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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
PhoenixDark said:
No doubt. They're firing up evangelicals and older whites with the constant harping on this young, world leading magical politician with a tongue of gold. That NY Times article is pretty spot on. McCain tried going the high road, saw it didn't work, and has switched to the tired but true fearmongering that almost always wins.

And do you think some in the media should say that McCain is flip-flopping? And that the straight talk express is no more?


This is pretty funny http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/07/quick_draw_obama_challenges_mc.php


"Wild Bill Hickock," Obama said.

"I was reading on the way over here that he had his first duel in the town square here in Springfield.."

"Now, I don't know if people are aware of the fact... and I have not done ... the research... Family legend is that Wild Bill Hickock is a distant cousin of mine."

"I'm serious. I'm serious. I don't know if it's true..."

"We're gonna research that. Because I'm ready to duel John McCain on taxes."

He pantomimed a quick draw.

"A quick draw...." he said.
PhoenixDark said:
They're firing up evangelicals and older whites with the constant harping on this young, world leading magical politician with a tongue of gold.

At the pace McCain's going, I wouldn't be surprised if come election day, Obama is being portrayed as the antichrist running for world domination and persecution of chrstianity
mckmas8808 said:
Why do they constantly have commericals where people are yelling Obama's name?

And why do they think showing Paris and Brittney Spears will add to this ad?

Probably because the chanting scares some older people. With respect to Paris and Spears the McCain camp is still insinuating that Obama has no substance (or talent) and is more suited for magazine covers than rollin-up-yer-sleeves-and-saying-no leadership.
scorcho said:
not sure if it's 'uppity negro' syndrome, or just collective over-reaction from reporters who think they've been weak in the knees for Obama for months.

edit: new McCain ad! look at Obama, the latest pseudo-celeb slut with loose morals!

gee. i wonder if they chose blond white women on purpose...
You know, instead of drilling off-shore, why don't we just drill where we are allowed to? I heard Nancy Pelosi on the Daily Show say we got (I think) a couple million acres up in Alaska.


Small balls, big fun!
Obama's speechmaking proves he must have no substance, his popularity proves that his supporters are faddists, and his overseas trip proves that he might get back together with K-Fed or something.

The only thing I'm looking forward to from McCain's campaign is Romney as VP, which might as well be Dole-Kemp II in the annals of intra-ticket hatred.

Justin Bailey

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Door2Dawn said:
People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and he can't do that as Barack Obama. As a man he's flesh and blood, he can be ignored, he can be destroyed, but as a symbol, as a symbol he can be incorruptible, he can be everlasting.
I almost think at this point that a Romney VP ticket could help McCain. Romney would end up being such a consistent tool that it'd distract from McCain's all too frequent gaffes/lapses, but people don't really care who's VP so it'd be a win for him.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mandark said:
Obama's speechmaking proves he must have no substance, his popularity proves that his supporters are faddists, and his overseas trip proves that he might get back together with K-Fed or something.

The only thing I'm looking forward to from McCain's campaign is Romney as VP, which might as well be Dole-Kemp II in the annals of intra-ticket hatred.

You know your country is headed in thw wrong direction when people start hating on the fact that other countries might like us.

Why is this starting to become a negative?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mckmas8808 said:
You know your country is headed in thw wrong direction when people start hating on the fact that other countries might like us.

Why is this starting to become a negative?

Because the world should fear us. Imperialistic hawk mentality 101.


Mandark said:
Obama's speechmaking proves he must have no substance, his popularity proves that his supporters are faddists, and his overseas trip proves that he might get back together with K-Fed or something.

The mentions of totalitarianism and Hitler re: the crowds he pulled and the language in his Germany speech really floored me.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mandark said:
Roy Edroso is all over this. Am I pimping his blog every third post right now or does it just feel like that?

And here's a fun post at CT about how Obama's German poster would have been banned by the Nazis. International politics, history, and fonts. What more could you want?

Having been drilled with this bullshit in my history of material culture classes, that Obama poster is a big homage to Bauhaus style of design. Walter Gropius would have been proud.

If his poster looked like something out of Russian Constructivism, then we'd have a problem!


An example of Nazi Propaganda posters:

Evlar said:
I think you're right to be concerned. "Presumptuous" is loaded with meaning.

We've barely scratched the surface of how nasty things will be this fall.

Obama actually does well in town halls and even got a few standing ovations at this event in Missouri. If he keeps doing what he's doing there and the debates go well, it will be hard for McCain to keep up in the debates this fall. It's hard for him to keep up when reporters finally get off the 'Maverick' bandwagon and actually ask him a policy question.


When watching this election and reading other political forums I think when the election is over America might be more divided than after last elections..

Meaning GAF seems to be pretty mellow place when talking about these candidates but other places people seem to be quite frankly very hateful and very scary..
ana said:
When watching this election and reading other political forums I think when the election is over America might be more divided than after last elections..

Meaning GAF seems to be pretty mellow place when talking about these candidates but other places people seem to be quite frankly very hateful and very scary..

Things can change quickly, depending on who is posting.


shooting blanks
Nazgul_Hunter said:
At the pace McCain's going, I wouldn't be surprised if come election day, Obama is being portrayed as the antichrist running for world domination and persecution of chrstianity

It'll happen before then unfortunately.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ana said:
When watching this election and reading other political forums I think when the election is over America might be more divided than after last elections..

Meaning GAF seems to be pretty mellow place when talking about these candidates but other places people seem to be quite frankly very hateful and very scary..

As bad as some posters here are, on other forums, these are the words I see quite a lot from people:

Bad Foreign Policy [Eventhough every nation in the world agrees with his fp stances??]

What irks me the most is the moniker that McCain would be better at foreign policy. Being like Bush in approach to foreign policy is a good thing? It's like these people are just not paying any damn attention.


reilo said:
What irks me the most is the moniker that McCain would be better at foreign policy. Being like Bush in approach to foreign policy is a good thing? It's like these people are just not paying any damn attention.

What annoys me is the seeming conflation in the media between the public's belief that a candidate would be good on an issue and the strength of that candidate's positions.

I cannot count how many times I've heard that "foreign policy is one of John McCain's strengths," when it is clear that it is a strength only insofar as the public believes that he is "experienced" on that issue; it is not a strength at all when you look at his ability to be even somewhat conversant on the subject.

If they would state that he's very weak on foreign policy when it comes to his ability to get basic facts straight, but it is a strength from the perspective of how the electorate views the candidates, then maybe it would make more sense. As it is, it's maddening.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dax01 said:
What'd he say?

Basically debunked the entire "off-shore" drilling crap, and said that if this administration and government had followed Obama's plan for energy independence years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess right now. Plus just more Axelrod ass-kickery.


ana said:
When watching this election and reading other political forums I think when the election is over America might be more divided than after last elections..

Only if McCain wins. If Obama wins, a slice of weirdos will be really pissed, maybe to the point of going on shooting sprees or some shit, but their numbers aren't that many. Maybe 30% of the population.


Mandark said:
The only thing I'm looking forward to from McCain's campaign is Romney as VP, which might as well be Dole-Kemp II in the annals of intra-ticket hatred.

That about sums up my feelings too. I'm not one for caring about vice presidential picks, but if McCain doesn't pick Romney I'll be half-surprised. I say half because while Romney is the logical match to McCain's bumbling nature and economic apathy, given the way his campaign has been run, he may just try to outdo himself and worsen his odds even further.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
maximum360 said:
Obama's team has done well with timing events to control the narrative. While I do agree that Obama has to be careful about how his words, there is only so much he can do. The media and the GOP has tried relentlessly to put him in a box. Two weeks ago Obama was too inexperienced and he not capable of being commander in chief due to his lacking in foreign policy credentials. Last week, Obama was "acting too presidential". This week, Obama is exuding hubris and playing the role of commander in chief without having to make the "pesky policy decisions". Every week the media pushes a new theme that they hope will stick.

When Obama gets on the trail and starts talking "populist" to America, they'll throw another caricature out there.

What's amazing though (or not really not so amazing when you think about it) is that McCain can make any claims about himself and at best may get a passing comment.

I just wonder how many code words for "Black" we'll see before now and the election.

this is exactly how i feel. at first i thought it was just the media trying to make things seem even.. but the vigor behind some of these reporters seems to imply that some deeper seeded emotions are at play here. :.(
reilo said:
Having been drilled with this bullshit in my history of material culture classes, that Obama poster is a big homage to Bauhaus style of design. Walter Gropius would have been proud.

If his poster looked like something out of Russian Constructivism, then we'd have a problem!


so that's where they got this from?

bob_arctor said:
Only if McCain wins. If Obama wins, a slice of weirdos will be really pissed, maybe to the point of going on shooting sprees or some shit, but their numbers aren't that many. Maybe 30% of the population.

And that is different from McCain winning...how?


Skiptastic said:
And that is different from McCain winning...how?

Just a feeling that there's much more of a desire to see a Democrat in the WH. In 2004, when Bush won re-election, I'd wager that there were more people completely devastated by the outcome then there were people pleased. Considering the epic fail that's followed ever since, that number has either grown, or has finally gotten to the point I'm guessing at. Another Republican running the show is a recipe for disenfranchisement the likes of which hasn't been seen since Mephisto's "deal" with Spiderman.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
bob_arctor said:
Just a feeling that there's much more of a desire to see a Democrat in the WH. In 2004, when Bush won re-election, I'd wager that there were more people completely devastated by the outcome then there were people pleased. Considering the epic fail that's followed ever since, that number has either grown, or has finally gotten to the point I'm guessing at. Another Republican running the show is a recipe for disenfranchisement the likes of which hasen't been seen since Mephisto's "deal" with Spiderman.

I remember back in 04 on November 5th when I was in high school. I was in German class, and out of the 20 people in there, only one guy was a Bush supporter - but we were all cool with him, although he was a bit of a weirdo.

We were a pretty tight-nit group and all had similar world views along with the teacher, so we spent the entire class discussing what the hell just happened instead of doing any actual studies.
bob_arctor said:
Just a feeling that there's much more of a desire to see a Democrat in the WH. In 2004, when Bush won re-election, I'd wager that there were more people completely devastated by the outcome then there were people pleased. Considering the epic fail that's followed ever since, that number has either grown, or has finally gotten to the point I'm guessing at. Another Republican running the show is a recipe for disenfranchisement the likes of which hasn't been seen since Mephisto's "deal" with Spiderman.

I think there may be more fervor on the Democratic side this time around that isn't there on the Republican side. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you that there will be probably more people greatly disappointed, I just wanted to hear why you thought that would be any different if McCain won. But I think you might be putting the percentage of people who "really care greatly" about who wins or loses way too high. I mean, to say 30% of people would really give a damn when only 50% (at most) of people even bother to vote? I don't think that it's that big of a deal to most people. I think they will mutter and maybe bitch a bit, but shooting sprees? Nah.

I'm hoping McCain wins, just because I think it would be much more enjoyable to hear discussions on "what went wrong", "why America did this", etc. I really don't think my life is going to change greatly in one respect or the other, so I'm internally rooting for the most entertaining outcome. Hopefully, no matter who wins, it's an entertaining experience. Right now, it kinda sucks ass. It's all just blogs and roundtables about stupid shit. Hopefully steam picks up after the conventions. Maybe I just need to find the right two or three people who actually like debating civilly about the issues, not "Obama went to Europe OMG" or "McCain put out an advertisement OH SNAP" That shit bores me.
reilo said:
I remember back in 04 on November 5th when I was in high school. I was in German class, and out of the 20 people in there, only one guy was a Bush supporter - but we were all cool with him, although he was a bit of a weirdo.

We were a pretty tight-nit group and all had similar world views along with the teacher, so we spent the entire class discussing what the hell just happened instead of doing any actual studies.
I hope my High School has it's TVs turned on to some news channel during Election Day so we know what's going on.

They did when I was in Middle School.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Skiptastic said:
I'm hoping McCain wins, just because I think it would be much more enjoyable to hear discussions on "what went wrong", "why America did this", etc. I really don't think my life is going to change greatly in one respect or the other, so I'm internally rooting for the most entertaining outcome. Hopefully, no matter who wins, it's an entertaining experience. Right now, it kinda sucks ass. Hopefully steam picks up after the conventions.

You have to be out of your fucking mind.

Just because everything is great and dandy for you, there are people out there that are suffering and having a hard time directly due to many of this administration's policies. McCain is going to just keep things the same or make them worse.

For you to hope for the most entertaining outcome? What the hell would be entertaining about a great hardship for the populace?


Dax01 said:
I hope my High School has it's TVs turned on to some news channel during Election Day so we know what's going on.

They did when I was in Middle School.
Nothing happens during the day though. No exit polling leaks till like 6 PM.


Junior Member
reilo said:
I remember back in 04 on November 5th when I was in high school. I was in German class, and out of the 20 people in there, only one guy was a Bush supporter - but we were all cool with him, although he was a bit of a weirdo.

That's high school. That's normal.

As you get older you'll see more and more people move to the conservative side, especially in the working professional ranks.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
TomServo said:
That's high school. That's normal.

As you get older you'll see more and more people move to the conservative side, especially in the working professional ranks.

No, not these guys. Some of them were anarchists :lol
I'm hoping McCain wins, just because I think it would be much more enjoyable to hear discussions on "what went wrong", "why America did this", etc. I really don't think my life is going to change greatly in one respect or the other, so I'm internally rooting for the most entertaining outcome. Hopefully, no matter who wins, it's an entertaining experience. Right now, it kinda sucks ass. Hopefully steam picks up after the conventions.

Glad to read that all this is mere entertainment for you, and that the suffering of millions of others doesn't really matter because, well, it doesn't affect you.

reilo said:
You have to be out of your fucking mind.

Just because everything is great and dandy for you, there are people out there that are suffering and having a hard time directly due to many of this administration's policies. McCain is going to just keep things the same or make them worse.

For you to hope for the most entertaining outcome? What the hell would be entertaining about a great hardship for the populace?

When you ask me to choose between getting punched in the face or kicked in the nuts, I try to imagine what would be most entertaining. I'd choose getting punched in the face, because the blood streaming down from my nose would at least look cool.

In my opinion, neither candidate is going to make my life better, and in fact, in their own way, is going to fuck up the country. So, in the choice between a rock and a hard place, I think of what will at least be entertaining. I think McCain winning would be more entertaining.

But seeing as how I'm not really invested in either way, if Obama winning is really going to make you happy, then it's cool with me if he wins.

FlightOfHeaven said:
Glad to read that all this is mere entertainment for you, and that the suffering of millions of others doesn't really matter because, well, it doesn't affect you.

Again, glad to know you think Obama is somehow going to miraculously save millions of people. Hope he wins for you guys. I don't have such a rosy opinion of the guy or his policies.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh my god, Andrea Tantaros, kill it with fire!

I'd still hit it. Maybe. If I was desperate, for sure. I think I'm desperate.
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