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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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grandjedi6 said:
Well Edwards was insulted before that Obama wasn't courting him as heavily as Hillary was, so maybe.....

Hillary's version of Courting: "Support me and I'll give you a high position"
Obama's version of Courting: "Support me and do what's best for the party"


force push the doodoo rock
Ugh, well, we won't know until Edwards actually says something. Seriously though dems, get it together..


mj1108 said:
Hillary's version of Courting: "Support me and I'll give you a high position"
Obama's version of Courting: "Support me and do what's best for the party"

Republican's version of courting: Dickinabox.gif
Edwards "insulted" by Obama's lack of courtship? Is that true lol; sounds extremely diva-ish to me.

Obama doesn't need Edwards, and neither does Hillary when it comes down to it. But assuming he does endorse Hillary and she winds up losing the nomination...what's Edwards' next move? Obama has basically destroyed his relevance in some ways, and pretty soon his good looks will be gone.

And to think more than a year ago he was considered to be the premier anti-Hillary candidate for the nomination
PhoenixDark said:
Edwards "insulted" by Obama's lack of courtship? Is that true lol; sounds extremely diva-ish to me.

Obama doesn't need Edwards, and neither does Hillary when it comes down to it. But assuming he does endorse Hillary and she winds up losing the nomination...what's Edwards' next move? Obama has basically destroyed his relevance in some ways, and pretty soon his good looks will be gone.

And to think more than a year ago he was considered to be the premier anti-Hillary candidate for the nomination

who's side are you on? you should be happy he is endorsing Hillary
Smiles and Cries said:
who's side are you on? you should be happy he is endorsing Hillary

I don't support Hillary. And even if I did it would be hard to explain Edwards' alleged decision. He was the anti-Hillary before Obama, and his anti corporation/lobbyist positions meshed much better with Obama. Which is why this is baffling to me, plus the fact that Hillary's chances of winning the nomination are pretty slim now. Like I said Edwards isn't stupid...so why would he (allegedly) decide to back Hillary at this particular moment?
Edwards is probably looking for a cabinet position or somesuch, which this late in the game would be more likely to come from Clinton given that she would need the endorsement more since she is so far behind. I mean, he really doesn't have much of a career anymore; he doesn't have a Senate seat, he couldn't carry his own state as VP in 2004 and would be a stupid pick for either candidate in 08, and after two consecutive failed runs for the nomination I doubt he runs in 2012.


*drowns in jizz*
PhoenixDark said:
I don't support Hillary.

What, come again? Were all your other posts the last few months from the twilight zone or something? Cause it sure as hell sounded like you did.


an Edwards endorsement really isn't worth much at this point. maybe a month ago, but at this point, the only thing he can achieve by backing Hillary is career suicide. also, Nancy Pelosi has all but said that she will back whoever has the most delegates at the convention.


Incognito said:
If true, don't know what the guy is thinking.

I hope it isn't, though. Simply for his sake.
Who cares? Edwards isn't going to be doing anything other than getting expensive haircuts and talking about mills this time next year. Like anything he says is going to sway enough people to make a difference. Pfft.
Who is this Guy? He came out of the wood work, to put things in perspective


When Senator Obama's preacher thundered about racism and injustice Obama suffered smear-by-association. But when my late father -- Religious Right leader Francis Schaeffer -- denounced America and even called for the violent overthrow of the US government, he was invited to lunch with presidents Ford, Reagan and Bush, Sr.


gluv65 said:
Who is this Guy? He came out of the wood work, to put things in perspective


When Senator Obama's preacher thundered about racism and injustice Obama suffered smear-by-association. But when my late father -- Religious Right leader Francis Schaeffer -- denounced America and even called for the violent overthrow of the US government, he was invited to lunch with presidents Ford, Reagan and Bush, Sr.



Triumph said:


Now now, HOT AIR already spake definitively on the matter. BLACK MAN's moral legitimacy has been lost. I wore a racially neutral grey armband today in mourning.


APF said:
Obama can embrace America-hating nuttrolls if he wants to.


Edwards is a diva. He always has been.

When Kerry was considering him for VP Edwards said "I never told anyone this story in my life but I feel I must tell someone *tells some story about crawling on his dead son's body and promising him to make the world a better place...etc*"

Kerry said he heard him tell that exact same story a year ago with the same "I never told anyone this" line and it creeped him out.

Edwards is an egotistic diva. Of COURSE he'd probably go with whoever kisses his ass the most.
Thought y'all might like to chew on this.


Unbelievable record of achievement at the ripe age of 36. I would rather him get more seasoning, but its good to know the GOP has guys like that in the coffers.


siamesedreamer said:
Thought y'all might like to chew on this.


Unbelievable record of achievement at the ripe age of 36. I would rather him get more seasoning, but its good to know the GOP has guys like that in the coffers.
I saw an interview with him on CNN a while back when the rumors of him being McCain's VP first surfaced. He pretty much ruled out the possibility of a VP run, and actually complimented Obama quite a bit. He struck me as very likable, and it seems that his track record has been good - I would approve of him as my Governor.

However his religious history kind of turns me off, though that'll probably be a huge plus for his base in case he does seek higher office. I hope he doesn't, incidentally, because then I'll have to weigh a very competent, if slightly crazy, Republican against whatever the Dems drudge up.


mckmas8808 said:
Dat dude is mad funny. I hope they play this on cable news all day tomorrow. Or do I? Would that statement scare white voters?

No seriously. Would it?

It won't get played I'm guessing. Although, maybe we could do with an "angry" black man moratorium on FOX :p


Master of the Google Search
The deadline for the Florida mail-in revote decision is today! And they seem to be no where closer to an agreement
Zeed said:
However his religious history kind of turns me off, though that'll probably be a huge plus for his base in case he does seek higher office. I hope he doesn't, incidentally, because then I'll have to weigh a very competent, if slightly crazy, Republican against whatever the Dems drudge up.

You complain about Jindal being Catholic, yet you're voting for Obama? Gawd some of y'all have your heads to far up his ass its unbelievable... :lol

grandjedi6 said:

Was gonna post that yesterday, but I figured that if it came from someone like me it would have been shrugged off as race baiting or something.


siamesedreamer said:
You complain about Jindal being Catholic,

Call me crazy, but I doubt Zeed meant Jindal's catholicism when he noted his religious history made him nervous. More likely, it's his pro life stance and his opposition to stem cell research.

No anti-catholic conspiracy has to be presupposed to explain why an Obama supporter wouldn't be too hot on Jindal. He isn't exactly a moderate republican.


Cheebs said:
He'd help her in NC, his home state. Enough so Obama doesn't win in a blowout, but Obama would still win.
Like many other things you've said, I doubt that's true. As a volunteer for Obama in scenic Wilmington, NC, trust me when I say he's got this shit on lockdown.


Triumph said:
Like many other things you've said, I doubt that's true. As a volunteer for Obama in scenic Wilmington, NC, trust me when I say he's got this shit on lockdown.
Yeah I know he has it locked down thats why I said Obama would still win


Cheebs said:
Yeah I know he has it locked down thats why I said Obama would still win
In about the past week, Wilmington volunteers have registered about 800 new voters, almost all of them impoverished African-Americans in public housing. Wonder who they'll be voting for.

Since one of my relatives runs the local health food store, I got the plumb assignment of registering people out in front of there. I've registered a bunch of uber liberals and college students. Wonder who they'll be voting for.


siamesedreamer said:
You complain about Jindal being Catholic, yet you're voting for Obama? Gawd some of y'all have your heads to far up his ass its unbelievable... :lol

Was gonna post that yesterday, but I figured that if it came from someone like me it would have been shrugged off as race baiting or something.

Still grasping at straws? Get something better to do, man. It's not like you're converting anyone this way.


Does Edwards not grasp the concept that anything Hillary has offered him will be worthless unless she wins? I wonder how she's convinced him that she still can.
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