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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Junior Butler
It's nice to see such a great speech get some recognition.

My favorite part of an article by Richard Wolffe (Newsweek).

The critics, reporters, cable commentators—and ultimately the voters—will all be weighing that assertion in the aftermath of the most personal and extensive discussion of the legacy of slavery made by any major American politician in memory. For the moment, Obama gave them much more to talk about than the sermons of Jeremiah Wright.

Whole article.

mrmyth said:
No shit. Six weeks until PA is hell. Four years? My work productivity's already in the shitter.

This 7-week stretch would have been perfect for Florida and Michigan to initially schedule their primaries. But instead they got their own voters votes thrown away.


Junior Butler
Interest poll results regarding Obama's speech and chance for presidency.

Do you think Sen. Barack Obama successfully tackled the issue of race in his speech?
130782 responses

Yes. He answered the tough questions and wasn't afraid to be honest.

No. He didn't ease my concerns about the divisive comments of his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

I don't know. I need more time to review the points of his speech.

Do you think the country is ready for a black president?
128730 responses

Yes. Obama proved he is ready to lead and bridge the racial divide.

No. The underlying racial issues in this country have yet to be resolved.

I don't know. I want to see how this speech is received by both black and white voters.




thekad said:
26% are concerned about someone else's comments?

i hope i never run for a public office... if i do, i'm fucked... i'm catholic. By the publics assertations, because my religion does, I think being gay is a sin too.. along with a shitload of other things the catholic church has said


gcubed said:
i hope i never run for a public office... if i do, i'm fucked... i'm catholic. By the publics assertations, because my religion does, I think being gay is a sin too.. along with a shitload of other things the catholic church has said

Nah you're alright, catholic beliefs are alright in the eyes of the public.:p


BTW, I think I'll go to Fayetteville tomorrow for Obama's speech there. Gotta find out where and when it is and get there early if it's open to the public.

Bah nevermind, it starts at 10 AM and is closed to the public, press and veterans only.
harSon said:
You're citing the very same polls you deemed unreliable?

I always argued that national polls were only good at determining trends, not predicting results in primaries. And right now the trend shows Obama's numbers suffering from Wright's "harmless" comments


You're citing the very same polls you deemed unreliable?

Why not? Obama supporters do it all the time. They point to the polls that showed him with a 20 point deficit in some states, and declare that practically a victory when he narrowly loses, even though those SAME polls show him WINNING but having LOST his lead in the days leading up to the vote.


CoolTrick said:
Why not? Obama supporters do it all the time. They point to the polls that showed him with a 20 point deficit in some states, and declare that practically a victory when he narrowly loses, even though those SAME polls show him WINNING but having LOST his lead in the days leading up to the vote.

Is that your answer to everything? Obama supporters. I was talking to him specifically, the one who frequently condemns most polls yet constantly uses them as reference when beneficial to his argument.


Is that your answer to everything? Obama supporters. I was talking to him specifically

How utterly hypocritical, because my individual statements are constantly dismissed and generalized as nothing but robotic pro Hillary rhetoric that you all see as some sort of such lethal kryptonite that you guys deny reality much of the time.

Some of you all are crazy rabid fangeeks for this guy, and it's scary to the degree of which you don't realize it, at least going by what you all post.


I'm sure the latest Quinnipac poll has been posted. It just reaffirms what I have been saying for the past month now. Obama is going to have MAJOR problems with +50 white voters .. on both sides of the aisle ... in the swing states. McCain's vast experience and moderate leanings could be enough to pull in that bloc for a victory. Only time will tell, but McCain has a light at the end of the tunnel.


force push the doodoo rock
CoolTrick said:
How utterly hypocritical, because my individual statements are constantly dismissed and generalized as nothing but robotic pro Hillary rhetoric that you all see as some sort of such lethal kryptonite that you guys deny reality much of the time.

Some of you all are crazy rabid fangeeks for this guy, and it's scary to the degree of which you don't realize it, at least going by what you all post.

Please, of all the people on this world wide web, you have no right to call anyone rabid.


Master of the Google Search
ToxicAdam said:
I'm sure the latest Quinnipac poll has been posted. It just reaffirms what I have been saying for the past month now. Obama is going to have MAJOR problems with +50 white voters .. on both sides of the aisle ... in the swing states. McCain's vast experience and moderate leanings could be enough to pull in that bloc for a victory. Only time will tell, but McCain has a light at the end of the tunnel.

Yeah, old people have always been a problem for Obama. They were Clinton's last support for while and they'll probably be McCain's too. But if Obama can continue bringing out the youth vote like this, he should be able to counteract it. But then again, during the GE more people will vote....
harSon said:
Is that your answer to everything? Obama supporters. I was talking to him specifically, the one who frequently condemns most polls yet constantly uses them as reference when beneficial to his argument.

Oh please - that was the first time I referenced a bunch of polls in this thread, and I rarely talked about polls in the previous Obama Loses Texas/Ohio thread. My point was about trends, not determining who's going to win a primary. Hell I'd imagine by the time we get to Penn. Obama will essentially be tied with Hillary


ToxicAdam said:
I'm sure the latest Quinnipac poll has been posted. It just reaffirms what I have been saying for the past month now. Obama is going to have MAJOR problems with +50 white voters .. on both sides of the aisle ... in the swing states. McCain's vast experience and moderate leanings could be enough to pull in that bloc for a victory. Only time will tell, but McCain has a light at the end of the tunnel.
This isn't at all new. I don't think winning +50 white voters has ever been a part of Obama's campaign plan in the primary or the general election.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Zabka said:
This isn't at all new. I don't think winning +50 white voters has ever been a part of Obama's campaign plan in the primary or the general election.

Umm..it freaking better be in the general :lol


schuelma said:
Umm..it freaking better be in the general :lol

Eh, as long as you can get something above 30% of white votes, you have a shot in the general, especially in this election environment.


Master of the Google Search
Getting white voters isn't a problems for Obama. It is the old folks and latinos who will cause him trouble, no one else.


ToxicAdam said:
I'm sure the latest Quinnipac poll has been posted. It just reaffirms what I have been saying for the past month now. Obama is going to have MAJOR problems with +50 white voters .. on both sides of the aisle ... in the swing states. McCain's vast experience and moderate leanings could be enough to pull in that bloc for a victory. Only time will tell, but McCain has a light at the end of the tunnel.
Not with where the economy is going in the coming months, friendo.

Of course, if Obama loses the nomination, McCain will waltz to victory and many of the gains that the Dems made in 2006 will be erased as most of the black electorate will stay home. Haha, way to go Dems- let's snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Triumph said:
Not with where the economy is going in the coming months, friendo.

Of course, if Obama loses the nomination, McCain will waltz to victory and many of the gains that the Dems made in 2006 will be erased as most of the black electorate will stay home. Haha, way to go Dems- let's snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

No, No man you gotta believe. No matter who wins the white house, the Dems are going to sweep the House and Senate, Foster was only the beginning.


Gig said:
No, No man you gotta believe. No matter who wins the white house, the Dems are going to sweep the House and Senate, Foster was only the beginning.
If Obama wins the delegate count and the supers give it to Hillary, thus giving CoolTrick his first orgasm, I can pretty much guarantee you that blacks not voting for Democrats in droves this November will be the least of America's worries. Four letter word, rhymes with "try it".


*drowns in jizz*
CoolTrick said:
How utterly hypocritical, because my individual statements are constantly dismissed and generalized as nothing but robotic pro Hillary rhetoric that you all see as some sort of such lethal kryptonite that you guys deny reality much of the time.

Some of you all are crazy rabid fangeeks for this guy, and it's scary to the degree of which you don't realize it, at least going by what you all post.

When I think of rabid, the first person that comes to mind in these threads is you. Seriously. Wake the fuck up. You sound like an angry, sex-deprived lunatic in all of your posts.


CoolTrick said:
Oh, my, can you point me to the discussion of it, then?


Triumph said:
If Obama wins the delegate count and the supers give it to Hillary, thus giving CoolTrick his first orgasm, I can pretty much guarantee you that blacks not voting for Democrats in droves this November will be the least of America's worries. Four letter word, rhymes with "try it".

Yeah, but I doubt that any movement towards healthy eating will occur. I just don't see the causation.


Has anyone been watching David Greggorys new political show?

I have fallen in love with it. It's one single hour long panel discussion with chuck todd FOR THE ENTIRE HOUR EVERYDAY. How can you kids not be watching this? Chuck Todd for an hour straight everyday. it's like christmas.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Cheebs said:
Has anyone been watching David Greggorys new political show?

I have fallen in love with it. It's one single hour long panel discussion with chuck todd FOR THE ENTIRE HOUR EVERYDAY. How can you kids not be watching this? Chuck Todd for an hour straight everyday. it's like christmas.

Chuck Todd FTW!!:lol :D


Cheebs said:
Has anyone been watching David Greggorys new political show?

I have fallen in love with it. It's one single hour long panel discussion with chuck todd FOR THE ENTIRE HOUR EVERYDAY. How can you kids not be watching this? Chuck Todd for an hour straight everyday. it's like christmas.

Yeah, it's pretty good, even if Scarbs gets so much time, heh. Chuck Todd must be the busiest pundit at the network. Olbermann obviously the laziest since he only shows up for his show and special election night coverage.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Has anyone been watching David Greggorys new political show?

I have fallen in love with it. It's one single hour long panel discussion with chuck todd FOR THE ENTIRE HOUR EVERYDAY. How can you kids not be watching this? Chuck Todd for an hour straight everyday. it's like christmas.

Is there an online site?


Rasmussen has Obama now up by +5% (47-42), but Gallup shows Clinton up by 7% (49-42). It will take a few days to see if the speech had any effect. The changes in both polls could just be noise so far.
That NC poll from PPP is totally out of whack. Obama will win here by about the same margins he won in Virginia, it's pretty much a done deal (and I'm not even an Obama supporter, it is just that's sort of fact).

I do hope all of you chuck todd freaks read First Read daily, which is effectively the MSNBC political staff's blog (and it is very, very good IMO).
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