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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Skiptastic said:
I'm hoping McCain wins, just because I think it would be much more enjoyable to hear discussions on "what went wrong", "why America did this", etc. I really don't think my life is going to change greatly in one respect or the other, so I'm internally rooting for the most entertaining outcome. Hopefully, no matter who wins, it's an entertaining experience.
I am glad to see that you are putting your entertainment first over what is best for America. You're the epitome of what it means to be a good human being.
Dax01 said:
I am glad to see that you are putting your entertainment first over what is best for America. You're the epitome of what it means to be a good human being.

Read my previous post. I think America's fucked no matter who gets in. If someone from the future showed me a chart saying "America would be 10% less fucked if Obama won" then I'd vote for the guy. Since I don't see much of a difference, why not hope for a more entertaining outcome?

You all are getting worked up for nothing anyways. I'm not voting, I pay my taxes, and I am not actively campaigning for or against anyone. Why can't I have a glimmer of hope for an entertaining election? I'm not going to stop Obama from winning, and if he does and raises those taxes, I'll just pay them and move along. Jeepers, you all get so worked up over nothing. :p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Well, it's great that you are able to articulate your points really well and tell us why Obama won't be any better than McCain.


reilo said:
Well, it's great that you are able to articulate your points really well and tell us why Obama won't be any better than McCain.
He did explain that he literally does not care, and is just in it for the shits and giggles.

No reason to even go there. :p
Skiptastic said:
Read my previous post. I think America's fucked no matter who gets in. If someone from the future showed me a chart saying "America would be 10% less fucked if Obama won" then I'd vote for the guy. Since I don't see much of a difference, why not hope for a more entertaining outcome?
I am now extremely glad to see that you put your entertainment first and what is best for America second.
Skiptastic said:
I'm hoping McCain wins, just because I think it would be much more enjoyable to hear discussions on "what went wrong", "why America did this", etc. I really don't think my life is going to change greatly in one respect or the other, so I'm internally rooting for the most entertaining outcome. Hopefully, no matter who wins, it's an entertaining experience. Right now, it kinda sucks ass. It's all just blogs and roundtables about stupid shit. Hopefully steam picks up after the conventions. Maybe I just need to find the right two or three people who actually like debating civilly about the issues, not "Obama went to Europe OMG" or "McCain put out an advertisement OH SNAP" That shit bores me.

While the bitching/moaning/crying/etc would serve as entertainment on GAF for a couple days the end result would suck. People act like Obama is a sure bet to win this...I love seeing people humbled but not at the detriment of the country/world


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Breaking: Rove has been found in contempt of congress. Pelosi still deciding whether to vote on this... what the hell?
Skiptastic said:
Read my previous post. I think America's fucked no matter who gets in. If someone from the future showed me a chart saying "America would be 10% less fucked if Obama won" then I'd vote for the guy. Since I don't see much of a difference, why not hope for a more entertaining outcome?

who's president makes a HUGE difference. you think we'd be in this shithole now if gore or any other competent president got elected in 2000?


reilo said:
David Axelrod just laid the smack down on MSNBC.
When asked about the ad's attempt to link Obama with Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, Axelrod replied, "I think the most important reference in the ad was Britney Spears, because as it said in the [Obama campaign] statement, she has that song in a paraphrase 'Oops, he did it again!' Sen. McCain has been criticized in papers all over the country -- Factcheck.org -- for the tactics he has taken in the last several weeks, and the ads that he has run including one that blames Barack Obama for the energy crisis and so on."

He continued, "And in the words of USA Today yesterday, it's baloney! And the thing that is sad about it is that Sen. McCain entered this campaign as someone who was going to elevate the debate and talk about the future, and that is the reputation he had. And instead, we get some very familiar tactics. And it makes you wonder who is running the campaign, who is making the decisions, who is behind all of this. This isn't the John McCain we expect."

When told the McCain campaign's charge that it was the Obama camp who ran the first negative ad of the general election -- which was a response to an RNC TV ad hitting Obama -- Axelrod added: "The real point is we have got serious, serious challenges facing this country, including a genuine energy crisis. And we ought to have a real discussion about it. Instead, we get sophomoric, negative ads that are completely false. There are things in that ad that are fundamentally wrong in terms of what Sen. Obama's position is."
No video yet, but this is one I'd like to see.


And then Obama chimes in:

"You know, I don’t pay attention to John McCain’s ads, although I do notice he doesn’t seem to have anything to say very positive about himself. He seems to only be talking about me... You need to ask John McCain what he’s for and not just what he’s against."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
No video yet, but this is one I'd like to see.


And then Obama chimes in:


There won't be a video as Axelrod called in over the phone for those comments.

Obama also said this:

"You've all seen these ads, you know, the one where I am touted as some tax and spend liberal that will waste all of your money on pork barrel projects. Each election, it's like the same ads from them, just the candidate's name is replaced."


Why is McCain not being called out on all these new ads? I remember doing the primaries he promised to run a clean campaign. He even made some early gestures that led me to believe he would really be a honorable candidate.

But he has now rushed towards the mud and the slime. Every new negative ad he runs gets tons of free airtime on all the networks. I bet this new ad will be played dozens of times tonight on all the major networks, who can't seem to sense they are being played by the McCain campaign. Most of Obama's responses are less directly negative, and thus don't get nearly the air time.

What is worse is the discussion of these ads seems to revolve around rather McCain has discovered some new weakness in Obama's candidacy. Why not talk about how these ads completely undermine the maverick, bipartisan, and above-the-fray politician that McCain has been trying to portray himself as. If this is what McCain is dragging out in July, how will anyone be able to stand him in October?


Dax01 said:
:/ How was the last election different then?
eh? In 2004 there was no exit polling leaks till around 7 PM, we had no clue what was going on at all till then. I watched the new all day that day. It was just talking heads like Chris Matthews blabbering nonsense about how great it is in America how we get to vote and what the various candidates are doing with their families to relax and wait. It is just fluff till the evening. Honestly we don't have a clue what is happening officially on election day till like 10 PM due to poll closing, the media does not want to give information while people are still voting.


Junior Member
reilo said:
No, not these guys. Some of them were anarchists :lol

The weren't anarchists if they were in support of a liberal. They weren't backing old Ivy League Skull and Bones Kerry, were they?

KRS7 said:
What is worse is the discussion of these ads seems to revolve around rather McCain has discovered some new weakness in Obama's candidacy. Why not talk about how these ads completely undermine the maverick, bipartisan, and above-the-fray politician that McCain has been trying to portray himself as. If this is what McCain is dragging out in July, how will anyone be able to stand him in October?

Because he's realizing his stances on major issues like court appointments and illegal immigration aren't buying him enough love with left-leaning moderates to offset alienating core Replublican voters.

The core Republican voters aren't happy with McCain. His only hope at this point is to go for the people who don't want Obama in office at any cost.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
TomServo said:
The weren't anarchists if they were in support of a liberal. They weren't backing old Ivy League Skull and Bones Kerry, were they?




reilo said:
Breaking: Rove has been found in contempt of congress. Pelosi still deciding whether to vote on this... what the hell?

Pelosi is a total letdown. She's in the Kerry style of "they'll accuse me of being TEH LIBRUL, so I'd better tread carefully".


Agent Icebeezy said:
This woman they put on MSNBC talking about McCain is fucking insane.

It's actually funny, yeah Heather Wilson is a maroon. Schuster actually did a good job of challenging her though. Even though she just couldn't answer the question on McCain and payroll taxes at all.:lol

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Tamanon said:
It's actually funny, yeah Heather Wilson is a maroon. Schuster actually did a good job of challenging her though. Even though she just couldn't answer the question on McCain and payroll taxes at all.:lol

She never answers the question, she is a walking McCain advertisement. Surprisingly, she has more good to say about McCain than McCain does himself.


CNN Poll

Obama 51%
McCain 44%

In terms of the trip:

65% thought it was an appropriate trip

33% thought is was not

Obama leads McCain on ALL Domestic issues (economy, gas prices, energy, etc) while Mccain leads on ALL Foreign issues (Iraq, Terrorism, etc).

In terms of who is arrogant:

Obama 37%, McCain 34 (not much different)%


Door2Dawn said:
Why can't Obama close the deal?He should be leading on ALL issues!

Jimmy Carter was ahead of Gerald Ford by 33 points with the same amount of time left! Is Obama faltering under the pressure?
Door2Dawn said:
Why can't Obama close the deal?He should be leading on ALL issues!

I can understand the sarcasm but it's a bit disturbing that McCain leads on foreign policy (Of all things). 100 years in Iraq? No timetables? I can frolic through the streets of Baghdad without armor/protection? Maybe timetables weren't such a bad idea. I misspoke; Baghdad is still dangerous. 16 month timetable sounds good.

That's just his random and rapidly changing stances on Iraq.


Door2Dawn said:
Hes POW, we can't challenge him on foreign issues.

Yeah, all Obama has done is lived overseas. Oh, and he got some degree in political science with a specialization in international relations from Columbia. What could he possibly know about the world?


Tamanon said:
CNN Poll

Obama 51%
McCain 44%

In terms of the trip:

65% thought it was an appropriate trip

33% thought is was not

Obama leads McCain on ALL Domestic issues (economy, gas prices, energy, etc) while Mccain leads on ALL Foreign issues (Iraq, Terrorism, etc).

In terms of who is arrogant:

Obama 37%, McCain 34 (not much different)%
Right in the middle of where the race has been since the nomination was wrapped up. No change in nearly three months. Which explains McCain's increasingly desperate tone.

Just need to keep it that way for the next three.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh, Todd Harris:

"Obama has been treated like a celebrity by the media. They have put kid gloves on him. I don't think the media has put him under the microscope like they should have."


KRS7 said:
Yeah, all Obama has done is lived overseas. Oh, and he got some degree in political science with a specialization in international relations from Columbia. What could he possibly know about the world?
I actually didn't know this,is there anymore info on that?


Hootie said:
This. Being tortured and beaten by Viet Cong for 6 years means insta-foreign policy experience.

Hey he convinced his captors not to kill him. Maybe he can apply those skills to keeping the terurists from killin us?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
More Harris: "That speech, like many of his speeches, is all about Obama and it is so self indulgent."

This guy slings bullshit like it was crack.
reilo said:
Oh, Todd Harris:

"Obama has been treated like a celebrity by the media. They have put kid gloves on him. I don't think the media has put him under the microscope like they should have."
It's about time somebody said it. Obama's never been challenged on anything ever! Every TV show I watch is just pundit after pundit debating which one of them loves Obama more.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Some more!

"The only change agent in Washington has been John McCain."

It's true. He's changed his positions so much that he could put on a superhero costume.

"Give me one example of when Obama has been a bipartisan leader."


First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
CNN Poll

Obama 51%
McCain 44%

In terms of the trip:

65% thought it was an appropriate trip

33% thought is was not

Obama leads McCain on ALL Domestic issues (economy, gas prices, energy, etc) while Mccain leads on ALL Foreign issues (Iraq, Terrorism, etc).

In terms of who is arrogant:

Obama 37%, McCain 34 (not much different)%

Why cant he break 52%?


First tragedy, then farce.
Door2Dawn said:
I actually didn't know this,is there anymore info on that?

We dont know much, but his senior thesis paper was on the efforts to stop nuclear proliferation between the US and Soviets. And *surprise* what is one of his pet projects? loose nukes.

I mean, its undergrad work, universities dont keep that kind of stuff.
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