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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
quest said:
To bad democrats like Lieberman had to lose the power struggle to the far left extremist. Lieberman would of been a democrat I would of voted for. Hopefully Obama gets Wrighted in November and more moderate democrats can take over power. I can only imagine how bad it could get with a far left extremist with his party controlling congress.

WTF are you talking about? The Democrats have never been this far right in the party's history. And Lieberman is a Republican in all but stated allegiance. Time to lay off the talk radio and quit listening to your dad..
quest said:
To bad democrats like Lieberman had to lose the power struggle to the far left extremist. Lieberman would of been a democrat I would of voted for. Hopefully Obama gets Wrighted in November and more moderate democrats can take over power. I can only imagine how bad it could get with a far left extremist with his party controlling congress.

Yes, we need somebody like Lieberman who thinks that stuff like blowing $3 trillion to eliminate Saddam is a good use of our money.

I hate to imagine how bad it can get if we keep electing such idiots.
syllogism said:
Obama rally in PA drew 22k, pretty impressive


Two more pics from the event. ;)




Not Banned from OT
Stinkles said:
WTF are you talking about? The Democrats have never been this far right in the party's history. And Lieberman is a Republican in all but stated allegiance. Time to lay off the talk radio and quit listening to your dad..

The party is so far left it could not see the center with the huble telescope. Lieberman only looks right because of how far left the democratic party is. The democratic party needs to be reaching out to the people in the center instead of running from them at the speed of light. There a whole lot of people who are in the middle with no party. McCain is a start from the republicans pushing towards the center. Now we need McCain to win so the democrats move more towards the center.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
quest said:
The party is so far left it could not see the center with the huble telescope. Lieberman only looks right because of how far left the democratic party is. The democratic party needs to be reaching out to the people in the center instead of running from them at the speed of light. There a whole lot of people who are in the middle with no party. McCain is a start from the republicans pushing towards the center. Now we need McCain to win so the democrats move more towards the center.

This is satire, cognitive dissonance or willful ignorance.


Nice article about Obama's day on Yahoo right now.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Shivering in blankets of Penn State's colors, some 20,000 people filled a campus lawn Sunday to hear Barack Obama say he can win the Democratic nomination even if rival Hillary Rodham Clinton stays in the race.
click here

Supporters stood in long lines for hours to hear Obama ahead of the April 22 Pennsylvania primary.

On a sunny day with temperatures in the low 40's, most bundled up for the type of large-scale rally that has become the candidate's trademark.

"It's been a while, and it's a little cold, but we really like Barack. He's inspiring," said 19-year-old Caitlin McDonnell, wrapped in a blue Nittany Lions blanket.

Pennsylvania's primary is the next contest in the Obama-Clinton fight for the Democratic presidential nomination. The Keystone State, which will allocate 158 delegates, is the biggest single delegate prize remaining in the Democratic primaries.

Some Democrats, particularly Obama's supporters, have voiced concern that the hard-fought, drawn-out race is already hurting the party's chances to win in November.

The Illinois senator told the crowd not to worry.

"As this primary has gone on a little bit long, there have been people who've been voicing some frustration," Obama said.

"I want everybody to understand that this has been a great contest, great for America. It's engaged and involved people like never before. I think it's terrific that Senator Clinton's supporters have been as passionate as my supporters have been because that makes the people invested and engaged in this process, and I am absolutely confident that when this primary season is over Democrats will be united."

Clinton's husband, the former president, said Sunday that those voicing concern about the duration of the nomination fight should just "chill out" and let the race run its course.

Obama's rally drew an estimated 20,000 to 22,000 people, according to university official Richard DiEugenio — by far the biggest in a weekend of smaller, face-to-face campaign stops since Obama launched a six-day bus tour through the state on Friday.

From Penn State, he traveled to the state capital of Harrisburg, where he delivered the same call for party unity. He also took aim at Republican nominee-to-be John McCain, saying the Arizona senator undercut his own credibility by supporting the lengthening of Bush administration tax cuts he previously opposed.

"The wheels on the Straight Talk Express came off," Obama said, referring to the nickname for McCain's campaign vehicle. "He wants to extend those same tax cuts that he said were irresponsible."

Earlier in the day, he visited a university-run dairy farm and fed a slurping one-month calf, laughing as the calf sucked hard on the nipple of the bottle, eventually draining it. "She chowed that sucker down," Obama said.

His weekend of campaigning also included a comical trip to the lanes at a bowling alley in Altoona, where he was, by his own admission, terrible.

"My economic plan is better than my bowling," Obama told fellow bowlers Saturday evening at the Pleasant Valley Recreation Center.

"It has to be," one man called out.

As he laced up his bowling shoes, Obama let everyone know he hadn't bowled since Jimmy Carter was president.

He shared a lane with Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey Jr., who endorsed him Friday and joined him on the bus tour, and local homemaker Roxanne Hart. As the game went on, several small children bowled with Obama as well.

Obama's first ball flew well off his hand but ended up in the gutter. On his second try, he knocked down four pins.

About five lanes over, a young man in a T-shirt that said "Beer Hunter" fell on his backside while bowling and still recorded a strike.

The crowd of regulars pressed in to take pictures, get autographs and rib him on his poor skills.

Obama did improve, nearly getting a strike in one frame, and in the seventh, picking up a spare, giving him a score of 37. Casey had a score of 71 after getting a strike, and Hart, with one less frame, racked up a score of 82.

"I was terrible," Obama laughed as he shook hands with people in a crowd that gathered outside once word spread he was there.

Asked about his game, Hart sounded like a politician, saying: "He has potential."

He sucks at bowling.:lol
harSon said:
Will anything Obama does short of croaking please you?
APF said:
harSon: don't discuss killing candidates here, it's disgusting and out of line.
I think this response perfectly encapsulates APF. harSon asks rhetorically, by an extreme example, if there is anything Obama could do that would reflect well in APF's eyes. APF responds that harSon should not discuss (perhaps even advocate, hmm?) Obama's assassination, and takes umbrage at the very suggestion. I'm about 10 pages behind in my reading, so perhaps APF has already reported this to the Secret Service, as harSon represents a clear and present danger to Obama.


Good WSJ article on the supers.



Even raising the prospect of a convention fight could backfire for Sen. Clinton by antagonizing the superdelegates she needs. Many superdelegates are on the ballot themselves this year, and the last thing they want is a chaotic convention that plays into the hands of Republicans.

In interviews, some House Democrats said Sen. Obama has the edge in the chamber. They noted that he has proved himself the stronger fund-raiser and has attracted more new voters to the party than anyone in recent memory -- both advantages that could benefit other Democrats. They worry that Sen. Clinton's high negative ratings in polls would incite more Republicans to mobilize against her and the Democratic ticket.


GaimeGuy said:
I guess the Canadian government lied, too, since they said that obama never did anything of the sort. :lol

Umm, hate to break it to you, but that wouldn't be all that surprising. :p


Boogie said:
Umm, hate to break it to you, but that wouldn't be all that surprising. :p
Honestly, does anyone know WHY the Candian government issued vague and sometimes misleading statements on this?

It seems like they WANTED to have an effect on the election and get involved in it. It's odd.

Also my continued re-reading of Dreams from my father has some nice quotes like this one:

"There are white folks, and then there are ignorant motherfuckers." - Barack Obama


what the fuck is this shit: Morning Joe edition.
why were they going on andfuckingon about obamas shit game of bowling.
do they have nothing better to do, and why is it news?:lol they sound sooo much like fox now:lol


Shiggie said:
what the fuck is this shit: Morning Joe edition.
why were they going on andfuckingon about obamas shit game of bowling.
do they have nothing better to do, and why is it news?:lol they sound sooo much like fox now:lol
Calm down. Mocking his bowling skills is nothing, just silly fun.


Cheebs said:
Calm down. Mocking his bowling skills is nothing, just silly fun.
:lol i know i know but that douche in the sweater was being a..... douche about it....idk but i gotta defend my man *snapz fingaz*
Captain Pants said:
[lefty420]:lol :lol :lol She broke![/lefty420]

Not necessarily broke. She just overspends, leaving bills unpaid that could be paid by her.

In either case, not a good sign to balance the federal budget... :D


Hillary is raising a lot less than Obama but compared to all the republicans who ran and all previous primary elections her intake is far above "normal" still.

Shiggie said:
:lol i know i know but that douche in the sweater was being a..... douche about it....idk but i gotta defend my man *snapz fingaz*
Joe? He is a republican congressman who nearly ran against the sitting dem senator for senate in FL in 06. What do you expect?

The girl who co-hosts it has a father involved in politics who endorsed Obama however.


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys, been having a busy weekend and didnt have a chance to post this, but the Hillary camp was dirty at our county convention.

Once we were given the greenlight (Hill folks were fighting over some of the delegates being seated) after 4 hours of weighting, our precinct delegation met outside to elect our delegates.

We had 48 for Obama, 19 for Clinton with 5 delegates to send. Essentially we were going to send 4 delegates to state, they were sending 1. Thanks to Robers rules of order however, they decided to propose ammendment after ammendment and stalled our vote for 2 hours. I got into a screaming match over their tactics with one of them.. frothing at the mouth name calling sort of stuff., when she finally said that they would stop if we gave them two delegates.

At this point we called the Obama hotline, and got a lawyer sent to our group who went over the rules, and threatened to call a county judge over to make a ruling.

They eventually gave in before it got to that point, the vote happened and yours truly is going to the state convention! woo hoo.

Edit: Photos


This is Kirk Watson (Obama guy that didnt know anything) with our group, my cellphone camera sucks, sorry.




These are some photos of the masses. Last I heard there were about 12-15K people there. This is at our rodeo arena in the middle of nowhere.


This is me waiting in line to get in... hard to see in this pic, but I sat in traffic for about 45 minutes trying to park.

The following photos were not taken by me, thus the better quality of them.


This blue haird lady is one of the ones I yelled at.


The short lady holding the rule book having it explained is the one I really went off on.


Guy in suit = obama lawyer. You can also almost see me in the back whering my Obama beenie...


adamsappel said:
I think this response perfectly encapsulates APF. harSon asks rhetorically, by an extreme example, if there is anything Obama could do that would reflect well in APF's eyes. APF responds that harSon should not discuss (perhaps even advocate, hmm?) Obama's assassination, and takes umbrage at the very suggestion. I'm about 10 pages behind in my reading, so perhaps APF has already reported this to the Secret Service, as harSon represents a clear and present danger to Obama.

You'll get used to it :p

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Instigator said:
Not necessarily broke. She just overspends, leaving bills unpaid that could be paid by her.

In either case, not a good sign to balance the federal budget... :D

I know... I just wanted to be a smartass since lefty wasn't here to say it himself. It must be pretty serious if vendors are warning other vendors to get their money upfront when dealing with the Clinton campaign though.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
No of course not lol. Nationally. He was up by 5 yesterday, up by 3 today. I think it's just due to weaker sunday numbers that he usually gets.

or it could be...

margin of error.

jesus christ stop reading into dailly 1-2% dips or surges in polls; it makes zero sense to try to explain it.


StoOgE said:
Guys, been having a busy weekend and didnt have a chance to post this, but the Hillary camp was dirty at our county convention.

Once we were given the greenlight (Hill folks were fighting over some of the delegates being seated) after 4 hours of weighting, our precinct delegation met outside to elect our delegates.

We had 48 for Obama, 19 for Clinton with 5 delegates to send. Essentially we were going to send 4 delegates to state, they were sending 1. Thanks to Robers rules of order however, they decided to propose ammendment after ammendment and stalled our vote for 2 hours. I got into a screaming match over their tactics with one of them.. frothing at the mouth name calling sort of stuff., when she finally said that they would stop if we gave them two delegates.

At this point we called the Obama hotline, and got a lawyer sent to our group who went over the rules, and threatened to call a county judge over to make a ruling.

They eventually gave in before it got to that point, the vote happened and yours truly is going to the state convention! woo hoo.

It has been my opinion that Robert's Rules of Order lead to more boredom and clock-killing than actual productivity. But congrats on you guys sticking to your guns. Enjoy the convention. PEACE.


adamsappel said:
I think this response perfectly encapsulates APF. harSon asks rhetorically, by an extreme example, if there is anything Obama could do that would reflect well in APF's eyes. APF responds that harSon should not discuss (perhaps even advocate, hmm?) Obama's assassination, and takes umbrage at the very suggestion. I'm about 10 pages behind in my reading, so perhaps APF has already reported this to the Secret Service, as harSon represents a clear and present danger to Obama.

Instigator said:
Not necessarily broke. She just overspends, leaving bills unpaid that could be paid by her.

In either case, not a good sign to balance the federal budget... :D
Obama's campaign also has debt. Non-story.


First tragedy, then farce.
Pimpwerx said:
It has been my opinion that Robert's Rules of Order lead to more boredom and clock-killing than actual productivity. But congrats on you guys sticking to your guns. Enjoy the convention. PEACE.

I agree, it also means that the minority group can just go nuts. At one point they tried to tell me that if they had a point of order we couldnt move on until they withdrew it, which isnt even remotely true. Its been years but I did student congress stuff in HS.

Once they realized they couldnt just do that all day they started submitting ammendments to how we would vote.. just waiting for us to cave.

My diatribe that I went off on led to them admitting they wanted an extra delegate or they wouldnt stop. Once that cat was out of the bag, they folded like a tent. Huge chunks of their delegation didnt seem to know what their leadership was actually trying to do, once they figured it out they turned on them.


scorcho said:
or it could be...

margin of error.

jesus christ stop reading into dailly 1-2% dips or surges in polls; it makes zero sense to try to explain it.
That would make sense if Rassmussen did daily averages. They don't. They use 4 day rolling averages.

2% change does not = 2% in that days results.

Rassmussen uses a 4 day rolling average, meaning the change on sunday was likely closer to 6-7%.


testicles on a cold fall morning
or that Wednesday was an outlier and that Sunday's results conform with the others.

seriously, trying to read the tea leaves on 1-2% polling differences is stupid.


scorcho said:
or that Wednesday was an outlier and that Sunday's results conform with the others.

seriously, trying to read the tea leaves on 1-2% polling differences is stupid.
Like I said I think it means nothing. Obama always does weak on sundays.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
Like I said I think it means nothing. Obama always does week on sundays.
your idea that Obama has a Sunday dip and how it impacts his race is meaningless, not just the poll.


syllogism said:
Republicans were going on about that weekends crap in 2004 and Rasmussen said it was a myth
There are many obama supporters here, not just me who claim the "weekend myth". I think its perfectly valid based on how somehow he most of the time has a dip on the results from sunday and a rise on the results from monday.


APF said:

Obama's campaign also has debt. Non-story.

Obama's campaign has $625,000 in debt which can easily be paid off by his surplus of on-hand money. Hillary on the other hand is $8.7 million in debt, her campaign would have been several million dollars in the hole is she had not donated $5 million in the past. I think the difference in circumstances between the two are quite large. One campaign is simply behind in paid bills while the other is purposely not paying bills in an attempt to free up spending money.


testicles on a cold fall morning
APF said:
Obama's campaign also has debt. Non-story.
the level of debt is dramatically different. it also points to how little money the Clinton campaign has to run on at the moment when compared to Obama.
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