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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Found some new wallpapers.





You know, I thought, "Hey, those are neat some wallpapers, I wonder where I can get the full size images?" So I did some quick mucking around since no URLs were provided, came up empty handed, typed "barack obama wallpapers" into Google Image Search and what do I get?


Really now.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
AdmiralViscen said:
Someone unban cooltrick

Wasn't CoolTrick arguing with me a month ago that Oregon is Clinton territory eventhough I kept giving him proof that it is not?


And Hillary was JUST in Oregon this Saturday and Bill was there last Monday and she is down 10pts.
bob_arctor said:
What's Petreaus up to nowadays? Isn't he giving the Congress "straight talk" this week or something? I wonder how many times McCain will make him speak about how successful the surge was.
Today could be a very important day for Obama... or a horrible one.

Obama's happy, drama-free appeal

In the days and weeks ahead, the Barack Obama campaign is going to pose a simple question to the undecided voters and undeclared superdelegates who will decide the Democratic nomination for president: If Hillary Clinton can’t run a good primary campaign, how is she ever going to run a good campaign against the Republicans?

And while she [Hillary] says she is ready from Day One to be president, she is at something like Day 430 into being a presidential candidate and her campaign seems to be going from bad to worse to train wreck.

Mark Penn, who just got booted as her chief strategist, is only the latest problem in a campaign that has been heavy on drama and light on results.

“None of these folks have ever run anything, other than Hillary running a health care task force,” David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist, told me Monday. “But these campaigns are big, complicated, pressure-filled enterprises, and it is an important proving ground.”

The Obama campaign is going to tell voters it is proving itself every day. It says it had a calm and deliberate strategy that it has executed well: Win Iowa (I will write more about this in my next column) and then aggregate delegates.

“Mark [Penn] said, ‘This is about delegates,’” Axelrod said. “But to get them, you have to compete for them in caucuses and primaries. We had an army of eager and willing volunteers in every state, and we were able to rally and marshal them.”

Penn is a master of identifying subsets within the electorate. He wrote a book called “Microtrends” and talked about such things as “Archery Moms” and “Impressionable Elites” and “Caffeine Crazies.”

But Obama has openly derided the “slicing and dicing” of the electorate and has concentrated on one major theme: change. He promises to change the way Washington works.

Clinton has a theme, too: experience. She knows how Washington works. But there is a built-in downside to that.

“In a year when people are rightly jaundiced about the ways of Washington, a strategy that has at its core that you are the ultimate Washington insider seemed ill-conceived to me,” Axelrod said.

Three months ago, I wrote there was a risk in Clinton’s having Penn as both her pollster and top strategist. “There is a natural tendency for someone who holds both positions to say the strategy can’t be wrong because the polling can’t be wrong,” I wrote. “And sometimes you need a strategist who is willing to say, ‘I don’t care what the damn polling says, we need to try something different.’”

Penn was not that person. And the Clinton campaign never really tried anything different. Clinton did show a little human emotion in New Hampshire, a state she narrowly won, but then she went back to being an issues machine.

And then there was her vote for the war in Iraq. I don’t care what Penn’s polling showed; Clinton’s refusal to say that her vote was a mistake and apologize for it has seriously hurt her with activist Democrats, those who vote in primaries and especially those who turn out in caucuses.

Axelrod told me that at a meeting in January 2007, a few weeks before Obama announced his candidacy, Obama assembled his top staff and laid down three “predicates” for the campaign.

“First, it was to be a campaign based on grass-roots politics,” Axelrod said. “Second, there was to be no drama, that we were all on the same team. And third, the campaign should be joyful. That has really happened.”

Axelrod is not, to put it mildly, a neutral observer. And I imagine the Obama campaign has not been all that joyful during the Jeremiah Wright controversy. (A controversy that, I believe, we have not heard the last of.)

But when you are ahead in delegates and behind in drama, it is a lot easier to have a smile on your face.
“It is real hard to win a campaign if everybody is unhappy every day,” Axelrod said.

OK, so the Obama campaign is happy and the Clinton campaign is not. So what?

“You can tell a lot about a candidate by the campaign they run,” Axelrod said.

And this is the pitch the Obama campaign is going to make in the weeks ahead, especially to those superdelegates who are still on the fence: Obama has run a good primary campaign, which is a sign that he will run a good general election campaign, and then a good presidency. Clinton, the Obama campaign will say, cannot make the same argument.

“Hillary is a bad manager,” a senior Obama aide told me. “Does it really look like she could deal with the Republicans?”

“I am not in any way declaring victory,” Axelrod said. “One of the Clinton campaign’s biggest mistakes was they declared victory months before the campaign began. But these campaigns are a test not just of a candidate’s managerial skills but how they handle the vicissitudes of the process. It is a good barometer.”
theBishop said:
running on experience was always a boneheaded decision for Clinton.

It wasn't a bad idea but it becomes useless in the GE when you're been reinforcing that your competitor in the Republican party is at least as experienced as you are. Now add in the fact that John McCain has been a senator much longer and has done a whole lot more, it was just political suicide. People can hate on Obama all they want but in reality most of Hillary's wounds in the primary season were self-inflicted. Taking all that in the GE would be a disaster for the democratic party. The culmination of all those things have a greater negative impact on Hillary's chances in the GE than brining up Jeremiah Wright later on.


Piper Az said:
From Quinnipiac University poll:


Clinton 50

Obama 44

error 2.7
Remember, the Wizard Chuck Todd says add 4% onto any poll for Hillary due to the fact the PA machine is behind her and PA is a machine state.




syllogism: as I mentioned yesterday, the campaign tried to verify as much as they could, but obviously things like medical records won't be released to a political campaign for propaganda purposes.


APF said:
syllogism: as I mentioned yesterday, the campaign tried to verify as much as they could, but obviously things like medical records won't be released to a political campaign for propaganda purposes.
I'm not blaming them for not putting more effort into verifying the story, but clearly they could have done more as it appears they did not contact the family for one. It's pretty obvious as they didn't even try to fight back but rather immediately agreed to stop telling the story.


syllogism said:
I'm not blaming them for not putting more effort into verifying the story, but clearly they could have done more as it appears they did not contact the family for one. It's pretty obvious as they didn't even try to fight back.

They were just pulling the story as a precaution, I'm sure they didn't want another Bosnia on their hands if the story was indeed false.



SurveyUSA, widely considered the gold standard in polls this election release a new PA poll today.

They said Hillary INCREASED her lead over the last week from 12% to 18%.


when is my burrito
APF said:
syllogism: as I mentioned yesterday, the campaign tried to verify as much as they could, but obviously things like medical records won't be released to a political campaign for propaganda purposes.

If they would have talked to the family themselves, they would've known everything they needed to. It's not like it was hard to vet.


scorcho said:
oh no! how can i masturbate to polls now when they're all so random!
The problem is SurveyUSA tends to not be random, they are considered the most stable one there is. Which is why this is mind boggling.


Queen of Denmark
Mifune said:
This morning NPR was saying Clinton is an extreme long shot to win the nomination. If you've been listening to NPR at all over the last couple months, you'll know that what you say about news outlets coming back to reality is definitely true.

Funny it took Mark Penn getting the axe for them to realize this.
Yeah, actually it was NPR that I primarily had in mind when I made that statement.


Cheebs said:

SurveyUSA, widely considered the gold standard in polls this election release a new PA poll today.

They said Hillary INCREASED her lead over the last week from 12% to 18%.

Come on, not again. This was bad enough when it lasted the whole week-end before TX / OH, let's not have 2 weeks of doomsaying before PA.


siamesedreamer said:
I heard on Fox and Friends this morning (don't ask) that Obama said he has more experience than Hillary AND McCain. Can anyone verify that?

The very same channel with the 700+ day Obama watch?


syllogism said:
He said it in a fund raiser and was talking about foreign relations experience in the sense he knows about the other cultures having lived abroad

And he said this, which I suppose is what they were referencing specifically:

Obama said:
"Nobody is entirely prepared for being Commander-in-Chief. The question is when the 3 AM phone call comes do you have somebody who has the judgment, the temperament to ask the right questions, to weigh the costs and benefits of military action, who insists on good intelligence, who is not going to be swayed by the short-term politics. By most criteria, I've passed those tests and my two opponents have not."

Edit: Ok, after your edit your quote is better than mine ;)


Yeah, knowledge instead of experience was what he was pushing, par for the course.

BTW, another super goes back to undecided for Hillary.


WASHINGTON (Map, News) - A D.C. Council member and unpledged Democratic delegate has withdrawn his prominent public support for Sen. Hillary Clinton, preferring instead to be listed as undecided in the race for the nomination.

Ward 5 D.C. Councilman Harry Thomas Jr. was elected last week by the D.C. Democratic State Committee as a delegate to the national convention. Thomas, who had previously endorsed Clinton, was listed as a Clinton backer on a delegate spreadsheet circulated Monday by the committee.

But by the end of the day, the party had retracted that announcement, and Thomas was switched to simply “unpledged.”

“He wants to confer with the party,” said Vicky Leonard-Chambers, Thomas’ spokeswoman.

And this Petraeus hearing is pretty annoying so far.


Cheebs said:

SurveyUSA, widely considered the gold standard in polls this election release a new PA poll today.

They said Hillary INCREASED her lead over the last week from 12% to 18%.
What's strange is that SUSA is literally the outlier in the recent polling. I'm sure there's going to be another round (or two) done before the election. But given SUSA's accuracy in the past, that's alarming.


Guys, chill out on the daily poll salivating.

I want you to count the number of days between now and the actual election. Do you really see yourself obsessing on the transitory highs and lows of poll results each and every morning, for each and every one of those days? Even if you're literally a campaign strategist, focusing on these results is myopic and only invites a meaningless emotional rollercoaster.


maximum360 said:
I wasn't able to see it. Any useful information out of it so far or is it just a question-dodging session?

Nothing really new, Lieberman point-blank asked the General if Iran was responsible for killing hundreds of soldiers and thousands of civilians, to which he agreed. Otherwise, it's people denigtrating the other side of the aisle for a couple minutes then a quick question.
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