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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Lemonz said:
The Situation Room has 'HouseGate' as their top story. :D

Obama Campaign Launches New TV Ad And Holds Events Throughout The Country On John McCain Losing Track of How Many Homes He Owns

Highlights Just How Out of Touch John McCain Is

CHICAGO – Today, the Obama campaign released a new 30-second TV ad, Seven, discussing just how out of touch John McCain is with the struggles of everyday people. The ad highlight’s John McCain’s desire to just offer more of the same economic policies we’ve gotten from President Bush, as just yesterday he declared "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" and lost track of how many houses he owns.

In addition, Obama supporters are speaking out in battleground states across the country about how out of touch Senator McCain is. Listed below is information on the ad as well as just a few of the events happening today across the country.

BURLINGTON, VT: Vermont State Representative Rachel Weston will be speaking outside her home about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

LA CROSSE, WI: State Rep. Jen Shilling and La Crosse Obama supporters host a news conference on McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

MADISON, WI: Former US Senator Jean Carnahan holds event in Madison with Women For Obama where she will talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

DES MOINES, IA: Kansas Governor, Kathleen Sebelius campaigns in Des Moines this afternoon where she will discuss McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

KANSAS CITY, MO: Obama Heartland Change RV Tour with State Senator Wes Shoemyer will visit a Missouri family in Kansas City to discuss McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

ST. PAUL, MN: State Senator Tarryl Clark discusses McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

BANGOR, ME: Rep. Mike Dunn, and House Majority Whip Sean Faircloth will hold a press conference to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

PUEBLO, CO: State Rep. Terrance Carroll will hold an event with Obama supporters in Denver and State Sen. Abel Tapia about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

OH: Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen will talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns at events throughout southeast Ohio

ALTOONA, PA: State Senator John Wozniak will headline an event in Altoona, PA on McCain losing track of how many homes he owns and the campaign is also announcing a statewide search for anyone who doesn’t know how many houses they own

TAMPA , FL: Campaign for Change in Florida launched a statewide search to find Floridians who, like John McCain, have so many homes that they just can’t keep track of the number.

Raleigh, NC: Campaign for Change in North Carolina is holding a press conference in Raleigh with Representative G.K. Butterfield to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

BILLINGS, MT: A local family will hold an availability in front of a house slated for foreclosure

NV: Congresswoman Berkley will host a conference call to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

ANCHORAGE, AK: Local residents will hold a press availability to talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

And finally:

MI: Campaign for Change offices across Michigan are launching a "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: McCain Edition" contest where volunteers will be able to win a free "Exxon-McCain" bumper-sticker if they correctly guess the number of houses John McCain owns. Prizes will be only be awarded after McCain clarifies exactly how many houses he owns. To win, the answer must be specific -- "at least four" doesn’t count.

(from the actual press release)

They've having fun with this.

GhaleonEB said:
And finally:

MI: Campaign for Change offices across Michigan are launching a "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: McCain Edition" contest where volunteers will be able to win a free "Exxon-McCain" bumper-sticker if they correctly guess the number of houses John McCain owns. Prizes will be only be awarded after McCain clarifies exactly how many houses he owns. To win, the answer must be specific -- "at least four" doesn’t count.

(from the actual press release)

They've having fun with this.

Man they are really starting to push hard. It's about time, too.
I want the VP to be a woman

I am okay with Hillary since she has been quiet and has not gotten me pissed in months so maybe I have forgotten why I hate her


The Obama campaign awakes from slumber...

That sounds awesome, thanks for posting Ghaleon.
Smiles and Cries said:
I want the VP to be a woman

I am okay with Hillary since she has been quiet and has not gotten me pissed in months so maybe I have forgotten why I hate her
Hillary would be okay if it weren't for that asshole husband of hers.

I'm still hoping for Bayh.
grandjedi6 said:
One is attacking McCain's view/knowledge of economics...

You know, about the time John McCain would have been going to business school to get his MBA, he was shot down over Vietnam and held prisoner for five years. So we really can't blame him for his lack of knowledge on that.

Oh, and when the missile hit his plane, it also dealt him a long term memory blow in the department of real estate, so his ability to count his houses also not his fault.



And when McCain claims personal attacks, Obama should just respond with simplye, "You got to have a little humor about this stuff." :D
Macam said:
I guess we're going to find out how McCain really feels about having a little humor in campaigns shortly.

Yeah, really.

Also, this Sunday on C-SPAN's BookTV:

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
- Scheduled airing: August 24, at 2:45 PM ET

About the Program:
Taped in 2004, then Illinois U.S. Senator - Elect Barack Obama discusses his memoir, titled "Dreams from My Father." It's his account of growing up in a racially mixed family, doing community work in Chicago, and a journey to Kenya where he met the African side of his family. Mr. Obama also talks about the challenges he expected to face when he took his U.S. Senate seat in January 2005. Includes Q&A.

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
- Scheduled airing: August 24, at 3:45 PM ET

About the Program:
In "The Audacity of Hope" Senator Barack Obama offers his vision for the country. At an event at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, the author sat down with Bob Herbert of the New York Times to discuss the war in Iraq, the relationship between religion and politics, and his then-possible 2008 presidential run.

Edited to Add:

Didn't know this before posting, but you can view the BookTV program for The Audacity of Hope online. For those interested, just click on the link and then hit the red "Watch" button (requires Real Player).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Uh, I'm not upperclass and I have eaten arugula since I was a baby. Arugula tastes unbelievably good and is good for you.

What, is John McCain the ICEBERG LETTUCE president? Fuck him and his complete lack of taste.

Sophistication is not something you can buy.



UPDATE: Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor responds:

The fact that John McCain dispatched his paid consultant to launch this despicable ad from a so-called ‘independent’ committee shows how desperate he is to change the subject from his shocking disconnect with the economic struggles of the American people. He knows that Barack Obama has denounced the detestable crimes that Bill Ayers committed forty years ago.

Instead of invoking Paris, Britney and obscure sixties radicals, Senator McCain should take the day off at one of his seven homes to consider whether his support for outsourcing, tax breaks for companies who ship jobs overseas and continued spending of ten billion a month in Iraq is really putting ‘country first.’ To us, it sounds like just more of the same.



Y2Kev said:
Uh, I'm not upperclass and I have eaten arugula since I was a baby. Arugula tastes unbelievably good and is good for you.

What, is John McCain the ICEBERG LETTUCE president? Fuck him and his complete lack of taste.

Sophistication is not something you can buy.

i like romaine much better then shit iceberg, but ROMAINE?! I'm such an elitist i'm a descendent of the Roman Emperor Ceasar because I eat romaine with ceasar dressing.


Apparently McCain's response ad will be about Rezko? Not sure what more he can even try on that. I mean the whole thing was pretty much run through the wringer in that 2 hour interview about it.:lol

Mr Jared

gcubed said:
i like romaine much better then shit iceberg, but ROMAINE?! I'm such an elitist i'm a descendent of the Roman Emperor Ceasar because I eat romaine with ceasar dressing.

If it ain't ranch, it ain't AMERICAN.


Smiles and Cries said:
I want the VP to be a woman

I am okay with Hillary since she has been quiet and has not gotten me pissed in months so maybe I have forgotten why I hate her

everyone knows Sebelius should be VP, but a certain *word i can't say* and her feminist *another word i can't say* supporters make that impossible. fuck her. we don't owe her any favors.
Byakuya769 said:
Funny how it seems the POW is what really started his career. While in a debate for a house seat in arizona, he was criticised for not really being a "arizonian" and just moving around to where he could win office...

His reply was basically "it's true, due to growing up in a military family I really never was allowed to stay in one place very long. Why the longest place I've resided in would have to have been Hanoi." Crowd ate it up.

The precedent was set early.

Ah yes...but the media loves to say that John McCain doesn't like to talk about his POW experience.


bish gets all the credit :)
The pick has been decided

Obama says he's decided on a running mate

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer 8 minutes ago

EMPORIA, Va - Barack Obama says he's decided on a running mate, but he won't say who. "I've made the selection, that's all you're gonna get," Obama said told reporters while campaigning in Virginia Thursday. Obama didn't say whether he's informed his pick yet.

Obama is planning to announce his choice in a text message to supporters sometime before Saturday afternoon, when he's scheduled to appear with his pick in Illinois.

Asked by an Associated Press reporter when the text would be sent, Obama just grinned and said, "Wouldn't you like to know?"


McCain knows a lot about winning wars since he was captured and thrown into an enemy prison for 5 1/2 years while we lost that war.


GashPrex said:
really? because to me this is the strangest attack yet...Though you never know what will stick in the public. Seems the same people who argued that his pastor's statements were irrelevant are now trying to tell me how many houses McCain has is relevant.

Those people are going to vote for Obama even if he bites a bat's head off on stage at the DNC.


v1cious said:
everyone knows Sebelius should be VP
That's not even possible, like 98% of the country doesn't know who she is, and 1% of the 2% that knows her only remembers her from her snooze-fest State of the Union response.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Things are getting ugly


Sen. John McCain's campaign is finishing a hard-hitting television ad highlighting Barack Obama 's ties to shady Chicago land dealer Tony Rezko, the one-time Obama patron who was convicted earlier this summer of fraud.

A campaign official said that the decision to Go Rezko was Obama's. "He's opened the door to this," the official said.

The ad will be released to network news divisions in time for their broadcasts tonight.
schuelma said:
Things are getting ugly


Sen. John McCain's campaign is finishing a hard-hitting television ad highlighting Barack Obama 's ties to shady Chicago land dealer Tony Rezko, the one-time Obama patron who was convicted earlier this summer of fraud.

A campaign official said that the decision to Go Rezko was Obama's. "He's opened the door to this," the official said.

The ad will be released to network news divisions in time for their broadcasts tonight.
It's so refreshing to have a campaign that's centered around the issues that matter this time.
The whole Rezko thing won't get much traction because it's too complicated. It's like Whitewater.

The fact that McCain campagin has responded so forcefully means the Obama campaign found a sore spot.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
maynerd said:
McCain knows a lot about winning wars since he was captured and thrown into an enemy prison for 5 1/2 years while we lost that war.

soul creator said:
I tell you what, John McCain knows a lot about VP's. He was a VP - Vietnam Prisoner - for 5 1/2 years

Is there something I'm missing where its clever to make fun of McCain being held captive and tortured for 5 years?


schuelma said:
Things are getting ugly


Sen. John McCain's campaign is finishing a hard-hitting television ad highlighting Barack Obama 's ties to shady Chicago land dealer Tony Rezko, the one-time Obama patron who was convicted earlier this summer of fraud.

A campaign official said that the decision to Go Rezko was Obama's. "He's opened the door to this," the official said.

The ad will be released to network news divisions in time for their broadcasts tonight.

People are saying this isnt a big deal cause Hillary went this route and it did nothing for her. Truth is Hillary is not the Republican machine when it comes to this stuff. She had to hold back her overall attack even while going on the offensive.

The republican machine doesnt have to hold back and this will become a big story.


Actually, this may work in Obama's favor, now that I think about it. The media is going to hammer McCain all night about "housegate" and as soon as McCain goes full swing into Rezko-attack, Obama kills the story by announcing his VP.


schuelma said:
Is there something I'm missing where its clever to make fun of McCain being held captive and tortured for 5 years?

Nothing clever. I was making fun of the McCain fall back of McCain being a POW as some sort of excuse for anything and everything.


when is my burrito
schuelma said:
Is there something I'm missing where its clever to make fun of McCain being held captive and tortured for 5 years?

John McCain doesn't think it's torture.

EDIT: He calls it 'enhanced interrogation'.


schuelma said:
Is there something I'm missing where its clever to make fun of McCain being held captive and tortured for 5 years?
The point is that they're bringing up John McCain's time as a POW for no particular reason... just like John McCain and his campaign does.
schuelma said:
Is there something I'm missing where its clever to make fun of McCain being held captive and tortured for 5 years?

No one is making fun of that. What we're making fun of is McCain's surrogates constantly invoking his POW experience to deflect any criticism of him, as though what he went through in those five years means that he is a man of flawless and unimpeachable moral character.

Beaten. Oh well.
laserbeam said:
Truth is Hillary is not the Republican machine when it comes to this stuff. She had to hold back her overall attack even while going on the offensive.
You're forgetting that she was also too late in doing so. Her tactics weren't completely ineffective, but they were not enough given the hole she had dug for herself with her brilliant post Super Tuesday strategy.
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