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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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syllogism said:
Rasmussen has Obama now up by +5% (47-42), but Gallup shows Clinton up by 7% (49-42). It will take a few days to see if the speech had any effect. The changes in both polls could just be noise so far.
I dont see that 49-42 poll anywhere.
Just trying to get someone's opinion on what was said (brief summary). Is the economy speech tomorrow or did he do some of that today as well?
maximum360 said:
Just trying to get someone's opinion on what was said (brief summary). Is the economy speech tomorrow or did he do some of that today as well?

I listened in spurts. On point I heard is that he will redeploy two combat bridgades to Afland.

The speech will start being a factor in tommorw's poll.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
belvedere said:
Those responsible for the shift in this poll were probably the ones who voted for George W. both times.

people were just itching for a reason to hate on obama. im scared this may end his presidential run. would this be the first time that a presidential candidate was brought down by something someone else said or did? shit.. man, mccain has been quoted saying crap even more racist than what wright has said.. i am completely dumbfounded by all of this.



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i guess there wasnt a speech yesterday. :(


Obama will be fine .. you just have to accept that half the country won't like him (for whatever reason) from here on out. People that don't support him are just looking for a REASON to not support him. So, this month it will be about the pastor .. next month it will be about something else.


Junior Butler
quadriplegicjon said:
people were just itching for a reason to hate on obama. im scared this may end his presidential run. would this be the first time that a presidential candidate was brought down by something someone else said or did? shit.. man, mccain has been quoted saying crap even more racist than what wright has said.. i am completely dumbfounded by all of this.



top stories:


i guess there wasnt a speech yesterday. :(

Fortunately, not all major media websites reflect the same stories as Fox (bullshit) news.

Dodd, Olberman, it's up to you.

Blitzer sounded pretty optimistic about the speech too.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
belvedere said:
Fortunately, not all major media websites reflect the same stories as Fox (bullshit) news.

Dodd, Olberman, it's up to you.

Blitzer sounded pretty optimistic about the speech too.

i know its foxnews.. im just... just horrified by this whole event. :/
maximum360 said:
Just trying to get someone's opinion on what was said (brief summary). Is the economy speech tomorrow or did he do some of that today as well?

He said the right things for me (an Obama supporter)

He hit McCain on the iran training Al Queada issue and how he failed the Stien Test

It had a big focus that we won't win the war on terror through the military, that we need to promote rule of law education, and social justice and end extreme poverty.

He spoke about the act of "not rocking the boat" when a leader, even if they are anti democracy is in power, and we support them. Musharaf was specifically mentioned multiple times. Mainly he focussed on how this is the wrong approach, and how Hezbolah is gaining power, and how Palestinains elected Hamas.

Here's the full speech Edit: doesn't seem to be working, Fix your shit Barack!

Edit: full explanation here http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/3/19/114032/682/108/479934


That NC poll from PPP is totally out of whack. Obama will win here by about the same margins he won in Virginia, it's pretty much a done deal (and I'm not even an Obama supporter, it is just that's sort of fact).


Before the Wright story broke, SurveyUSA only had Obama up by 7 points.
CoolTrick said:

Before the Wright story broke, SurveyUSA only had Obama up by 7 points.

Do you live in NC? I know this state's wild political geography like the back of my hand, and believe me without some shift in core suburban demographic voting it's a ten point win for Obama easy.


Fragamemnon said:
Do you live in NC? I know this state's wild political geography like the back of my hand, and believe me without some shift in core suburban demographic voting it's a ten point win for Obama easy.

He'll certainly win the delegate count by a healthy margin.


Master of the Google Search
electricpirate said:
When he's not trying to rile up the religious right by fighting teh gay or trying to hump darwins skull, Huckster is actually quite palpable.

That's why he lost, he had the crazy part down, but he wasn't mean enough for the republican nom.

Huckabee is so awesome. If it only weren't for the, you know, crazy part

belvedere said:
So has Obama lost any delegates since this whole Wright charade?

Has he lost any at all?


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
new florida delegate plan: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/19/florida/index.html

Florida Senate Democratic Leader Steven Geller and Sen. Jeremy Ring outlined a proposal to seat all the delegates at the convention in August.

The plan recommends seating half of Florida's 210 delegates based on the results of the January 29 primary.

The remaining delegates could be allocated in a number of ways, including evenly, proportionally based on the national popular vote (excluding Florida and Michigan) or proportionally based on the total national delegate count, also excluding Florida and Michigan.

thats not a bad plan actually. i wonder if it will go through. though i still feel that they broke rules, knowing exactly what the consequences were, and thus shouldnt be allowed a compromise like this.. but obama needs to do something about all of this negative news. :/


electricpirate said:
When he's not trying to rile up the religious right by fighting teh gay or trying to hump darwins skull, Huckster is actually quite palpable.

That's why he lost, he had the crazy part down, but he wasn't mean enough for the republican nom.
Also doesn't hate the poor enough.


Huckabee despite some batshit insane ideas seemed like a honest guy. He was a complete opposite of the secretive neocon style of this administration. Doesn't make his stances on issues any less crazy but in terms of his personality? Top notch. For a republican.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
electricpirate said:
That's why he lost, he had the crazy part down, but he wasn't mean enough for the republican nom.

No, he lost because he was too crazy.


grandjedi6 said:
Huckabee is so awesome. If it only weren't for the, you know, crazy part

Fundabee is likable, and that eases the pain when he whips out the nutjobbery, but he had to defend Wright. If the media gets ahold of any of HIS sermons during a campiagn he'll be cooked alive. That's why his church 'lost' the transcripts.



This, from the tail end of an AP story, is the first hint of news I've seen out of Clinton's White House schedules:

She was also involved in helping her husband win congressional approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement, a deal she now criticizes and says she would try to change.

Her schedule for Nov. 10, 1993, shows her speaking at a NAFTA briefing closed to the media, with 120 people expected to attend.
Lefty42o said:

This, from the tail end of an AP story, is the first hint of news I've seen out of Clinton's White House schedules:

She was also involved in helping her husband win congressional approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement, a deal she now criticizes and says she would try to change.

Her schedule for Nov. 10, 1993, shows her speaking at a NAFTA briefing closed to the media, with 120 people expected to attend.

Damn I came in here to post that. How does she explain/spin this?


Master of the Google Search
Lefty42o said:

This, from the tail end of an AP story, is the first hint of news I've seen out of Clinton's White House schedules:

She was also involved in helping her husband win congressional approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement, a deal she now criticizes and says she would try to change.

Her schedule for Nov. 10, 1993, shows her speaking at a NAFTA briefing closed to the media, with 120 people expected to attend.


woah, Obama was right?!

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Lefty42o said:

This, from the tail end of an AP story, is the first hint of news I've seen out of Clinton's White House schedules:

She was also involved in helping her husband win congressional approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement, a deal she now criticizes and says she would try to change.

Her schedule for Nov. 10, 1993, shows her speaking at a NAFTA briefing closed to the media, with 120 people expected to attend.

i hope the media makes a big deal about this. sadly they wont. seems like quite the smoking gun for the people of penn.. :(
Hillary in the white house on "stained blue dress" day?

Hillary Clinton spent the night in the White House on the day her husband had oral sex with Monica Lewinsky, and may have actually been there when it happened, according to records of her schedule released today by the National Archives.

An initial review by ABC News of the 17,481 pages of Sen. Hillary Clinton's schedule as first lady, released today by the National Archives, also finds significant gaps in time and many days containing only "private meetings" at the White House with unnamed individuals.

The public schedule for Sen. Clinton on Feb. 28, 1997, the day on which Lewinsky's infamous blue dress would become stained by the president, shows the first lady spent the morning and the night in the White House.

The Feb. 28 schedule lists her as attending four "drop-by" events, closed to the press, between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. and then records her as staying in the White House overnight that fateful day.

The schedule lists three different events occurring that evening at Washington theaters and the Kennedy Center but does not indicate if she attended.

According to the Starr report, President Clinton took Lewinsky into an Oval Office bathroom in the early evening, after recording a radio address. Forensic tests later "conclusively" showed that the blue dress she was wearing "was stained with the President's semen," according to the Starr report.



quadriplegicjon said:
i hope the media makes a big deal about this. sadly they wont. seems like quite the smoking gun for the people of penn.. :(
Yeah, that's pretty damning. Hasn't Clinton been saying that she "quietly opposed" NAFTA behind closed doors all this time? Obama's got to hammer her on this.


Junior Butler
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah, that's pretty damning. Hasn't Clinton been saying that she "quietly opposed" NAFTA behind closed doors all this time? Obama's got to hammer her on this.

Pretty much spot on.
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