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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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I hate to change subjects but i was looking at a map of the middle east today.


Why has Saudi Arabia been so "quiet" since 9-11 considering most of the hijackers were from their? Hell, even Osama bin laden is saudi arabian.
Also, it seems like i've NEVER heard Bush,Obama or any of the candidates even mention that country.

Considering their wealth and size (atleast on the map) i would think their name would atleast come up when talking about that region.

theviolenthero said:
I hate to change subjects but i was looking at a map of the middle east today.


Why has Saudi Arabia been so "quiet" since 9-11 considering most of the hijackers were from their? Hell, even Osama bin laden is saudi arabian.
Also, it seems like i've NEVER heard Bush,Obama or any of the candidates even mention that country.

Considering their wealth and size (atleast on the map) i would think their name would atleast come up when talking about that region.



Master of the Google Search
theviolenthero said:
I hate to change subjects but i was looking at a map of the middle east today.


Why has Saudi Arabia been so "quiet" since 9-11 considering most of the hijackers were from their? Hell, even Osama bin laden is saudi arabian.
Also, it seems like i've NEVER heard Bush,Obama or any of the candidates even mention that country.

Considering their wealth and size (atleast on the map) i would think their name would atleast come up when talking about that region.


Because Saudi Arabia is a far more stable and friendlier country to western states.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
GhaleonEB said:
I've heard/read more negative reaction to McCain's new ad than anything.


NPR's story was mostly framed about how McCain is "going negative" for the third ad in a row, entirely counter to his pledge for a high-minded campaign. Runs the risk of making him look like he doesn't have anything positive to say about his own policies, etc.

They cite an independant analysis that 1 of 3 McCain ads are negative, while ~1 in 10 of Obama's are.

How has the media coverage been on TV? From the Times, Washington Post, NPR and a few other media pieces today, it sounds like this is backfiring.

Andrea Mitchell, The replacement guy on Hardball, Keith Olbermann and even David Gregory thought this was bad. Rachel was pissed off today. Even Pat thought this was stupid. BTW, this is the fourth bad ad in a row, not third.
As PEACE guy said; team McCain is already kitchensinking it. It's fine to kitchensink. Afterall, the Swift Boat boondoggle started right around this time in 2004, but that was an outside group. That McCain is putting himself out there like this is pretty remarkable. What a dumbass idiot...
They seriously aren't even fucking trying in McCain's camp.


To: Interested Parties

From: Rick Davis, McCain Campaign Manager

Date: July 30, 2008

Re: Barack Obama's Celebrity

Barack Obama is the biggest celebrity in the world, comparable to Tom Cruise, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. As he told Congressional Democrats yesterday, he has become the "symbol" for the world's aspirations for America and that we are now at "the moment ... that the world is waiting for."

Only a celebrity of Barack Obama's magnitude could attract 200,000 fans in Berlin who gathered for the mere opportunity to be in his presence. These are not supporters or even voters, but fans fawning over The One. Only celebrities like Barack Obama go to the gym three times a day, demand "MET-RX chocolate roasted-peanut protein bars and bottles of a hard-to-find organic brew -- Black Forest Berry Honest Tea" and worry about the price of arugula

Yet, despite all of the fans, paparazzi and media adoration, the American people still have questions: Is Barack Obama prepared to lead? Is being famous the same as being a credible commander in chief?

Like most worldwide celebrities, this status has fueled a certain arrogance. As The Washington Post reported this morning, Barack Obama has gone from his party's presumptive nominee to "its presumptuous nominee." His advisers are constantly reminded that their candidate is not actually the President of the United States, despite the "presidential" seal. On his plane, his chair reads "President."

Barack Obama's presumptuous arrogance is staggering considering that as a United States Senator he has almost no record of accomplishment. As Richard Cohen wrote yesterday in The Washington Post:

"'Just tell me one thing Barack Obama has done that you admire,' I asked a prominent Democrat. He paused and then said that he admired Obama's speech to the Democratic convention in 2004. I agreed. It was a hell of a speech, but it was just a speech. On the other hand, I continued, I could cite four or five actions -- not speeches -- that John McCain has taken that elicit my admiration, even my awe."

On issues big and small, there is a gap between Barack Obama's soaring rhetoric and celebrity and the facts behind them. What he says and what he does are often two very different things, leaving the American people to wonder what he actually believes, or if he believes in anything beyond himself. He says he will change Washington, but in the U.S. Senate, he has requested nearly $1 billion in pork-barrel spending. He says he will only raise taxes on the rich, but he voted to raise the taxes of those making just $32,000 per year. He says he wants energy independence, but he opposes new drilling at home; opposes nuclear power; and opposes encouraging the invention of an advanced, affordable electric car. On Iraq, he says he wants peace, but even today opposes the surge strategy that has succeeded and will succeed in Afghanistan. Our nation doesn't need another politician in Washington who puts his self-interest and political expediency ahead of problem-solving.

As the world's biggest celebrity, Barack Obama has the entourage and all the trappings of fame. Today, his campaign is more about advancing Barack Obama and less about solving the challenges facing our country.


Cheebs said:
Why is working out and eating protein bars a bad thing? Thats being healthy! :lol

Obama works out three times a day? I know he said he works out in the morning and the evening.

how dare he try to be healthy!

Look at mccain, he eats small children, and he is fit as a fiddle!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
PLEASE tell me you are watching the daily show right now

oh my god best segment ever :lol


Y2Kev said:
PLEASE tell me you are watching the daily show right now

oh my god best segment ever :lol


I'll watch it when it comes on tomorrow at ten.


gcubed said:
overall polls are meaningless, especially since the presidency isnt won by a simple majority throughout the US

I guess so. This is the first election I've followed in depth, and the close polls (even months away from Election Day) frighten me. It isn't helping that I'm a pessimist, either. :D
Hootie said:
I guess so. This is the first election I've followed in depth, and the close polls (even months away from Election Day) frighten me. It isn't helping that I'm a pessimist, either. :D
Obama is going to lose. Give it up you maniacs.



Hootie said:
It isn't helping that I'm a pessimist, either. :D

This is the sixth one I've followed in-depth, but I put it another way: Never underestimate the stupidity of your fellow Americans, especially once they walk into the voting booth.


HylianTom said:
This is the sixth one I've followed in-depth, but I put it another way: Never underestimate the stupidity of your fellow Americans, especially once they walk into the voting booth.

Yeah my dad keeps telling me to never underestimate the republicans. All of those 70-80 year olds who never leave their homes unless it's to vote.

The Election Day thread is going to FUCKING EXPLODE if McCain wins. I'll put money down that I get banned that day if he indeed does win.

Man, that will be a damned sad day if Obama loses after all of this hype, all of this Hope and Change stuff.
AniHawk said:
Hasn't Obama been pulling bigger leads in 'battleground' states?

typical battleground states?

"Quinnipiac University releases new Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania poll numbers sometime before 10 am ET" on 7/31/08

so we'll find the most up-to-date answer to your question anihawk tomorrow. excited? the suspense is killing me, especially after the most up to date national poll has obama up 51-44.


HylianTom said:
It's just that I'm eerily reminded of Kerry 4 years ago. Lots of polls showing him narrowly in the lead, nasty attacks from the GOP candidate, a near-total unwillingness to attack back effectively, etc etc.
Kerry ran an awful campaign, though. He was also a very boring public speaker -- John McCain is, too (probably worse, which is quite a feat) -- but Kerry time and time again made huge mistakes in his delivery that really put him up against the wall. Also, the Republicans weren't even close to ruined back in 2004.

Like someone else here said -- on the day that I knew Kerry was the nominee, in the back of my mind, I knew he'd most likely lose, and he was never my favorite candidate. I had to back him, obviously.

I don't feel that way about Obama.

Hootie said:
The Election Day thread is going to FUCKING EXPLODE if McCain wins.
You ain't kiddin'. I remember the 2004 election thread, and the meltdown that ensued when it was determined Kerry could not win -- and that was back when this forum had a significantly smaller userbase. Obama losing (or, hell, winning) could be the OT's answer to E3 traffic this year. :lol


Diablos said:
You ain't kiddin'. I remember the 2004 election thread, and the meltdown that ensued when it was determined Kerry could not win -- and that was back when this forum had a significantly smaller userbase. Obama losing (or, hell, winning) could be the OT's answer to E3 traffic this year. :lol

I went through the archive and checked the Election thread out and it wasn't looking too pretty. :lol

I can't even imagine how much worse/better it will be now that, as you said, there are so many more members here.


Diablos said:
You ain't kiddin'. I remember the 2004 election thread, and the meltdown that ensued when it was determined Kerry could not win -- and that was back when this forum had a significantly smaller userbase. Obama losing (or, hell, winning) could be the OT's answer to E3 traffic this year. :lol

If Obama wins.. hehe.. well, I already have Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off for that week, just so I can bask in the ensuing media coverage.
(And I don't have Fox News on my satellite plan right now, but I'll add it for that month just to see the color drain from their faces when they're forced to declare him the winner.) :D


HylianTom said:
If Obama wins.. hehe.. well, I already have Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off for that week, just so I can bask in the ensuing media coverage.
(And I don't have Fox News on my satellite plan right now, but I'll add it for that month just to see the color drain from their faces when they're forced to declare him the winner.) :D

Holy shit, I can't imagine the first Countdown with Keith Olbermann after the election if Obama doesn't win. If he DOES win, though, there will probably be a huge party at the studios :lol

But I guess having Obama in office will give Keith less things to talk about. No more Bushed, for one.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If Obama wins, I will personally buy the first round of drinks for all Seattle gaf-ers who show up at some place TBD.


Diablos said:
You ain't kiddin'. I remember the 2004 election thread, and the meltdown that ensued when it was determined Kerry could not win -- and that was back when this forum had a significantly smaller userbase. Obama losing (or, hell, winning) could be the OT's answer to E3 traffic this year. :lol
PoliGAF Did crash Gaf once this year. I think it was when Obama got the Nominee. Does anyone else remember?


Diablos said:
I was borderline crying, yes.

At one point in the evening, I had the four liberal justices' portraits on my mantlepiece, and was drunkenly begging Stevens and Ginsburg to hold-on for another four years. Not a pretty night.


Zonar said:
PoliGAF Did crash Gaf once this year. I think it was when Obama got the Nominee. Does anyone else remember?

Huh, don't remember that. Maybe during Super Tuesday? Junior Tuesday? Iowa?


I think it was during the NC/IN primaries when Russert made his proclamation.

BTW, Luke Russert has been on PTI of all shows taking Tony Reali's place.


Tamanon said:
BTW, Luke Russert has been on PTI of all shows taking Tony Reali's place.

Whoa, really? That's cool. Too bad I haven't watched ESPN since the Superbowl.

And now with all of the Titletown and Farve bullshit, I don't plan on watching it anytime soon.


Yeah, last election night was not fun times. Hopefully, this election night will be a lot better. I suspect PoliGAF will crash the internets regardless of the result.
the disgruntled gamer said:
Yeah, last election night was not fun times. Hopefully, this election night will be a lot better. I suspect PoliGAF will crash the internets regardless of the result.

There should be some major laughs/meltdowns no matter who wins. Can't wait


the disgruntled gamer said:
Yeah, last election night was not fun times. Hopefully, this election night will be a lot better. I suspect PoliGAF will crash the internets regardless of the result.

Like I said before, I demand the Gaming Forum gets shut down on Election Day!


Diablos said:
You ain't kiddin'. I remember the 2004 election thread, and the meltdown that ensued when it was determined Kerry could not win -- and that was back when this forum had a significantly smaller userbase. Obama losing (or, hell, winning) could be the OT's answer to E3 traffic this year. :lol

Reading that thread just makes me depressed. Just like watching the HBO movie Recount. Everyone gets so hopeful and excited about the possibility of winning, but watching it you know how it ends. :lol


It's just exciting to think of how much we have ahead of us. Running mate selections, conventions, debates, October surprises... who knows, maybe even some real gaffes. Not manufactured ones like "looking too presidential," I'm talking about the real deal.

Oh boy, if Obama has an "...and if you don't, you get shipped off too Iraq!" moment, things are going to get ugly around here.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dear John McCain:

If you want to create a narrative you can only go so far.

Also, You can buy MetRX bars at the FUCKING 711 YOU DUMB FUCK. Clearly you spent too much time on the applesauce aisle.


Have there been any Obama negative attack ads yet? I've seen the McCain ad where it claims Obama is the cause for rising oil prices. That is the most ridiculous claim I have seen in a presidential attack. The Obama camp made an ad in response that refuted McCain's attack and emphasized Obama instead of dissing McCain


Hootie said:
I went through the archive and checked the Election thread out and it wasn't looking too pretty. :lol

I can't even imagine how much worse/better it will be now that, as you said, there are so many more members here.

The only solace one can gleam from reading through that thread is to see who was cheering the result and being able to say to them (in your mind), "I told you so," since the country has since approached absolute ruin under our shit president that they were happy got re-elected.


the disgruntled gamer said:
It's just exciting to think of how much we have ahead of us. Running mate selections, conventions, debates, October surprises... who knows, maybe even some real gaffes. Not manufactured ones like "looking too presidential," I'm talking about the real deal.

Oh boy, if Obama has an "...and if you don't, you get shipped off too Iraq!" moment, things are going to get ugly around here.

Yeah, it's only going to get crazier from now until election night. I am looking forward to the debates so much!! The contrast will be stark. And you know how McCain gets really nasty during the debates, remember the one against Romney. Should be fun.


inner-G said:
I voted for Obama in '04 too. :D

He owned Alan Keyes. It was a laughable contest though really, Keyes was just kind of thrown up there by the GOP.

So basically, McCain is taking the Keyes role. Sent by the GOP to die.
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