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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Everyone knows Carville is an attack dog but his attack on Richardson is inexcusable. It's a shame that they're attempting to verbally assassinate such a nice guy. A fellow democrat too


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
Everyone knows Carville is an attack dog but his attack on Richardson is inexcusable. It's a shame that they're attempting to verbally assassinate such a nice guy. A fellow democrat too

One more Bush White House parallel to draw: You are either with us or against us. That's the mantra the Clintons have taken upon.
Ripclawe said:
Only to crack back on the Obama campaign going hysterical about it when in reality it was a bunch of workers being too curious for their own good. It happens, people look into hospital/credit card history of famous people and get caught.
See, it wouldn't have been so suspicious if the candidate(s) had been informed of it; I imagine it wouldn't even be a news story.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Deus Ex Machina said:
also, wasn't there 2 firms involved in the breach?

and if the employees that actually did this happen to support any of the other candidates, it still wouldnt matter.. the ceo of one of these firms is an obama supporter!

but.. but.. the media constantly slobs over obama's nuts! hillary says so!
quadriplegicjon said:
and if the employees that actually did this happen to support any of the other candidates, it still wouldnt matter.. the ceo of one of these firms is an obama supporter!

but.. but.. the media constantly slobs over obama's nuts! hillary says so!
He's not over both firms.

.... oh wait, you made a funny :lol


reilo said:
One more Bush White House parallel to draw: You are either with us or against us. That's the mantra the Clintons have taken upon.
They had that in the 90's too.

Politico had an interesting article on why Pelosi's "secret" support of Obama is not a shocker.

They outlined how the Clinton white house almost always ignored Pelosi's pleas and ideas involving foreign policy (mostly dealing with China).


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Cheebs said:
They had that in the 90's too.

Politico had an interesting article on why Pelosi's "secret" support of Obama is not a shocker.

They outlined how the Clinton white house almost always ignored Pelosi's pleas and ideas involving foreign policy (mostly dealing with China).

Clinton are not just playing partisan politics, they are playing inner-circle partisan politics within their own party. That's just not a way to run the country.
reilo said:
Clinton are not just playing partisan politics, they are playing inner-circle partisan politics within their own party. That's just not a way to run the country.

Which is one of the reasons many of the old guard don't like the Clintons. Many blamed them for the senate/house losses of 94 but I'm surprised they haven't shown their faces during this election. Maybe they're waiting to reject Clinton at the convention

If Obama wins the nomination where does Hillary's career go? I keep hearing about senate majority leader, as if it'll just be given to her. With Obama in the White House I'd imagine the fear of repercussions from the Clintons will disappear


Cheebs said:
They had that in the 90's too.

Politico had an interesting article on why Pelosi's "secret" support of Obama is not a shocker.

it's not a secret at all, she said she will back whoever has the most pledged delegates. she's just waiting to see how the rest of the race plays out.


Smiles and Cries said:
When Barry became Barack...? Oh Newsweek -_-

When Malcolm Little became El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz?
The description of the article is downright surreal.

In electing presidents we are also choosing stories, and Barack Obama's personal narrative is a crucial element of his campaign. This week, our cover package reconstructs his journey from Barry to Barack and explores what light that transition sheds on his character.


Seth C

<<--- As was brought to my attention tonight, Obama is about to hit 2 million donors for the year. The original goal was 500,000 by March 4. He should hit 4 times that number just 3 weeks after the original goal date.
Seth C said:
<<--- As was brought to my attention tonight, Obama is about to hit 2 million donors for the year. The original goal was 500,000 by March 4. He should hit 4 times that number just 3 weeks after the original goal date.
Dude, your avatar is TOTALLY broken. He has only a little over a million total donors, for this year and last, according to another more recent graphic.

Seth C

icarus-daedelus said:
Dude, your avatar is TOTALLY broken. He has only a little over a million total donors, for this year and last, according to another more recent graphic.

No, that graphic actually stopped counting shortly after one million (when it hit 1 million this one was at around 700,000 I believe). This one never stopped counting, so unless the Obama campaign is just continuing to update it (including the date and time on it) with random junk data, it is accurate.


PhoenixDark said:
Everyone knows Carville is an attack dog but his attack on Richardson is inexcusable. It's a shame that they're attempting to verbally assassinate such a nice guy. A fellow democrat too
Par for the course for the Clintons, Maurice. But you should know that by now.

jak stat

GhaleonEB said:
The description of the article is downright surreal.

the article isn't that bad

"Barry's white grandfather and several other Hawaiian friends take Barry Sr. to a Waikiki bar. It's a joyous scene, everyone eating and drinking "to the sounds of a slack-key guitar," when a white man with a booming voice announces to the bartender that he shouldn't have to drink "next to a nigger." The stunned clientele expects a fight. But Barry Sr. smiles and quietly lectures the man "about the folly of bigotry, the promise of the American dream, and the universal rights of man." In response, the shamed white man gives Barry Sr. $100, in apparent payment for his sin of racism. Even the young Obama found the tale hard to believe. But many years later, he recalls in "Dreams From My Father," he got a phone call from a Japanese-American man who had been a classmate of Barry Sr.'s in Hawaii. Unprompted, the man told Obama the same story. Obama says he was struck by the man's tone of "disbelief—and hope.""


So a local article today in the opinion section was talking about how Obama was a "phony" because of Wright's remarks. I work at my local pharmacy, and some little old lady was reading it and I overheard her say because the editor was black, it has to be right.

Probably doesn't help that I can count the number of African-Americans in my town on my two hands :lol
Seth C said:
No, that graphic actually stopped counting shortly after one million (when it hit 1 million this one was at around 700,000 I believe). This one never stopped counting, so unless the Obama campaign is just continuing to update it (including the date and time on it) with random junk data, it is accurate.

No, that graphic is completely broken at a certain point it stopped counting an would add 2000 about every hour. It has far eclipsed the total campaign donors mark by over half a million, I would guess.


Didn't see this picture posted here yet. It is of Rev. "I hate America" Wright saving the fucking presidents life as a marine medic.

Justin said:
Didn't see this picture posted here yet. It is of Rev. "I hate America" Wright saving the fucking presidents life as a marine medic.


Doesn't prove much; Johnson was responsible for the death of many white people afterall...
Phoenix Dark said:
Doesn't prove much; Johnson was responsible for the death of many white people afterall...
Plus, LBJ was responsible for those negro empowerment bills. What did they call those? Oh yeah, the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. Damn whitey hating Johnson.

Black people served in the Vietnam War too, stupid
icarus-daedelus said:
Plus, LBJ was responsible for those negro empowerment bills. What did they call those? Oh yeah, the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act. Damn whitey hating Johnson.

Black people served in the Vietnam War too, stupid

Fix your sarcasm meter buddy.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
maximum360 said:
Why is this getting no airtime on the media?

I think we all know the answer to that one.

The media disgusts me.

In all honesty, why do you think the isnt showing this?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
maximum360 said:
With McCain being so burned by the smear campaign the last go round I wonder how he'll run things when the GE comes around.

McCain's made it pretty clear he's going to run things above board- but he can't control the outside groups who I'm sure will run some pretty inflammatory stuff.


schuelma said:
McCain's made it pretty clear he's going to run things above board- but he can't control the outside groups who I'm sure will run some pretty inflammatory stuff.
The only thing McCain has made clear is that he'll embrace the sleazy right that he stayed away from in 2000 in order to get the GOP nomination. I seriously doubt he tacks away from that in the general. He himself might not be uttering any underhanded bullshit but you can bet your ass his surrogates will.


Triumph said:
The only thing McCain has made clear is that he'll embrace the sleazy right that he stayed away from in 2000 in order to get the GOP nomination. I seriously doubt he tacks away from that in the general. He himself might not be uttering any underhanded bullshit but you can bet your ass his surrogates will.
His media strategist is the one that used all the smear campaigns against him in 2000. So yea, I don't think he'll be shying away from much. (Of course, the guy said he won't stay if Obama is the nominee, but it shows the kind of company McCain is willing to keep.)


GhaleonEB said:
His media strategist is the one that used all the smear campaigns against him in 2000. So yea, I don't think he'll be shying away from much. (Of course, the guy said he won't stay if Obama is the nominee, but it shows the kind of company McCain is willing to keep.)
McCain lost any sort of credibility when he went to Liberty University to chum it up with "agent of intolerance" Jerry Falwell, imo.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Triumph said:
McCain lost any sort of credibility when he went to Liberty University to chum it up with "agent of intolerance" Jerry Falwell, imo.

Not to mention him flip-floping on waterboarding.
The flip-flopping on waterboarding is incredible. An excerpt from a 2005 Newsweek editorial written by McCain on the subject of torture:

For instance, there has been considerable press attention to a tactic called "waterboarding," where a prisoner is restrained and blindfolded while an interrogator pours water on his face and into his mouth--causing the prisoner to believe he is being drowned. He isn't, of course; there is no intention to injure him physically. But if you gave people who have suffered abuse as prisoners a choice between a beating and a mock execution, many, including me, would choose a beating. The effects of most beatings heal. The memory of an execution will haunt someone for a very long time and damage his or her psyche in ways that may never heal. In my view, to make someone believe that you are killing him by drowning is no different than holding a pistol to his head and firing a blank. I believe that it is torture, very exquisite torture.
Justin said:
Didn't see this picture posted here yet. It is of Rev. "I hate America" Wright saving the fucking presidents life as a marine medic.

Do anyone know what exactly did Wright do for Johnson as a marine medic? Did he perform the surgery? or what position was he?
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