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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I kinda want someone to ask "Is John McCain acting too unpresidential?" or "Isn't it about time we had someone act presidential?"


Door2Dawn said:
I actually didn't know this,is there anymore info on that?

Not much. But here is a Jan 05 Columbia University Article on him:

Barack Obama ’83
Is He the New Face of The Democratic Party?

Columbia University Today said:
As he pursued a political science degree, specializing in international relations, Obama says he was somewhat involved with the Black Students Organization and participated in anti-apartheid activities. “Mostly, my years at Columbia were an intense period of study,” he says. “When I transferred, I decided to buckle down and get serious. I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk.”


Tamanon said:
I kinda want someone to ask "Is John McCain acting too unpresidential?" or "Isn't it about time we had someone act presidential?"
Yeah, no kidding.

It was funny to see that pointy-headed asshole on Hardball whine about how the media never criticises Obama, then have the next segment be devoted to asking whether Obama is acting too Presidential, which is pretty much the most bullshit attempt to attack Obama I've seen this election cycle.
Tamanon said:
I kinda want someone to ask "Is John McCain acting too unpresidential?" or "Isn't it about time we had someone act presidential?"
lol never gonna happen.

"but but but he was in the military! but but but he was tortured!!!!"

blah blah blah. fucking guy doesn't even use a computer or work on weekends.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Well, the last thing we want is the citizens and the world actually liking our president. What good would that do?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
reilo said:
More Harris: "That speech, like many of his speeches, is all about Obama and it is so self indulgent."

This guy slings bullshit like it was crack.

What TV program is he on?
bob_arctor said:
Some random group responds to the Britney/Obama ad with a clip of Britney/McCain
The McCain camp was at one time bragging about Heidi freaking Montag endorsing him!

"I'm honored to have Heidi's support and I want to assure her that I never miss an episode of The Hills, especially since the new season started," McCain told Time.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
At least on MSNBC, it seems that all of this bullshit coming from the RNC is too much. Olbermann is going to have a field day on that celeb ad.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Didn't the negative ads Hilary's campaign threw at Obama hurt her? I'm curious to see if voters get turned off by McCain's constant attack ads on Obama.
The hurt her a little but it did work. she was winning states before she got out.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Zonar said:
The hurt her a little but it did work. she was winning states before she got out.

its all about the timing though. her negative ads went out just before voting.. giving obama very little time to rebut them. mccain is doing this waaaay too early.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Buchanan just mentioned Dana Milbanks article today as an "effective scrutiny of Obama." Someone tell Pat that Milbank was being sarcastic.


The new talking point of Obama as celebrity is really hilarious. And honestly, it strikes me as kind of sad. When McCain said he wanted a high-minded campaign, I didn't really buy it, but I found myself wanting one. And we get this:

Staying very personal, the McCain campaign responds to Obama's suggestion that Republicans will attack his unusual name and his race:

"This is a typically superfluous response from Barack Obama. Like most celebrities, he reacts to fair criticism with a mix of fussiness and hysteria," says McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds, before trying to link the attack back to offshore drilling.

What. The. Fuck.

KRS7 said:
Not much. But here is a Jan 05 Columbia University Article on him:

Barack Obama ’83
Is He the New Face of The Democratic Party?

From article:

As for speculation that he could be the country’s first black president, Obama says that he will not run for anything in 2008. He is quick to temper high expectations and scrying about his lofty political future with quips about how he doesn’t yet know where the Senate bathrooms are, and how he’ll be “sharpening pencils and scrubbing floors” for the first few years.



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
The new talking point of Obama as celebrity is really hilarious. And honestly, it strikes me as kind of sad. When McCain said he wanted a high-minded campaign, I didn't really buy it, but I found myself wanting one. And we get this:

What. The. Fuck.


Did you read McCain camp's response talking about how Obama works out 3x a day, eats expensive and healthy foods, and so forth?


GhaleonEB said:
The new talking point of Obama as celebrity is really hilarious. And honestly, it strikes me as kind of sad. When McCain said he wanted a high-minded campaign, I didn't really buy it, but I found myself wanting one. And we get this:

What. The. Fuck.

Damn, this is the most juvenile line of attack I've ever seen in politics. And I was so giddy about the clean, policy-centered contest this election seemed it would be a few months back :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I'm glad Obama is attacking back. But he's not being overly negative about it, and finishes the second half of the ad with some policy plans of his. This is already more than what Kerry did during the entire generals in 04.


It's bizarre, but McCain's line seems to feed into the whole premise Obama campaigned on, the whole "changing politics" bit. Good ad though, just calls out McCain's ads as false and the low road and does policy.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Rachel is pissed off today. :D

Tamanon said:
It's bizarre, but McCain's line seems to feed into the whole premise Obama campaigned on, the whole "changing politics" bit. Good ad though, just calls out McCain's ads as false and the low road and does policy.

I like how he had quotes from newspapers and magazines.
reilo said:
I'm glad Obama is attacking back. But he's not being overly negative about it, and finishes the second half of the ad with some policy plans of his. This is already more than what Kerry did during the entire generals in 04.

Exactly. They were having this heated debate on Race for the Whitehouse about whether Obama should respond to the negativity. Have they all forgotten where John Kerry's trip along the high road took him? Right back to the Senate....

KEITH: I think that the black people would say he don’t talk, act, or carry himself as a black person.

BECK: What does that even mean?

KEITH: I don’t know what that means, but I’m saying that’s what I think that they would say. Even though the black society would pull for him, I still think that they think in the back of their mind that the only reason that he is in is because he talks, acts and carries himself as a Caucasian.


bish gets all the credit :)
I laugh every time McCain makes offshore drilling a huge point in his ads. He, and Bush, have both admitted it will not affect any gas prices for the foreseeable future. A few months ago he was against it. It's now his main talking point.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
What's great is while McCain has spent a ton of money on all of these negative ads, Obama has just used all of his extra cash for ground troops, and then he will hit him where it hurts worse: when the entire nation is watching during the Olympics.

McCain won't be able to compete with that.

Dobbs: "We've been telling you this for over a month, but the salmonella outbreak is Mexico's fault!"

Oh, Dobbs, never change.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
This is such an awesome quote from Obama today

“He's risky - that's the argument,” an exasperated Obama said, “Seriously, that's basically the argument. It's like, well we don't have very much to offer but he's risky.”


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Agent Icebeezy said:
This is such an awesome quote from Obama today

"He's risky!"


"Well, you know, he's a secret Muslim!"

Dobbs: "the predominantly liberal media, are starting to question Obama."

The what?

Headline: "New evidence of the liberal media's bias toward Obama." and "Where's the bounce? Voters Unexcited by Obama trip."

reilo said:
What's great is while McCain has spent a ton of money on all of these negative ads

Part of me thinks that the recent deluge of these terribly amateur McCain ads are due to GOP-affiliated media consultants and groups wanting to cash in and get their campaign-related payouts now before McCain starts to run low on cash due to public financing.
harSon said:
Why doesn't Lou Dobbs just come out and say he's a Republican?

WickedAngel said:
It's more profitable to pretend that you're Independent.

Works for O'Reilly! Also, Dobbs isn't a Republican (per se), just a crotchety old xenophobe.

I have a feeling Obama is waiting in the weeds on slugging McCain. GOD knows he could at any point. But to be honest, right now he doesn't have to. McCain has been completely reactive, and Obama is setting the tempo.

But, think about it. How is it possible that the US has not caught Osama Bin Laden yet? Have you really thought about that for a moment? Seven years after 9/11 and he's still loose. That's unfathomable, and the kind of point Obama can easily hit home when linking McCain to Bush. The utter incompetence with regard to foreign policy that McCain has been with lockstep from the beginning.

Just as an example.


worldrunover said:
Works for O'Reilly! Also, Dobbs isn't a Republican (per se), just a crotchety old xenophobe.

He's an admitted 'ex'-Republican who describes himself as a fiscal conservative, he also said he donated to the Bush campaign in 2001...


No, it's because only McCain knows how to catch Osama, he's said so himself. And he'll follow him to the gates of Hell to get him!
Lv99 Slacker said:
Oh god. Ludacris has just released a music video for Obama. :lol
Obama's response:
"As Barack Obama has said many, many times in the past, rap lyrics today too often perpetuate misogyny, materialism, and degrading images that he doesn't want his daughters or any children exposed to. This song is not only outrageously offensive to Senator Clinton, Reverend Jackson, Senator McCain, and President Bush, it is offensive to all of us who are trying to raise our children with the values we hold dear. While Ludacris is a talented individual he should be ashamed of these lyrics."
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