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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Atrus said:
Typical reasoning to anyone committing to the disposition effect. The proper response to a massive sinkhole of capital is not to keep holding onto it until there is no way out.

You cut your losses, rebuild, and reinvest in more profitable and less risky alternatives. The incompetence of getting into this needless war does not have to be fueled by even more incompetence in continuing it.

12 billion a day. thats a big sinkhole :D

best response on this subject i have read here on gaf. bravo


*drowns in jizz*
ari said:
To a liberal that would rather run away from our problems in iraq perhaps.

Yeah, because only 'liberals' want to get out of Iraq, right? Try the vast majority of Americans, dumbass.

Sorry, but why the fuck are you in this thread?

You're not planning to vote for either of these candidates. At least wait till the GE thread or something, instead of trolling and throwing shit around here, when you yourself admitted you couldn't care less about these 'shitty' candidates. You obviously have absolutely no intention of injecting any intellect in your posts.


ari said:
Do you have anything to add to the conversation at hand? If not, actually respond with a serious response or compare my joke postings in the nfl threads with this one. All of which i could hardly care you do.

I don't know. Your posts suggesting that stopping the pointless bloodshed of thousands of Americans along with the flushing away of trillions of American dollars is one in the same with "running away from our problems" and your slinging around of the word "liberal" as some sort of insult in those posts do compare quite well with your many stupid posts in the NFL threads.

But no, I have nothing to add to the conversation. I just laugh at your ignorance. :lol


Small balls, big fun!
Obama's Conf Call w/ Pastor Wright and his Grandmother


Seriously, ari, I respect your right to be in here and all that, and I know it probably feels like a hostile environment when you've got the minority opinion... but throwing around 'liberal' like it's an insult going out of style doesn't exactly help the conversation either.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I turn on Countdown to hear some Olbermann throwdown, but instead I get this cute looking blond. Dilemma... Do I keep watching?


One man's junk is another man's treasure
reilo said:
I turn on Countdown to hear some Olbermann throwdown, but instead I get this cute looking blond. Dilemma... Do I keep watching?

I'm not going to.:lol :lol


thekad said:
I don't know. Your posts suggesting that stopping the pointless bloodshed of thousands of Americans along with the flushing away of trillions of American dollars is one in the same with "running away from our problems" and your slinging around of the word "liberal" as some sort of insult in those posts do compare quite well with your many stupid posts in the NFL threads.

But no, I have nothing to add to the conversation. I just laugh at your ignorance.
there is personal reasons why im pro war.

I also found it funny that you compare me to my joke character in the football threads. Especially when i got banned the first sunday of the nfl season. Thats like...how many posts i posted?

I truly believe that its not even the madden character that bugs you out, or the poor excuse to say that the liberal word insults you. Its the fact that i'm not a obama fan that bugs you out. thats pretty fucking pathetic if true.


ari said:
there is personal reasons why im pro war.

I also found it funny that you compare me to my joke character in the football threads. Especially when i got banned the first sunday of the nfl season. Thats like...how many posts i posted?

I truly believe that its not even the madden character that bugs you out, or the poor excuse to say that the liberal word insults you. Its the fact that i'm not a obama fan that bugs you out. thats pretty fucking pathetic if true.

Sorry for the OT post but I have to say that you have the greatest avatar ever :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Isn't the Iraq war in itself causing the rise of oil price? How big of a factor does Iraq play in the rise of price?

The price of oil went up $1.30 yesterday because 1 or 2 pipe lines in Iraq got hit. So, yes it plays a key role in the oil price.
Obama office opening on campus here in Indiana tomorrow. Pretty sure I'm going to go.

What can I expect? I've never done anything like this. I'm thinking about just stopping by as I won't be able to make it there early enough to be able to work probably.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Lefty42o said:
not a damn thing is my point :lol iraq makes up less than 5 percent of our oil and this country has been in war for 5 years. even if the violence got worst it wouldn't affect it much.

its funny people us oil as a reason to stay yet cared nothing bout it prior to invasion :D (not you)

Iraq is hurting the oil prices some. For you to say it doesn't matter at all, is a lie to be honest.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
peppermints said:
Obama office opening on campus here in Indiana tomorrow. Pretty sure I'm going to go.

What can I expect? I've never done anything like this. I'm thinking about just stopping by as I won't be able to make it there early enough to be able to work probably.

PM Cheebs or Amir0x. I think they are both doing stuff for Obama right now.
Mandark said:
The point is that if something happens during the US occupation, you can't say "we need to keep troops there to prevent this sort of thing!" That's crazy talk.

Why? If Iraqi troops can't contain violence in Basra, then how the hell can they be expected to contain violence in Baghdad and other populated areas?


XxenobladerxX said:
Not going to happen.:lol

Why settle for Gov. of NY when you can be president?

I'd bet the state Democrats could get worried about supporting the Paterson administration into the next election if he runs into difficulty. If Senator Clinton can hold her reputation in the Empire, she could stave people like Giuliani off from controlling Albany, provided those stories about Rudy thinking about a run end up true.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
suaveric said:
How about giving her the Senate Majority Leader position?
I can see her running as an independent when Obama becomes the official Democratic Party nominee this fall.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me -_-


Small balls, big fun!
siamesedreamer said:
Why? If Iraqi troops can't contain violence in Basra, then how the hell can they be expected to contain violence in Baghdad and other populated areas?

Contain the violence? Dude, they initiated the violence!

The whole point is that if this is happening WHILE THE US IS THERE, then you can't argue that keeping the US there will prevent it from happening. QED.


Master of the Google Search
suaveric said:
How about giving her the Senate Majority Leader position?

Won't happen. Not even realistic

GaimeGuy said:
I can see her running as an independent when Obama becomes the official Democratic Party nominee this fall.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me -_-

Not going to happen either


XxenobladerxX said:
Not going to happen.:lol

Why settle for Gov. of NY when you can be president?
My favorite quote of the day:

“There is no way that Senator Clinton is going to win enough delegates to get the nomination,” Mr. Leahy told Vermont Public Radio. “She ought to withdraw, and she ought to be backing Senator Obama.

“Now, obviously that’s a decision that only she can make. Frankly, I feel that she would have a tremendous career in the Senate."
Mandark said:
The whole point is that if this is happening WHILE THE US IS THERE, then you can't argue that keeping the US there will prevent it from happening. QED.

We've already discussed this - US troops aren't fighting in Basra. And US air support isn't enough to contain it.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mandark said:
Contain the violence? Dude, they initiated the violence!

The whole point is that if this is happening WHILE THE US IS THERE, then you can't argue that keeping the US there will prevent it from happening. QED.

How do you know the Iraq army created the uptick in violence in Bashra?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
siamesedreamer said:
We've already discussed this - US troops aren't fighting in Basra. And US air support isn't enough to contain it.

So does this mean that the 5 brigades that Bush has leaving soon is a bad idea?


Why would she be THAT upset? We have had many speaker of the houses and senate majority leaders make names for themselves and earn active places in history.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Cheebs said:
Why would she be THAT upset? We have had many speaker of the houses and senate majority leaders make names for themselves and earn active places in history.
Because she's supposed to be president.


Cheebs said:
Why would she be THAT upset? We have had many speaker of the houses and senate majority leaders make names for themselves and earn active places in history.
Maybe I'm just cynical, but I don't think she is really interested in being a senator. She wants to be president, which is why she became a senator in the first place. So I don't think she's particularly interested in a senate career; it was just a stepping stone.
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