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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Gaborn said:
I'm downplaying nothing about Obama's IQ. It's impressive if it's accurate but it's just a number, and we usually don't get a candidate's IQ either way. I care more about what a candidate has done and will do (policy wise) than how intelligent they are.

As I said, downplaying.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Is Obama's IQ The Highest Certified Of Any President Ever?

The former Guidance Counselor of Obama's private Hawaiian school has supplied The Washington Post with a certified copy of Obama's Stanford-Banai IQ Certification, one of which was taken in 1966 when he was a kinder gardener in Hawaii before moving to Indonesia, and one which was taken as entrance protocol as a freshman in his private (extremely exclusive) Honolulu private high school.

His IQ was clocked at 172 and 166 respectively (IQ's normally have a fluctuation of 6 or 7 points from test to test so that discrepancy is normal).

That puts Obama in the certifiable clinical genius category.

Obama's campaign is apparently NOT HAPPY about The Washington Post preparing to disclose this, because they fear it adds to his reputation as not an "everyman" and being too "professorial".

But that aside...if elected, does this make Obama, the retainer of the highest certified IQ of any president in American history?
Holy Flaming Shitballs, Batman. I thought I was smart with my barely qualifying for Mensa 136. I wonder if McCain's high school guidance counselor will come forth with his, or if they didn't test for IQ back in the pleisozoic era.


Gaborn said:
Ummm... maybe on Fox News, but from what I can tell the rest of the media has moved on with most of their coverage.

Right....because it's been montsh since then. It almost seems like you see every single possible thing about Obama in a negative light....one wonders why that would be.


Gaborn said:
Ummm... maybe on Fox News, but from what I can tell the rest of the media has moved on with most of their coverage.
So because they haven't covered it in a couple weeks, they didn't cover it in the past? It was a *huge* story on all the networks and news sites in two separate waves. First when it broke, and then again when Wright resurfaced. It's not getting coverage now because 1) the primary just ended, 2) Obama just won and 3) the media is now obsessing over the veep situation.


guess said:
As I said, downplaying.

... because I recognize that if you're voting for Obama based solely on this information that's probably a bad decision? As I said, it's impressive. I also pointed out that I care more about his positions on the issues than his IQ. Is that somehow a problem for you? Seriously now, just because I'm not in love with Obama doesn't mean I'm "downplaying" something, it means I don't think something is as important as you do.

Tamanon - I don't see everything Obama does in a negative light, he's done a great job for many people and he's touched a lot of people in a positive way, I just don't find him as completely awe inspiring as a lot of people in this thread do, is that a problem for you?


GhaleonEB said:
So because they haven't covered it in a couple weeks, they didn't cover it in the past? It was a *huge* story on all the networks and news sites in two separate waves. First when it broke, and then again when Wright resurfaced.

Don't forget about "Obama's New Pastor Problem."

I couldn't believe that he actually apologized for that.


Gaborn said:
... because I recognize that if you're voting for Obama based solely on this information that's probably a bad decision? As I said, it's impressive. I also pointed out that I care more about his positions on the issues than his IQ. Is that somehow a problem for you? Seriously now, just because I'm not in love with Obama doesn't mean I'm "downplaying" something, it means I don't think something is as important as you do.

Tamanon - I don't see everything Obama does in a negative light, he's done a great job for many people and he's touched a lot of people in a positive way, I just don't find him as completely awe inspiring as a lot of people in this thread do, is that a problem for you?

Oh it's perfectly fine, it's just strange is all. It's just when you lie that it sticks out;)

guess: Yeah the Father Pfleger thing was hilariously weird.


guess said:
Don't forget about "Obama's New Pastor Problem."

I couldn't believe that he actually apologized for that.

Well, I thought it was mostly a non-story by the media, but I think he handled that the right way, he didn't let it gain too much traction and he apologized for the idiot, as well as disassociating himself from him. I thought that was classy from Obama and that he did the right thing, even though the media tried to make it more of a story than it was (and no, that's not contradictory with my view his coverage has been mostly overwhelmingly positive).

Tamanon - I'm NOT lying, I haven't seen this giant media conspiracy you seem to have against Obama, I saw some reverend wright coverage, sure, but it's not like a TRULY negative campaign story and you know it very well. Seriously, this is why most people that don't care for Obama don't like these thread, I can't imagine many people enjoy being called "liars"


Man, CNN's current juxtaposition of 1968 and 2008 must really be getting under Gaborn's skin.

Gaborn: You're being ridiculous; the media has beaten every negative horse to death on both the Democrats.


Gaborn said:
Well, I thought it was mostly a non-story by the media, but I think he handled that the right way, he didn't let it gain too much traction and he apologized for the idiot, as well as disassociating himself from him. I thought that was classy from Obama and that he did the right thing, even though the media tried to make it more of a story than it was (and no, that's not contradictory with my view his coverage has been mostly overwhelmingly positive).

Tamanon - I'm NOT lying, I haven't seen this giant media conspiracy you seem to have against Obama, I saw some reverend wright coverage, sure, but it's not like a TRULY negative campaign story and you know it very well. Seriously, this is why most people that don't care for Obama don't like these thread, I can't imagine many people enjoy being called "liars"

Who said it was overwhelmingly negative? We're all saying that it's not this random media love-fest you assert it is. There is a middle-ground, I know that's a foreign concept to you though!

Ami: No updates whatsoever, Obama's taking the weekend off and McCain's out varmintin' in the Everglades.


Amir0x said:
Back from work. Updates plz (I left work at 6:00am EST, been cut off from news since now - 8:14pm EST).
- Obama and Hillary held a secret meeting at Senator Feinstein's house, giving the media the slip (they were camped outside of Hillary's house).

- If elected, Obama would have the highest certified IQ of any president (171 - genius level).

- McCain copies Obama's slogan again and launches "The Blog You Can Believe In".

- I'm back

- Naz releases a surprisingly decent track in Obama's honor

- Obama will be hosting a sleepover this Saturday for seven kids for his daughter's birthday

- Inspiration for the Michelle Obama "whitey" video revealed by a conservative blogger.
How was Rev. Wright not a "truly negative campaign story"? CNN/MSNBC AND FOX spent practically a whole month talking about it day after day, even after Obama gave his speech on race.. and then they broacasted Wright's speech to the NAACP and to the Press Corps live in their entirety, had *BREAKING NEWS* bulletins about Wright's schedule changes, talked about how this could end Obama's campaign, how it's a huge problem for him even though the polls have pretty much shown otherwise, it's brought up every single time when they're talking about exit polls, "does Obama share Rev Wright's views" is one of their main exit polling questions now..

It's not that you don't support Obama - we all get that - it's just that you're a little overbearing about it and try to spin every little thing into a negative. Like totally overreacting about his position on marijuana...


Star Power said:
How was Rev. Wright not a "truly negative campaign story"? CNN/MSNBC AND FOX spent practically a whole month talking about it day after day, even after Obama have his speech on race.. and then they broocasted Wright's speech to the NAACP and to the Press Corps live in their entiretly, hate *BREAKING NEWS* bulletins about Wright's schedule changes, talked about how this could end Obama's campaaign, how it's a huge problem for him even though the polls have pretty much shown otherwise, it's brought up every single time when they're talking about exit polls, "does Obama share Rev Wright's views" is one of their main exit polling questions now..

It's not that you don't support Obama - we all get that - it's just that you're a little overbearing about it and try to spin every little thing into a negative. Like totally overreacting about his position on marijuana...

You should've seen him kvetchin' about his stance on gay marriage:p
And that's not even mentioning "BITTER-GATE"/ "Why can't Obama seal the deal?"/ The last ABC debate/ ZOMG OBAMA CAN'T BOWL LOLOLZ/ "You're likeable enough"-gate/NAFTA-gate/etc.


Kills Photobucket
I think he Father Phleger thing was downplayed because to many networks were afraid one of their anchors would make some comment about it being mostly true.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Tamanon said:
Who said it was overwhelmingly negative? We're all saying that it's not this random media love-fest you assert it is. There is a middle-ground, I know that's a foreign concept to you though!

Ami: No updates whatsoever, Obama's taking the weekend off and McCain's out varmintin' in the Everglades.

Ah, he voted against giving money to restore the Everglades as well. The Democrats have almost too much at their disposal to use again McCain.


Tamanon said:
Who said it was overwhelmingly negative? We're all saying that it's not this random media love-fest you assert it is. There is a middle-ground, I know that's a foreign concept to you though!

Ami: No updates whatsoever, Obama's taking the weekend off and McCain's out varmintin' in the Everglades.

Sure, there is definitely a middle ground in coverage. And I'm saying coverage has not been 50-50 (middle ground) or even 60-40 positive, I'm saying it's more like 75-85% positive. I NEVER denied there were negative stories, I said coverage has been overwhelmingly positive in both degree and depth. It's a historic campaign without question, but I don't think it's unfair to say most of the media has already anointed their winner, do you? I mean, honestly, asking "is obama the smartest man ever to run for office?" That kind of hyperbolic response is what I'm talking about, the media behaves like giggling schoolgirls in much of their coverage of Obama and I find it interesting.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Is Obama's IQ The Highest Certified Of Any President Ever?


For fun I did a couple searches in Lexis-Nexis of Major U.S. and World publications over the last two years for potentially negative stories over the past two years:

obama AND pfleger = 88
mccain AND hagee =137
clinton AND pantsuit* = 985
clinton AND bosnia = 998
obama AND wright = 2501


Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama's campaign is apparently NOT HAPPY about The Washington Post preparing to disclose this, because they fear it adds to his reputation as not an "everyman" and being too "professorial".

What's wrong with being an elitist?


Taken from here


thekad said:
The media has attacked the front-runner with force, whoever it was.

Absolutely, but the media hasn't typically given the front runner so much more positive coverage to go along with negative coverage. Seriously, you don't think Obama's coverage has been much more positive than negative? I'm NOT by the way arguing Obama's coverage should be majority negative, but the coverage has certainly not been 50-50.


Ashitaka said:
For fun I did a couple searches in Lexis-Nexis of Major U.S. and World publications over the last two years for potentially negative stories over the past two years:

obama AND pfleger = 88
mccain AND hagee =137
clinton AND pantsuit* = 985
clinton AND bosnia = 998
obama AND wright = 2501
Fucking hell.


Do you seriously not remember finger-gate? Or ABC famously asking Obama, "do you think Rev. Wright is as patriotic as you are?"


Ashitaka said:
For fun I did a couple searches in Lexis-Nexis of Major U.S. and World publications over the last two years for potentially negative stories over the past two years:

obama AND pfleger = 88
mccain AND hagee =137
clinton AND pantsuit* = 985
clinton AND bosnia = 998
obama AND wright = 2501

That's definitely true, the coverage of Obama and Wright received more attention than McCain and Hagee. I wonder though, which receives more coverage period, Obama, or McCain? ("Barack Obama" = 163,211, "John McCain" = 118,728, both just according to a quick 'n dirty google news search) That of course doesn't go to other negative stories about McCain (the lobbyist story for example? The Keating 5?)


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Gaborn said:
Highest certified probably. I do wonder though what Jefferson's IQ was for example. Still, it's amazing the coverage he's getting, I mean, seriously, has any other candidate received THIS MUCH favorable coverage for this long? (yes, I know the smear campaign by the Republicans, but there is really no comparison to the media love fest)

Do you realize that he could be the first black male elected president in any country ran historicly by white people (i.e. America, Canada, Britin, Russia, etc.)

This is a HUGE time in history!


mckmas8808 said:
America is so stupid. Why would you not want a president who has an IQ of 166?

That's true, we should vote for every single office based solely on intelligence.... what? Again, intellect is not a bad thing, but do you honestly think it's the only thing? (not that we have any idea of McCain's intellect)

also, yes, I agree it is a historic moment, whether or not Obama wins the presidency he's already broken that barrier for blacks and he should be proud of that moment.
Gaborn said:
That's true, we should vote for every single office based solely on intelligence.... what? Again, intellect is not a bad thing, but do you honestly think it's the only thing? (not that we have any idea of McCain's intellect)

No one said we should vote for Obama because he (supposedly) has a high IQ. People are commenting on the fact that that would actually be perceived as a negative to many people, and Obama's camp is allegedy angry that this story is coming out...


Every supporter of a given candidate will believe that his or her choice is being treated unfairly by the media. I'm sure many Hillary supporters out there were absolutely convinced that she was being treated unfairly, as difficult as that idea is for me to wrap my head around.


Star Power said:
Don't forget "Sweetie-Gate" lolz
Well, that is actually sort of offensive, or at least demeaning. Most of that other shit was completely manufactured.

Do you honestly think McCain should be getting the same amount of coverage as Obama, Gaborn? Really?


thekad said:
Do you honestly think McCain should be getting the same amount of coverage as Obama, Gaborn? Really?
Media coverage should be divided up and rationed equally, obviously.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Gaborn said:
That's true, we should vote for every single office based solely on intelligence.... what?
No one has stated that anyone should vote based on that. No one.

People are reacting to the sad state of America where a campaign has to be worried about a high IQ being seen as a negative by voters. And let's face it, given some of the reasons people voted for Bush, there might be reason to be worried.


Zeed said:
Every supporter of a given candidate will believe that his or her choice is being treated unfairly by the media. I'm sure many Hillary supporters out there were absolutely convinced that she was being treated unfairly, as difficult as that idea is for me to wrap my head around.
Some lady on CNN was just a second ago claiming that Hillary's gender played a significant role in her losing, while simultaneously admitting that her gender garnered her more votes at the polls.

It's probably best to just leave those Hillary supporters alone with their cognitive dissonance.

Edit: Perhaps in an ideal world, but Obama just made history and has been in a long, drawn-out primary. McCain is probably glad he's been left alone, anyway.


Star Power said:
No one said we should vote for Obama because he (supposedly) has a high IQ. People are commenting on the fact that that would actually be perceived as a negative to many people, and Obama's campy is allegedy angry that this story is coming out...

Ok, that's true enough, and I don't think that's fair either. Still, I think that the concern is not so much that it's a negative that Obama is apparently more intelligent than even most people thought, the concern is more narrowly whether that hurts peoples ability to relate and connect to him. Honestly, I don't think it will for the most part, Obama's got an incredibly magnetic personality, he seems to have a really good handle on controlling an audience and getting them to respond to that, he's very natural when he's speaking. Still, some people have a natural dislike for "high class" authority figures, some people probably do perceive intelligence and culture as not being a "regular" person, and I'm sure there are going to be people (because they exist in just about any campaign for any candidate) who will think Obama (and McCain) are not "like them" and don't really understand their issues.
Star Power said:
How was Rev. Wright not a "truly negative campaign story"? CNN/MSNBC AND FOX spent practically a whole month talking about it day after day, even after Obama gave his speech on race.. and then they broacasted Wright's speech to the NAACP and to the Press Corps live in their entirety, had *BREAKING NEWS* bulletins about Wright's schedule changes, talked about how this could end Obama's campaign, how it's a huge problem for him even though the polls have pretty much shown otherwise, it's brought up every single time when they're talking about exit polls, "does Obama share Rev Wright's views" is one of their main exit polling questions now..

It's not that you don't support Obama - we all get that - it's just that you're a little overbearing about it and try to spin every little thing into a negative. Like totally overreacting about his position on marijuana...

to be honest i think the only networks that made it out as some horrible ordeal was fox. the other networks were simply covering it and discussing the rammifications of the issue with voters


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Gaborn said:
Sure, there is definitely a middle ground in coverage. And I'm saying coverage has not been 50-50 (middle ground) or even 60-40 positive, I'm saying it's more like 75-85% positive. I NEVER denied there were negative stories, I said coverage has been overwhelmingly positive in both degree and depth. It's a historic campaign without question, but I don't think it's unfair to say most of the media has already anointed their winner, do you? I mean, honestly, asking "is obama the smartest man ever to run for office?" That kind of hyperbolic response is what I'm talking about, the media behaves like giggling schoolgirls in much of their coverage of Obama and I find it interesting.

Honest question Gaborn. Do you know who this guy is beside Obama?



ShOcKwAvE said:

Just found out that Harriet Christian, the racist woman kicked from the Rules and Bylaws meeting, works a few blocks away from me.

She's a waitress at a local restaurant in lower east Manhattan.

My parents are friends with the restaurant owner and he has NOT been happy with the publicity.


... wow.... :lol :lol :lol is she drunk?

edit - Yeah, isn't he that guy who was involved in some shady real estate deal and Obama had some vague tangential involvement? If so the media isn't covering it much (some, but not much). I mostly heard about it since I'm a political junkie.
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