friday Afternoon News Dump Zone, so there might be something at least embarrassing in the tax returns

She's supposed to release her tax returns today isn't she?


testicles on a cold fall morning
John McCain, reformer or lobbyist magnet?

Not only does the McCain campaign have more current and former lobbyist bundlers than any other candidate, but McCain has more current and former lobbyists working on his campaign staff than any other candidate in the 2008 presidential election. Media Matters for America has previously catalogued the extensive number of lobbyists and their deep connections to industries, such as the communication and financial industries, which McCain oversaw as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee.
McCain is chock-full of so many wonderful contradictions that are just waiting to be exploited...

...if Democrats actually had a candidate chosen already.


Cheebs said:
He has talked about how he listens to Jay-Z and Mos Def so black confirmed?

hold up hold up, I heard he peeped american gangster, but he likes mos? he definitely gains cool points for that one if true.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Mark Penn proving once again to be the most over-priced (stupidest?) campaign strategist in history -


Hillary Rodham Clinton's chief strategist apologized Friday for meeting with Colombian officials pushing a free trade agreement that the presidential candidate opposes.

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that the strategist, Mark Penn, met Monday with Colombia's ambassador to the United States. Clinton advisers said Penn's meetings were not connected to the campaign, but part of his job as chief executive of the lobbying and public relations firm Burson-Marsteller Worldwide.

But a Clinton adviser said the candidate was not happy to learn about the meeting, and Penn issued a statement expressing regrets.

"The meeting was an error in judgment that will not be repeated and I am sorry for it," Penn said in a written statement. "The senator's well-known opposition to this trade deal is clear and was not discussed."


Lv99 Slacker said:
Have you seen this video? Obama on hip-hop.

yea, but there was no mention of mos def. I can understand him saying he peeped AG but if he were to say he actually listened to some mos at some point, then I think that's a testament of character, and that he's not just saying he likes jay-z just to say it.


Lv99 Slacker said:
Unless the duration limitation has been upped from 10min, the video is too long to be put up on YouTube, so I'm uploading it into other sites like Daily Motion. Next will be Blip.tv, and maybe Vimeo and Liveleak...unless somebody beats me to the punch first. :D

Post your links if put them somewhere! :)


Cheebs said:
I wonder why he didnt go to Mephis like Hillary and McCain did.

To be fair, McCain only went to try and heal that wound. It's not about where they go, it's about what they say. Plus, Indiana works also considering the whole Robert Kennedy thing that day.


Cheebs said:
I wonder why he didnt go to Mephis like Hillary and McCain did.
I was wondering that as well. There was a post on First Read that has an interesting take on it.

From NBC's Lee Cowan
FT. WAYNE, IN -- Memphis is in mourning again today. The Lorraine Motel will be lit up by cameras and lights in ways eerily similar to that grim day 40 years ago, when Dr. Martin Luther King lay dead or dying on that simple balcony.

All the presidential candidates will be in Memphis to offer condolences today, save one: Obama. The Illinois senator today chose to speak instead in Indiana -- a long way from the civil rights struggles of the '60s. But his absence, intended or not, may still be a lesson.

It was in Indianapolis on this very day 40 years ago that Robert Kennedy -- campaigning for the Democratic nomination himself -- was dealt the task of having to inform a stunned crowd that Dr. King was gone.

In the midst of the grief, Kennedy begged for calm, as Dr. King surely would have himself. And as cities across the nation were beset with violence in the wake of the King assassination, Indianapolis remained quiet.

It was that moment that Obama commemorated today. Not the shot that rang out, but how some responded in the wake of it. There will be talk of whether his choice was appropriate -- whether the first African American to have a serious shot at the White House should have visited the spot where a generation was changed.

But in the end, the unfinished business of Dr. King still reaches into every corner and every balcony in the country. What that night in Indiana 40 years ago showed, is that it’s sentiment that counts, not geography.

Going to Memphis would be the natural thing. I think Obama wants to illustrate that King's death was something the entire nation felt by speaking about King, but to an audience far away from the actual event. It's kind of risky, and not politically convenient, but it's also an interesting way to make the point.

Edit: which is exactly what Obama said.

But unlike Clinton and McCain, Obama chose not to attend the services in Memphis.

Obama pointed out that he had already spoken at King’s church in Atlanta this year, had spoken with the King family and that he had already given a “pretty fulsome speech on race relations” just two weeks ago.

“I think it’s important to spread the message that Dr. King’s work is unfinished in places like Indiana and North Dakota,” he said.



:lol the MSNBC anchor just went into panic mode over Congressman Conyers(sp?) starting to go over McCain's lack of support for MLK day.

Dear lord, Clintons had $109 million in income from 2000-2007 according to Drudge.


Tamanon said:
:lol the MSNBC anchor just went into panic mode over Congressman Conyers(sp?) starting to go over McCain's lack of support for MLK day.

Dear lord, Clintons had $109 million in income from 2000-2007 according to Drudge.

2000-2007 Returns
Income: $109m
Feds Taxes Paid: $33.7 million
Charity: $10.2 million

Big chunk to charity, which is good. That's an incredible haul though, way more than I had heard.


testicles on a cold fall morning
the very favorable percentage of the Clintons' money donated to charity and as federal taxes makes me wonder why this took so long to be released.


scorcho said:
the very favorable percentage of the Clintons' money donated to charity and as federal taxes makes me wonder why this took so long to be released.

I'm thinking it's something to do with the $50 mill Bill made in speeches.


XxenobladerxX said:
CNN is saying the supoort for Obama is weakening..

To be fair, they say something like that every day:p

Plus, they're just basing it on national polling. So nothing important.
XxenobladerxX said:
CNN is saying the supoort for Obama is weakening..


Tell CNN to shut the hell up!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Tamanon said:
I'm thinking it's something to do with the $50 mill Bill made in speeches.

But Hillary is such a woman of the common people :lol :lol
XxenobladerxX said:
CNN is saying the supoort for Obama is weakening..

I seriously don't know what's wrong with CNN. They sensationalize news like there's no tomorrow. Every day they seem to take steps that bring them closer to being a Fox News facsimilie. Wolf is the worst of them.

At least Jack Cafferty still calls it like it is.


Junior Butler
maximum360 said:
I seriously don't know what's wrong with CNN. They sensationalize news like there's no tomorrow. Every day they seem to take steps that bring them closer to being a Fox News facsimilie. Wolf is the worst of them.

At least Jack Cafferty still calls it like it is.

Pretty much.

You forgot the self proclaimed "independent" Lou Dobbs.

You know what? I kinda feel sorry for Hillary. Sure about a year ago she and her cronies thought they were going to lock up the nomination, but now look what's happening to her.............ah what the hell am I talking about? I enjoy licking her tears. They taste sooooo good!
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