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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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The Lamonster said:
My fav choice would be Richardson. I've heard he's not on the short list. Why is that?

i always thought he wasn't a very strong candidate. he may have some overwhelming credentials and all, but he's contradicted himself plenty of times, has made quite a bit of gaffes, been accused of various unsavory things. and he just simply comes off as a used car salesman at times. i'm not ragging on him as a leader. but theres just no way he'd survive any vetting process.
Kathleen Sebelius appears to be the complete package



In the fantasy baseball game known as the Veepstakes, Kathleen Sebelius appears to be the complete package. She's a popular Democratic governor in a red state. She stood up to out-of-state insurers to keep health care premiums down. She delivered the Democratic response to this year's State of the Union address. And, best of all for Barack Obama, she's a woman. What better way to win over disaffected Clinton supporters?

Or piss them off. Obama could also privatize health care forever, overturn Roe v. Wade, and order Hillary to make him a sandwich. At least that wouldn't infuriate die-hard Clinton supporters as much as making Kathleen Sebelius his running mate.

It's easy to see the logic for tapping Sebelius. Hillary Clinton put 18 million cracks in the biggest glass ceiling, as she told us in her concession speech. Why should it matter which woman shatters it? If anything, picking a woman other than Clinton reinforces the point that any woman can make it to the top.

"But selecting Sebelius could backfire big time. Among the Clinton supporters"

"If Obama wants to pick Sebelius, he'll have to sell her on her merits, not as a Hillary replacement. Only then will he quiet the refrain among Sebelius' detractors that she and Clinton are not "interchangeable." Given Sebelius' record, Obama has some decent material to work with. But, ultimately, Clinton supporters may be too mad to credit it. Sure, the thinking goes, Hillary Clinton has dedicated her life to putting a woman in the White House. But not that woman."


FOX News continuing with their desire to give jobs only to the weakest and wussiest sounding Democrats available with their hiring of Lanny Davis. It's almost like they're trying to craft an image.....


To be honest, Obama is the perfect candidate for me, I don't really care who his running mate is as long as it's not Edwards or Richardson. Although, if it was Kerry I definitely pump my fist.
Guts Of Thor said:
Is it just me or does anyone find her extremely attractive?
There's definitely something about her.
PHOTOS: BARACK OBAMA campaigns today in Flint, Michigan


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., acknowledges the crowd with Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., during a rally at Kettering University in Flint, Mich., Monday, June 16, 2008.
(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, fist bumps a supporter before speaking at Kettering University in Flint, Mich., Monday, June 16, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., addresses a rally at Kettering University in Flint, Mich., Monday, June 16, 2008. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., acknowledges the crowd during his introduction at a rally at Kettering University in Flint, Mich., Monday, June 16, 2008.
(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


Democratic presidential candidate Illinois Sen. Barack Obama speaks at a campaign rally at Kettering High School in Flint, Michigan. Obama Monday appointed Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager to his own White House campaign as he beefed up his team for November's general election.
(AFP/Getty Images/Bill Pugliano)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., greets supporters after addressing a rally at Kettering University in Flint, Mich., Monday, June 16, 2008. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., speaks to reporters about his phone call with the Iraqi foreign minister, at the airport in Flint, Mich., Monday, June 16, 2008.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


the disgruntled gamer said:

:lol It's a meme now. The fist-bump is a mandatory greeting with Obama.

And I'm glad they're doing it. The more they do it, the dorkier it looks and the dumber FauxNews looks.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
RubxQub said:
None of the candidates aside from Sebelius look good on the ticket...physically.

All these people that get brought up look dumb... and yes...this is important!

You can't have some shrivelly old man on the ticket with Obama...I don't care what he's done.
Could Obama/Sebelius mean the sexiest P/VP pair in the history of USA ? ;)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
NetMapel said:
Could Obama/Sebelius mean the sexiest P/VP pair in the history of USA ? ;)


LOL, I hope to god that Carly Fiorina is the VP. That would utterly destroy any inexperience argument on Obama.

But she won't be, she's only front and center for the first few weeks after the election to oddly enough bring in single-issue voters. Where that single issue is "Hillary didn't win"
Al Gore to endorse, appear with Obama at tonight's rally in Detroit!

FLINT, Mich. – Former Vice President Al Gore will appear in Detroit tonight for his debut campaign appearance with Senator Barack Obama, extending an endorsement and urging all Democrats to rally behind the party’s fall ticket.

“A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama,” Mr. Gore said in an e-mail sent to his supporters. “From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.”

Throughout the long Democratic primary, Mr. Gore talked frequently to Mr. Obama. But tonight’s rally at the Joe Louis Arena in downtown Detroit marks the first time they will appear together on the same stage. The endorsement was announced – on Mr. Gore’s terms – to supporters on his vast e-mail list.

“I’ve never asked members of AlGore.com to contribute to a political campaign before, but this moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action,” Mr. Gore said. He added, “Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill. It begins when people stand up and take action.”


Cheebs said:
She add's nothing to the ticket other than being a female.

Que? She doesn't add foreign policy experience, but she has strong ties to the midwest, has a reputation as a moderate and is a very popular governor, especially amongst blue collar voters. As far as ticket-balancing picks go, she's actually one of the better choices.

I agree that picking a woman that isn't Hillary could piss off her supporters, although I also think those same supporters could warm to Sebelius. I also agree that a Black/Female ticket may be too much at once.

Btw, regarding foreign policy 'heavies' (in the public perception, anyway) that opposed the war in Iraq from the start: there are two on your list of eight (Webb and Clark).

EDIT: I was starting to wonder if/when Gore would endorse. Figured they may save him 'till the convention, leaving his support as unspoken but assumed until then.


Tamanon said:
LOL, I hope to god that Carly Fiorina is the VP. That would utterly destroy any inexperience argument on Obama.

But she won't be, she's only front and center for the first few weeks after the election to oddly enough bring in single-issue voters. Where that single issue is "Hillary didn't win"
And she was a terrible CEO who cashed out with an enormous payout. I don't think she'd go down well on the ticket.

So, I'm all for it.


Cheebs said:
Former Clinton Loyalist Patti Solis Doyle has officially been hired by the Obama campaign as their Chief of Staff for potential VP candidates. Solis Doyale managed hillarys 00 and 06 senate campaigns and was the manager of hillarys president campaign from feb 07 through jan 08.

Cue the talking heads on CNN to speculate it means he'll pick Hillary because this....NOW!


I'd hit it.

Oh, and she was mentored by David Axelrod before being lured away by the Clintons. This is a coming home for her. She has deep Chicago roots.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Al Gore to endorse, appear with Obama at tonight's rally in Detroit!

Damnit. I wish I decided to go. I've already seen him so I decided not to.

Farmboy said:
I agree that picking a woman that isn't Hillary could piss off her supporters, although I also think those same supporters could warm to Sebelius. I also agree that a Black/Female ticket may be too much at once.
the black/female and hillary factor kills her chances. It's why I am willing to bet a permaban that she wont be the vp (obviously no one would take me up on it). It's just plain obvious. No one objectivly can look at it and think she'll be the VP.


Mumei said:
As I recall, wasn't Dick Cheney on the team which chose Bush's VP?

True, but Fiorina isn't attached to the VP search group, she's the economic policy writer. Which makes it even worse for her:p
My shortlist:

TIM KAINE (he'd be perfect)
BRIAN SCHWEITZER (someone mentioned him a few days ago so I did some research and he is awesome)


Unconfirmed Member
Deus Ex Machina said:
Carrly Fiorina McCains likley woman VP says women worried about Roe are "Single issue" voters that have no sway in this election.

Just speaking on MSNBC

Was she the one that spied on journalists to find a leak etc.?

EDIT:NM that was someone else this was HP/compaq merger ceo
mrmyth said:
And I'm glad they're doing it. The more they do it, the dorkier it looks and the dumber FauxNews looks.

Some professor could tell you how it's offensive or something. As for me, I think it's pretty funny.
If I had a bow and arrow, I'd go out and hunt a crow to eat if Sebelius is not picked out of all the candidates mentioned.

Look, I really doubt it'll be someone who's a Senator. The Democrats would spontaneously combust from joy if they managed a supermajority, empowered to undo all that Bush has done.

Add to that that Sebelius is walking proof that Obama's ideas work. Any counter argument against him gets slammed with her record of achievements at the state level.


LizardKing said:
i'm surprised i haven't seen anyone mention this yet but i really think the best choice for vp would be Russ Feingold.
quick summary above
Because Russ Feingold would be the worst choice of all time. Obama is seen as too liberal so he should pick a senator even more liberal than him who happens to be jewish and not a very good speaker at all? Suicide.

FlightOfHeaven said:
If I had a bow and arrow, I'd go out and hunt a crow to eat if Sebelius is not picked out of all the candidates mentioned.
The vp wont be a female. Period.
Guts Of Thor said:
Is it just me or does anyone find her extremely attractive?

She's very attractive. So is Nancy Pelosi.

I'm glad to see more people doing the pound on the campaign trail.

It has really caught on to a degree that I would've never imagined.


Unconfirmed Member
Star Power said:
I have also heard.

"pound it"
"respect" (and respect-knuckles)
and "good job"

but not fist bump or jab (except fox news)
Cheebs said:
Because Russ Feingold would be the worst choice of all time. Obama is seen as too liberal so he should pick a senator even more liberal than him who happens to be jewish and not a very good speaker at all? Suicide.

1. Feingold is a better speaker than Sebelius. And I don't know where you got that he's a bad speaker from, he's actually pretty good.

2. So what if he's more liberal. Obama is centrist enough, it's about who would do the best job in office, not who would get him elected (imo). Why is the left party always pandering to the right leaning when the right party doesn't pander to the left. Cheney is more conservative than Bush. Etc.

3. CHEEBS how do i go to this rally. How much does it cost and is it too late to get in somehow.


Hitokage said:
Cheebs: You aren't the one choosing, you know.
I know. I just am 100% confident he wont pick her. I am willing to bet almost anything he wont pick a female.

LizardKing said:
1. Feingold is a better speaker than Sebelius. And I don't know where you got that he's a bad speaker from, he's actually pretty good.

2. So what if he's more liberal. Obama is centrist enough, it's about who would do the best job in office, not who would get him elected (imo). Why is the left party always pandering to the right leaning when the right party doesn't pander to the left. Cheney is more conservative than Bush. Etc.

3. CHEEBS how do i go to this rally. How much does it cost and is it too late to get in somehow.

Obama is not a centrist (nor should he be) and even if he was the public sees him as liberal. He cant pick someone more liberal than him, its electoral suicide.
Cheebs said:
The vp wont be a female. Period.

Because of Clinton? Is that why? Look, it'd be the ultimate callout. A feminist wants the advancement and promotion of women, no matter who it is. If a "feminist" resents Sebelius, then she's a Clinton-ist, not a feminist. As for Clinton herself? She's going to campaign hard regardless, since Obama will hold his pick till the convention.

Why not? Why not Sebelius?


FlightOfHeaven said:
Because of Clinton? Is that why? Look, it'd be the ultimate callout. A feminist wants the advancement and promotion of women, no matter who it is. If a "feminist" resents Sebelius, then she's a Clinton-ist, not a feminist. As for Clinton herself? She's going to campaign hard regardless, since Obama will hold his pick till the convention.

Why not? Why not Sebelius?
Two key reasons. Black/female is too much change to take a risk on, clinton fans who are slowly warming up will be in outrage over it. I have seen many democratic operatives say Selebius is a huge no because of the tense relationship with clinton voters.

Hitokage said:
Was it you or PD who had those primary bets with Triumph?
We both had seperate bets with him, and I won. Amir0x let Triumph back though.
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