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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Ante Up
schuelma said:
This board/thread really gets too be too much at times. The thought that John McCain could only get people to vote for him because they are stupid is just....well stupid.

I don't think anyone disagrees that there is a segment of the population that has very valid reasons for supporting McCain -- it's the fact that this segment potentially represents the majority that is mindboggling.


schuelma said:
This board/thread really gets too be too much at times. The thought that John McCain could only get people to vote for him because they are stupid is just....well stupid.

When people who are profoundly against the Iraq War vote for Mccain... Yes, they are stupid.
schuelma said:
This board/thread really gets too be too much at times. The thought that John McCain could only get people to vote for him because they are stupid is just....well stupid.

McCain is running on Iraq being the best thing to happen to America in a long time
Obama is running on Iraq being the worst thing to happen to American in a long time

It will be a cracker of an election


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Tamanon said:
To be fair, the main part of his post was true, McCain has himself admitted he has no clue on the economy.

I think that's kind of an extreme reading of what he said.


"industry expert"
Tamanon said:
Well MSNBC just flashed up some scary election polls:

McCain: 49
Obama: 44
Nader: 5

Clinton: 43
Nader: 6

Oh Naderbomb.:lol

And it's hilarious hearing Nader in an interview.

"How do you feel about xxx?"

"I don't feel about xxx, it's about getting power back to the people!"

Goddammit Nader!

I like the guy's consumer protection work, and I even agree with a lot about the who party system, but he would make an AWFUL president.

I'd love to see him in an appointed policyposition somewhere,; maybe even on the cabinet, but he lacks solid policies in any areas that aren't his expertise, and his campaign is clearly an attempt to raise awareness, rather than an attempt to win, only it has never worked before, and nothing will be different this time, and also he stands to chance to mess up the results by running.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
harSon said:
When people who are profoundly against the Iraq War vote for Mccain... Yes, they are stupid.

Not necessarily. If one gets past the idea of punishing McCain for supporting the war and places importance of not withdrawing until they perceive Iraq is stable/less likely to plunge into civil war, then I can certainly see why someone against the war would still vote for McCain.



PhoenixDark said:
People who disagree with you=stupid. Brilliant

McCain could easily beat Obama or Hillary depending on how he runs his campaign. But that's not to say he's invulnerable. His numbers will decrease on he's painted as a continuation of Bush's terms. But then again...if people STILL think he's the McCain of 2000, even after 8 years of such a blatant transformation, maybe they'll never believe otherwise

I didn't say people who disagree with me are stupid. People who disagree with the Iraq War and find the economy to be the largest issue yet vote for Mccain are stupid.


"industry expert"
harSon said:
When people who are profoundly against the Iraq War vote for Mccain... Yes, they are stupid.

Some of us have more than one issue that we care about.

I've been against the war since before the begining, but if it comes down to Clinton v. McCain, I'll probably go McCain.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
artredis1980 said:
McCain is running on Iraq being the best thing to happen to America in a long time

See, that's just a fucking lie. I find it incredibly funny that people who continually decry politics as usual and all the distortions that come with it can make these kind of blanket statements with a straight face.
The news media are generally kind to McCain lately, so that I fear. Many of the things that contradict his credibility or record barely makes news.
harSon said:
I didn't say people who disagree with me are stupid. People who disagree with the Iraq War and find the economy to be the largest issue yet vote for Mccain are stupid.

Most people are warming up to the Iraq war again btw

But yea, if you don't support the war and vote for McCain you're stupid, but if you don't support the war and don't vote for Clinton if she somehow manages to legally get the nomination you're ever stupider
schuelma said:
See, that's just a fucking lie. I find it incredibly funny that people who continually decry poltiics as usual and all the distortions that come with it can make these kind of blanket statements with a straight face.

McCain has said i did not respect Bush UNTIL he made the decision to go to War with Iraq, he voted for the War and is still supporting Bush even before the Surge and now after the Surge, Bush = McCain when it comes to view on the Iraq war. Bush has said now America is MUCH safer with Iraq in US hands and so has mcCain


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
the disgruntled gamer said:
I wish I could say that I can't believe the media is still pushing this Wright thing as a story, but after experiencing many elections, I very much can believe it. :(

The examination of 60s-style black liberation theology in the context of Sen. Obama's post-racial aughts campaign, which appeals to both blacks and well-educated liberals, is a good story. That's why everybody liberal or conservative with a byline has written about it. It's not some grand conspiracy hatched in the bowels of the RNC.


Guileless said:
The examination of 60s-style black liberation theology in the context of Sen. Obama's post-racial aughts campaign, which appeals to both blacks and well-educated liberals, is a good story. That's why everybody liberal or conservative with a byline has written about it. It's not some grand conspiracy hatched in the bowels of the RNC.

Because that's exactly what's going on, they're examining theology;)
id say Obama is pretty clean, he is BLACK and there would be some whites in power who HATE to have him in power and yet since 2007 they have come up with

1. Lapel Pin
2. Rezko which he defused completely in Chicago Tribune interview
3. Michelle saying in a long time she is really proud of her country
4. Rev Wright
5. NAFTA which has been defused by Canadian government as well

on the other hand since 2007 Clinton has alot going against her

1. Bills comments on Blacks during SC primary
2. Bill saying only Hill and Mccain love America
3. Hillary saying only herself and McCain are right for America
4. Tax Papers
5. I made peace in Northern Ireland
6. I was shot by snipers in Bosnia
7. Walmart
8. Watergate
9. Restarting Wright to divert from Bosnia
10. Vote to go to war with Iraq
11. Her push against Video Gaming as an industry
artredis1980 said:
id say Obama is pretty clean, he is BLACK and there would be some whites in power who HATE to have him in power and yet since 2007 they have come up with

1. Lapel Pin
2. Rezko which he defused completely in Chicago Tribune interview
3. Michelle saying in a long time she is really proud of her country
4. Rev Wright
5. NAFTA which has been defused by Canadian government as well

on the other hand since 2007 Clinton has alot going against her

1. Bills comments on Blacks during SC primary
2. Bill saying only Hill and Mccain love America
3. Hillary saying only herself and McCain are right for America
4. Tax Papers
5. I made peace in Northern Ireland
6. I was shot by snipers in Bosnia
7. Walmart
8. Watergate
9. Restarting Wright to divert from Bosnia
10. Vote to go to war with Iraq
11. Her push against Video Gaming as an industry

Are you suggesting the only reason he's being attacked is because he's black, and not because of his stupid decisions/comments on Wright, pins, patriotism, etc?


PhoenixDark said:
Are you suggesting the only reason he's being attacked is because he's black, and not because of his stupid decisions/comments on Wright, pins, patriotism, etc?

I think he's saying that him being black gives some people more reason to find something, not that he's only being attacked for being black.


PhoenixDark said:
Are you suggesting the only reason he's being attacked is because he's black, and not because of his stupid decisions/comments on Wright, pins, patriotism, etc?

It's definitely not the only reason or the largest reason but it's definitely the case with a select few IMO (Limbaugh, Hannity, Buchanon, etc..)
PhoenixDark said:
Are you suggesting the only reason he's being attacked is because he's black, and not because of his stupid decisions/comments on Wright, pins, patriotism, etc?

ok I know where you stand on wright, but what stupid decisions and comments has he made on patriotism, pins and what other etc are you talking about?

Piper Az

PhoenixDark said:
Are you suggesting the only reason he's being attacked is because he's black, and not because of his stupid decisions/comments on Wright, pins, patriotism, etc?
Stupid decisions on pins and patriotism?

What are you talking about?


artredis1980 said:
id say Obama is pretty clean, he is BLACK and there would be some whites in power who HATE to have him in power and yet since 2007 they have come up with

1. Lapel Pin
2. Rezko which he defused completely in Chicago Tribune interview
3. Michelle saying in a long time she is really proud of her country
4. Rev Wright
5. NAFTA which has been defused by Canadian government as well

on the other hand since 2007 Clinton has alot going against her

1. Bills comments on Blacks during SC primary
2. Bill saying only Hill and Mccain love America
3. Hillary saying only herself and McCain are right for America
4. Tax Papers
5. I made peace in Northern Ireland
6. I was shot by snipers in Bosnia
7. Walmart
8. Watergate
9. Restarting Wright to divert from Bosnia
10. Vote to go to war with Iraq
11. Her push against Video Gaming as an industry

i'm pretty sure you meant Whitewater. Watergate was Nixon. there's also Travelgate
Wow, 28 percent of clinton supporters would back mccain in the general election if obama wins the primary. Compared to 18 percent of obama supporters defecting to mccain if clinton take the primary...so much for that argument. Both candidates are carbon copies of each other, it amazes me that someone would vote republican because the candidates face didn't win in the pre-election. seriously thats amazing. :lol

Jesus dems are fucking retarded. :lol
schuelma said:
Not necessarily. If one gets past the idea of punishing McCain for supporting the war and places importance of not withdrawing until they perceive Iraq is stable/less likely to plunge into civil war, then I can certainly see why someone against the war would still vote for McCain.


From today's speech:

That is the route of responsible statesmanship. We have incurred a moral responsibility in Iraq. It would be an unconscionable act of betrayal, a stain on our character as a great nation, if we were to walk away from the Iraqi people and consign them to the horrendous violence, ethnic cleansing, and possibly genocide that would follow a reckless, irresponsible, and premature withdrawal. Our critics say America needs to repair its image in the world. How can they argue at the same time for the morally reprehensible abandonment of our responsibilities in Iraq?

That is the argument going forward from McCain.
topsyturvy said:
Wow, 28 percent of clinton supporters would back mccain in the general election if obama wins the primary. Compared to 18 percent of obama supporters defecting to mccain if clinton take the primary...so much for that argument. :/

Jesus dems are fucking retarded. :lol

Those polls aren't very telling considering if Obama isn't the nomination millions of new young voters won't show up in November, and the same for many African American voters.


PhoenixDark said:
Those polls aren't very telling considering if Obama isn't the nomination millions of new young voters won't show up in November, and the same for many African American voters.
Not to mention they don't take into account the way the nomination is won.

Still, no way 28% of Hillary voters will vote for McCain come November.
PhoenixDark said:
Those polls aren't very telling considering if Obama isn't the nomination millions of new young voters won't show up in November, and the same for many African American voters.
could we still write in obama for the gen. election even if he didn't win the nomination?


Ante Up
topsyturvy said:
Wow, 28 percent of clinton supporters would back mccain in the general election if obama wins the primary. Compared to 18 percent of obama supporters defecting to mccain if clinton take the primary...so much for that argument. Both candidates are carbon copies of each other, it amazes me that someone would vote republican because the candidates face didn't win in the pre-election. seriously thats amazing. :lol

Jesus dems are fucking retarded. :lol

The losing side will get over it by November.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Dahellisdat said:
could we still write in obama for the gen. election even if he didn't win the nomination?

Yes, please do


John McCain
PhoenixDark said:
Those polls aren't very telling considering if Obama isn't the nomination millions of new young voters won't show up in November, and the same for many African American voters.
But out of curiosity, what percentage of african american and young voters won't show up? 72 percent of african americans who voted for obama in the primaries said they'll vote for clinton. I assume that young voters will stay home or vote clinton because why would they vote for mccain?

mashoutposse said:
The losing side will get over it by November.
I think this is reasonable. No matter how she pick up the nom, who in there right minds would hold a grudge for 6 months?


syllogism said:
Not to mention they don't take into account the way the nomination is won.

Still, no way 28% of Hillary voters will vote for McCain come November.
I think there are plenty of old, slightly prejudiced white women who probably would.
that poll is crap, how is it possible that 28% of hill supporters will vote for mccain and 18% of obama supporters wll vote for mccain and the same pollster says Mccain only has a 4 point edge against obama and a 6 point edge against Clinton


harSon said:
I didn't say people who disagree with me are stupid. People who disagree with the Iraq War and find the economy to be the largest issue yet vote for Mccain are stupid.

McCain was simply being honest when he said that the economy was not his area of expertise, but how can you say Obama is more qualified to deal with the economy (or Hillary for that matter)? I don't think I've ever heard him mentioned as "the economy candidate." Does he have experience in the subject that I don't know about?


Edwards has far more credibility than Obama re: the economy, and even that's not really saying much.

I wouldn't put too much stock in polls about who will vote for the opposition out of spite; by the time the GE comes along all this bad will, will be gone.


topsyturvy said:
But out of curiosity, what percentage of african american and young voters won't show up? 72 percent of african americans who voted for obama in the primaries said they'll vote for clinton. I assume that young voters will stay home or vote clinton because why would they vote for mccain?
Yeah, but if you asked them "would you still vote for Hillary Clinton if she won the nomination by subverting the democratic process, winning by superdelegates after she lost the popular vote and delegate count?"

Yeah, I think the answer might be a bit less than 72%.
artredis1980 said:
that poll is crap, how is it possible that 28% of hill supporters will vote for mccain and 18% of obama supporters wll vote for mccain and the same pollster says Mccain only has a 4 point edge against obama and a 6 point edge against Clinton
because within the clinton supporters they'll jump ship. ummm, duh!


mashoutposse said:
The losing side will get over it by November.

Yeah really. The tone of the divided democrats has gotten ridiculous. Hillary and Obama share virtually every policy position. It would make no sense for anyone to cross over to McCain.
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