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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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artredis1980 said:
How does blaming the government propogate Hate, hate is when you center on a culture or a race, tell me one instance where he used hate against a culture or a whole race. give me just one sentence

It was clear to me that Wright was using "the government" as a sublte way of saying "white people" in the AIDS comments. It's the exact same thing as what Detroit's mayor does - he loves playing the race card, and often says "the suburbs shouldn't have a say in what the city does", which is a clever racial comment about whites and blacks. It's not hard to see through bullshit like that.

For someone running a campaign devoid of racial division it's a shame Obama didn't distance himself from Wright earlier. The connection was a blot on his entire image
siamesedreamer said:
Obama's speech last year commemorating the 42nd anniversary of the March on Selma: Obama was three and a half years old when the first Selma march took place...
Come on - he was talking a about the civil rights movement, not that they saw that specific march, got all turned on, and decided to make a baby.


Cheebs said:
New gallup poll

47-46 for Obama. It was 47-45 yesterday and then 47-46 the day before that. Nothing is moving at all.
Rasmussen daily tracking has them tied 45-45 now. It had Clinton up 46-43 yesterday. Still, not much movement on either.


when is my burrito
Cheebs said:
Top Story on CNN politics lol:
"Pastor flap comes up again as Obama returns to trail"

From the people who brought you: "The race is still close LOLOLOLOLOL"

Cheebs said:
Top Story on CNN politics lol:
"Pastor flap comes up again as Clinton tries to deflect accountability for lieing"


GhaleonEB said:
Rasmussen daily tracking has them tied 45-45 now. It had Clinton up 46-43 yesterday. Still, not much movement on either.
I actually saw both polls and was waiting to see which one Cheebs would post. Predictable.
PhoenixDark said:
It was clear to me that Wright was using "the government" as a sublte way of saying "white people" in the AIDS comments. It's the exact same thing as what Detroit's mayor does - he loves playing the race card, and often says "the suburbs shouldn't have a say in what the city does", which is a clever racial comment about whites and blacks. It's not hard to see through bullshit like that.

For someone running a campaign devoid of racial division it's a shame Obama didn't distance himself from Wright earlier. The connection was a blot on his entire image

are you asuming blaming the goverment means white people? thats like saying there was no Jewish person in twin towers so it has to be done by Israel! again give me one sentence where he was using racist tones against a typical race. Your assumptions dont mean he means it like that
Incognito said:

Just started reading?


It's one of Michelle Malkin's brainchilds. Allahpundit is an idiot.


Regardless, I kinda like it. And you gotta admit its rather hypocritical to ridicule me for reading it since just about everyone of you reads Kos, TPM, etc.

I actually wish there was a righty equivilent of Kos. I hate that guy, but he runs a damn fine site.
artredis1980 said:
are you asuming blaming the goverment means white people? thats like saying there was no Jewish person in twin towers so it has to be done by Israel! again give me one sentence where he was using racist tones against a typical race. Your assumptions dont mean he means it like that

Another horrible analogy. The connection was pretty damn obvious. And speaking of 911, Wright did suggest Israel had something to do with it.


PhoenixDark said:
It was clear to me that Wright was using "the government" as a sublte way of saying "white people" in the AIDS comments. It's the exact same thing as what Detroit's mayor does - he loves playing the race card, and often says "the suburbs shouldn't have a say in what the city does", which is a clever racial comment about whites and blacks. It's not hard to see through bullshit like that.

For someone running a campaign devoid of racial division it's a shame Obama didn't distance himself from Wright earlier. The connection was a blot on his entire image

Have you seen the speeches in their entirety? The cut up and mashed together sermon the media has constructed sings a much different song then the sermon in it's original context. Not that I'd expect you to go the extra mile though...


PhoenixDark said:
Another horrible analogy. The connection was pretty damn obvious. And speaking of 911, Wright did suggest Israel had something to do with it.
no it was not obvious. by all means make shit up PD.

Next he said our foreign poilicy regarding Israel and throwing Muslims off their land was one thing that led to 9/11. not the only thing and not Israel. just our policy involving them.

and finally his 9/11 comments were not his. he was quoting some one else. a "white" man. which shows your own knowledge on the sermons is no more than the cnn, fox news soundbite.

stop being a puppet. wake up. and educate yourself cause you look foolish.


"industry expert"
Guys, OBVIOUSLY he was talking about white people when he brought up AIDS, because white people created AIDS in a lab in order to kill off black people.
harSon said:
Have you seen the speeches in their entirety? The cut up and mashed together sermon the media has constructed sings a much different song then the sermon in it's original context. Not that I'd expect you to go the extra mile though...

I've already stated I watched the entire video, and I'll say again: no amount of spin you do, and no matter how much footage watched will take away his claim that the "US" created AIDS to destroy blacks. It's an absolutely disgusting comment that no one on your side seems to want to confront because if you do you'll lose the discussion.

Nancy Reagan endorses McCain
BEL AIR, Calif. - Former first lady Nancy Reagan endorsed John McCain for president Tuesday as the Arizona senator continued to collect backing from leading Republicans who might help him unite the party and win over critical conservative voters.

The GOP nominee-in-waiting, in the midst of a West Coast fundraising swing, stopped by the Southern California home of President Reagan's widow to accept the endorsement from the Republican matriarch he called beloved and wonderful.

"I'm very pleased and honored to have the opportunity again to be with Mrs. Reagan and to receive her endorsement for the nomination of my party and for president of the United States," McCain said in a five-minute appearance with the former first lady in the driveway of her gated home. "President Reagan and Mrs. Reagan remain an inspiration to all of us, as an example of honorable and courageous service to the nation."

In turn, she said only, "Ronnie and I always waited until everything was decided and then we endorsed. Well, obviously, this is the nominee of the party."

In a written statement issued earlier in the day, she called McCain a good friend for more than 30 years.

"My husband and I first came to know him as a returning Vietnam War POW, and were impressed by the courage he had shown through his terrible ordeal. I believe John's record and experience have prepared him well to be our next president," she said.

She and McCain met privately in the Reagan home before they emerged, arm in arm, through the front door to meet reporters.

Adds conservative cachet
Her eventual support was expected, and she became the latest top Republican to fall in line behind McCain. The two have long been close.

The endorsement could help him shore up the backing of conservatives who view him skeptically for his record of breaking with the party on some issues.

McCain said he hopes the endorsement brings the fractured party together and said: "This is an important, most important kind of expression of confidence in my ability to lead the party that I could have."

At the same time, a Reagan nod also could help further align him with the former president who attracted Democratic as well as Republican voters. Said McCain: "The Reagan Democrats are very important and I hope every one of them and new Democrats will be watching."

The former first lady has nurtured her husband's legacy and generally has stayed out of the political spotlight in recent years, with a few exceptions. She remained quiet during the multicandidate fight for the GOP nod but attended debates held at her husband's presidential library in Simi Valley, Calif.

In 2006, she lobbied in favor of legislation to expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, a position McCain shares, but President Bush vetoed the bill. President Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's disease.

She also waded into the Virginia Senate race that year when Democratic candidate James Webb, who served as Navy secretary in the Reagan administration, ran an ad featuring 1985 video footage of President Reagan praising Webb's gallantry as a Marine. Nancy Reagan's office sent Webb's campaign a letter objecting to the use of the Reagan footage.
Cheebs, explain this

The article suggests this nomination will somehow make conservatives warm up to McCain, which strikes me as bullshit. Conservatives loved Reagan, not his wife, who has publically gone against them on issues such as embryonic stem cell research


It probably won't have much effect, but I doubt the majority of the conservatives know about her dissenting views. Also stem cell research probably isn't much of a deal breaker.
siamesedreamer said:
McCain giving foreign policy speech on CNN right now.


shiite sunni ... what's that? really?!


PhoenixDark said:
Nancy Reagan endorses McCain

McCain continues to corner the conservative centenarian market. Obama needs to make inroads there.

siamesedreamer said:
Rasmussen also has McCain up on Obama by double digits for the first time.

Well, I'm ready to pack it in. Clearly the guy who is admittedly clueless on the economy, wants to prolong an unpopular war, and could drop dead at any second is an unstoppable force. He is white, which should be good enough for some.

These national tracking polls are completely meaningless.
siamesedreamer said:
McCain giving foreign policy speech on CNN right now.

No one cares, and I'd imagine no one will be talking about it later tonight when the news shows start coming on. McCain has been ignored for some time now thanks to the Wright and Bosnia stories - and Obama/Hillary in general. Whoever thinks this thing is solely hurting the democrats is grossly mistaken


PhoenixDark said:
I've already stated I watched the entire video, and I'll say again: no amount of spin you do, and no matter how much footage watched will take away his claim that the "US" created AIDS to destroy blacks. It's an absolutely disgusting comment that no one on your side seems to want to confront because if you do you'll lose the discussion.

just like the US goverment didn't use blacks in syphilis research?.

now i am not defending the mans comments on aids but to a man growing up in the time of wright you can not ignore issues like this or the giving of small pox to the Indians by the us government.

you use those ignorant statements to cry racism and its pathetic on your part. And what makes it worse is your ignorance of how a black man who grew up during the civil rights might view that government.


siamesedreamer said:
McCain giving foreign policy speech on CNN right now.

Hmm...will he sing his 'bomb...bomb....bomb...Iran' tune or maybe he'll talk about how Iran is training al quaida....

Maybe he'll just talk about how metamucil should be named the national drink?


PhoenixDark said:
Cheebs, explain this

The article suggests this nomination will somehow make conservatives warm up to McCain, which strikes me as bullshit. Conservatives loved Reagan, not his wife, who has publically gone against them on issues such as embryonic stem cell research
Republicans love her despite the fact she is very liberal for a republican. Hell if she hadn't known McCain personally since the 70's I could have easily seen her endorse Obama.

herself and the reagan kids are all pretty liberal, Ronald Reagan Jr. in particular had an Air America show. :lol


PhoenixDark said:
I've already stated I watched the entire video, and I'll say again: no amount of spin you do, and no matter how much footage watched will take away his claim that the "US" created AIDS to destroy blacks. It's an absolutely disgusting comment that no one on your side seems to want to confront because if you do you'll lose the discussion.

Are you fucking dense? :lol I'm fairly sure that nearly everyone has expressed disgust for his comments on AIDS. However, that particular comment does not change the fact that the majority of his comments (Including the most played comment "God Damn America") have been completely taken out of context. No amount of blinders or spin is going to change that.
Cheebs said:
Republicans love her despite the fact she is very liberal for a republican. Hell if she hadn't known McCain personally since the 70's I could have easily seen her endorse Obama.

herself and the reagan kids are all pretty liberal, Ronald Reagan Jr. in particular had an Air America show. :lol

I thought Reagan Jr. wasn't really Reagan's son; wasn't he adopted or something?

HarSon: Considering I've never put any emphasis on his "god damn america" comments it's pretty clear I'm not talking about them; I agree, that was taken out of context, and I've heard similar sermons to that before


*drowns in jizz*
I can't believe we're still talking about Wright. I can't fucking believe it. What a fucking charade this primary is.


I wish I could say that I can't believe the media is still pushing this Wright thing as a story, but after experiencing many elections, I very much can believe it. :(


"industry expert"
harSon said:
Obama should come out and say that his pastor simply "misspoke".

You know, honestly, I really respectedthe way Obama spoke about the whole thing. MOst politicians probably would have tried to just sweep it under the carpet, but hewas open and honest about it. And then turned it around and said (in so many words) that white people who oppose affirmative action, and the like, aren't really being racist.

He spoke openly and honestly. I'm still not happy about the selection of candidates left this year, but the speach definitely made me a little more comfortable with the idea of voting for Obama.


Imm0rt4l said:
anybody else thing Hillary looks fatigued lately? she was a mess when I saw her on cnn yesterday.
If thats now, I can't imagine what she'd look like answering the phone at 3am!


Ante Up
siamesedreamer said:
Rasmussen also has McCain up on Obama by double digits for the first time.

That race still has 7.5 months to go and those numbers will of course change by October. IMO, it's not going to look good for McCain when he is finally stacked up directly against either Obama or Clinton. That first Presidential debate is going to be rough.


Well MSNBC just flashed up some scary election polls:

McCain: 49
Obama: 44
Nader: 5

Clinton: 43
Nader: 6

Oh Naderbomb.:lol

And it's hilarious hearing Nader in an interview.

"How do you feel about xxx?"

"I don't feel about xxx, it's about getting power back to the people!"


Tamanon said:
Well MSNBC just flashed up some scary election polls:

McCain: 49
Obama: 44
Nader: 5

Clinton: 43
Nader: 6

Oh Naderbomb.:lol

I wouldn't be surprised if the RNC was funneling money into Nader's campaign.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
gkrykewy said:
Well, I'm ready to pack it in. Clearly the guy who is admittedly clueless on the economy, wants to prolong an unpopular war, and could drop dead at any second is an unstoppable force. He is white, which should be good enough for some.

These national tracking polls are completely meaningless.

Keep underestimating McCain at your own peril. I find this to be a very ignorant post.


schuelma said:
Keep underestimating McCain at your own peril. I find this to be a very ignorant post.

I don't think he's underestimating Mccain, he's underestimating the stupidity of the American population.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
harSon said:
I don't think he's underestimating Mccain, he's underestimating the stupidity of the American population.

This board/thread really gets too be too much at times. The thought that John McCain could only get people to vote for him because they are stupid is just....well stupid.


schuelma said:
This board/thread really gets too be too much at times. The thought that John McCain could only get people to vote for him because they are stupid is just....well stupid.

To be fair, the main part of his post was true, McCain has himself admitted he has no clue on the economy.
harSon said:
I don't think he's underestimating Mccain, he's underestimating the stupidity of the American population.

People who disagree with you=stupid. Brilliant

McCain could easily beat Obama or Hillary depending on how he runs his campaign. But that's not to say he's invulnerable. His numbers will decrease on he's painted as a continuation of Bush's terms. But then again...if people STILL think he's the McCain of 2000, even after 8 years of such a blatant transformation, maybe they'll never believe otherwise
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