You say cowardly, I say shrewd.
He essentially has a blank check from the American public right now. He's going to cash that with realigned tax cuts, health care initiatives, job creation, and solving the issues in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I think he's smart, even if you call him cowardly, to not push the issue at this point. I can't imagine a quicker way, save abortion issues, for him to lose that mandate from Middle-White-America. Sad? Yes. Shrewd? Absolutely.
Now, what's going on with the torture memos? He's walking the thinnest of tightropes that any President has ever walked, and probably ever will until a woman is elected President. He has to appear tough and as a staunch supporter of the troops first, even before our own bill of rights. That's the cost of being the first black President, especially when he's a Democrat. I'm afraid our first woman president will have to start nuclear war to be taken seriously by some of the Republicans.
Anyway, I think he's walking a fine line here because he can't let the memos out without appearing to have thought about it first. I think they'll still come out, and I think we'll still get our Torture Commission. If, in a year or two from now, that hasn't happened, I'll be the first to say Obama is wrong.
The gay marriage thing isn't something that will happen until straight, white, suburban women get behind it. And that's a ways off. So why burn bridges? Same exact thing happened during the Civil Rights movement. (not suggesting that gay people are going through anywhere close to the same segregation or daily bigotry)