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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Mark Halperin:

"Obama rises to the occasion on race and the race"
"Obama blows away the chattering class with Philadelphia speech."
"Delivers historic remarks on race in address that was wide-ranging, personal, and (at times) passionate."
Who's Ashley?



Michian re-do on the ropes

Michigan sources say a State Senate Democratic Caucus meeting that just ended left the state no closer to a re-vote.

"An overwhelming number of members had concerns and unreadiness to go this route," State Senator Tupac Hunter, an Obama supporter, just told me. "And when I say overwhelming, I mean overwhelming."

Another Michigan source said only two of 17 Senators would commit to supporting the re-do.

With the House there set to go into recess Thursday, the legislative clock is ticking down fast, and the first reaction seems to be that a re-vote is all but doomed.



Junior Butler
On CNN live they're sounding ever so sympathetic about the Florida redo.

Why is it so difficult to understand?

Florida, you fucked up. You didn't honor the agreement and threw away your voice on this election.

You should be happy that you're allowed to participate in ANY future elections after your track record.
belvedere said:
On CNN live they're sounding ever so sympathetic about the Florida redo.

Why is it so difficult to understand?

Florida, you fucked up. You didn't honor the agreement and threw away your voice on this election.

You should be happy that you're allowed to participate in ANY future elections after your track record.

it's been a while since I've said that but shit, dead on.
belvedere said:
On CNN live they're sounding ever so sympathetic about the Florida redo.

Why is it so difficult to understand?

Florida, you fucked up. You didn't honor the agreement and threw away your voice on this election.

I agree, and I'd say the same about Michigan. Both were warned more than once about this, and went along anyway. If they're delegates are stripped, too bad - it'll be a lesson about following directions, not "disenfranchising voters."


Wow, that was a great speech, just finished watching it now. It was very moving, and well delivered.

I vehemently condemn the words of Reverend Wright, but Obama made it clear to me that he does not share those views. I particularly loved the way he brought up the ideals of the Preamble to the Constitution. That our country, while not perfect, was founded on the principle of striving towards that more perfect Union. While perfection will never be achieved, we should not give up on the goal of moving towards it. His background as a Constitutional scholar will be a great asset to his presidency, and will move our nation in the right direction.
The Lamonster said:
I prefer Sen. Dodd's idea of splitting MI & FL delegates 50/50. Hopefully this is what it comes to in the end.

I agree. This way at least the delegates are being included, and it's a fair way of splitting the delegates, and making it easier for Senator Obama or Senator Clinton to reach the number of delegates needed for the nomination. The voters don't get to choose what percentage of those delegates go to which candidate, but that is something that both Florida and Michigan should have considered before the DNC stripped them of their delegates. Florida and Michigan knew what was at stake, and they weren't willing to comply. It's not like it came out of no where and the Democrats asked them a week in advance to change their primary date. Split the delegates, and be done with it.


harSon said:
Why do you put yourself through such drivel? :(

Oh I didn't, it was just ran on MSNBC.:lol I only listen to Rush/Hannity if out driving and my sports stations aren't coming in.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Tamanon said:
:lol Rush accusing Obama of making the campaign about race.
as if it's his fault there are racially charged subconscious tensions with regards to religious sermons in predominantly black churches >_>
From NBC's Jeannie Ohm and Mark Murray
The National Archives has announced that it will be releasing tomorrow Hillary Clinton's schedules as First Lady.

The William J. Clinton Presidential Library and the National Archives will open 11,046 pages of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's White House schedules. These Presidential records will be made available in the Clinton Library research room and to the press on CDs on the day of the opening. These records will also be posted on the Clinton Library website http://www.clintonlibrary.gov/ as soon as possible.

These schedules are from the First Lady's Staff files of Patti Solis Doyle, Special Assistant to the President and Director of Scheduling for the First Lady. Doyle was responsible for the First Lady's schedule from 1993 to 1998, and then assumed additional responsibilities as Director of Advance for the First Lady throughout the rest of the Clinton Administration. Arranged chronologically, these records document in detail the activities of the First Lady, including meetings, trips, speaking engagements and social activities for the eight years of the Clinton Administration.

This file series includes schedules for 2,888 days. Clinton Library archivists processing these records subsequently determined that schedules for 32 days were not included in this series; however, schedules for 27 of those days have now been located, and will be processed as soon as possible.

Of the 11,046 pages of schedules that are being opened, 4,746 have redactions. The majority of the redactions pertain to the privacy interests of third parties, including their social security numbers, telephone numbers, and home addresses.
In addition, schedules for the first 19 days in January 1993, prior to the inauguration of President Clinton and prior to Mrs. Clinton's tenure as First Lady, have been closed in full in accordance with the Presidential Records Act. Researchers will find occasional unusual text formatting and in some cases final schedules as well as "revised final" schedules. Specific dates can be viewed on the CD by selecting view and bookmark on your Adobe toolbar.



McCain said it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate."
A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda."

Ready on day one

e: made the same assertion on Hugh Hewitt show yesterday


Junior Butler
PhoenixDark said:

Of the 11,046 pages of schedules that are being opened, 4,746 have redactions. The majority of the redactions pertain to the privacy interests of third parties, including their social security numbers, telephone numbers, and home addresses.

Uh oh.



syllogism said:
Ready on day one

e: made the same assertion on Hugh Hewitt show yesterday

We were told Al Qaeda was in Iraq, so we invaded Iraq, and they went in there then.....maybe this is just setting the table for Al Qaeda in Iran!
syllogism said:
Ready on day one

e: made the same assertion on Hugh Hewitt show yesterday

Sadly, shit like that only needs to be heard to make an long lasting impression on some people's mindsets. I suppose it's encouraging that he corrected himself but still, this either shows "more of the same" Bush tactics of fearmongering with lies, or a lack of understanding of very important issues
Hillary shouldn't make any speeches until at least the weekend. Obama has eclipsed any message she would have given on the airways for a while to come (and probably ever).

Rush is an idiot. Just leave it at that and move on. On the networks so far it seems that mostly the ardent right-wingers are still pressing the race issue and thought Obama's speech wasn't very good. Then there's Fox News. No need to mention specifics of their filth they refer to as news coverage/commentary.
syllogism said:
It's just a regular press conference, are you suggesting she should have not campaigned today out of courtesy?
CNN doesn't cut away like this for every campaign event. Speeches like this usually are relegated to the Internet feed.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
GhaleonEB said:

and apparently a new cnn poll shows that hillary, obama and mccain are statistically tied when matched up. way to go hillary and co.! this was supposed to be an easy democrat win!



typhonsentra said:
It all depends on if these comments get anywhere near the coverage the initial rants by Wright got.
And how they're framed. As others have noted, there are plenty of tiny sound bites that can be taken out of context and used against him. In total, the speech was incredible and if given proper due should give him a huge boost. But I'm not hopeful that the sound bite-happy media will frame it in a way that reflects reality. Rather, they will frame it in a way that offers cheap provocation and debate. I'd love to be proved wrong, though.
typhonsentra said:
It all depends on if these comments get anywhere near the coverage the initial rants by Wright got.

Thats the thing. Obama's speech was incredibly powerful and cut directly to the core of the issue with Trinity United, Wright, and fundamental MO behind how Obama has run his campaign. The problem is that his speech doesn't work for the sound-byte nature of modern news.

To get where Obama is coming from you really have to listen/watch the whole thing. Taking a chunk out of it here or there just won't work, and it will actually lead people to believe he's being more simplistic than he is, and unfortunately thats all that most people are going to get - chunks. Out of context chunks.


Gold Member
Just finished the speech. Made for an excellent counter-point against the allegations against him as a candidate. This should diffuse any questions around the Rev. Wright 'fiasco' except of course for that handful of bankrupt pundits.


Interestingly Obama will be in North Carolina tomorrow and in West Virginia on Thursday. He'll deliver "major speeches" on Iraq, national security and economy.


syllogism said:
Interestingly Obama will be in North Carolina tomorrow and in West Virginia on Thursday. He'll deliver "major speeches" on Iraq, national security and economy.

I really wish I could have heard his 2002 speech :(

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
typhonsentra said:
It all depends on if these comments get anywhere near the coverage the initial rants by Wright got.

the fed rate cut overtook it already as the top story on cnn.com, not sure how the tv networks are taking it.

what was hillary's speech thing about?


That speech Obama gave today was one of the most sincere and direct speeches on race in America I've ever heard, period. It defines exactly why he transcends the idea of race, and why he does not only make a good "unity" candidate, but has the right stuff to be president. The judgment to not only see things in black and white, but to know when he is wrong and to work with the grey. "Cheesy", sure. "Cliche", hard to avoid. "Perfection?" Speech = 10/10

If Hillary finds her way to derail this candidate, and Obama loses the general, I don't know what it will take to get me to vote again.


Master of the Google Search
Amir0x said:
That speech Obama gave today was one of the most sincere and direct speeches on race in America I've ever heard, period. It defines exactly why he transcends the idea of race, and why he does not only make a good "unity" candidate, but has the right stuff to be president. The judgment to not only see things in black and white, but to know when he is wrong and to work with the grey. "Cheesy", sure. "Cliche", hard to avoid. "Perfection?" Speech = 10/10

If Hillary finds her way to derail this candidate, and Obama loses the general, I don't know what it will take to get me to vote again.

Obama running in 2012?


Soros says "no" to Rendell

A spokesman for George Soros, Michael Vachon, confirms that Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell called Soros to ask him to help finance a Michigan re-vote, and that Soros declined.

"George Soros does not support holding another primary in Michigan because he believes doing so will further delay the selection of a Democratic candidate for November," Vachon emails.
The right-wing boogieman backs Obama? Seems so.

Bill Clinton, continuing his tour of the smaller markets where Hillary has been very strong, describes himself to an Indiana crowd as his wife's "rural hitman.
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