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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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PhoenixDark said:
That's the type of story that should kill a campaign like his, but it seems like people think McCain is still 2000 McCain; where have they been for the last 8 years?

They've been watching chris matthews the entire time.

Piper Az

btw, Maria Bartiromo and Erin Burnett were on Meet the Press today talking about economy - Tim Russert is one lucky guy.

Then talked politics with other pundits.


Piper Az said:
btw, Maria Bartiromo and Erin Burnett were on Meet the Press today talking about economy - Tim Russert is one lucky guy.

Then talked politics with other pundits.
Maria Bartiromo is by far and away the hottest newscaster in the NBC/MSNBC crew. She hosted one of the debates back in the spring with Brian Williams I believe.



LTTP: Richardson endorsement. Man, of all the days I was taking a vacation. Why did I decide to visit Vancouver BC?!?!?!? =p

I'm from NM but moved to Portland about a year and a half ago, and Richardson is one of the coolest politicians EVER. One of my friends actually encountered him at a bar one night, so he asked him to buy him a drink or two. Bill did, and they talked for about half an hour until Bill had to go home. Bill Richardson is awesome.

Piper Az

Cheebs said:
Maria Bartiromo is by far and away the hottest newscaster in the NBC/MSNBC crew. She hosted one of the debates back in the spring with Brian Williams I believe.


wow. she's looks magnificent in that pic. wow.
soul creator said:
maybe Hillary had just finished playing Call of Duty 4 before that press conference or something

Wonder what perks she uses. Victim? Sprint quickly through states that don't matter?

Would she invite you to join her clan after getting her face socked in?
CNN said that they will play more of the Wright videos tonight but include Wrights comments in context of more video shown prior to and after the comments. As to how much they'll show before and after is anyone's guess. I'm guessing maybe a minute or two at most to make them feel good inside for being "fair and balanced".

Rick Sanchez at 10pm.


Just filled out my voter registration form for Pennsylvania. The deadline is tommorow. Is it still okay to mail it in or do I have to drive to the county office? The office is a 40 minute drive so I am hoping I am still good to mail it in.
Zigzz14 said:
Just filled out my voter registration form for Pennsylvania. The deadline is tommorow. Is it still okay to mail it in or do I have to drive to the county office? The office is a 40 minute drive so I am hoping I am still good to mail it in.

As long as it is postmarked by tomorrow you should be cool.


sangreal said:

But you need to give it a few days to work in any hit from the typical white person nonsense since its a 3-day rolling average

that didnt get as much play anyway. Plus this doesnt to show the richardson endorsement does it?



Chelsea has a new boyfriend!
Per our spy:

The family came “through a side entrance: President Clinton, Senator Clinton, Chelsea, and a young man.”

Our spy says there was “no Secret Service anywhere to be seen. A very quiet lunch. . . . no holding court.”
Seems that one of Hannity's close chums is a neo-Nazi named Hal Turner who used to be a radio host, is apparently the top man in Bergen, NJ white-supremacist circles, and probably spends a lot of his time in his basement with Star Wars action figures acting out Holocaust-denier versions of The Return of the Jedi.
I'm trying to figure out exactly what that would entail.


Smiles and Cries said:
why is huffingtonpost so popular with druge? does he own part of it?

It's not on Drudge.

Icarus: I would assume it would spend part of the movie with people thinking that the destruction of Leia's homeworld was just a Jedi mind trick.


Hannity waved his arm around. "I don't know anybody named - this is nonsense. I don't..." Then Hannity changed his tune. "Sir, sir... That was a man that was banned from my radio show ten years ago, that ran a Senate campaign in New Jersey."

Then, as Shabazz refused to stop talking or back down, Hannity, in a tacit admission, said, "I'm not running for president."

Hahaha that is so great. I could see Hannity's face in my mind's eye, turning flush red going 'oh shi--'

Edit: :lol @ this by Hal Turner

Suffice it to say that my recollection is that when Sean and I spoke by phone, while no one else was listening, he and I exchanged the kinds of views that most White, Irish-Catholic guys hold, but won't speak in public.

Sean Hannity should be shitbinned.

I like that Hal Turner goes further to threaten violence against those defaming him and Sean Hannity:

Another big difference is that I am perfectly willing to use force and violence against my enemies while Sean Hannity and others are not. Those using me as a prop to attack Sean Hannity would do well to remember this fact.

Fucking hypocrites.
PhoenixDark said:
This fervent obsession with trying to defend hate by pointing out irrelevent people's connections to other hate mongers is quite pathetic.

No one is trying to "defend hate", I just think it's hilarious and extremely ironic that Hannity was oh so offended by Rev. Wright, said "why can't we just be americans," called for Obama to resign from his senate seat because of his connections to Wright, etc. , meanwhile he is chummy with a well-known neo-Nazi.
Star Power said:
No one is trying to "defend hate", I just thing it's hilarious and extremely ironic that Hannity was oh so offended by Rev. Wright, said "why can't we just be americans," called for Obama to resign from his senate seat because of his connections to Wright, etc. , meanwhile he is chummy with a well-known neo-Nazi.

I agree that is inded ironic (albiet old news), but this is starting to follow a pattern of behavior. From the pictures of Clinton with Wright to the whole "Wright saved Johnson!" thing this is getting out of control, and quite sad


force push the doodoo rock
PhoenixDark said:
This fervent obsession with trying to defend hate by pointing out irrelevent people's connections to other hate mongers is quite pathetic.

Come on, now. Pointing out hypocrisy is not defending hate. Get off your Fisher Price High Horse™

No one is trying to "defend hate", I just think it's hilarious and extremely ironic that Hannity was oh so offended by Rev. Wright, said "why can't we just be americans," called for Obama to resign from his senate seat because of his connections to Wright, etc. , meanwhile he is chummy with a well-known neo-Nazi.

PhoenixDark said:
I agree that is inded ironic (albiet old news), but this is starting to follow a pattern of behavior. From the pictures of Clinton with Wright to the whole "Wright saved Johnson!" thing this is getting out of control, and quite sad

Well I think the point of showing pics of Wright helping Pres. Johnson and shaking hands with Bill is to combat the gross mischaraterization of him by the media as some sort of "america hater." But I get where you're coming from.


PhoenixDark said:
I agree that is inded ironic (albiet old news), but this is starting to follow a pattern of behavior. From the pictures of Clinton with Wright to the whole "Wright saved Johnson!" thing this is getting out of control, and quite sad

Going out of your way to attack Obama supporters because you've run out of reasons to bitch about Obama himself is whats sad.


PhoenixDark said:
This fervent obsession with trying to defend hate by pointing out irrelevent people's connections to other hate mongers is quite pathetic.
Sounds like you still haven't watched the full sermons, Maurice.
GhaleonEB said:

I like that. It's about time people stop paying attention to all the attacks the Clinton campaign is throwing and instead start looking at her. Getting people to vote for you by scaring you away from the other candidate is not the way to run a campaign.

I sincerely hope that her tax documents get released, and they contain so much dirt she has to hide with her tail between her legs. But I highly doubt she'll let them be released.
Yes, I have. I was never particularly concerned with his "god damn america" quote, which clearly was apart of a larger point - and it's nothing I had never heard at church before. But the appaulting AIDS comment (which people convieniantly forget/ignore) and his praise of Farakhan are inexcusable.
I'll concede the Farrakhan point (though I think he is far more complicated a figure than people like to admit), but there is historical context for the AIDS thing, which has been brought up quite a few times. There have been papers and books written on this very subject. Tuskeegee and other such experiments by the government have caused a lot a people to mistrust the government, so much so that they would believe the AIDS thing... I don't personally believe it, but there a lot of people that do! Rev Wright didn't make it up! Kanye West said it once at an AIDS benefit on national TV! It can be argued that Wright, in a position of power, should know better than to preach such things to his congregation, but still...
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