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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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GhaleonEB said:
I don't have the link handy, I'd posted it earlier. Democrat registration in PA hit a new record. However, both Republican and Independent registrations shrank, which may be a clue that there is a lot of cross overs.

I think i know the link ur talking about . it said the republican base shrank by 2% and independents shrank by 10-15 percent
siamesedreamer said:
Rasmussen had a WV poll from today or yesterday showing her up by 27 points.


From about a week and a half ago, but yea she polled big.

It'll shrink considerably though, unless the race ends before then, Obama has some advantages that could help him pick up there. WV doesn't have a strong Dem machine, which is what Hilary can generally plug right into in the big states/swing states, Obama has consistently built efforts more effectively than hilary, which will work for him.
artredis1980 said:
i thought this was funny, coming from a person who refuses to release her tax returns immediately:

Hillary:“I am pleased that Senator Obama has released his tax returns. I think that’s a good first step. Now he should release his records from being in the state senate and any other information that the public and the press need to know from his prior experience, because I think that, you know, we should continue to make available the information that we have,”

Jesus, are they still using the same goal post? I'm going to assume that they aren't. The first one must be complete torn up from the constant moving its been through :lol


I have to say that, you know, after hearing Hillary speak, you know, for the last few months that her, you know, constant usage of the words 'you know' is getting on my, you know, frickin nerves.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Jesus, are they still using the same goal post? I'm going to assume that they aren't. The first one must be complete torn up from the constant moving its been through :lol

This morning at 10:23 AM, Hilary campaign demanded that he release his returns from all of 2000.

10:25 AM David plouf put a PDF on BarackObama.com of all of the tax releases, it was amazing.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
I don't have the link handy, I'd posted it earlier. Democrat registration in PA hit a new record. However, both Republican and Independent registrations shrank, which may be a clue that there is a lot of cross overs.

I just wonder how many crossed over.


woeds said:
I have to say that, you know, after hearing Hillary speak, you know, for the last few months that her, you know, constant usage of the words 'you know' is getting on my, you know, frickin nerves.

she has a play-un too, did you know that?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
electricpirate said:
This morning at 10:23 AM, Hilary campaign demanded that he release his returns from all of 2000.

10:25 AM David plouf put a PDF on BarackObama.com of all of the tax releases, it was amazing.
Piper Az said:
Obama - Richardson

I would really like an Obama-Richardson ticket, but I wonder how much race would play into it. I hate to say that, but you know it's going to be an issue if it happens. That said I do absolutely want Richardson in the Obama administration in one way or another. I had considered an Obama-Edwards ticket a while back, but Edwards silence is scaring me. Like he's just waiting for a VP spot from one of the candidates, and he doesn't care which one.

As a side-note, Mike Gravel's staff has just contacted us (college democrats), and he's going to be stopping at our college early next week. Pretty cool.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
electricpirate said:
This morning at 10:23 AM, Hilary campaign demanded that he release his returns from all of 2000.

10:25 AM David plouf put a PDF on BarackObama.com of all of the tax releases, it was amazing.

It really didn't happen that fast.


mckmas8808 said:
It really didn't happen that fast.
It did, actually.


The returns were posted just minutes after the Clinton campaign attacked Obama for not releasing them.


This is pretty funny. Hillary spokesperson Phil Singer blasted out an email at 11:23 insisting that Obama release his tax returns for back years.

Exactly two minutes later, at 11:25, Obama spokesperson Tommy Vietor emailed out word that Obama had posted his tax returns for 2000-2006 on his campaign web site. Turns out the Obama camp has been planning this for some time.


GhaleonEB said:



UPDATE: There was a question of timestamps. Here's a shot of my in-box -- the Obama campaign apparently defied the laws of TIME AND SPACE. Next step: Walking on water!


Oh boy. CBS news follow-up, with new video. Holy crap the video is harsh - clips of her telling the story as early as December. And they roll video that directly contradicts Clinton's explanation from today.


Admits She Misspoke About 1996 Bosnia Trip; Mentioned It In Iowa, Texas And Also Last Week

After CBS News video showed what really happened when she landed and greeted officials, Senator Clinton maintained there were risks but explained to the Philadelphia Daily News why she was seen on the Bosnia tarmac greeting a young child if it was really so dangerous.

"I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this eight-year-old girl and I said, 'Well, I, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her,'' Clinton said. "So I greeted her, I took her stuff and I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Once again her memory doesn't match CBS News videotape, Attkisson reports. She and her daughter Chelsea lingered on the tarmac to greet U.S. military officials, took photos, and then walked to the armored vehicle where she did, eventually, duck and enter.

The more important issue, Clinton said, is whether she would be a better commander-in-chief than Obama or Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Clinton and Obama are competing for votes in Pennsylvania's April 22 primary.

Clinton's aides had tried to control the Bosnia flap Monday, saying the New York senator "misspoke."

Piper Az

Joker's daughter to star in next Batman movie? Ugh.


In last question from the audience while campaigning for her mother Tuesday, she is asked whether Sen. Clinton’s credibility had been hurt during scandal.

Responds saying: “Wow, you’re the first person actually that’s ever asked me that question in the, I don’t know maybe, 70 college campuses I’ve now been to, and I do not think that is any of your business.”


Gabriel Knight
Cheebs said:
Hillary? Deserving of being trashed. Bill? Lately, very much so too.

Chelsea? No way. She is still golden.
So honestly..how many times have you masturbated thinking of Chelsea? Be honest.
10 so far?

jak stat

Cheebs said:
Hillary? Deserving of being trashed. Bill? Lately, very much so too.

Chelsea? No way. She is still golden.
Wouldn't be so sure about that.

Can't find the quote now, but I remember about how Chelsea defending her mother's Bosnia comments. You know, with the ridiculous difference between Hillary's comments and the truth, Chelsea should be denouncing what happened.


GhaleonEB said:
Oh boy. CBS news follow-up, with new video. Holy crap the video is harsh - clips of her telling the story as early as December. And they roll video that directly contradicts Clinton's explanation from today.


Wow, they really nailed her... basically everything she said today about "I took her stuff and then I left!" was a complete lie. She shakes nearly every soldier's hand and then poses with a bunch of 7th graders on the tarmac before casually getting into the humvee


electricpirate said:
This morning at 10:23 AM, Hilary campaign demanded that he release his returns from all of 2000.

10:25 AM David plouf put a PDF on BarackObama.com of all of the tax releases, it was amazing.

Awesome planning by the Obama camp. This makes Hillary's stalling of releasing any tax returns look even more fishy and suspect.


mj1108 said:
Awesome planning by the Obama camp. This makes Hillary's stalling of releasing any tax returns look even more fishy and suspect.

Even outside of that actually, it makes Obama's team look so goddamn organized... like, the dude is fucking prepared as hell. This is one of the primary arguments I've been making about Obama vs. Hillary... this campaign has really showed us who has some of the qualities that make a good president. Obama has one-upped Hillary in almost every regard. He has made a few major slip-ups, but overall this type of shit has been par the course. He fucking dances around Hillary.


when is my burrito
Amir0x said:
Even outside of that actually, it makes Obama's team look so goddamn organized... like, the dude is fucking prepared as hell. This is one of the primary arguments I've been making about Obama vs. Hillary... this campaign has really showed us who has some of the qualities that make a good president. Obama has one-upped Hillary in almost every regard. He has made a few major slip-ups, but overall this type of shit has been par the course. He fucking dances around Hillary.

Just a year or two ago, did anybody ever think there was a politician who could outmaneuver the Clintons? Pretty damn amazing, I'd say.

Between his organization efforts and the potential for a 50-state campaign in the GE, it's obvious that this is the best-run campaign for President there's ever been.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The CBS news shot at Hillary and the Bosnia trip is #1 on youtube today!!!! Viewed more than 1 million times.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
tanod said:
Just a year or two ago, did anybody ever think there was a politician who could outmaneuver the Clintons? Pretty damn amazing, I'd say.

Ehh..I think the Clinton's have great political minds and historically had great political minds working for them, but I don't think they were ever a paragon of organization, even in the White House.


tanod said:
Just a year or two ago, did anybody ever think there was a politician who could outmaneuver the Clintons? Pretty damn amazing, I'd say.

Between his organization efforts and the potential for a 50-state campaign, it's obvious this is probably the best-run campaign for President there's ever been.

That's been the big shock. Before this campaign geared up, everyone was like "Clintons have the political team advantage, will be huge ground game nobody can compete." After Iowa every apparently didn't notice what Obama was doing there, but AFTER Iowa everyone was like 'jesus christ, I think we have somebody who has destroyed Hillary's ground game and disassembled her political machine.'

It's really been a testament to what this man can do, when he sets his mind out. The power of his message led by his eloquent speeches is one strength, but this is the real brain machine that drives the engine that gets less media attention. Obama isn't here merely because of amazing oratory skills, he's here because he's the better candidate period.


tanod said:
it's obvious that this is the best-run campaign for President there's ever been.
I wouldn't go that far.

Reagan in 1980 ran one of the best campaigns of all time.

And I would say Bush's 2004 campaign was nothing short of brilliant in its organization.

And I still feel the Beagala/Carville '92 Clinton campaign was nothing short of perfect. They are out of touch today, but in 1992 were amazing.


when is my burrito
Also adding: Though he has a large hill to climb in Pennsylvania, I do expect him to make major in-roads once he gets his operations going. Not gonna win, but the man has a scarily good organization.

Axelrod and Plouffe deserves credit too.

EDIT: Reagan never got the amount of fund raising that Obama has from such a multitude of people, without any special interest or corporate money.


tanod said:
Also adding: Though he has a large hill to climb in Pennsylvania, I do expect him to make major in-roads once he gets his operations going. Not gonna win, but the man has a scarily good organization.

Axelrod and Plouffe deserves credit too.
Axelrod will get the credit he deserves if Obama is elected president, no doubt.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Cheebs said:
I wouldn't go that far.

Reagan in 1980 ran one of the best campaigns of all time.

And I would say Bush's 2004 campaign was nothing short of brilliant in its organization.

And I still feel the Beagala/Carville '92 Clinton campaign was nothing short of perfect. They are out of touch today, but in 1992 were amazing.

Not to mention let's wait and see how his campaign actually does in the general before saying its the best campaign of all time :lol :lol


Amir0x said:
That's been the big shock. Before this campaign geared up, everyone was like "Clintons have the political team advantage, will be huge ground game nobody can compete." After Iowa every apparently didn't notice what Obama was doing there, but AFTER Iowa everyone was like 'jesus christ, I think we have somebody who has destroyed Hillary's ground game and disassembled her political machine.'

It's really been a testament to what this man can do, when he sets his mind out.
The power of his message led by his eloquent speeches is one strength, but this is the real brain machine that drives the engine that gets less media attention. Obama isn't here merely because of amazing oratory skills, he's here because he's the better candidate period.

I think it's a combination of that and just how incompetent either Hillary or her campaign is (though she has to be pretty incompetent herself to OK half the shit they recommend for her to do).

Had she not run her campaign like a moron I'm convinced she'd either be in a lot better shape right now or have won it long ago.
Hillary is a calculating, conniving, lying BITCH.
o hai Amir0x

The NAFTA thing and now this Kosovo thing? She is so full of fucking shit and I can not stand it anymore.

Misspoke? O RLY? GTFO with that bullshit.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Clevinger said:
I think it's a combination of that and just how incompetent either Hillary or her campaign is (though she has to be pretty incompetent herself to OK half the shit they recommend for her to do).

Had she not run her campaign like a moron I'm convinced she'd either be in a lot better shape right now or have won it long ago.

Agreed. Obama's campaign isn't brilliant for actually organizing in states beyond Super Tuesday- that's just competence.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Amir0x said:
That's been the big shock. Before this campaign geared up, everyone was like "Clintons have the political team advantage, will be huge ground game nobody can compete." After Iowa every apparently didn't notice what Obama was doing there, but AFTER Iowa everyone was like 'jesus christ, I think we have somebody who has destroyed Hillary's ground game and disassembled her political machine.'

It's really been a testament to what this man can do, when he sets his mind out. The power of his message led by his eloquent speeches is one strength, but this is the real brain machine that drives the engine that gets less media attention. Obama isn't here merely because of amazing oratory skills, he's here because he's the better candidate period.

Your ass needs to be on FoxNews, MSNBC, and CNN EVERY FREAKING DAY!!! Hot damn man. It's like nobody understands this.

They always say that it shouldn't only be about big speeches, yet they don't look at his ground game. Why?!
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