Professional Schmuck
FlightOfHeaven said:JayDubya isn't bigoted and ignorant, it's just what he said is bigoted and ignorant.
I had no idea me and my family came over here for the welfare. All this time I thought they were busting their hump to get ahead.
Seriously, what a joke. I hail from Colombia, and my family gets better healthcare over there. It's cheaper, more personal, faster, and far easier to access. Hell, it's cheaper to get a plane ticket and fly back to get treatment than stay here.
If we're here for something, it's definitely not the medical system. And that's just one component of welfare.
Honestly, Jay, what an offensive and ignorant position you've taken. You seem to be a very smart fellow and I don't think you yourself are ignorant, but this stance is.
Also, we're not a "pest" issue, what the fuck. The solution is not to starve us out, it's changing these ridiculous immigration laws. I find the argument rather similar to drugs, actually; people are going to do it anyways, it's much more harmful as an illegal activity, legalizing it would increase tax revenues, legalized it can be regulated safely, and the only reason we don't legalize it are antiquated social standards.
Current immigration law is terrible. Reform it, and allow these people in legally.
Well said and agreed on most points.