Does the USS Abraham Lincoln count as Iraq (rimshot).reilo said:Quick question:
When was the last time Bush was in Iraq?
Incognito said:
PhoenixDark said:That doesn't make any sense. There were reports that McCain wouldn't reveal his VP until Obama did in order to blunt any polling bump Obama could get. Announcing this early, especially while Obama is dominating the headlines, makes no sense whatsoever
actually, none of the editorials represent the views of the editorial staff sans those presented sans byline.dionysus said:I never agree with NYT editorial page or much else in that biased paper, but they're completely within their rights to reject anything they want as it is in their OPINION section and thus represents the views of their editorial staff.
bob_arctor said:If anything, the NYT is doing us a goddamn service by refusing that garbage. We've all heard enough of the same platitudes to last us a fucking lifetime.
PhoenixDark said:That doesn't make any sense. There were reports that McCain wouldn't reveal his VP until Obama did in order to blunt any polling bump Obama could get. Announcing this early, especially while Obama is dominating the headlines, makes no sense whatsoever
Fragamemnon said:You mean like the ethnic cleansing and sectarian segregation that has been occuring in places like Baghdad since the end of shock and awe?
here are some fun maps:
Note the way that the city polarizes into shi'a and sunni divisions over time down from the mixed muslim areas in 2006. Also note that violence has gone down as well-there's no more fuel for the fire,so to speak. said:i can't tell anything from this map. do you have a bigger image of it/source?
btw, started reading this on the way to work this AM and am already a third of the way through. great recommendation.Macam said:In case you want to read on the actual development of the Internet, here you go. It's short but it gives you all the inner details about it.
scorcho said:btw, started reading this on the way to work this AM and am already a third of the way through. great recommendation.
Clevinger said:It's to try and take the spotlight off of Obama and his foreign trip, and in turn dominate the headlines with VP talk.
maximum360 said:Firstread is saying Reed looks like Obama's VP pick but I think Bayh is very high on the list. He could definitely help with Indiana and possibly help out with Ohio, MI, and PA.
KilledByBill said:I'm starting to think it's going to be Bayh. He appeases the Clinton-wing since he's good friends with Bill & Hill and was a longtime surrogate for her during the primary. He has executive experience as Governor of Indiana but he's only been in the Senate since 1999 so he's not really a "Washington insider." He's got experience with National Security and intelligence in the Senate. He doesn't balance the ticket geographically, coming from Obama's neighboring state, but he could really put Indiana in play and radiate more support into Michigan and Ohio.
He did vote for the Iraq War Resolution which kills a lot my enthusiasm. I think Obama is best served by having no one tainted by the decision to go to war. I still hold out hope for Tim Kaine but Jack Reed is also starting to sound very promising.
Published in The New York Post on July 21, 2008.
Printer-Friendly Version (lol)
Democrats' single most important domestic proposal - universal health insurance - may blow up in Barack Obama's face when voters are exposed to the deadly details.
Obama has said, proudly and often, "I am going to give health insurance to 47 million Americans who are now without coverage." But are they "Americans?"
That 47 million statistic includes illegal immigrants - who virtually all lack insurance. In fact, about one in four of those lacking insurance is here illegally. And they are, by far, the group most in need of health insurance.
About 15 million of the remaining uninsured are eligible for Medicaid but haven't signed up - mainly because they haven't gotten sick. When they do, they enroll in Medicaid and we pick up the full tab for their health care relatively cheaply. (About 80 percent of each Medicaid dollar goes to nursing-home care for the elderly, only about 20 percent for the medical needs of the poor.)
The rest of the uninsured pool? Virtually all the children are eligible for the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Some aren't enrolled because the parents haven't bothered, but most are eligible. That leaves about 20 million uninsured adults who are US citizens or legal immigrants. There are far better ways to handle their needs than to turn our entire health-care system upside down.
Care for illegals is the biggest unmet medical need in our nation, and Obama's program targets it squarely. But do we really want to give them federally paid coverage equal to what US senators get, as Obama proposes?
Covering illegals adds dramatically to the cost of any program - and would encourage more folks to enter America illicitly.
Obama's plan will likely have a horrific effect on some local health-care systems.
Illegals now get free emergency-room treatment for life-threatening conditions - as any other American who's entered an ER in an area with lots of illegals recently well knows. (Three-quarters of the illegal-immigrant population is concentrated in five states: California, New York, Florida, Texas and Illinois.)
But now they'd be eligible for the entire range of medical services, all free of charge. That would trigger severe rationing: bureaucrats deciding who gets to see an oncologist, who can have an MRI - and even who can have bypass surgery and who'd die for lack of it.
These decisions would be made not on the basis of legal status but on the brutal facts of triage: Treat the 37-year-old illegal with his whole life to live before you spend scarce resources on an overweight, diabetic, 80-year-old citizen with high blood pressure who smokes.
John McCain hasn't raised this issue, perhaps for fear of offending the Latino vote. But polling suggests the case against rationing of health care would be as persuasive to Hispanic-American citizens as it is to the rest of us. Nobody wants to die waiting in line - especially not behind someone who snuck in ahead of us.
McCain needs to hit the Obama plan for treating illegal immigrants to free, federally subsidized health insurance - and hit it hard.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Hai guys:
reilo said:Isn't the only way you can be a part of Obama's plan by actually contacting the government and telling them to put you on the government funded insurance policy?
So, how many illegals would risk that?
Tamanon said:Apparently McCain is having a meeting out of nowhere with Bobby Jindal on Wednesday. That'll be a pretty crappy Veep pick, IMO, although it'll mean more people will learn about the exorcism!
siamesedreamer said:Jindal is the perfect pick and kills two birds with one stone:
1) the McCain campaign - its really already dead right now, but Jindal makes it even deader
2) the argument by the fundamentalist wing of the GOP that the loss was a result of not having "one of their own" on the ticket
Seems like the perfect scenario if you ask me...
:lolsiamesedreamer said:Jindal is the perfect pick and kills two birds with one stone:
1) the McCain campaign - its really already dead right now, but Jindal makes it even deader
2) the argument by the fundamentalist wing of the GOP that the loss was a result of not having "one of their own" on the ticket
Seems like the perfect scenario if you ask me...
No one votes for the VP. And worrying about disappointed Hillarys fans is so June-ishadamsappel said:The only thing that worries me about McCain's VP pick is if it's a woman (and Obama's isn't). All things being equal, I don't think bitter Hillarians would end up voting for McCain out of spite. But with the only chance to elect a woman VP, I can see a lot of votes swinging over.
adamsappel said:The only thing that worries me about McCain's VP pick is if it's a woman (and Obama's isn't). All things being equal, I don't think bitter Hillarians would end up voting for McCain out of spite. But with the only chance to elect a woman VP, I can see a lot of votes swinging over.
The way the whole drama played out couldn't have been better. First the initial report from the paper, which was almost buried. If nothing else happened, it might have stayed that way.The Chosen One said:Wow, very good news day for Obama. The White House and McCain failed at spinning Maliki's comments.
very nice. just changed mine though.AniHawk said:Because even with all the TDK craze, I know people still like their Obama avatars:
AniHawk said:Because even with all the TDK craze, I know people still like their Obama avatars:
GhaleonEB said:And the whole time, McCain is flopping back and forth like a dying fish trying to explain each new iteration.
AniHawk said:Because even with all the TDK craze, I know people still like their Obama avatars:
:lolFarmboy said::lol I am the only one getting a Terminator 2 vibe? You can practically hear him say "Get. Out."![]()
Country first... golf second?Deus Ex Machina said:
I hope this happens. It would put Obama at a huge strategic advantage.Incognito I'd rate the chances of this happening about 7 out of 10:
*Possible McCain early VP pick*