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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Funky Papa said:
Obama is a muslim
Obama supports terrorists
Obama is a Manchurian candidate
Obama hates white people
Obama's wife hates the US
Obama is not a teacher
Obama takes money from oil barons

What the fuck is next.

Don't worry, the MSM will find something.
XxenobladerxX said:
This accusation is yet another false one. EMPLOYEES from oil companies have donated to Obama's campaign, but he has refused money from lobbyists that represent these oil companies.

Yet another Clinton lie.


Jeez. Talk about being desperate.


Tamanon said:
About as much as "as far as I know" implied he was a muslim:p
Well, again to be fair, this time to Hillary, she was pretty clear that she knew he isn't; that line--perfectly legitimate and innocent in context--was inflated into grotesque proportions by disingenuous Obama fanatics and Clinton haters.
mckmas8808 said:
So is the Clinton campaign right on this one?

Nope they are not right on this one. Parsing words, an employee from exxon donates to his campaign, is not the same as EXXON donating to his campaign.

When you donate, in the registration process it ask you where you work and it has to be public.


The video is basically what rap used to be, which is a really pure form of forceful poetry PD. Maybe Triumph was right in saying you really ARE a reject black person.

Edit: Oh, the spoiler edit!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
Eh, the things that past for "art" these days

I actually really like that

I was about to comment on your post until I seen the spoiler you added. My mind was about to explode. :lol
APF said:
What if that employee is the CEO?

It doesn't matter the ceo is still an employee and can give freely to any campaign he wants too. Again, he didn't take the money from the company, he took it from the individual. This is above board and not behind close doors and for Obama to state that he didn't take PAC money or Oil money is 100 percent correct.
Amir0x said:
The video is basically wat rap used to be, which is a really pure form of forceful poetry PD. Maybe Triumph was right in saying you really ARE a reject black person.

See the edit. I was impressed with it

sarcasm jeez




The Bus endorses Obama! (edit: oh shit... that's FRANCO HARRIS! too!)



Nader has released a statement reacting to comments by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) suggesting an apparently insurmountable lead by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.):

"Senator Clinton:

"Just read where Senator Patrick Leahy is calling on you to drop out of the Presidential race. Believe me.

I know something about this. Here’s my advice: Don’t listen to people when they tell you not to run anymore. That’s just political bigotry.

"Listen to your own inner citizen First Amendment voice. This is America. Just like every other citizen, you have a right to run. Whenever you like. For as long as you like.

"It’s up to you, Hillary. Just tell them – It’s democracy. Get used to it.

"Yours truly, Ralph Nader."
I don't think you are helping, Nader


I love how Hillary is now being propped up by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and now Ralph Nader. When are democrats going to see through this. She is no longer in to win the nomination.


Women panelists in the focus groups reacted surprisingly strongly to the fact that Senator McCain opposes requirements for health plans to provide contraceptive coverage and favors abstinence-only sex education. Even among women who described themselves as pro-life, those aspects of Senator McCain’s record cast him as someone who is “unrealistic,” “out of touch,” and “stuck in the past.” Many of the women in the groups were resentful when they learned that Senator McCain favors overturning Roe vs. Wade, and were disappointed because they expected him to be more moderate on this issue.

For all the Democrats lamenting the prolonged primary between Obama and Clinton -- don't. It fires up Democrats in all 50 states and energizes them for the General. And once the nominee and party begin dissecting McCain, it's going to be all over. This guy is a relic from another time period and as Obama says, we should all respect his half century of service, but he is in every aspect the wrong candidate at the wrong time.


gluv65 said:
It doesn't matter the ceo is still an employee and can give freely to any campaign he wants too. Again, he didn't take the money from the company, he took it from the individual. This is above board and not behind close doors and for Obama to state that he didn't take PAC money or Oil money is 100 percent correct.
I think the Clinton campaign's point is that it's disingenuous to claim that when you, f/e, take money from the CEO. No one is saying such contributions are illegal.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
APF said:
I think the Clinton campaign's point is that it's disingenuous to claim that when you, f/e, take money from the CEO. No one is saying such contributions are illegal.

Again Exxon didn't give him money. The CEO did, but isn't he a citizen of the United States? He didn't take money from people that lobby on the behalf of the Oil companies.

It's that simple!
Incognito said:


For all the Democrats lamenting the prolonged primary between Obama and Clinton -- don't. It fires up Democrats in all 50 states and energizes them for the General. And once the nominee and party begin dissecting McCain, it's going to be all over. This guy is a relic from another time period and as Obama says, we should all respect his half century of service, but he is in every aspect the wrong candidate at the wrong time.

I agree 100%. Right now McCain is being starved by the media, and once the democratic nominee is chosen she (or he) will be able to pick him apart. McCain strikes me as a more honest republican than those who currently sit in the administration and White House, but at the end of the day he's still wrong on so much shit.


go eat paint
Man, he practically gives that water bottle cunnilingus up there whenever someone asks a question. I'm taking notes.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
A nice looking black lady on MSNBC just said that people in Obama's team said some anti-Isreal stuff lately.

Have you guys heard this?


*drowns in jizz*
APF said:
The story is more embarrassing than anything else. Obama lies about whether or not he hears controversial statements, lies about whether or not his people have spoken to the Canadian government about NAFTA, his own advisors say we can't take his word as truth when talking about his own policies... People accept a little exaggeration with their politics, and Obama is no different than anyone else.

There is no evidence or consensus that Obama lied on any of those issues, yet you call him a liar, and while its proven that Clinton lied directly and blatantly about the Bosnia issue, you call it 'exaggeration'. You're such as fucking joke, APF.
mckmas8808 said:
A nice looking black lady on MSNBC just said that people in Obama's team said some anti-Isreal stuff lately.

Have you guys heard this?
The pastor daughters website posted some controversial stuff that has nothing to do with Obama.


Hey dudes.

I spent today working with the Obama staffers in Wilmington. We registered voters at the University during the day, then I came back to HQ and helped with data entry and calling potential volunteers. Fun stuff. If you're in a state that hasn't voted yet I highly recommend volunteering.


syllogism said:
Nader has released a statement reacting to comments by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) suggesting an apparently insurmountable lead by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.):

"Senator Clinton:

"Just read where Senator Patrick Leahy is calling on you to drop out of the Presidential race. Believe me.

I know something about this. Here’s my advice: Don’t listen to people when they tell you not to run anymore. That’s just political bigotry.

"Listen to your own inner citizen First Amendment voice. This is America. Just like every other citizen, you have a right to run. Whenever you like. For as long as you like.

"It’s up to you, Hillary. Just tell them – It’s democracy. Get used to it.

"Yours truly, Ralph Nader."


That'll do pig, that'll do


In case it hasn't been posted: Slate's launched The Hillary Deathwatch.

In the tradition of Slate's Saddameter (gauging the likelihood of invading Iraq), the Clintometer (measuring the chances of a Lewinsky-related ousting), and the Gonzo-meter (charting the attorney general's demise), we bring you the Hillary Deathwatch, a daily update on Hillary Clinton's dwindling chances of winning the Democratic nomination. (via HuffPo)

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