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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Cheebs said:
No? Clinton won more delegates that day still.
I think the "Mark II" part is in reference to the Ohio/Texas "Super Tuesday".


Cheebs said:
Don't you remember? In the days leading up to the race the media was claiming he'd win CA and Mass. and force Hillary out of the race.

Isn't that the story of this election? The horrid pollers and story hungry media completely screwing over Obama? Hillary has a significant lead weeks before the primary and Obama closes the gap as the contest nears, days before Obama has an insignificant lead and the media runs with the story. Hillary wins the primary that she was supposed to win and the media calls it an upset. New Hampshire, Super Tuesday, March 4th...


scorcho said:
apf: oh look another bitter person who's probably going to cling to guns, religion and and become a nativist now.

fake outrage is fun to watch, especially on Fox and through Clinton's transparent cries of 'elitism'. this, much like Wright, will come to haunt Obama a bit more in the GE though.
I'm basically pissed on two fronts:

1) First, anyone out there who is genuinely offended that Obama might be an "elitist" needs to get the fuck over themselves. Here's the deal, kids: Being elite isn't a bad thing when you're running for PRESIDENT. It's one of the hardest jobs imaginable, and anyone who is remotely qualified to handle it had better damn well be smarter and more educated than the average American. When you go to a doctor or lawyer because you need help, or when you look up the corporate ladder at the people who are responsible for running your company, you aren't hoping those people are "regular guys" just like yourself -- you're hoping they are damn brilliant since your life or your livelihood is on the line. So why is it acceptable to knock points off a candidate for president because he isn't "regular folks?" Guess what -- we tried that for the last eight years, and we've been fucked over myriad times because of it. It's now time to let someone with a damn clue have a shot at things.

Finally, as a side note -- if Obama is an "elitist," what the hell is Hillary? I'm sure that she's TOTALLY in touch with the common folks after her many years in the White House and the Senate. And, oh yeah, the hundreds of millions of dollars in income over the last few years. (I'd also be willing to bet that if Obama staged a photo op with himself in a Pennsylvania bar doing shots, he would actually pound one back instead of choking back half a shot like a complete pussy and looking around desperately for a fruity chaser to get the taste out of his mouth.)

2) The media is continuing to play up the "this is a close race!" myth because it drives ratings. At this point, their objectivity has to be called into question because it is NOT close. They still talk about her "win" in Texas, even though she actually lost the delegate count. She has not managed to close the pledged delegate gap in any significant way, and she continues to lose footing in the superdelegate race. The whole reason that this quote from Obama is "news" is because they want to make sure the ratings for the primary coverage stay high to sell advertising. But the reality is that all of the talking heads are just like announcers in the fourth quarter of a blowout seizing upon any small run by the losing side to state (with all appropriate tension and gravitas) "Could X make a comeback? Stay tuned!" just to keep people from moving on. It's completely ridiculous at this point.
Cheebs said:
Don't you remember? In the days leading up to the race the media was claiming he'd win CA and Mass. and force Hillary out of the race.

I think you're confusing "MSNBC" with "The Media." There was no consensus on what was going to happen on super tuesday, but after Obama did really well the media still focused on Hillary's big state wins. I do remember MSNBC hinting early that Obama was going to have a spectacular night, and when he started losing the bigger states the anchors looked visibly disappointed/sad lol


Cheebs said:
Don't you remember? In the days leading up to the race the media was claiming he'd win CA and Mass. and force Hillary out of the race.

No? Clinton won more delegates that day still.
Some pundits may have said that, but in general no they weren't saying that. Also if I did my math right, according to barackobama.com figures Obama netted 18 delegates on supertuesday. No one certainly expected Obama to sweep the caucus states so overwhelmingly.


syllogism said:
Some pundits may have said that, but in general no they weren't saying that. Also if I did my math right, according to barackobama.com figures Obama netted 18 delegates on supertuesday. No one certainly expected Obama to sweep the caucus states so overwhelmingly.
He said the second super tuesday about delegates. On the main one, yeah Obama won more

RubxQub said:
I think the "Mark II" part is in reference to the Ohio/Texas "Super Tuesday".
I know. Clinton won Mark II.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
He didn't phrase it like that, nor was that his meaning. He said that people in rural areas hit the hardest by the economy turn their attention away from that important issue, and find solace in the things that can't be shipped to China - their faith, guns, etc; people become bitter when they see no change in their lives, and they become even more bitter and cynical when they hear politicians promising the same old stuff year after year, and it never comes to pass. So politicians often exploit that by portraying the opposition as the side that wants to take away their values, whether it's through homophobia or "they're gonna take your guns" scare tactics.

Im glad that you are honest PD. :) To me its so obvious now after the 5th explination what Obama meant.


theBishop said:
WTF... How did I miss this!?

Did PoliGAF discuss Orange Juicegate? I didn't see it. Apparently, Obama was offered coffee at a diner, and he asked for Orange Juice instead!!! Can you believe the nerve of this guy!? Who the hell does this guy think he is!? Obviously he thinks he's too good to drink coffee like the rest of us hard-working, red-blooded, Pennsylvanians.

Go Hillary! Ready to drink COFFEE on Day-One!

Yeah, Obama has said before he hates coffee.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
mckmas8808 said:
Im glad that you are honest PD. :) To me its so obvious now after the 5th explination what Obama meant.


Tamanon said:

Good lord, 45 to 27 now for Obama in NC. High number of undecideds, but that's still not good to be treading under 30.

BTW, at dinner last night, my stepfather revealed that he would be voting Clinton in the NC election because he got his marching orders from Rush. Not shitting you, that's actually exactly what he said.:lol
Is he a registered Republican? Because if so he'll be voting in the Republican primary no matter what Rush says. :D


Tommorow's guest on The Colbert Report?


I can't believe no one mentioned this yet!


When are we FINALLY going to see a Pennsylvania Primary thread? This one has completely gone to the shitter and PoliGAF needs a fresh new start.


Hootie said:
When are we FINALLY going to see a Pennsylvania Primary thread? This one has completely gone to the shitter and PoliGAF needs a fresh new start.
Probably after the PA Debate Thread has come and gone.
I think Pennsylvania will be in the single digits. Barring any big revelations on either side. This wait for PA has just been too long. I'm glad the remaining primaries all come in pretty rapid succession after PA.


Having lived in Pennsylvania for 16 years... I'm going to say Obama loses by 10-12.

I'm glad I moved, it's a piece of shit state


In all the post super tuesday states hillary has won every single one where there was a debate and Obama won every single one where there wasn't a debate (Rhode Island is the only one that didnt fit this trend).

I just realized that, weird.


Hootie said:
I'm really out of the political loop...when is the debate? I'd guess tomorrow or Thursday but I have no idea.
Wednesday. I suppose I should make a thread or something but I don't really want to bother.

Yes Cheebs, of the 3 frickin' states she won in that time period, 2 of them held debates. Of course, it's unclear if she really "won" Texas since she lost the delegate count.


scorcho said:
fake outrage is fun to watch, especially on Fox

So when Fox News sent a reporter into an Allentown diner to talk with a resident about Obama's comments, it came as no surprise that the oldtimer - who said he plans to vote for Republican John McCain - described the mood in the area as "definitely bitter."

"When I arrived here in 1961, this was a booming town, and we had at least 40 department stores, Mack Truck, Bethlehem Steel - and they've all gone by the wayside, and a lot of bitter people," he said.




CoolTrick keeps claiming Obama's refusal to count MI and FL makes those states resent him and will cause him to lose both.

A new MI poll came out today and I guess it proves CoolTrick right. :( It has Obama +5 over McCain in MI and Hillary -7 under McCain in MI.

-jinx- said:
I'm basically pissed on two fronts:

1) First, anyone out there who is genuinely offended that Obama might be an "elitist" needs to get the fuck over themselves. Here's the deal, kids: Being elite isn't a bad thing when you're running for PRESIDENT. It's one of the hardest jobs imaginable, and anyone who is remotely qualified to handle it had better damn well be smarter and more educated than the average American.

Seriously! People should hire a candidate that is exceptional and above the fray, not someone that reminds them of their next door neighbor and they can have a beer with.
Cheebs said:
CoolTrick keeps claiming Obama's refusal to count MI and FL makes those states resent him and will cause him to lose both.

Obama's team has been working with Michigan to get a solution that seats the delegates split 50-50 which is fair in my opinion. Obama's name wasn't on the ballot as per instruction of the Democratic party. Was the situation stupid to begin with on both the part of the Democratic party leadership and Michigan and Florida officials? Yes. Was it Obama's fault? No. He has attempted to work for the only fair and logical solution. Split the delegates.


-jinx- said:
First, anyone out there who is genuinely offended that Obama might be an "elitist" needs to get the fuck over themselves. Here's the deal, kids: Being elite isn't a bad thing when you're running for PRESIDENT.
"Some people call you the elites; I call you my base."


Cheebs said:

CoolTrick keeps claiming Obama's refusal to count MI and FL makes those states resent him and will cause him to lose both.

A new MI poll came out today and I guess it proves CoolTrick right. :( It has Obama +5 over McCain in MI and Hillary -7 under McCain in MI.


That's today. Part of being a disaster waiting to happen is that the disaster hasn't happened yet. But it will. How do I know? Because I said it. You. Can. Write. It. Down.


testicles on a cold fall morning
-jinx- said:
I'm basically pissed on two fronts:

1) First, anyone out there who is genuinely offended that Obama might be an "elitist" needs to get the fuck over themselves. Here's the deal, kids: Being elite isn't a bad thing when you're running for PRESIDENT. It's one of the hardest jobs imaginable, and anyone who is remotely qualified to handle it had better damn well be smarter and more educated than the average American. When you go to a doctor or lawyer because you need help, or when you look up the corporate ladder at the people who are responsible for running your company, you aren't hoping those people are "regular guys" just like yourself -- you're hoping they are damn brilliant since your life or your livelihood is on the line. So why is it acceptable to knock points off a candidate for president because he isn't "regular folks?" Guess what -- we tried that for the last eight years, and we've been fucked over myriad times because of it. It's now time to let someone with a damn clue have a shot at things.
not many people are interested in technocrats - what they want are personalities. you even see it in this thread.

one of my undergrad professors described modern-day Presidential elections as a giant popularity race where independents and undecideds ultimately base their decisions less on the issues than on who "they want to have a beer with". on a basic level it makes some sense - Republicans have worked for decades on cultivating an image of Democrats as a bunch of rich liberal elites, all the while painting themselves as the true representatives and descendants of the mythical 'working class american' that loves to hunt, goes to church, etc.

i remember this story of Obama's purported aloofness, as a blatant attempt to follow that narrative. thankfully, he currently faces opponents who are much less affable/likeable than he is, which is a good thing(tm).
Cheebs said:

CoolTrick keeps claiming Obama's refusal to count MI and FL makes those states resent him and will cause him to lose both.

A new MI poll came out today and I guess it proves CoolTrick right. :( It has Obama +5 over McCain in MI and Hillary -7 under McCain in MI.


(I'm in the library btw).

You're right. I really don't see McCain taking this state. The black vote would be huge in the cities, plus he'd mobilize a good deal of the college kids who fill the state. I think Hillary would beat McCain here too, if she were to get the nomination in a non-shady fashion.

Florida...eh. I dunno if either candidate would win that state


Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama pushes back on trade


Clinton's rebuttal


Listen to the crowd... I think she neds to leave this bittergate alone. The crowd wasn't haven't it :lol
Well the crowd was a labor union crowd and labor unions are almost unanimously behind Obama.

PhoenixDark said:
(I'm in the library btw).

You're right. I really don't see McCain taking this state. The black vote would be huge in the cities, plus he'd mobilize a good deal of the college kids who fill the state. I think Hillary would beat McCain here too, if she were to get the nomination in a non-shady fashion.

Florida...eh. I dunno if either candidate would win that state
FL is a lost cause now. Their republican governor is considered one of the best in the nation and has almost personally saved the Republican brand in the state.

A Democrat wont be winning FL. But Obama will very likely win Virgina which alone would make Obama the winner if he only carried Kerry's states + Virgina so I am not too worried.

Plus a poll out today had Obama and McCain tied in NC. I could see him winning both Carolina's if the african american turnout is strong enough.
Yeah, I wrote of PA a last week for Obama. The what he needs to do is just focus on his record and make sure that he foils Clinton in trying to shape him as someone out of touch.


If given a choice, why would you support someone you don't identify with--or who you feel looks down on you / doesn't respect your beliefs--to represent your country and your interests?

Considering the enormous amount of support both parties gain from leveraging identity politics of different types, I find this counter-outrage amusing--as well as the idea of feigning horror at the idea that the rubes might raise an uncultured eyebrow when confronted with advice to shut up and enjoy being ruled by their betters.


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Deus Ex Machina said:

Clinton's rebuttal


Listen to the crowd... I think she neds to leave this bittergate alone. The crowd wasn't haven't it :lol
How fucking stupid does she think American people are? Her statements in that video are crazy...

There is absolutely no way in hell anyone can listen to that and go "yep..." and nod...is there?!



Cheebs said:
Well the crowd was a labor union crowd and labor unions are almost unanimously behind Obama.

FL is a lost cause now. Their republican governor is considered one of the best in the nation and has almost personally saved the Republican brand in the state.

A Democrat wont be winning FL. But Obama will very likely win Virgina which alone would make Obama the winner if he only carried Kerry's states + Virgina so I am not too worried.

Plus a poll out today had Obama and McCain tied in NC. I could see him winning both Carolina's if the african american turnout is strong enough.

Are you sure? I mean, wouldn't labor union crowds be a massive portion of this "working-class" that Obama has trouble with?


has calmed down a bit.
PhoenixDark said:
He didn't phrase it like that, nor was that his meaning. He said that people in rural areas hit the hardest by the economy turn their attention away from that important issue, and find solace in the things that can't be shipped to China - their faith, guns, etc; people become bitter when they see no change in their lives, and they become even more bitter and cynical when they hear politicians promising the same old stuff year after year, and it never comes to pass. So politicians often exploit that by portraying the opposition as the side that wants to take away their values, whether it's through homophobia or "they're gonna take your guns" scare tactics.

His wording was bad, and he admitted as much. At the end of the day, it's all about perception and upon reading his direct quote, it definitely rubbed me the wrong way (as an evangelical Christian). But yeah, knowing he probably is the more devout Christian of the three major candidates and his subsequent clarifications took some of the bluntness of the statement away. I just hope others who were bothered by it can come to the same realization.

Obama needs to be more careful with his words and how he phrases his thoughts, since the only thing that can stop his momentum right now is himself. He's in line with what many, even non-gun-nut evangelicals believe. I hope he can convey that.



An old one I never heard about.

But he took more questions, including a pointed one on his immigration plan.

McCain responded by saying immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.

Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain’s job offer.

“I’ll take it!” one man shouted.

McCain insisted none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season. “You can’t do it, my friends.”

Some in the crowd said they didn’t appreciate McCain questioning their work ethic.

:lol :lol
Cheebs said:
Well the crowd was a labor union crowd and labor unions are almost unanimously behind Obama.

FL is a lost cause now. Their republican governor is considered one of the best in the nation and has almost personally saved the Republican brand in the state.

A Democrat wont be winning FL. But Obama will very likely win Virgina which alone would make Obama the winner if he only carried Kerry's states + Virgina so I am not too worried.

Plus a poll out today had Obama and McCain tied in NC. I could see him winning both Carolina's if the african american turnout is strong enough.

FL's governor may be in some hot shit soon, so we'll see. In terms of the state, I just don't see it going to a dem even if the governor is hit with a scandal.

If I had to bet, I'd say McCain will take NC but that's just me. We'll see the potential of the black turnout there in a few weeks though.


Tamanon said:
Are you sure? I mean, wouldn't labor union crowds be a massive portion of this "working-class" that Obama has trouble with?
He does have problem with working class voters but for some reason for almost this entire time he has had nearly every labor union in his pocket.


APF said:
Why is Obama considered the more religious of all of the candidates?
Because he goes the church the most I guess? McCain has said he isn't the church going type and Hillary only goes to church on holidays. Obama tends to go every weekend.


APF said:
If given a choice, why would you support someone you don't identify with--or who you feel looks down on you / doesn't respect your beliefs--to represent your country and your interests?

"When I arrived here in 1961, this was a booming town, and we had at least 40 department stores, Mack Truck, Bethlehem Steel - and they've all gone by the wayside, and a lot of bitter people," he said.

A lot of bitter people indeed.
APF said:
Why is Obama considered the more religious of all of the candidates?
Probably because none of them are that religious (Publicly) in the first place. True, Hillary is/was a part of that Santorum prayer circle but that's probably not something she wants people to know. Meanwhile almost everyone knows (For better or worse) the name of Obama's church, the same can't be said for her. McCain's switched denominations two times in his life and is currently a Baptist, did you know that?
APF said:
Why is Obama considered the more religious of all of the candidates?

He speaks pretty openly about his faith, stood by it during the Rev Wright controversy, and has given speeches about faith throughout his career.


has calmed down a bit.
Tamanon said:

An old one I never heard about.

:lol :lol

I agree with McCain. All this Lou Dobbs garbage scaring people and creating tensions between citizens and Mexicans is rubbish.

Because he goes the church the most I guess? McCain has said he isn't the church going type and Hillary only goes to church on holidays. Obama tends to go every weekend.

That was my take.

and this:
He speaks pretty openly about his faith, stood by it during the Rev Wright controversy, and has given speeches about faith throughout his career.

If evangelicals were aware of this, Obama would be in much better shape. But bittergate and Rev. Wright have clouded the issue, imo.
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