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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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StoOgE said:
Exactly, this isnt an editorial, its one giant hit piece on Obama. Obama's outlined policy, which is what the NYT wants.
It seems to be the over-arching strategy of the McCain campaign going forward - less about McCain's policy and more about attacking Obama.
In satirical payback, Obama camp denies New Yorker writer plane seat

There's probably no connection whatsoever.

But the New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza, whose long, long article on Barack Obama's early political days in Chicago's ward politics (available here) was the reason for the magazine's controversial cover by Barry Blitt depicting Obama as a Muslim, has been barred from traveling with Obama on his foreign field trip this week.


More than 200 media folks applied to fly in Europe with the freshman senator. But, alas, the Obama campaign said it simply was not able to find a seat for Lizza.



I think there were only 40 seats to begin with. But someone from Ebony got on:lol I'm guessing because they put Obama in the top 25 sexiest black men.:p
Deus Ex Machina said:
In satirical payback, Obama camp denies New Yorker writer plane seat

There's probably no connection whatsoever.

But the New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza, whose long, long article on Barack Obama's early political days in Chicago's ward politics (available here) was the reason for the magazine's controversial cover by Barry Blitt depicting Obama as a Muslim, has been barred from traveling with Obama on his foreign field trip this week.


More than 200 media folks applied to fly in Europe with the freshman senator. But, alas, the Obama campaign said it simply was not able to find a seat for Lizza.

Fuck. That was a really good article. Poor guy.
Both candidates need to pick their VPs already.

It'll pretty much the deciding factor in voting Obama or sitting on my hands this election.
Deus Ex Machina said:
In satirical payback, Obama camp denies New Yorker writer plane seat

There's probably no connection whatsoever.

But the New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza, whose long, long article on Barack Obama's early political days in Chicago's ward politics (available here) was the reason for the magazine's controversial cover by Barry Blitt depicting Obama as a Muslim, has been barred from traveling with Obama on his foreign field trip this week.


More than 200 media folks applied to fly in Europe with the freshman senator. But, alas, the Obama campaign said it simply was not able to find a seat for Lizza.

Wait, is this Obama's camp or the Bush administration we're talking about here?


Tamanon said:
Hrm....Drudge has a big headline up about the NYT rejecting a McCain Editorial, saying it should "mirror" Obama. I guess that means that it wasn't a policy editorial?


Well no wonder, it's not really an editorial at all. It's basically an attack piece with no policy in it.:lol

Obama's piece is about Iraq. McCain's piece is about Obama.


With regards to the New Yorker plane story, they fail to mention how many people got rejected out of the 200 applicants. If 199 got accepted, there might be a story. If 150 got rejected... not really.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
StoOgE said:
Exactly, this isnt an editorial, its one giant hit piece on Obama. Obama's outlined policy, which is what the NYT wants.

So why do I still hear people on TV saying that Obama still hasn't laid out a plan when his NYT article was more than anything McCain has said?
mckmas8808 said:
So why do I still hear people on TV saying that Obama still hasn't laid out a plan when his NYT article was more than anything McCain has said?
He does have a plan; stay the course and do whatever Petraeus says


Mercury Fred said:
Wait, is this Obama's camp or the Bush administration we're talking about here?

Do you honestly believe that the New Yorker reporter would've been on the plane even if the cover never aired?


"To that end, the article would have to articulate, in concrete terms, how Senator McCain defines victory in Iraq. It would also have to lay out a clear plan for achieving victory -- with troops levels, timetables and measures for compelling the Iraqis to cooperate."

The NYT reasons for rejection of the editorial. Apparently even the mention of timetables, not even in regards to troop withdrawals kills you.


Mercury Fred said:
Wait, is this Obama's camp or the Bush administration we're talking about here?
3/4 of the applicants didn't get in. Doubt the article had anything to do with it.

It's shaping up to be a very good day for Obama. The Prime Minster has unambigiously reiterated a 2010 timetable for withdrawl from Iraq (in line with Obama's plan). I don't see how McCain recovers from that. And PPP (yeah) has Obama up 8 in Ohio.

Oh, and Gallups, doing the roller-coaster thing.



Obama is making the rounds in Baghdad today, meeting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, President Jalal Talabani and Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi.

"I have had a wonderful visit so far and excellent conversations," Obama said after the last meeting with al-Hashimi, "but we have several more meetings over the next two days and at that point, I'll give you a general assessment of the war."

Calling Obama "precise" and "specific," Hashimi praised Obama for learning about the conditions on the ground.


McCain, lol

Asked by Diane Sawyer whether the "the situation in Afghanistan in precarious and urgent," McCain responded: "I think it's serious. . . . It's a serious situation, but there's a lot of things we need to do. We have a lot of work to do and I'm afraid it's a very hard struggle, particularly given the situation on the Iraq/Pakistan border."

But as ABC's Rick Klein noted: "Iraq and Pakistan do not share a border. Afghanistan and Pakistan do."

As long as Iraq doesn't go to war with Czechoslovakia amirite?
Mercury Fred said:
Wait, is this Obama's camp or the Bush administration we're talking about here?

Barack Obama is on his way to Europe, where an adoring public awaits. But I wonder if the reception would be quite so enthusiastic if Obama's fans across the Atlantic knew a dirty little secret of his remarkable presidential campaign: Although Obama portrays himself as the best candidate to engage the rest of the world and restore America's image abroad, and many Americans support him for that reason, so far he has almost completely refused to answer questions from foreign journalists. When the press plane leaves tonight for his trip, there will be, as far as I know, no foreign media aboard. The Obama campaign has refused multiple requests from international reporters to travel with the candidate.

As a German correspondent in Washington, I am accustomed to the fact that American politicians spare little of their limited time for reporters from abroad. This is understandable: Our readers, viewers and listeners cannot vote in U.S. elections. Even so, Obama's opponents have managed to make at least a small amount of time for international journalists. John McCain has given many interviews. Hillary Clinton gave a few. President Bush regularly holds round-table interviews with media from the countries to which he travels. Only Obama dismisses us so consistently.

This spring Obama allowed at least one foreign reporter on trips to Ohio and Texas. But as the campaign has progressed, access has become more difficult for foreign correspondents. E-mail inquiries get no reply, phone calls are not returned. My colleagues and I know: We are last in line. We don't matter.



testicles on a cold fall morning
SD: saw that article earlier, and i'm straining to assign any significance to it either by itself or in relation to the line you quoted.


scorcho said:
SD: saw that article earlier, and i'm straining to assign any significance to it either by itself or in relation to the line you quoted.

Don't you get it? Obama is alternately shunning and alienating the rest of the world. Just like Bush.


testicles on a cold fall morning
bob_arctor said:
Don't you get it? Obama is alternately shunning and alienating the rest of the world. Just like Bush.
all the while earning approval from nearly everyone in the free world. how quixotic!
Firstread is saying Reed looks like Obama's VP pick but I think Bayh is very high on the list. He could definitely help with Indiana and possibly help out with Ohio, MI, and PA.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
Just thought it was interesting.

And, just like that, Bob proves once again why its utterly pointless to post here.

Then don't.
siamesedreamer said:
And, just like that, Bob proves once again why its utterly pointless to post here.
You don't seem to like it much, so, why do you keep punishing yourself? Masochistic much?

Also, I distinctly remember Bush giving interviews to Jeremy Paxman and some apparently rude Irish woman, which would contradict the theory that he, uh, shuns foreign press or whatever you were getting at. ^_^
McCain is onb MSNBC sounding pissed. Obama is definitely getting under his skin. He's going after Obama big time.

Can't wait for the debates. He might drop an F-Bomb on live tv. :lol
maximum360 said:
McCain is onb MSNBC sounding pissed. Obama is definitely getting under his skin. He's going after Obama big time.

Can't wait for the debates. He might drop an F-Bomb on live tv. :lol

"My friends, I was right on the surge. Senator Obama was wrong. It would be nice if he could admit that. Afterall, without the surge, Maliki wouldn't feel comfortable asking us to leave and Senator Obama wouldn't have been able to fly halfway across the planet for campaign rallies."

"You were wrong on the war. Voted for it. 'Greeted as liberators,' 'It'll be over pretty quickly,' Thinks that somehow, without removing troops from Iraq that we can up our presence in Afghanistan. Doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia and believes the only way to contain Iran is to bomb them"

"What the fuck you just say, my friend?"



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Incognito said:
"My friends, I was right on the surge. Senator Obama was wrong. It would be nice if he could admit that. Afterall, without the surge, Maliki wouldn't feel comfortable asking us to leave and Senator Obama wouldn't have been able to fly halfway across the planet for campaign rallies."

"You were wrong on the war. Voted for it. 'Greeted as liberators,' 'It'll be over pretty quickly,' Thinks that somehow, without removing troops from Iraq that we can up our presence in Afghanistan. Doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia and believes the only way to contain Iran is to bomb them"

"What the fuck you just say, my friend?"


Last bit requires Jon Stewart's wise guy impression. After all, McCain is old enough to be Capone himself.


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maximum360 said:
McCain is onb MSNBC sounding pissed. Obama is definitely getting under his skin. He's going after Obama big time.

Can't wait for the debates. He might drop an F-Bomb on live tv. :lol
Speaking of, when are the next debates? After the conventions?
quadriplegicjon said:
because of a VP choice? for real? :/
Yup. The elected official whose two constitutional duties are:

1) Tie-breaking votes in the Senate

2) Taking over when the boss dies

Important stuff, that Veep does.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
icarus-daedelus said:
Yup. The elected official whose two constitutional duties are:

1) Tie-breaking votes in the Senate

2) Taking over when the boss dies

Important stuff, that Veep does.

yeah. but i doubt any of his choices would be so horrible that it would make someone sit out on an election. especially if you like the presidential candidate.. it just seems a bit foolish.
Already covered that in the title of my last post, poly. I doubt Obama's going to let someone else run the country while he's out on a ranch somewhere in TX.

You never know, though!


siamesedreamer said:
And, just like that, Bob proves once again why its utterly pointless to post here.

I hardly post myself anymore so maybe you've convinced me of the same.

And forgive me for believing your post was a vague extension to Mercury Fred's question about what camp, Obama or Bush, we were discussing. Next time, try not using his own words to preface linking an entirely separate article that was meant only to spark interest and had nothing to do with the so-called media snub that led to Fred's apparent disgust.

or as scorcho put it:

SD: saw that article earlier, and i'm straining to assign any significance to it either by itself or in relation to the line you quoted.


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:

Debate schedule in the calendar on the right.

It sounds like Obama is going to announce his veep either right before the convention, or in the 10-day window after he gets back and before the Olympics start. I'm guessing the latter.

Prior to the Olympics.. they want to get a double boost in the polls.

They want a VP bounce and they want a convention bounce. McCain will announce his VP right after the Dem convention to try and minimize that bounce.. 75K people in Denver will probably backfire and he will lose his Veep bounce.


Incognito said:
That "Property of 41 -- Hands off!!!" image isn't a photoshop?

That's right up there with "Damn kids get off my lawn!"

Frank the Great said:
The Todd says he has it on "good authority" that Obama will announce his VP soon after arriving from his trip, and I'm inclined to believe him.
Yeah, it both makes sense and, well is coming from Chuck. So there you go.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wait, the NYT refused McCain's Op-Ed on how to win Iraq? Whaaaat?

EDIT: lol. McCain blaming Obama on high gas prices.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
icarus-daedelus said:
Already covered that in the title of my last post, poly. I doubt Obama's going to let someone else run the country while he's out on a ranch somewhere in TX.

You never know, though!

oh. were you being sarcastic with that other post? its hard to tell sometimes :lol
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