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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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polyh3dron said:
If Hillary is picked as Obama's VP candidate the Republicans will actually have a great attack line that involves absolutely no spin whatsoever which would be a first. They could show a few clips of Hillary's "misspeaking" and follow them with clips of Obama calling for a change in politics. Then they say "If Barack Obama will compromise his core principles just to win an election, what's stopping him from compromising them even more when he wins? Vote McCain." Obama doesn't need that.

Also, those of you that think Bill would not be in the mix in this event are in denial. Obama would be looked at as being undermined by his VP and VeepSpouse, whether they are actually undermining him or not. It would hurt Obama's credibility.

The negatives outweigh the positives of nominating Hillary as VP.

the fact that this is even discussed means he's got to get his ass in gear. Obama's putting america to sleep.

A recent mailing from the president of the National Rifle Association to its members says that Barack Obama wants to ban the possession of handguns, and that "never in NRA's history have we faced a presidential candidate — and hundreds of candidates running for other offices — with such a deep-rooted hatred of firearm freedoms."

The fundraising letter from NRA President Wayne LaPierre focused largely on Obama's record and statements — since, in part, disavowed — from the 1990s of strong support for gun control measure, like waiting periods and background checks to buy a gun.

LaPierre also attacked Obama for his association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a front John McCain and the GOP have avoided.

"There's Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his church, to which Obama contributed $26,000 over the years, even as Wright spouted anti-American hatred," LaPierre writes in a list of Obama's "friends."

The mailing also included a wallet card (below) listing what the NRA claims are Obama's positions on guns, though they are not in fact his campaign positions, and in many cases it seems flatly to contradict them. The NRA claims Obama wants to bar the use of firearms for home defense and ban the manufacture and sale of handguns. How the group reaches those conclusions is unclear. In one case, though, it interprets an Illinois proposal he backed to close gun shops near schools and parks as a plan to "close down 90 percent of the gun shops in America."

According to the campaign (.pdf), Obama "will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns for the purposes of hunting and target shooting."

He's also said he believes there is an individual right to bear arms.

The mailing appears in full, with criticism, on an online bulletin board, but NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam confirmed its validity.

Interesting how nearly every conservative group has gone out their way to label Obama as the ultimate liberal. Obviously they do this every four years but it seems to be more desperate this year as they try to convince moderate, 1-2 issue conservatives that Obama is going to take away all the guns and make it always winter but never Christmas
Hmm I guess the NRA didn't get the memo about Obama's comment on the recent Supreme Court ruling on guns where he defended the right to bear arms.


when is my burrito
teruterubozu said:
the fact that this is even discussed means he's got to get his ass in gear. Obama's putting the pundits to sleep.


People are tired of the unsubstantive coverage of Obama and McCain.


scorcho said:

insanity isn't exclusive to fringe groups either - the RNC wants part of the action.

Just to be clear.

What 'they' say said:
A bill he has sponsored in the U.S. Senate, the so-called Global Poverty Act
(S. 2433), would raise the amount of American tax dollars allocated to United Nations’ redistribution efforts to $845 billion.

The Truth said:
The Congressional Budget Office did a cost-estimate analysis of Obama’s legislation, co-sponsored by Joe Biden, and found that U.S. responsibilities “would cost less than $1 million per year.”


scorcho said:

insanity isn't exclusive to fringe groups either - the RNC wants part of the action.

But it is a little surprising that the RNC would jump head-first into the nutty end of the pool. This conspiracy theory isn’t just wrong, it’s plainly insane. That the RNC is talking about it, in writing, and emailing it to supporters nationwide suggests a) these guys really are desperate; and b) they’ve completely lost their mind.

How is this at all surprising? It's standard m.o. for them. Now all I need to see is Lieberman mentioning this in his usual arrogant, smug way.


"It will be interesting to watch this debate between John McCain and John McCain," Obama said as he campaigned in Indiana with Sen. Evan Bayh, widely considered a top-tier candidate for running mate.

When asked about the air-pressure issue during an appearance Tuesday night, McCain said: "I agree with the American Automobile Association. We should all inflate our tires."



Small balls, big fun!
Since I was ragging on the use of SPR pretty hard yesterday, I guess I'm obligated to post this.

It shows that prices were lowered when the reserves were tapped during the first Gulf War and then after Katrina. So there's at least some empirical evidence that this would have an effect.

I'm not convinced, cause the root causes seem different and I haven't heard a good explanation of why it would work this time, but there ya go.


testicles on a cold fall morning

I think that this is outrageous -- and those on the left who appreciate Obama and what he may mean for this country must become as tenaciously committed to what is right and what is good -- and fighting for that -- because those on the other side of these debates are trying to compel Obama to dilute himself.

Zalmay Khalilzad is an effective and popular MUSLIM Ambassador of the United States to the United Nations. We need more Muslims in our diplomatic corps. We need Muslims on the Supreme Court. We need more Muslims like Keith Ellison in the US Senate and House of Representatives.

Obama should say it. Convince the American public that he's not setting up a zero sum game between Muslims on one side and Christians and Jews on the other.

Obama is a Christian. I get that. I'm a secularist hard core -- but I won't stand by to watch more good people be flushed down the political drain because they are Muslims trying to work for a balanced and level playing field in America.

This resignation by Asbahi stinks -- and Obama and his team should immediately call him back and help him stand up to anti-Muslimism in America.
i understand the pragmatics of doing it, and maybe it is the necessary thing to do till he (hopefully) wins the election, but it bothers nonetheless. i don't want to fall into the Olbermann-esque narrative of the 'secret' uber-liberal, inclusive Obama agenda that will be unveiled once he takes office.


when is my burrito
scorcho said:

i understand the pragmatics of doing it, and maybe it is the necessary thing to do till he (hopefully) wins the election, but it bothers nonetheless. i don't want to fall into the Olbermann-esque narrative of the 'secret' uber-liberal, inclusive Obama agenda that will be unveiled once he takes office.

It's a stupid thing to get upset over because this writer seems to think that the campaign won't replace this person.
scorcho said:

i understand the pragmatics of doing it, and maybe it is the necessary thing to do till he (hopefully) wins the election, but it bothers nonetheless. i don't want to fall into the Olbermann-esque narrative of the 'secret' uber-liberal, inclusive Obama agenda that will be unveiled once he takes office.

I don't quite get the entire problem there. I mean there is a problem, but reading the snippet, one might get the idea that he was let go because he was Muslim, when he was essentially hired because he's a Muslim. I mean it's not like they hired someone to help reach out to Muslim Americans, only to react in horror when they found out he was a Muslim.

The issue is the six degrees of separation people try to play in politics that forces the candidates to distance themselves from the most remote controversy. That's a problem that cuts across all lines though. It's the silliness that led to Jim Johnson resigning.


Mandark said:
I don't think that was the point Clemons was making, tanod.
Yeah. Obama's camp is being hyper-sensitive about all things Muslim (which is kind of understandable given the viral stuff), and it's causing them to over-react. This is a clear case of it.


testicles on a cold fall morning
the problem is the perception that it's generally okay to be Muslim, but you can't be too Muslim without it attracting undue attention to the fact that, hey, that person's Muslim! in that case it's not okay to be Muslim at all.


WHEN is Obama going to be officially announced as the democratic candidate? I've got $1200 tied up on the market and they dont pay out on Obama until its officially announced.. im sick of waiting.


painey said:
WHEN is Obama going to be officially announced as the democratic candidate? I've got $1200 tied up on the market and they dont pay out on Obama until its officially announced.. im sick of waiting.

Um....the convention when the delegates officially vote.


painey said:
WHEN is Obama going to be officially announced as the democratic candidate? I've got $1200 tied up on the market and they dont pay out on Obama until its officially announced.. im sick of waiting.
Apparantly, not any time soon. Word is the decision won't be announced until after Obama's week-long Hawaii vacation next week. That leaves only 10 days before the convention.


GhaleonEB said:
Apparantly, not any time soon. Word is the decision won't be announced until after Obama's week-long Hawaii vacation next week. That leaves only 10 days before the convention.
It will happen thrusday night at the convention...


Unless of course Clinton's music starts up at that time and the lights go out, only to have pyrotechnics start going off and JR hollerin' and hootin'.


painey said:
WHEN is Obama going to be officially announced as the democratic candidate? I've got $1200 tied up on the market and they dont pay out on Obama until its officially announced.. im sick of waiting.
August 25th.

Also we should be getting Obama's VP decision soon, probably next week.


WalkMan said:
August 25th.

Also we should be getting Obama's VP decision soon, probably next week.
It wont happen next week. He goes on vacation with his family to stay at his Grandma's in Hawaii this friday for an entire week. It'll happen after the Olympics.


Ironically, Obama's economic plan most closely resembles the "surge" in that he's focusing on giving money to the people on the ground.:lol


when is my burrito
GhaleonEB said:
I'm not up on my veep announcement timing history. How common has it been to announce at the convention, as opposed to before it?

He didn't say anything about VP.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The DNC allowed PUMAS [Party Unity My Ass], a Hillary Clinton support group to march during the convention on August 26th?

The fuck is wrong with people?


First tragedy, then farce.
GhaleonEB said:
I'm not up on my veep announcement timing history. How common has it been to announce at the convention, as opposed to before it?

No, he had money on Obama winning the nomination, which isnt official until the convention nominates him.
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