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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Deus Ex Machina said:
PHOTOS: Obama today in Detroit


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., and his wife Michelle Obama bump heads before addressing a rally in Detroit, Sunday, Sept. 28, 2008.
(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Terrorist head jab?


OuterWorldVoice said:
She had a cribsheet during the Couric interview. watch her eye movements.
Yup. In fact, watch he HEAD movements, because she has to keep looking down at it while regurgitating her talking points.


OuterWorldVoice said:
She had a cribsheet during the Couric interview. watch her eye movements.

Yup, that also explains her weird bailout answer. It's sad, and even more sad that she didn't know how to use a crib sheet.
Tamanon said:
Yup, that also explains her weird bailout answer. It's sad, and even more sad that she didn't know how to use a crib sheet.
Preping her must be like those FBI agents preping Homer to become Homer Thompson.


First tragedy, then farce.
mamacint said:
Preping her must be like those FBI agents preping Homer to become Homer Thompson.

I just LOL'ed.

and yeah, if you get stumped by Temple guy while picking up cheesesteaks, you are in trouble.
devilhawk said:
It was sarcasm. I was just giving him shit for his Palin paranoia.


Nah, I have just been following how the GOP (not Republicans of course ;)) have been trying to keep her away from the press and questions in general. I mean they had Rudy speak after the debate instead of Palin FFS.

My point is, I wouldn't put something like this past them as all they would want/need is to have her perform well at the debate and then resume keeping her from the press/questions and have her stump speech on the trail for the next 5 weeks and see what happens on the 4th.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ether_Snake said:
I swear I heard him say that for the 100th time at the debate and sitll have no idea what the fuck he is talking about, like most Americans I presume.

i found the comment very weird.. considering his running mate Was miss congeniality. im not sure what he was trying to imply.


mamacint said:
Preping her must be like those FBI agents preping Homer to become Homer Thompson.

"When I step on your foot you say you have strong foreign policy experience"

*steps on foot*


"I think he's talking to you"


ryutaro's mama said:
At the risk of sounding tinfoil hattish, anyone else out there concerned Palin will get a tiny earphone and be feed the "answers" to the debate questions, making her come off to the viewers as knowledgable?
I mean, if it could happen in the final Bush/Kerry debate...


ryutaro's mama said:
At the risk of sounding tinfoil hattish, anyone else out there concerned Palin will get a tiny earphone and be feed the "answers" to the debate questions, making her come off to the viewers as knowledgable?

Are you insinuating Palin has the capabilities to listen and speak at the same time?



Stoney Mason said:
There is no way the vp debate is being cancelled or delayed. The mccain camp knows they would be crucified by the media and public. No reason to even speculate on it.

Could they make up a situation w here Palin can't make it and they find a surrogate to debate Biden?


testicles on a cold fall morning
She has a journalism background and can give a good speech, so I don't doubt Palin has the conviction to sell someone else's words from an earpiece. Comprehension is the problem.

X-Ray her before the debate please.


I predict Palin will do better in the debate than people expect, and GAF will turn into chicken little.

She will not have an earpiece (go away conspiracy theorists).


Deku said:
Could they make up a situation w here Palin can't make it and they find a surrogate to debate Biden?

If they want to commit campaign suicide, sure. Not that this would throw it out of the realm of possibilities.

After 2-3 weeks of failure, McCain's campaign needs something to go right, and bad. Palin has to show up and she has to deliver.
vitaflo said:
I predict Palin will do better in the debate than people expect, and GAF will turn into chicken little.

She will not have an earpiece (go away conspiracy theorists).

So, what you're saying is, if she doesn't fall completely on her face, then that is better than expected?

I hate this notion that since expectations are so ridiculously low, anything other than a complete collapse is somehow a victory.

She didn't even speak to anyone after the first Presidential debate, which is customary, isn't it?
I'd imagine if it's from anywhere, it's from Dreams of my Father, which is autobiographical.

Audacity of Hope is a campaign book. Still think we would've heard stuff like that in viral attacks if it's actually true though.


ryutaro's mama said:
So, what you're saying is, if she doesn't fall completely on her face, then that is better than expected?

I hate this notion that since expectations are so ridiculously low, anything other than a complete collapse is somehow a victory.

She didn't even speak to anyone after the first Presidential debate, which is customary, isn't it?

I don't know if it's customary, but christ, you couldn't turn on the tv without seeing Biden.

I think the opposite: McCain's campaign needs a game changer. That doesn't happen unless she smokes Biden. And I have a lot more faith that Biden can reign in his fire at a debate (especially since they're not required to speak to each other like in the first debate) than I am that suddenly, she's able to outspeak a Con Law professor. I mean, it's not like she was this inept a while ago, it was this last week.


Ether_Snake said:
? I don't understand.
you see, sometimes when a author releases a successful book they create an "audiobook", which is an audio recording of the author reading the book

the ytmnd has audio that is cut up and edited, it's early on in the book and it was actually a conversation between him and a friend
Just, ahem, acquired Dreams of my Father for research purposes...

Search for "Fuck"

“I mean it this time,” he was saying to me now. “These girls are A-1, USDA-certified racists. All of ’em. White girls.
Asian girls-shoot, these Asians worse than the whites. Think we got a disease or something.”
“Maybe they’re looking at that big butt of yours. Man, I thought you were in training.”
“Get your hands out of my fries. You ain’t my bitch, nigger…buy your own damn fries. Now what was I talking
“Just ’cause a girl don’t go out with you doesn’t make her racist.”
“Don’t be thick, all right? I’m not just talking about one time. Look, I ask Monica out, she says no. I say okay…your
shit’s not so hot anyway.” Ray stopped to check my reaction, then smiled. “All right, maybe I don’t actually say all
that. I just tell her okay, Monica, you know, we still tight. Next thing I know, she’s hooked up with Steve ‘No Neck’
Yamaguchi, the two of ’em all holding hands and shit, like a couple of lovebirds. So fine-I figure there’re more fish in
the sea. I go ask Pamela out. She tells me she ain’t going to the dance. I say cool. Get to the dance, guess who’s
standing there, got her arms around Rick Cook. ‘Hi, Ray,’ she says, like she don’t know what’s going down. Rick
Cook! Now you know that guy ain’t shit. Sorry-assed motherfucker got nothing on me, right? Nothing.”
He stuffed a handful of fries into his mouth. “It ain’t just me, by the way. I don’t see you doing any better in the booty
Because I’m shy, I thought to myself; but I would never admit that to him. Ray pressed the advantage.
“So what happens when we go out to a party with some sisters, huh? What happens? I tell you what happens. Blam!
They on us like there’s no tomorrow. High school chicks, university chicks-it don’t matter. They acting sweet, all smiles. ‘Sure you can have my number, baby.’ Bet.”
“Well what? Listen, why don’t you get more playing time on the basketball team, huh? At least two guys ahead of you
ain’t nothing, and you know it, and they know it. I seen you tear ’em up on the playground, no contest. Why wasn’t I
starting on the football squad this season, no matter how many passes the other guy dropped? Tell me we wouldn’t be
treated different if we was white. Or Japanese. Or Hawaiian. Or fucking Eskimo.”
etc., sounds most of it is him quoting a friend.

Surprised he'd actually let himself get recorded saying that though.
I was out for the weekend for a wedding, I'm curious, what was the GAF consensus on the debates. I was pretty impressed with both parties, especially Obama, who's FP pieces came off much better in the debate than it does in soundbytes. Also, McCain's wardrobe was terrible, who chooses a tie that shimmers on CRTS?

Overall, probably about even, but man, those guys went right into it. Way better than any debate from the gore/bush or kerry/bush election. Though, I was hoping for a total rout ala Kerry bush debate one.
electricpirate said:
I was out for the weekend for a wedding, I'm curious, what was the GAF consensus on the debates. I was pretty impressed with both parties, especially Obama, who's FP pieces came off much better in the debate than it does in soundbytes. Also, McCain's wardrobe was terrible, who chooses a tie that shimmers on CRTS?

Overall, probably about even, but man, those guys went right into it. Way better than any debate from the gore/bush or kerry/bush election. Though, I was hoping for a total rout ala Kerry bush debate one.

These were my feelings last week, following the debate:

I just watched the whole Palin interview again (yes, it was painful). For the most part, she actually did okay on her initial answers on generic questions. It's just she struggled on follow-up questions or questions that required a somewhat nuanced answer.

I also noticed she's not good at avoiding a question where her stance might be unpopular. That's how the "fungible molecule" mess came about. A voter asked if we would keep all the oil that we drill here at home. Palin knew that we wouldn't keep all the oil here but she gave a very clumsy and incoherent answer because she didn't know how to give an unpopular answer or evade it effectively. The same thing happened with the Katie Couric interview with the infamous Bailout question. Palin's mess of an answer stemmed from that she didn't want to appear to contradict voter opinion.

Look, right now expectations for her are sooo low that as long as she doesn't have 2-3 "Putin Alaska" or "Bailout" moments, she'll exceed expectations. But the Katie Couric interview is soooo bad that the best thing the McCain campaign can hope for is that Palin essentially stops the bleeding in the debates. They're not going to get any significant bump in the polls out of the VP debate. The idea is to prevent anymore poll slippage and maybe best case scenario get 1-2 point boost if the base feels reassured with her.
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