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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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*drowns in jizz*
mckmas8808 said:
A nice looking black lady on MSNBC just said that people in Obama's team said some anti-Isreal stuff lately.

Have you guys heard this?

Anyone who doesn't say he would die for Israel, or who makes the unholy mistake of mentioning palestinians, or strays an inch away from the Israel's policy or the current US policy towards Israel, is considered anti-Israeli.

Oh, and :lol :lol :lol at Nader giving Hillary 'advice'.


thefro said:


The Bus endorses Obama! (edit: oh shit... that's FRANCO HARRIS! too!)

Holy shit! I didn't think Obama could be anymore spectacular... Jerome and Franco? I'm about to gush my man slush all over the monitor!


mckmas8808 said:
The CEO did, but isn't he a citizen of the United States? He didn't take money from people that lobby on the behalf of the Oil companies.
Your suggestion then, is that the CEO of a company doesn't lobby in behalf of that company? Again, it seems to me that the Hillary campaign is saying his claims are disingenuous, and personally I can't take issue with their saying so.

Slurpy said:
There is no evidence or consensus that Obama lied on any of those issues, yet you call him a liar, and while its proven that Clinton lied directly and blatantly about the Bosnia issue, you call it 'exaggeration'.
I called both of their claims exaggerations, and lies. You're the joke, stop trolling with every disgusting post.


APF said:
Your suggestion then, is that the CEO of a company doesn't lobby in behalf of that company? Again, it seems to me that the Hillary campaign is saying his claims are disingenuous, and personally I can't take issue with their saying so.

I called both of their claims exaggerations, and lies. You're the joke, stop trolling with every disgusting post.



siamesedreamer said:
How about we invest the $150B in new oil refineries and nuke plants?

how bout we use the 3 trillion we spent on the iraq war? and maybe rebuild some schools, roads and bridges as well as lay broadband nationwide?

lets not get a fiscal conservative moral compass when we try to give Americans relief after spending away the nations future on a unwarranted war.

P.S. my stimulus money is going to the purchase of a new home. :D


*drowns in jizz*
APF said:
Your suggestion then, is that the CEO of a company doesn't lobby in behalf of that company? Again, it seems to me that the Hillary campaign is saying his claims are disingenuous, and personally I can't take issue with their saying so.

I called both of their claims exaggerations, and lies. You're the joke, stop trolling with every disgusting post.

I'll leave the consensus of which one of us is a joke to the rest of the board.


APF said:
How do you propose to spend money you've already spent? Double your debt?

well few things. first i think its easy to see i was saying don't start talking bout investing in infrastructure now when we have spent all this money in iraq for a dumb war.

next no we have not spent that 3 trillion. thats what it will cost if we stay 5 more years. so its another shot at the conservatives to end this war from me.


siamesedreamer said:
Have you seen what's taken place in Basra since the ceasefire ended? Yeah, we should definately withdraw...

I just can't wait until the American Dollar is on par with the Iraqi Dinar.


siamesedreamer said:
Have you seen what's taken place in Basra since the ceasefire ended? Yeah, we should definately withdraw...

its called a civil war. its what happens when you topple a government. its very obvious no matter how long we stay as soon as we leave the country will do what it has done for hundreds of years. kill each other over ethnic and religious grounds.

so we leave let them fight it out and force the rest of the world to fix our mess. we need to leave. the time has come. if Vietnam taught us anything is we should not get in the middle of a civil war. it will take years and in the end we will leave and they will do what they want.

wake up. we are in a economic crisis. we have doubled the national debt and china owns more of america than we do.

scare us all you want. i think most of us expect a mess when we leave. we don't care. its time to come home.


siamesedreamer said:
We've spent $3 trillion on the Iraq Warcupation? Need a link for that. Good luck!

ask and you shall receive.


Harvard’s Linda Bilmes and I conservatively estimate the economic cost of the war to the U.S. to be $3 trillion, and the costs to the rest of the world to be another $3 trillion

Moreover, the Bush administration cut taxes for the rich as it went to war, despite running a budget deficit. As a result, it has had to use deficit spending - much of it financed from abroad - to pay for the war.

This is the first war in American history that has not demanded some sacrifice from citizens through higher taxes; instead, the entire cost is being passed onto future generations.



Small balls, big fun!
You realize that the current battle for Basra is happening while US troops are there, and has actually been officially condoned and materially supported by the US, right?

You can't very well use it as an example of something we need troops there to prevent from happening.


siamesedreamer said:
:lol :lol :lol

Are you fucking shitting me?

How do you figure our "economic crisis" will end by letting a civil war play out in the oil rich Mddle East?

Both Democratic candidates are not in favor of a complete withdrawal.


siamesedreamer said:
:lol :lol :lol

Are you fucking shitting me?

How do you figure our "economic crisis" will end by letting a civil war play out in the oil rich Mddle East?

wake up. iraq is 5 percent of total us oil imports. we get more from nigeria.


next iraq is already in a civil war. us being there makes it worse. us leaving will likley lower the violence. the renewed fighting this week was over fucking oil. how would us leaving make this worse? you do realize alot of the violence is directed at us? once again wake up.
Mandark said:
You realize that the current battle for Basra is happening while US troops are there, and has actually been officially condoned and materially supported by the US, right?

The campaign to rid Basra, Iraq’s second-largest city, 340 miles southeast of Baghdad, of lawless gangs and Shiite militias — some believed tied to nearby Iran — is a major test for al-Maliki and for the Iraqi military.

Defense Minister Abdel Qader Jassim acknowledged at a news conference in Basra that Iraqi security forces had been caught off-guard by the strength of the opposition.

"We supposed that this operation would be a normal operation, but we were surprised by this resistance and have been obliged to change our plans and our tactics," he said.

The ability of Iraqi leaders and security forces to control situations like this one is key to U.S. hopes of withdrawing its forces from the country.


There may be some US troops there, but the news reports I've heard over the last few days say that this has basically been an all Iraqi troop crackdown.


siamesedreamer said:
The campaign to rid Basra, Iraq’s second-largest city, 340 miles southeast of Baghdad, of lawless gangs and Shiite militias — some believed tied to nearby Iran — is a major test for al-Maliki and for the Iraqi military.

Defense Minister Abdel Qader Jassim acknowledged at a news conference in Basra that Iraqi security forces had been caught off-guard by the strength of the opposition.

"We supposed that this operation would be a normal operation, but we were surprised by this resistance and have been obliged to change our plans and our tactics," he said.

The ability of Iraqi leaders and security forces to control situations like this one is key to U.S. hopes of withdrawing its forces from the country.


There may be some US troops there, but the news reports I've heard over the last few days say that this has basically been an all Iraqi troop crackdown.

and us air support. we been bombing basra. which is the point. we are involved.


lol commondreams, lol slurpy

harSon said:
By you? I agree.
Childish retort, showing you have no idea what a simple term means. Why not start whining I'm using too many syllables rather than this nonsense? Again, if you have nothing to add just don't reply.

Lefty42o said:
well few things. first i think its easy to see i was saying don't start talking bout investing in infrastructure now when we have spent all this money in iraq for a dumb war.
This is twisted logic: it's precisely when you've wasted a lot of money that you don't go around and throw a party; that's when you do boring things like invest.


APF said:
lol commondreams, lol slurpy

Childish retort, showing you have no idea what a simple term means. Why not start whining I'm using too many syllables rather than this nonsense? Again, if you have nothing to add just don't reply.

This is twisted logic: it's precisely when you've wasted a lot of money that you don't go around and throw a party; that's when you do boring things like invest.

To change the subject in an attempt to redirect, basically the majority of your posts.
Lefty42o said:
next iraq is already in a civil war. us being there makes it worse. us leaving will likley lower the violence. the renewed fighting this week was over fucking oil. how would us leaving make this worse? you do realize alot of the violence is directed at us? once again wake up.

Let's just agree to disagree. No amount of arguing back and forth will change each other's mind.


harSon said:
To change the subject in an attempt to redirect, basically the majority of your posts.
Is this not what you're doing here? Redirecting the subject from the original deflection of topic into the amount of money spent on the Iraq war (red herring), into an ad hominem discussion about me (red herring part II red herringer)? If this is behavior you wish to stop in others perhaps you should stop displaying it yourself.


siamesedreamer said:
Let's just agree to disagree. No amount of arguing back and forth will change each other's mind.

There is no opinion in this argument, only fact. There will be violence in Iraq, us withdrawing now or 20 years from now is not going to change that. Further occupation is not going to do away with deep rooted conflicts.


APF said:
lol commondreams, lol slurpy

Childish retort, showing you have no idea what a simple term means. Why not start whining I'm using too many syllables rather than this nonsense? Again, if you have nothing to add just don't reply.

This is twisted logic: it's precisely when you've wasted a lot of money that you don't go around and throw a party; that's when you do boring things like invest.

no one said blindly spend money. 150 billion is a drop in the bucket when you talk about our annual budget.

next its times like this where we raise taxes. specially on the top 2 percent that benefited so much from bush. we had a balanced budget and surplus for the first time in 20 years when clinton was president. the capital gains tax was 28 percent. today we are running record deficits and the capital gains tax is 15 percent. just for a snapshot at what buish has done while driving us to war.

my first job to cure this economy is to cut off the 12 billion a day we are running up in iraq. less than 2 weeks in iraq we pay for the stimulus package. now thats fucked up.

siamesedreamer said:
There are several factors of which Iraq is one.

it has no bearing in the price we see today. 99 percent of the rise we have seen the past 2 months is because of the weakening dollar. its inflation at its greatest. its what happens when china owns trillions of dollar of us debt and the Canadian dollar is worth more. fucked up aint it.
APF said:
Well, again to be fair, this time to Hillary, she was pretty clear that she knew he isn't; that line ["as far as I know"]--perfectly legitimate and innocent in context--was inflated into grotesque proportions by disingenuous Obama fanatics and Clinton haters.
Oh, come on. You've spent hundreds of posts parsing quotes and arguing that Obama hates people who wear flag pins, that Bill Clinton's non-mention of Obama as a patriotic candidate wasn't a deliberate slight, that Obama is lying about hearing every sermon that Wright delivered, and now you have the audacity and temerity to say that HRC's "as far as I know" wasn't intended to further the public's confusion as to his religion? That it was innocent?

How do you feel about "You're likable enough"? Think that was a true and genuine compliment?
Lefty42o said:
and us air support. we been bombing basra. which is the point. we are involved.

US air support isn't enough. Watch the NBC News tonight and try to tell me the Iraqi troops have this thing under control.

Anyway, I'm out...


adamsappel said:
Oh, come on. You've spent hundreds of posts parsing quotes and arguing that Obama hates people who wear flag pins, that Bill Clinton's non-mention of Obama as a patriotic candidate wasn't a deliberate slight, that Obama is lying about hearing every sermon that Wright delivered, and now you have the audacity and temerity to say that HRC's "as far as I know" wasn't intended to further the public's confusion as to his religion? That it was innocent?

How do you feel about "You're likable enough"? Think that was a true and genuine compliment?

APF isn't a lying son of a bitch asshole who likes to have sex with his mother....as far as I know.


harSon said:
There is no opinion in this argument, only fact. There will be violence in Iraq, us withdrawing now or 20 years from now is not going to change that. Further occupation is not going to do away with deep rooted conflicts.

exactly. just waste american lives and trillions of our money. excuse me our landlord china's money.


adamsappel said:
Oh, come on. You've spent hundreds of posts parsing quotes and arguing that Obama hates people who wear flag pins, that Bill Clinton's non-mention of Obama as a patriotic candidate wasn't a deliberate slight, that Obama is lying about hearing every sermon that Wright delivered, and now you have the audacity and temerity to say that HRC's "as far as I know" wasn't intended to further the public's confusion as to his religion?
In that interview, it took her less than a second to call the charge absurd, and she said I think seven times that it was wrong. You literally have to be living on another planet to make ANYTHING out of it. Oh, but you also think Obama needs to be mentioned in every breath or it's a slam, so obviously you do live on another planet. Personally I live in the reality-based community.
it has no bearing in the price we see today. 99 percent of the rise we have seen the past 2 months is because of the weakening dollar. its inflation at its greatest. its what happens when china owns trillions of dollar of us debt and the Canadian dollar is worth more. fucked up aint it.

Other economic factors, yes. I didn't mean just the war itself causing the rise in price.

I'm just curious to see that if we pull out, what happens to the oil price?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Other economic factors, yes. I didn't mean just the war itself causing the rise in price.

I'm just curious to see that if we pull out, what happens to the oil price?

not a damn thing is my point :lol iraq makes up less than 5 percent of our oil and this country has been in war for 5 years. even if the violence got worst it wouldn't affect it much.

its funny people us oil as a reason to stay yet cared nothing bout it prior to invasion :D (not you)


Gold Member
ari said:
To a liberal that would rather run away from our problems in iraq perhaps.

Typical reasoning to anyone committing to the disposition effect. The proper response to a massive sinkhole of capital is not to keep holding onto it until there is no way out.

You cut your losses, rebuild, and reinvest in more profitable and less risky alternatives. The incompetence of getting into this needless war does not have to be fueled by even more incompetence in continuing it.


thekad said:
Your post didn't deserve a serious response.
Do you have anything to add to the conversation at hand? If not, actually respond with a serious response or compare my joke postings in the nfl threads with this one. All of which i could hardly care you do.

EDIT: Take APF's advice.
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