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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Obama girl new video > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axxooGIgOKs



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The Bosnia/Ireland claims could by the point of no return.

If the media does start looking into past claims, (Like they should have been doing since the election STARTED for everybody) then it's over, truly over. Unfortunately, they will look at past claims, no matter how exaggerated they are, and turn them around for ratings.

It would a big risk building your campaign on experience, especially when it was such a thin claim.


gkrykewy said:
What... what is this?
22% of dems say clinton should drop out. 22% also say Obama should drop out.

Aka, both of their die hard supporters want the other to drop out. It's meaningless.


Cheebs said:
22% of dems say clinton should drop out. 22% also say Obama should drop out.

Aka, both of their die hard supporters want the other to drop out. It's meaningless.
Well, a certain 22% are part of the reality based community and the others post at hillaryis44, so we know that at least!


Cheebs said:
22% of dems say clinton should drop out. 22% also say Obama should drop out.

Aka, both of their die hard supporters want the other to drop out. It's meaningless.

Drudge is couching it as a "shock", so I was wondering whether I was misreading something. I guess I'll wait for details.


gkrykewy said:
Drudge is couching it as a "shock", so I was wondering whether I was misreading something. I guess I'll wait for details.
It's just drudge being drudge. If one side polled vastly different in their views of dropping out it would be interesting. But equal? Boring.
StoOgE said:
This isnt going away for her.. military calling her out over lies about fake sniper fire

As it should. I'm not upset about it because it's not foreign policy experience, I'm upset because she's lying. Constantly. And hurting my party.

Oh, and the "Obama Girl" is smoking hot.
Clinton on Wright and responding to the Bosnia issue.

I think she's dead on the mark with respect to Wright; as she said, you don't pick your relatives, but you can choose your pastor.

But she fucking embarrasses herself over and over again with respect to Bosnia. How does one "misspeak" multiple times? The video shows her repeating this story many times, even in February.


man she is getting killed on this, but deservedly so. Too bad the media was a little behind on it. Now they need to start on the Ireland story.

edit... and re: choosing your pastor... below said it better
I think she's dead on the mark with respect to Wright; as she said, you don't pick your relatives, but you can choose your pastor.

Okay, I'm sorry, but I need to call a little bit of bullshit on this. He's made it known many times that it's not as simple as this. This is the man, early in Obama's life, who gave him his faith. He was for a long time Obama's spiritual leader, shaped the way he is now, and is very much family to him. Now after this series of events, you don't think he would easily throw aside someone that important like a tissue, now would you?


Wright isn't simply his pastor PD.

When Obama was a fresh-faced kid out of college he moved to Chicago with not a single realitive or friend near him. He also was agnostic at the time in terms of faith.

He went to Wright's church to be able to belong to a community since he was lonely and Wright became a father figure for him when he was young and alone at that time. That is alot different than a simple pastor.


BrandNew said:
Okay, I'm sorry, but I need to call a little bit of bullshit on this. He's made it known many times that it's not as simple as this. This is the man, early in Obama's life, who gave him his faith. He was for a long time Obama's spiritual leader, shaped the way he is now, and is very much family to him. Now after this series of events, you don't think he would easily throw aside someone that important like a tissue, now would you?

its much easier to throw away a friend then a pastor... so why didnt she instantly denounce and distance herself from Ferraro?

She embarasses herself when she brings up almost any point anymore because they are contradictions
BrandNew said:
Okay, I'm sorry, but I need to call a little bit of bullshit on this. He's made it known many times that it's not as simple as this. This is the man, early in Obama's life, who gave him his faith. He was for a long time Obama's spiritual leader, shaped the way he is now, and is very much family to him. Now after this series of events, you don't think he would easily throw aside someone that important like a tissue, now would you?

Um, yes I do. I don't think it was worth the political risk, and his floundering on the issue is pretty fucking disappointing. This story isn't going away.


Queen of Denmark
PhoenixDark said:
Um, yes I do. I don't think it was worth the political risk, and his floundering on the issue is pretty fucking disappointing. This story isn't going away.
I would have much less respect for Obama if he had pursued that course of action. Casting aside a long-time mentor and father figure because of a few inflammatory remarks, just to preserve your presidential ambitions? That sounds like something Hillary Clinton would do.
Obama's chief military advisor said same "100 years" comment as McCain back in 2003:

Is Iraq the last country we confront in the Middle East?

Who wants to volunteer to get cross-ways with us? We'll be there a century, hopefully. If it works right.

Holy shit at the qoutes against hillary from the Military, she is going down because of this


Another source, a former Army analyst who was stationed abroad when dignitaries visited, said, "You know, we have soldiers overseas now who are getting shot at by real bullets from real enemies who really want to kill them.

"Getting shot at by snipers is not something you forget - or make light of," he added.

"If getting shot at by sniper fire qualifies you to be president, then there are thousands of guys in the military right now who are way more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be our next president."
"It goes without saying that they don't arrange a ceremony with little girls, with bouquets and poems and stuff, if there's a serious risk of taking sniper fire said, ex-Sgt. Peter Cachion, who served in Bosnia.

Holy shit at last qoute! she knew she was lying, why would they put young 8 year girls holding flowers in the line of sniper fire???


PhoenixDark said:
Um, yes I do. I don't think it was worth the political risk, and his floundering on the issue is pretty fucking disappointing. This story isn't going away.
How could he throw away his more or less adopted-father for the last 20 years? How is that possible? Obama was basically all but adopted into the Wright family in the early 80's.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
PhoenixDark said:
Um, yes I do. I don't think it was worth the political risk, and his floundering on the issue is pretty fucking disappointing. This story isn't going away.

It will no doubt come back in the general, but I think its dead as far as the primary goes.


when is my burrito
PhoenixDark said:
Clinton on Wright and responding to the Bosnia issue.

I think she's dead on the mark with respect to Wright; as she said, you don't pick your relatives, but you can choose your pastor.

You also get to pick which video you watch on the Internet. The misleading 20 second inflammatory one or the 10 minute sermon video that shows how distorted the 20 second video is. I'm guessing Hillary doesn't have 10 minutes to spare with the amount of time she's spending doing damage control this week.
PhoenixDark said:
Um, yes I do. I don't think it was worth the political risk, and his floundering on the issue is pretty fucking disappointing. This story isn't going away.

Then you should also agree that Hillary should have left Bill when he gave Oral sex to another woman and then lied under oath about it
Cheebs said:
New gallup poll

47-46 for Obama. It was 47-45 yesterday and then 47-46 the day before that. Nothing is moving at all.

I think you can feel the tension now, something is going to happen so, someone will break and collapse and one man will be left standing
Cheebs said:
How could he throw away his more or less adopted-father for the last 20 years? How is that possible? Obama was basically all but adopted into the Wright family in the early 80's.

I understand that. My point is that as an elected official you're held to a higher standard. I'm not saying he should have never spoken to Wright ever again, or ended the relationship, but continuing to attend a church where the pastor suggests the government created AIDS to kill blacks, or who praises (and shares) some of Farakkhan's views is beyond stupid.


when is my burrito
Also, anybody who has a church home can tell you that a church is about so much more than the senior pastor.


First tragedy, then farce.
siamesedreamer said:
Obama's chief military advisor said same "100 years" comment as McCain back in 2003:


yeah, but his advisor isnt the same thing as Obama saying it. Advisors advise, they dont dictate policy.
PhoenixDark said:
I understand that. My point is that as an elected official you're held to a higher standard. I'm not saying he should have never spoken to Wright ever again, or ended the relationship, but continuing to attend a church where the pastor suggests the government created AIDS to kill blacks, or who praises (and shares) some of Farakkhan's views is beyond stupid.
I'm all for standing up for Obama and disputing PD's crazy statements...but I agree. Obama should have closed the door on this relationship a long time ago.


tanod said:
You also get to pick which video you watch on the Internet. The misleading 20 second inflammatory one or the 10 minute sermon video that shows how distorted the 20 second video is. I'm guessing Hillary doesn't have 10 minutes to spare with the amount of time she's spending doing damage control this week.

She's too busy dodging sniper fire to watch the full video.
siamesedreamer said:
Obama's chief military advisor said same "100 years" comment as McCain back in 2003:


But Obama didn't say that, nor does his policy suggest that. McCain never said he wants to keep the US in Iraq for 100 years, as you at least know
The Lamonster said:
I'm all for standing up for Obama and disputing PD's crazy statements...but I agree. Obama should have closed the door on this relationship a long time ago.
Then you don't understand the whole situation,i'm afraid.
And again, PD, you're not getting the point. Obama's respect and love for Wright extends beyond those remarks–his other sermons are what Obama bases his faith off of. Political agenda be damned, Obama believes in what he wants to believe in.
PhoenixDark said:
I understand that. My point is that as an elected official you're held to a higher standard. I'm not saying he should have never spoken to Wright ever again, or ended the relationship, but continuing to attend a church where the pastor suggests the government created AIDS to kill blacks, or who praises (and shares) some of Farakkhan's views is beyond stupid.

As an elected official you are of a higher standard, you serve the people of the United States of America. You dont throw citizens of the US nomatter how uncultured they are under the bus for words and remarks. The day most people realize that is the day US will be closer to a more perfect Union. There are people here on Gaf who say 911 was an inside job in the 911 conspiracy thread, do we ban them? ignore them? stop talking about video games with them? No we dont, because we know that they have a different view of things. Obama is not God or a Prophet, he is a man and men have loyalty and faith too nomatter if its the begger in the street or the President of the United States
BrandNew said:
And again, PD, you're not getting the point. Obama's respect and love for Wright extends beyond those remarks–his other sermons are what Obama bases his faith off of. Political agenda be damned, Obama believes in what he wants to believe in.

Clearly you put more faith in Obama than I do. As someone who attended church for more than 17 years and has broken off relationships with spiritual advisers due to social disputes, there's no way I can support Obama's position on this. You guys are supporting a pretty steep slippery slope here
Obama's speech last year commemorating the 42nd anniversary of the March on Selma:

This young man named Barack Obama got one of those tickets and came over to this country. He met this woman whose great great-great-great-grandfather had owned slaves; but she had a good idea there was some craziness going on because they looked at each other and they decided that we know that the world as it has been it might not be possible for us to get together and have a child. There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don’t tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama.

Obama was three and a half years old when the first Selma march took place...


schuelma said:
It will no doubt come back in the general, but I think its dead as far as the primary goes.

Nah. I think Hillary has been successful in trying to change the dialogue from Bosnia to, "Hey, I wouldn't have stayed at that church! Let's keep talking about Wright!"

It's pretty despicable, but it seems to be working like a charm.
I find it disgusting how Senator Clinton has been screaming that the people will elect her, not super delegates, which is different from early in the campaign when her lead was entirely based on super delegates, and she pushed for Michigan and Florida to be seated to "honor the voters" (only because it would be in her favor), yet she continually says that pledged delegates don't have to vote for who their voters choose, and that delegates pledged to Obama can instead vote for her, despite the voters choosing Obama. Anyone else see the irony here?
PhoenixDark said:
Clearly you put more faith in Obama than I do. As someone who attended church for more than 17 years and has broken off relationships with spiritual advisers due to social disputes, there's no way I can support Obama's position on this. You guys are supporting a pretty steep slippery slope here

Mohammad Ali went to twin towers right after 9/11 and a reporter asked him ' How do you feel that someone from your faith did this', Mohammad Ali responded ' How did you feel when a Christian named Hitler killed 12 million jews in 5 years'
artredis1980 said:
As an elected official you are of a higher standard, you serve the people of the United States of America. You dont throw citizens of the US nomatter how uncultured they are under the bus for words and remarks. The day most people realize that is the day US will be closer to a more perfect Union. There are people here on Gaf who say 911 was an inside job in the 911 conspiracy thread, do we ban them? ignore them? stop talking about video games with them? No we dont, because we know that they have a different view of things. Obama is not God or a Prophet, he is a man and men have loyalty and faith too nomatter if its the begger in the street or the President of the United States

First off, your analogy is absolutely horrible. This is not a simple case of playing videogames with a 911 Truther, or (worse yet) a Ron Paul supporter. We're talking about having a two decade long relationship with a man who propagates hate and stupidity. I've known members of NOI and NBPP for years, and while I'm friendly to them and have various connections with them, I don't associate myself with them. Why? Because I don't associate with racists. Is Wright a racist? Eh, I don't think so, but he sure as hell seems comfortable propagating racially offensive bullshit.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Clevinger said:
Nah. I think Hillary has been successful in trying to change the dialogue from Bosnia to, "Hey, I wouldn't have stayed at that church! Let's keep talking about Wright!"

It's pretty despicable, but it seems to be working like a charm.

I disagree- I've read/seen a lot of skepticism from reporters on the timing of that statement. Really don't think its getting that much traction


siamesedreamer said:
Obama's speech last year commemorating the 42nd anniversary of the March on Selma:

Obama was three and a half years old when the first Selma march took place...
Why not just link the Clinton campaign memo which also includes the clarification. Anyway I'm sure Obama has lied/exaggerated/misspoken plenty.
PhoenixDark said:
First off, your analogy is absolutely horrible. This is not a simple case of playing videogames with a 911 Truther, or (worse yet) a Ron Paul supporter. We're talking about having a two decade long relationship with a man who propagates hate and stupidity. I've known members of NOI and NBPP for years, and while I'm friendly to them and have various connections with them, I don't associate myself with them. Why? Because I don't associate with racists. Is Wright a racist? Eh, I don't think so, but he sure as hell seems comfortable propagating racially offensive bullshit.

How does blaming the government propogate Hate, hate is when you center on a culture or a race, tell me one instance where he used hate against a culture or a whole race. give me just one sentence

Seth C

tanod said:
You also get to pick which video you watch on the Internet. The misleading 20 second inflammatory one or the 10 minute sermon video that shows how distorted the 20 second video is. I'm guessing Hillary doesn't have 10 minutes to spare with the amount of time she's spending doing damage control this week.

Don't forget all the time she's spending preparing her tax documents. She said that takes a long time and she's very busy.
is siamesedreamer just NOW digging through oppo research on Obama? That Selma, Alabama line was clarified pretty quickly by Obama -- OVER A YEAR AGO.



Queen of Denmark
siamesedreamer said:
Obama's speech last year commemorating the 42nd anniversary of the March on Selma:

Obama was three and a half years old when the first Selma march took place...
That's a big stretch to paint him as a liar of some kind. He didn't say that he was born explicitly due to the Selma march -- only that the march was one sign of "something stirring".
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